The Jussie Smollett Affair

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Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2002
I hope he goes to jail for a long time if hes guilty. Idiot could have got people arrested and all he has done is create more tension.
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Jun 23, 2004
So this story was weird enough, but hear me out...

Jussie faked a racial attack then ran to the media and cried victim. Kamala and Cory jumped all over this and said look a lynching then passed a feel good anti-lynching bill in Jussies honor. What if this is bigger than we thought and one or two dem 2020 contenders were involved because they needed a reason to pass a look at me bill to help their campaigns. What if Jussie starts spilling the beans becaus the heat is getting real and names Kamala or Cory as the mastermind?

It’s a long shot but look at where we are now compared to page one. It really makes ya think....

Put the mushrooms down....
Reactions: HurleyBird


Mar 25, 2001
Man it could happen. Who woulda thunk Jussie might be doing a perp walk in page 1? This story keeps delivering, I can’t tell you how many showers I’ve had to take. It could happen.


Dec 12, 2000
Man it could happen. Who woulda thunk Jussie might be doing a perp walk in page 1? This story keeps delivering, I can’t tell you how many showers I’ve had to take. It could happen.

You’re projecting too much Trump Administration onto Cory and Kamala.


Mar 25, 2001
Politicians are all dirty. I guarantee you Cory and Kamala have skeletons. I just wonder if one of the skeletons is named Jussie....


Oct 9, 2002
So this story was weird enough, but hear me out...

Jussie faked a racial attack then ran to the media and cried victim. Kamala and Cory jumped all over this and said look a lynching then passed a feel good anti-lynching bill in Jussies honor. What if this is bigger than we thought and one or two dem 2020 contenders were involved because they needed a reason to pass a look at me bill to help their campaigns. What if Jussie starts spilling the beans becaus the heat is getting real and names Kamala or Cory as the mastermind?

It’s a long shot but look at where we are now compared to page one. It really makes ya think....
No. It just seems like selfish attention-seeking to me.


Oct 18, 2013
I'm not angry. I just strongly disagree with you.

Eye witnesses and video are "evidence beyond claims." You do not accept that sort of evidence. You said it yourself. That is why I mentioned confessions. But now that I think about it, I withdraw my comment about confessions because a confession can be coerced, right?

How about this. Hypothetically, if we can get definitive proof that God exists, and is omniscient, then God tells us that the crime happened, would you believe it then? Other than that I'm at a loss for how to ever convince you that an actual hate crime occurred.

Police learning from past experience (duh) is not the same thing as dismissing prima facie evidence of a crime because Jussie Smollett. The former is smart; the latter is moronic. Smollett has nothing to do with other cases.

Smollett did not have video - as you guys pointed out over and over again - and did not have any witnesses. Instead, the doubters want more context for the video, to which I point out that there were multiple eye witnesses who undoubtedly back his claim or he wouldn't have reported it. To which you reply that you believe that bystanders routinely support false stories just to help out non-victims. There is no form of evidence you will ever accept. Not for this kind of crime. In your world, no one would ever be punished for this kind of crime.

And you're going to keep raising Smollett every time there is an allegation of a different hate crime, aren't you? Just like I and several others predicted here. Which makes you irrelevant like the far right because you can't be reasoned with. Like I said, this isn't skepticism, it's denial. If it serves you in life, great. Denialism doesn't serve you well as a commentator on politics though. Reason and logic do, but that is not what you're engaging in here.

The claims are not coming from people that are unbiased. The claims are coming from people that could have a motivation to support their friend. Just as the Smollett case had the same thing, where people told lies to give credibility to his claim. If there was a witness that was not associated to either party that backed the story then that would be different.

We don't have video evidence that does anything other than what I discussed before. It does not establish what happened before and after.

As for dismissing evidence, I am not doing that. What I am saying is that the evidence we have does not give a clear enough picture for me to say what happened.

As for nobody being punished for this kind of crime, no. This discussion ends here because at this point you are not discussing anything in good faith.


