The legal reckoning awaiting Donald Trump if he loses the election


Sep 25, 2001

- Trump will become vulnerable to multiple investigations looking into possible fraud in his financial business dealings as a private citizen -- both as an individual and through his company
- He faces defamation lawsuits sparked by his denials of accusations made by women who have alleged he assaulted them, including E. Jean Carroll, the former magazine columnist who has accused him of rape

- claims he corrupted the presidency for his personal profits

- fight over a subpoena for his tax returns
- California Democrat has floated the creation of a "Presidential Crimes Commission," made up of independent prosecutors who can examine "those who enabled a corrupt president"

now the scary reality:
election is 2 weeks away. What will a desperate Trump do?
arrest Biden on some bogus charge?
declare martial law?
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Oct 15, 1999

-1.Trump will become vulnerable to multiple investigations looking into possible fraud in his financial business dealings as a private citizen -- both as an individual and through his company
2. He faces defamation lawsuits sparked by his denials of accusations made by women who have alleged he assaulted them, including E. Jean Carroll, the former magazine columnist who has accused him of rape

3. claims he corrupted the presidency for his personal profits

4. fight over a subpoena for his tax returns
5.California Democrat has floated the creation of a "Presidential Crimes Commission," made up of independent prosecutors who can examine "those who enabled a corrupt president"

6. now the scary reality:
election is 2 weeks away. What will a desperate Trump do?
arrest Biden on some bogus charge?
declare martial law?
Added numbered bullets for simplicity.
1. Correct.
2. Denying you've committed a crime isn't defamation.
3. You need to make an actual charge here.
4. Perfectly legal.
5. Political grandstanding.
6. Leave the white house and spend the rest of his life telling the world that he was the greatest president ever.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Added numbered bullets for simplicity.
1. Correct.
2. Denying you've committed a crime isn't defamation.
3. You need to make an actual charge here.
4. Perfectly legal.
5. Political grandstanding.
6. Leave the white house and spend the rest of his life telling the world that he was the greatest president ever.
Denying you committed a crime isn’t defamation but falsely calling someone a liar is.

That aside, E Jean Carroll is the least of Trump’s legal worries. He will be primarily focused on staying out of prison considering the voluminous evidence of criminal activity against him.


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
Does anyone really think Trump is going to serve any jail time, even at a Club Fed with his own presidential suite and round-the-clock protection? I just don’t. I’m not saying I don’t think he merits it and deserves it because he totally does. But .. He’s good at staying out of jail, he was a criminal and a charlatan for a long time before he was elected President. He knows how to insulate himself. Some people think he never even meant to actually win in 2016, just wanted to use his campaign to gain extra publicity and make more money. Now that he has wrung the taxpayers dry for 4 years, if he’s voted out of office he will just use his experience to make more money and no one will stop him.

If there is to be any leniency regarding Trump and Federal crimes of which he might be convicted, I would hope for a commutation of sentence rather than an outright pardon. While I do understand the reasoning behind the decision, one of the biggest mistakes of the late 20th Century was Ford’s pardon of Nixon. It set the stage for beliefs and practices in which Presidents really do seem to be above the law, and has led, IMHO to too many actions for which Presidents suffered no real consequences.

I could see him starting his own TV channel. BUT .. In true Trumpian fashion, he’ll quickly lose interest in anything except the nuances of set decoration, female presenters’ costumes and his own flagship show, which will consist almost entirely of Trump interviewing himself about how very smart he is and how great America was during his presidency, with occasional visits from family members talking about how very smart he is and how great America was during his presidency.

The whole enterprise will fold like a cheap lawn chair within 18 months, in a cloud of lawsuits filed by pissed-off third-party investors left holding the bag. Just like with the rest of his "businesses"


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Does anyone really think Trump is going to serve any jail time, even at a Club Fed with his own presidential suite and round-the-clock protection? I just don’t. I’m not saying I don’t think he merits it and deserves it because he totally does. But .. He’s good at staying out of jail, he was a criminal and a charlatan for a long time before he was elected President. He knows how to insulate himself. Some people think he never even meant to actually win in 2016, just wanted to use his campaign to gain extra publicity and make more money. Now that he has wrung the taxpayers dry for 4 years, if he’s voted out of office he will just use his experience to make more money and no one will stop him.

