* * * The Lord of the Rings REVIEW THREAD! Post your reviews in here!! (here's mine...)


Oct 9, 1999
Everyone post your reviews in here...I think it would be cool to keep them all in ONE THREAD instead of having 500 billion "I just saw LOTR!!!!" threads on the front page!! Somehow I don't think this will remedy it since people speak before reading, but whatever it's worth a shot

Anyway, I just got back from it a bit ago and here is my review!!!!!!!!!! It is going to have terrible grammar and structure and may not sound like a review at times, but I am still excited and its late?cut me some slack

NOTE: there will be some spoilers for those who haven't read the books!

On my way to the theater I was nervous. Nervous that it would never live up to the absolutely ridiculous expectations I have developed for it. Hell, anyone on this forum knows how freakin nuts about it I am. ANYWAY...so the question is...does it live up to my hype??
OH YES IT DOES! I was shocked...totally shocked at how great this movie was. It was so good and perfect that it was like I was in a dream...I thought "am i really watching this??"
It was that seamless...I thought I was in Middle-earth. The characters were absolutely oustanding...they did an amazing job here. The acting is phenonemal...for those who have doubts about Elijiah Wood, put them to rest...because HE IS Frodo Baggins. Viggo Mortensen IS Aragorn, Sean Astin *IS* Samwise, and most importantly of all...Ian McKellen *IS* Gandalf. These characters stood out more for me than any others, they were just so well depicted and beautifully acted.

Another fantastic performance was Sean Bean as Boromir. One of the last scenes of the movie (people who have read the book will know what I'm talking about) is absolutely heart-breaking. There is REAL emotion in this movie. You feel their pain when Gandalf plummets into the shadows...the emotion is just so good. John Rhys-Davies as Gimli and Orlando Bloom as Legolas both played their roles amazingly, especially Rhys-Davies as Gimli. If you know what a dwarf is like (and how stubborn they are) you will have a few good chuckles in this film. Legolas is an amazing warrior...a true God with the bow. Orcs in his path fall like dominos...it was done really well! He is lightning quick, just like he's described in the books.

Merry and Pippin bring some needed comic relief in the film, but it is NEVER overdone...it is thrown in at the perfect moments. The crowd in my theater loved them. I thought I would be annoyed by this, but it was well done...I'm looking forward to seeing how they develop in the following movies. Bilbo was great....this is some of the best acting I've seen Ian Holm do. What else can I say about the characters? Hmmm... Oh yeah, every Tolkien's fans dread... Arwen replacing Glorfindel! Liv Tyler really surprised me...after seeing this I can't think of anyone who would've done the role better. It must be the lighting or the makeup, but she is SO DAMN BEAUTIFUL in this movie...and is something that you would picture when Tolkien would describe how beautiful Elves are.

The one character I didn't like was Galadriel. I guess it?s mainly because I did not picture her like this. She is very surreal and strange in the movie, almost too strange. I always pictured her as more friendly and approachable...not menacing. This is really my only gripe with the characters...thankfully she got hardly any screen time, as did Liv Tyler (Arwen is not a warrior princess guys).
OK...enough about the characters!!!
edit: another character i wans't too pleased with was Hugo Weaving as Elrond. It's not that I was just seeing Agent Smith, but he didn't seem quite right.

THE LANDSCAPES! My God. You will never see such a mind-bogglingly beautiful film in your life...I guarantee it. Your jaw will hit the floor when you see some of these shots?the view of Isengard and Mordor is frightening?just terrible. Hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of goblins and orcs harvesting an army for Saruman?all working at once. It?s something I never thought I would see. Then there are many beautiful shots such as when Gandalf is riding Shadowfax to see Saruman. These are some images I?ll never shake from my head.

THE SPECIAL EFFECTS!!!!! Well, a new standard has just been set. ILM better get on their asses and start putting some effort into their work, because this stuff makes it look like crap in comparison. I?ll give a few examples here?in the 10 minute prologue at the beginning where they describe the history of the ring, a great battle takes place? Men and Elves against the army of Sauron. It?s so fvcking incredible?my lack of vocabulary here really shows (sorry) but I don?t know how else to explain it. Thousands and thousands of orcs, men, and elves battling?and then Sauron himself comes onto the battlefield. I am not going to spoil this, for it is one of the coolest scenes I?ve ever seen on screen. And what about The Balrog? WOW. That?s all I am going to say! This might go down as one of the most evil looking villains in movie history. Take your image of Satan and multiply it by a thousand times. Moria is massive?how did they achieve such scale?! Again, your jaw will be on the floor.

The action in this movie was one of the biggest highlights (obviously). A scene that stand out is the Flight to the Ford?it?s intense. It?s longer and more drawn out than it is in the books though, which works to its advantage. The Ringwraiths are terrifying in this movie?you can really tell they were trying to emphasize this and they succeeded. All of the battle scenes between the Fellowship and the Orcs were great?but you can see the signs of editing to keep it to a PG13 level (there are some decapitations though). The battle in the Mines of Moria was probably the action highlight of the film. The Cave Troll was great?very organic looking, totally seamless with the environment.