Feb 6, 2002
I am guessing Stephen Colbert and the rest of the ignore this from now on.
Especially after he had guests on talking about how awful it all was. Ellen Page comes to mind.
I'm guessing you are wrong. Don Lemon using his entire show to talk about this case.


Feb 6, 2002
Just imagine if the video had come out of this guy being beaten by those actors. Luckily the camera faced the wrong way, and it didnt work out as they had planned. None of it did. The initial reaction would have been much worse. There could have been riots (as in the case of hands up dont shoot that was false), and people being hurt.

Dem Pres candidate Harris said this after the alleged attack, that it was "an attempted modern day lynching", now suddenly, like a lot of her like minded people, she now claims, ""I think that the facts are still unfolding, and, um, I’m very, um, concerned about obviously, the initial, um, allegation that he made about what might have happened" Funny how NOW she wants to reserve judgement. The bias, agenda, and kind of person she is is too easy to see in times like this. But hey, at least Cardi B is on Smollets side, claiming that the police are racist.

The news who rushed to judgement, the politicians who rushed to judgement, the hollywood elites who rushed to judgement, and the people here who rushed to judgement are responsible for creating division in this country. And they just all learned their lesson once this year with kids in DC. Yet they did it again.

Instances like this do real harm to actual victims. He has done tremendous harm. Meanwhile, what appears to be an actual assault on a Jewish person (who the op claims to care about) went unnoticed on the same exact night, in NY. But the alleged victim and assaulter dont match what the agenda driven media wants to push. Not even a blip on the radar for that alleged crime. Or others like it. Not surprising, just pathetic. The left claims to care right to free speech, but are silent on people being silenced on social media who bring up news articles and facts, simply because it goes against the original narrative.
You are more outraged about people who fall for the lie then the person who concocts a lie. You are a phony.
Reactions: DarthKyrie
Nov 8, 2012
I don’t think the dude goes to jail though. High powered politicians are gonna call in and he walks with probation/community service.

Keep in mind it’s not just a waste of police resources, if the police happened to have thought they caught the right people (not the brothers) then innocent people couple have their lives ruined all over the media even if they never were found guilty.

I think the key is that given... the publicity of this... they dedicated shitload more resources to this than normal.... plus the FBI got involved with the letter ordeal and possibly more? That's a lot of wasted time for some very expensive federal employees.

I don't care so much for the jail time (well, I would enjoy seeing him learn his lesson there) but I want to see that piece of shit depleted of his money for wasting so many valuable resources.


Oct 9, 2002
I think the key is that given... the publicity of this... they dedicated shitload more resources to this than normal.... plus the FBI got involved with the letter ordeal and possibly more? That's a lot of wasted time for some very expensive federal employees.

I don't care so much for the jail time (well, I would enjoy seeing him learn his lesson there) but I want to see that piece of shit depleted of his money for wasting so many valuable resources.
It is said that he generously contributed $3,500.00 toward the cause. Hasn't he given enough?


Diamond Member
May 3, 2005
lol. Just as with many hate crimes, I hope the Feds jump in here over the letter incident and nail him with that too. This guy needs to be made an example of and not simply given a slap on the wrist. I'm really getting sick and tired of Trump supporters being blamed for all the ills in America. The media and Mueller are busy delegitimizing Trump's election victory and presidency and these hoaxes are adding fuel to the fire.

I'm guessing the fake letter with crushed powder that was mailed may be frowned upon as well.


Feb 1, 2008
WTF is this the LEAD STORY in the news media??????????????
THIS is nothing but tabloid news. And the major news sources treats this tabloid crap as if #1 anyone really gives a damn and #2 its all #2. #2 KAKA.
This is whats so F-ked up about America and why we are so retarded as a nation.
What is important the media will never talk about, yet this tabloid Paris Hilton crap they embellish.
Donald Trump is wrong.
We do not have fake news, we have no news at all.
And people suffer and their taxes are rising sky high and we are lied to daily by our president and 99.99 % of our politicians and people are still in poverty working for $10 an hour and all the media can come up with is tabloid news?
We're F-ked.....