If there is to be any leniency regarding Trump and Federal crimes of which he might be convicted, I would hope for a commutation of sentence rather than an outright pardon. While I do understand the reasoning behind the decision, one of the biggest mistakes of the late 20th Century was Ford’s pardon of Nixon. It set the stage for beliefs and practices in which Presidents really do seem to be above the law, and has led, IMHO to too many actions for which Presidents suffered no real consequences.

I could see him starting his own TV channel. BUT .. In true Trumpian fashion, he’ll quickly lose interest in anything except the nuances of set decoration, female presenters’ costumes and his own flagship show, which will consist almost entirely of Trump interviewing himself about how very smart he is and how great America was during his presidency, with occasional visits from family members talking about how very smart he is and how great America was during his presidency.

The whole enterprise will fold like a cheap lawn chair within 18 months, in a cloud of lawsuits filed by pissed-off third-party investors left holding the bag. Just like with the rest of his "businesses"
I don't think Trump will serve any FEDERAL time. If Biden cares about preserving our system of government going forward he will indicate to his AG that he will not stand in the way of any meritorious prosecution of Trump or his associates but I also expect Trump to mass pardon his entire administration, up to and including himself, before he leaves office. That alone would probably tie up potential prosecutions for years, perhaps long enough for him to die of old age or whatever.

That aside, he is in very serious legal jeopardy in New York State. I don't know what will happen there but I would not be at all surprised if NYS attempts to criminally prosecute him. Not only does it have the ability, I also think that if someone were trying to raise their profile in New York State putting one or more Trumps in prison would be a good way to do it.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
Does anyone really think Trump is going to serve any jail time, even at a Club Fed with his own presidential suite and round-the-clock protection? I just don’t. I’m not saying I don’t think he merits it and deserves it because he totally does. But .. He’s good at staying out of jail, he was a criminal and a charlatan for a long time before he was elected President. He knows how to insulate himself. Some people think he never even meant to actually win in 2016, just wanted to use his campaign to gain extra publicity and make more money. Now that he has wrung the taxpayers dry for 4 years, if he’s voted out of office he will just use his experience to make more money and no one will stop him.

If there is to be any leniency regarding Trump and Federal crimes of which he might be convicted, I would hope for a commutation of sentence rather than an outright pardon. While I do understand the reasoning behind the decision, one of the biggest mistakes of the late 20th Century was Ford’s pardon of Nixon. It set the stage for beliefs and practices in which Presidents really do seem to be above the law, and has led, IMHO to too many actions for which Presidents suffered no real consequences.

I could see him starting his own TV channel. BUT .. In true Trumpian fashion, he’ll quickly lose interest in anything except the nuances of set decoration, female presenters’ costumes and his own flagship show, which will consist almost entirely of Trump interviewing himself about how very smart he is and how great America was during his presidency, with occasional visits from family members talking about how very smart he is and how great America was during his presidency.

The whole enterprise will fold like a cheap lawn chair within 18 months, in a cloud of lawsuits filed by pissed-off third-party investors left holding the bag. Just like with the rest of his "businesses"
IF Biden wins and IF the Democrats take the White House, there must be OPEN and TRANSPARENT investigations into all criminal and corrupt activities. It must be broadcast LIVE on CPSAN, and it must follow any and all crimes committed, regardless of who committed it. Those individuals must then be prosecuted.

If not, then the next time a Republican holds the White House, they will not peacefully transfer power, because they'll have Nixon, Reagan, Bush II and Trump as precedent for the fact that the rule of law is irrelevant in the United States.

IF Biden wins, and IF the Democrats take the Senate, this is the last chance of salvaging this country. If they choose to play the same "the criminals were voted out, let's just forget about it" game, then the next Republican will be an intelligent version of Trump, and this country will be over.


Senior member
Jul 22, 2013
If he gets enough support, it should be similar to the legal reckoning which awaited previous Presidents.