You do see glimpses of Gollum and he does look very good. As for a full CGI character, puts Jar Jar to absolute shame, that?s for sure!

What about being true to the books? Well, for the most part yes the movie is. However it?s compressed and it shows in some parts. They stay a good while in Hobbiton (it?s so well done that you don?t want to leave!!) but the trip from The Shire to Bree is REALLY cut down. We don?t get to meet Farmer Maggot (but we do hear him yelling at the Hobbits to leave his land!), and of course Bombadil and the Barrow Downs are gone. The trip from Bree to Rivendell is also pretty short. After Rivendell the story is much better paced though, and they hardly take any liberties at all, except for the stay at Lothlorien which is really short in the movie. The main thing is?LOTR is still there. The essence of it is there and if you don?t dwell on the small changes you will definitely enjoy it.

One of the most amazing parts was the emotion in this film. Scenes that stand out are the death of Boromir and when Sam follows Frodo to leave for Mordor at the end. I cried and I?m not afraid to admit it When Gandalf falls and they reach the other end of Moria is another tear jerker?*sniff*. Anyway, you can sense true friendship here?especially between Sam and Frodo. So much is told just by the looks on the faces of the characters?ahhhhhhhh, it was just so well done. This movie has depth and feeling to it. Yes, it is filled with amazing action, mind blowing special effects, and some of the coolest things I?ve ever seen?but what really wins me over is this stuff. The emotion is genuine and adds so much to the movie. Without this, the movie would be lifeless. I can?t emphasize this enough!!!

And a quick word about the soundtrack?STUNNING!

OK?I?ve been rambling?I will sum it up now:


It was definitely worth all the waiting and anticipation for me. Never once have I seen a COMPLETELY FULL theater that quiet and that attentive. With 3 hours of movie, you?d think people would be getting up constantly for food and bathroom breaks?I saw only 2 people get out of their seats. Not a peep was heard throughout the film?it was like it captivated everyone. It captivated me that?s for sure?I still don?t believe that I just saw what I did.

Like I said above, my main beefs with the movie was Galadriel and the whole Lothlorien part of the film, as well as how quickly they moved through the story before Rivendell (and also changing minor things, like how Merry joins them and how they get their swords). I?m not going to mention the other changes that we?ve all known about for a while?and while I would?ve liked to see it the original way, they did a great job adapting the new changes into the story, it?s pretty seamless.

Overall though, I am still amazed at how well done this was. Some parts were different than I pictured but it was such a beautiful film overall. You may not be into the whole fantasy thing, but at least see the movie for its sheer beauty. I wish I could tell you more, but I don?t want to spoil anything else. All I can say is that some of it will stay in my head for a long time. I am biased and my ?Review? definitely sounds a little fanboyish, but I am being honest here with everything I say. When you see this movie, you will be transported to Middle-earth, and you won?t budge an inch for every glorious second of it. There was a roaring applause in the theater after it finished, and Peter Jackson?if by some twisted piece of fate you read this, I am forever your servant!


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Wow! If it can please you...

I am going to see it tommorrow and then again after Christmas with my Mom. I am looking forward to it.


Apr 9, 2000
3 hours??? Yikes.:Q

i'm gonna see it tomorrow. better bring my pillow with me.


Oct 9, 1999
Yes it does please me!

Another thing I forgot...

the whole vision you get when Frodo puts on the Ring was very well done...and the eye...ooooooooh the eye. Scare the crap out of ya!!

i am so tired now...think ill go to sleep soon


Jan 23, 2001
Shitting my pants in anticipation! I can't wait to see this movie!

Thanks for the review. Was a little worried it wouldn't live up to my expectations.


Jun 13, 2000
I'll probably catch it next week... can't wait myself either. Glad you liked it, as if there was any doubt.


Oct 9, 1999

<< I hope you cleaned up your seat after you left the theater.

They don't pay them cleaner boys for nothin!!


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 1999
so how is this movie to someone who has never read the books or know anything at all about it? i was thinking it would be nice to not know the story already and see this movie, or is it one of those that you have to love the book already to understand the movie


Senior member
Feb 12, 2001
Elijah Wood is 5' 6" tall. Did he play Frodo from his Knees? Hobbits are 4' MAX! Average 3' 6".

Or did they use some kind of special effect to make him look short like putting Elven and Human characters on Stilts?

This is why I hate Hollywood!

Did they do a good Job on the Balrog?


Senior member
Jun 12, 2001
I just returned home from LotR.

I am completely speechless. This movie was everything I hoped it would be and more. I'd write a review, but I'm very, very tired.

All I can utter at this point is "wow, just wow"


Senior member
Jun 12, 2001

<< Did they do a good Job on the Balrog? >>

you have NO idea...
the balrog was probably one of my favorite scenes in the movie. this thing is evil x10, and they make you FEEL it. You will be genuinely (sp?) afraid when you see/hear this thing. WOW


Platinum Member
May 9, 2001
Holy crap...that movie was different than anything I've encountered before. I feel like I've been hit in the chest by a brick.