Diamond Member
May 3, 2005
You are more outraged about people who fall for the lie then the person who concocts a lie. You are a phony.

Because even a modest amount of review would have raised some flags. They are now "waiting for the facts before rushing to judgement" after calling it a lynching.


Jun 24, 2001
“Considering how many people still delude themselves over some of those names up there”

Got one!

Please elaborate [on Trayvon Martin narrative being a lie].
If you still thought he was chased and gunned down while walking home with tea and Skittles, you are sorely mistaken. For one, it wasn’t even tea, but more on that later.

Trayvon Martin was not ambushed and murdered on his way home. He made it home, then went back and ambushed George Zimmerman. Zimmerman was on his back with Trayvon on top beating his head into the sidewalk when Zimmerman defended himself with lethal force. All of this is backed up by evidence and witness testimony.

Zimmerman was on his way back to meet an officer after 911 told him they didn’t need him to follow Trayvon. He did not continue against their wishes as many falsely believe, and I don’t just mean that it wasn’t a request/order. They said “we don’t need you to do that” and he immediately agreed/complied (“OK”) and began looking to meet the police.

Trayvon’s Skittles and Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail were two of the three ingredients that he and his friends used for their own self-described “fire ass Lean,” with the third ingredient being Codeine or DXM cough syrup that he could not just buy from the convenience store. He was walking through private property, between houses, and reportedly appeared high while looking at each house. Trayvon was just staying with his dad after being suspended from school so he obviously didn’t have anything to do with the attempted break-in that happened there two weeks earlier, but you can see why people would be concerned about him taking shortcuts through their yards.

Why was he suspended? It wasn’t because of that time he was caught with stolen property and the “burglary tool” used to steal it (screwdriver). Oh no. He was suspended for arranged fights where he would fight MMA-style and demand a rematch when he didn’t feel his opponent had “bled enough.” On the other hand Zimmerman’s MMA instructor said he was a cream puff who wasn’t cut out for it. This didn’t stop the media from portraying Zimmerman as a trained MMA fighter with a bloodlust and Trayvon as an innocent young boy... with childhood pictures to complete the illusion. Let’s not forget that Trayvon was 17 and at/near peak physical fitness. He was practically an adult.

So why did Trayvon return to confront and attack Zimmerman after making it home? Well, we obviously can’t ask him, but paranoia and aggression are consistent with codeine/DXM abuse, as well as the liver damage seen during his autopsy. If you think a bloodthirsty racist hunting him down and shooting him after calling the police makes more sense, you’re delusional.

People routinely claim Zimmerman didn’t have a scratch on him and was not even detained by the police. In reality, he was taken in for nearly 5 hours of questioning and he had multiple injuries including bloody lacerations on his head (with blood running from the top of his head to his back), two black eyes, broken nose, bruised lip/cheek, and a minor back injury. Even more physical evidence, like grass stains, confirm that Zimmerman was the one on the ground exactly as he stated.

Zimmerman says that Trayvon tried to get the gun after repeatedly saying he was going to kill him. You don’t have to believe him: the shooting was still a justified self-defense based on all the other evidence. On that note, he won based on self-defense alone without invoking the Stand Your Ground defense. SYG was not a factor at all no matter what the outraged people who want to abolish it tell you.

If you think Zimmerman was not supposed to have the gun according to the Neighborhood Watch rules and guidelines, you are also mistaken. He founded The Watch. The code absolves The Watch itself of liability when someone, like Zimmerman, uses their personal firearm. He is a resident with the same Constitutional rights as any other. He didn’t lose his right to protect himself because he started a Neighborhood Watch in response to break-ins. That’s silly.