Diamond Member
May 3, 2005

- Trump will become vulnerable to multiple investigations looking into possible fraud in his financial business dealings as a private citizen -- both as an individual and through his company
- He faces defamation lawsuits sparked by his denials of accusations made by women who have alleged he assaulted them, including E. Jean Carroll, the former magazine columnist who has accused him of rape

- claims he corrupted the presidency for his personal profits

- fight over a subpoena for his tax returns
- California Democrat has floated the creation of a "Presidential Crimes Commission," made up of independent prosecutors who can examine "those who enabled a corrupt president"

now the scary reality:
election is 2 weeks away. What will a desperate Trump do?
arrest Biden on some bogus charge?
declare martial law?
Sounds like a setup for a good ol fashioned Truth and Reconciliation Commission.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
Sounds like a setup for a good ol fashioned Truth and Reconciliation Commission.
How dare elected officials be investigated and prosecuted for their crimes. Christ himself knows that Trump would never attempt to, uh, trump up bullshit charges, slander, or lock up his political opponents.

You're a Beta Cuck for Trump. How does that make you feel? You can be honest here, you're anonymous and won't have feel ashamed when dealing with people in the real world.

Let it out. It'll feel good.


Diamond Member
May 3, 2005
IF Biden wins and IF the Democrats take the White House, there must be OPEN and TRANSPARENT investigations into all criminal and corrupt activities. It must be broadcast LIVE on CPSAN, and it must follow any and all crimes committed, regardless of who committed it. Those individuals must then be prosecuted.

If not, then the next time a Republican holds the White House, they will not peacefully transfer power, because they'll have Nixon, Reagan, Bush II and Trump as precedent for the fact that the rule of law is irrelevant in the United States.

IF Biden wins, and IF the Democrats take the Senate, this is the last chance of salvaging this country. If they choose to play the same "the criminals were voted out, let's just forget about it" game, then the next Republican will be an intelligent version of Trump, and this country will be over.

If the Democrats do gain a majority in Congress and Biden is Prez, he will be gone via Pelosi's backdoor impeachment process, aka 25th Amendment Commission. I'm sorry, but if the Progressheviks gain power, it will be the beginning to real authoritarian rule and punishment committees for anyone found guilty of not supporting the Progressheviks in the past. The revenge and punishment tour will begin in 2021 and won't stop until we are like China and the "deplorables" are put into concentration camps, total censorship, and oppressive surveillance.


Nov 11, 1999
It's perfectly obvious that Trump will face federal charges in the illegal pornstars payoff case. The SDNY has waited patiently for the day he's no longer President. He'd already have been prosecuted had he not won the election. He has a myriad of other legal issues as well, federal & state.


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
If the Democrats do gain a majority in Congress and Biden is Prez, he will be gone via Pelosi's backdoor impeachment process, aka 25th Amendment Commission. I'm sorry, but if the Progressheviks gain power, it will be the beginning to real authoritarian rule and punishment committees for anyone found guilty of not supporting the Progressheviks in the past. The revenge and punishment tour will begin in 2021 and won't stop until we are like China and the "deplorables" are put into concentration camps, total censorship, and oppressive surveillance.
The inane bullshit posts that you shit out here are perfect examples of Poe's Law, and I appreciate you giving me a chance to laugh while pointing at you.

You are literally holding up a mirror, screaming at it hysterically, beliving it's a big bad libruul looking back at you.

Please proceed, lunatic.
Reactions: ch33zw1z


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
If the Democrats do gain a majority in Congress and Biden is Prez, he will be gone via Pelosi's backdoor impeachment process, aka 25th Amendment Commission. I'm sorry, but if the Progressheviks gain power, it will be the beginning to real authoritarian rule and punishment committees for anyone found guilty of not supporting the Progressheviks in the past. The revenge and punishment tour will begin in 2021 and won't stop until we are like China and the "deplorables" are put into concentration camps, total censorship, and oppressive surveillance.

Wow. And besides feels, what is your evidence for any of this?


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2015
Wow. And besides feels, what is your evidence for any of this?
The real answer is that he is projecting what he and his tribe of right-wing authoritarian traitors will do if they happen to pull out a win in 2020.