If you didn’t know this, you are the media’s tool. You should be angry. You should be asking yourself how they could so completely distort reality and convince you of the exact opposite. You should have your BS detectors set to HIGH to prevent this from happening again.
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Oct 25, 2002
WTF is this the LEAD STORY in the news media??????????????
THIS is nothing but tabloid news. And the major news sources treats this tabloid crap as if #1 anyone really gives a damn and #2 its all #2. #2 KAKA.
This is whats so F-ked up about America and why we are so retarded as a nation.
What is important the media will never talk about, yet this tabloid Paris Hilton crap they embellish.
Donald Trump is wrong.
We do not have fake news, we have no news at all.
And people suffer and their taxes are rising sky high and we are lied to daily by our president and 99.99 % of our politicians and people are still in poverty working for $10 an hour and all the media can come up with is tabloid news?
We're F-ked.....
This is not tabloid news. It could've lead to real riots and affected our national politics and discourse if it was real. But you probably knew that already. If the story had been legit, you know you wouldn't be discounting it as tabloid trash. You're simply in denial.

Moron is in custody.


Jun 24, 2001
WTF is this the LEAD STORY in the news media??????????????
THIS is nothing but tabloid news. And the major news sources treats this tabloid crap as if #1 anyone really gives a damn and #2 its all #2. #2 KAKA.
This is whats so F-ked up about America and why we are so retarded as a nation.
What is important the media will never talk about, yet this tabloid Paris Hilton crap they embellish.
Donald Trump is wrong.
We do not have fake news, we have no news at all.
And people suffer and their taxes are rising sky high and we are lied to daily by our president and 99.99 % of our politicians and people are still in poverty working for $10 an hour and all the media can come up with is tabloid news?
We're F-ked.....
Didn’t hear you making this complaint for the Michael Brown lies or the Trayvon Martin BS. Riots happened. Places burned. These toxic and manipulative lies that fan the flames of racial tension are serious.
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Reactions: s0me0nesmind1


Feb 6, 2002
This is not tabloid news. It could've lead to real riots and affected our national politics and discourse if it was real. But you probably knew that already. If the story had been legit, you know you wouldn't be discounting it as tabloid trash. You're simply in denial.

Moron is in custody.
Willing to give Jussie credit for inciting riots yet Trump calls the press the "enemy of the people", journalists are attacked yet Trump has nothing to do with it?
Reactions: DarthKyrie


Oct 25, 2002
Willing to give Jussie credit for inciting riots yet Trump calls the press the "enemy of the people", journalists are attacked yet Trump has nothing to do with it?
Trump is not the type to take a punch standing down. Anyone with an IQ over 1 knows that the media is bias. It usually leans left and they have gone hard against Trump. Look at the articles and editorials in the major national papers. The vast majority are fiercely anti-Trump. Their articles can range from having their premises based on hearsay to outright lies. They rarely try to have both sides of the story. Truth is, it's been like this for a long time (remember when Obama himself joked about being in bed with the MSM?) Well, Trump calls it as he sees it. They go after him and he retaliates. These journalists are not some innocent victims in this. They have an agenda, whether it's monetary, ideological, publicity or to score political points. And they know who their customers are so they're preaching to the choir. So they shouldn't act incredulous when he accuses them of being bias, which they are.

If the media is not being impartial then they are undermining the implicit trust public has in them. They can't have it both ways.
Nov 8, 2012
WTF is this the LEAD STORY in the news media??????????????
THIS is nothing but tabloid news. And the major news sources treats this tabloid crap as if #1 anyone really gives a damn and #2 its all #2. #2 KAKA.
This is whats so F-ked up about America and why we are so retarded as a nation.
What is important the media will never talk about, yet this tabloid Paris Hilton crap they embellish.
Donald Trump is wrong.
We do not have fake news, we have no news at all.
And people suffer and their taxes are rising sky high and we are lied to daily by our president and 99.99 % of our politicians and people are still in poverty working for $10 an hour and all the media can come up with is tabloid news?
We're F-ked.....

This isn't tabloid news dipshit.

This is a crime - one that can point to some of the major fucking problems with our mainstream media and their "quick to jump to conclusions" shit.
Nov 8, 2012
“Considering how many people still delude themselves over some of those names up there”

Got one!

If you still thought he was chased and gunned down while walking home with tea and Skittles, you are sorely mistaken. For one, it wasn’t even tea, but more on that later.

Trayvon Martin was not ambushed and murdered on his way home. He made it home, then went back and ambushed George Zimmerman. Zimmerman was on his back with Trayvon on top beating his head into the sidewalk when Zimmerman defended himself with lethal force. All of this is backed up by evidence and witness testimony.

Zimmerman was on his way back to meet an officer after 911 told him they didn’t need him to follow Trayvon. He did not continue against their wishes as many falsely believe, and I don’t just mean that it wasn’t a request/order. They said “we don’t need you to do that” and he immediately agreed/complied (“OK”) and began looking to meet the police.

Trayvon’s Skittles and Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail were two of the three ingredients that he and his friends used for their own self-described “fire ass Lean,” with the third ingredient being Codeine or DXM cough syrup that he could not just buy from the convenience store. He was walking through private property, between houses, and reportedly appeared high while looking at each house. Trayvon was just staying with his dad after being suspended from school so he obviously didn’t have anything to do with the attempted break-in that happened there two weeks earlier, but you can see why people would be concerned about him taking shortcuts through their yards.

Why was he suspended? It wasn’t because of that time he was caught with stolen property and the “burglary tool” used to steal it (screwdriver). Oh no. He was suspended for arranged fights where he would fight MMA-style and demand a rematch when he didn’t feel his opponent had “bled enough.” On the other hand Zimmerman’s MMA instructor said he was a cream puff who wasn’t cut out for it. This didn’t stop the media from portraying Zimmerman as a trained MMA fighter with a bloodlust and Trayvon as an innocent young boy... with childhood pictures to complete the illusion. Let’s not forget that Trayvon was 17 and at/near peak physical fitness. He was practically an adult.

So why did Trayvon return to confront and attack Zimmerman after making it home? Well, we obviously can’t ask him, but paranoia and aggression are consistent with codeine/DXM abuse, as well as the liver damage seen during his autopsy. If you think a bloodthirsty racist hunting him down and shooting him after calling the police makes more sense, you’re delusional.

People routinely claim Zimmerman didn’t have a scratch on him and was not even detained by the police. In reality, he was taken in for nearly 5 hours of questioning and he had multiple injuries including bloody lacerations on his head (with blood running from the top of his head to his back), two black eyes, broken nose, bruised lip/cheek, and a minor back injury. Even more physical evidence, like grass stains, confirm that Zimmerman was the one on the ground exactly as he stated.

Zimmerman says that Trayvon tried to get the gun after repeatedly saying he was going to kill him. You don’t have to believe him: the shooting was still a justified self-defense based on all the other evidence. On that note, he won based on self-defense alone without invoking the Stand Your Ground defense. SYG was not a factor at all no matter what the outraged people who want to abolish it tell you.

If you think Zimmerman was not supposed to have the gun according to the Neighborhood Watch rules and guidelines, you are also mistaken. He founded The Watch. The code absolves The Watch itself of liability when someone, like Zimmerman, uses their personal firearm. He is a resident with the same Constitutional rights as any other. He didn’t lose his right to protect himself because he started a Neighborhood Watch in response to break-ins. That’s silly.

If you didn’t know this, you are the media’s tool. You should be angry. You should be asking yourself how they could so completely distort reality and convince you of the exact opposite. You should have your BS detectors set to HIGH to prevent this from happening again.

Facts? Who needs facts? Just listen to what the MSM reports and accept that as the tell-all-be-all.

He was just a poor little kid that didn't do anything wrong! See all these cute old photos of when he was a poor little boy?

I mean that is the crux of the problem, right? People listen to the MSM. The MSM presents everything in an incredibly bias manner - and no one takes the time to read the court case, pay attention to the evidence presented, and the FACTS of the actual situation. They just take whatever narrative was presented to them and they run with it full charge.

I mean, who actually ever saw these images presented by the MSM? I never did.



Oct 9, 2002
"Bias" and "biased" are not interchangeable words -- just as "slant" and "slanted" are not. I have been seeing that a lot recently.
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