His answer will be ranting and raving while staring at a mirror and pretending it's a big bad libruul being mean to him.


Nov 11, 1999
If the Democrats do gain a majority in Congress and Biden is Prez, he will be gone via Pelosi's backdoor impeachment process, aka 25th Amendment Commission. I'm sorry, but if the Progressheviks gain power, it will be the beginning to real authoritarian rule and punishment committees for anyone found guilty of not supporting the Progressheviks in the past. The revenge and punishment tour will begin in 2021 and won't stop until we are like China and the "deplorables" are put into concentration camps, total censorship, and oppressive surveillance.

Because gay frogs, obviously.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
The real answer is that he is projecting what he and his tribe of right-wing authoritarian traitors will do if they happen to pull out a win in 2020.

His answer will be ranting and raving while staring at a mirror and pretending it's a big bad libruul being mean to him.
I will grant that it is what they have been threatening to do for the last 4 years. Chanting at every Trump rally to lock somebody up for some 'political crime' (something that actually can't even exist in a free country), threatening that any speech they disagree with should be considered a crime, attempting to disenfranchise citizens who might not vote their way, and supporting police (ironically in the name of law and order) that violate constitutional rights by extrajudicially executing citizens for political reasons. Trump even demanded that the military be deployed on American soil against American citizens (thankfully, the proud men and women in our military swear their oaths to the Constitution, not the President).
So yeah, Brandon is definitely projecting.
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Feb 6, 2002
If the Democrats do gain a majority in Congress and Biden is Prez, he will be gone via Pelosi's backdoor impeachment process, aka 25th Amendment Commission. I'm sorry, but if the Progressheviks gain power, it will be the beginning to real authoritarian rule and punishment committees for anyone found guilty of not supporting the Progressheviks in the past. The revenge and punishment tour will begin in 2021 and won't stop until we are like China and the "deplorables" are put into concentration camps, total censorship, and oppressive surveillance.
Go ahead and compare the "authoritarian rule" under 8 years of Obama vs 4 years of Trump and people will see you are a raving lunatic.

How many innocent citizens peacefully protesting did Obama have gassed and shot?


Jul 11, 2001
It's important that Republicans feel the consequences of their deceit during this crap administration, and deeply regret what they've done. If that doesn't happen, regardless of election results, the country has lost it's mooring.
Reactions: thilanliyan


Jul 2, 2005
It's important that Republicans feel the consequences of their deceit during this crap administration, and deeply regret what they've done. If that doesn't happen, regardless of election results, the country has lost it's mooring.
they won't, they have no introspection. they are incapable of it.


Jul 11, 2001
they won't, they have no introspection. they are incapable of it.
Even people with no self knowledge can be made to feel pain... excruciating pain, in fact. The Republicans can be made to regret falling into the Trump caravan. For instance, if they become the weak party going forward, having a hard time winning office. If they can't dominate anymore. Pain awaits for the thuggish if things go well in America.


Junior Member
Oct 20, 2020
I hate to say it, but I don't see him losing.

And, if he does, he will not go. No one has touched him in the last 4 years - no one will touch him when he reacts to a loss in November.

None of this statements around being President for life were said in jest. He is planning on remaining where he is. And, nothing will be done by the Part Of Law & Order.

The Right has made it pretty clear; Trump can do whatever he wants - no ifs ands or buts.
Reactions: Indus


May 11, 2002
I hate to say it, but I don't see him losing.

And, if he does, he will not go. No one has touched him in the last 4 years - no one will touch him when he reacts to a loss in November.

None of this statements around being President for life were said in jest. He is planning on remaining where he is. And, nothing will be done by the Part Of Law & Order.

The Right has made it pretty clear; Trump can do whatever he wants - no ifs ands or buts.

I feel the same way.

The only way he leaves is if he's forced out. Do people have the balls for that?


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2000
I hope he gets to spend the rest of his days in defensive litigation


Junior Member
Oct 20, 2020
The only way he leaves is if he's forced out. Do people have the balls for that?

He won't be forced out.

He remains and will remain untouchable.

I don't like it. But he clearly has some serious leverage and control over the Right.
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