I'll pick myself off the floor, collect my thoughts and post some impressions later.


Golden Member
Dec 4, 2000
A great movie, to be sure. My only complaint is the visuals were entirely ruined for me by a "flickery" screen at the theatre. Argh, it distracted me a lot from the film actually. Oh well, I'll see it again.

I will have to agree about the galadriel thing, she was a bit too "spooky" I guess. She started out okay, but just seemed a bit to out there from what I had pictured, but it's minor.

The only other thing, and it's also minor is that they casted Mr. Smith from the Matrix as er.. the king of the elves? Forget his name. THAT was friggin distracting because I kept whenever he was talking (he played the part well, his method speech is very well suited towards the role) having flashbacks of him interrogating the dude in the Matrix (yes, I am absolutely horrible with names)

but, great flick. time for bed!



Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2000
Just got back myself, it's awesome..... I think Kami took it abit too far tho, He might want to see a doctor

Anyway, this one does live up to the hype (unlike SW Episode 1 did)

Instead of the briefing at the beggining of the movie I still say they should have just made "The Hobbit"

But all in all, VERY good movie


Diamond Member
Jun 8, 2000
I just got home from seeing this movie. It was about 2 hours and 50 minutes, and I thought is was absolutely fantastic. I need to go to sleep now.


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 1999
Great movie! I did keep expecting Elrond to say, "Neo errr.... I mean Frodo". Even though they took some liberties with the story when they did it stayed true to Tolkien's original story. Since it's not possible to completely adapt a book to a movie (especially one like LOTR) that is all we can hope for.

Oh and did anyone else catch the Episode II trailer? That movie looks even worse than Phantom Menace! Who wants to watch a couple hours of teen Jedi angst just to see 1 amazing 5 minute fight scene. George Lucas needs a good ass kicking.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Well, I just got back from LOTR, I saw Elijah Wood and Peter Jackson in town earlier also

The movie was good. I rate it up there with Braveheart as a long movie that didn't seem long at all. It had a similar epic feel to it also. People actually gasped at some points and clapped at the end, which I hadnt seen happen for a while.

The acting was pretty good IMO and the whole thing was put together well. The scenery etc was quite nice but nothing special to me

The only thing the movie failed to do was live up to my own images of the land and characters, something born in my head when I was about 9. I had clear characters in my mind and, of course, Jackson's portayal varied. Aragorn was a particular disapointment for me, but only because I have a very clear mental image of him. Also the Elves were too short and the hobbits to tall and youthful looking for my liking

Overall it is a really good movie. It will be interesting to get opinions from people that havent read the books


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
I've just finished reading the first part again for the nth time, and I can say I was excited, disappointed, in awe, and angered and bored at times.

Yes the movie does live up to the expectations, actors, sets, fight scenes were great, etc etc. But what will normal people think of it? I don't know.

First when reading the books you actually get a sense and history of *everything* the ring stands for, the greatness of the old kings like Isildur and the Last Alliance,
in the book it is the fall of a mighty mighty empire and kingdom, and the end of the Second Age. The movie doesn't and I dont think it can really go into that
type of detail. For example the scene in Rivendell when Boromir is talking about his heirs and history, I really don't think normal people will care about him or
his history, they just don't know enough details about Gondor or him or who his king and ancestors were.

Second there is WAY too much cut out, I read the books enjoying to let everything unfold, learning little by little the history behind everything, but the movie for one was
rushed, granted doing everything in the first book would have been a 10 hour + movie, but I've read the books so many times that I have this vision of things unfolding like in
the book, and was kind of angered at how the movie cut it out. Not that Peter Jackson DID cut it out, but that people watching are missing so MUCH history and this
whole world that Tolkien created, he created a language for the book, and it's just kind of looked over. Hopefully the movie will get people reading the books,
because there is SO SO much more.

Now the good part is that someone who has never read the book, I was trying to place myself in their position, and it's just amazing how good this story is. I know
alot of my friends and other people will like it just for that, a good story, you can have great visuals (Pearl Harbor), but without a story you don't have much. Here's
a great story, with stunning visuals and great acting, and you get a good movie. Even if someone doesn't like the movie, there is no way they can deny the grandness
and vision that Peter Jackson had to make the it.

Other than those two peeves, the movie is great. The beginning holy moly that was alot of damn people fighting. We've all seen big battles shown on screen before
but that just takes the cake. The entire cast is great, Moria is the best part of the movie, blah blah on and on go see it.


Senior member
Feb 8, 2001
What is all this Lord of the Rings stuff I keep seeing? The folks at my job keep talking about it and how its going to be the best movie ever!


Oct 9, 1999

<< Elijah Wood is 5' 6" tall. Did he play Frodo from his Knees? Hobbits are 4' MAX! Average 3' 6".

Or did they use some kind of special effect to make him look short like putting Elven and Human characters on Stilts?

This is why I hate Hollywood!

I don't know how they did it....I think it was a combination of digital effects and good old fashioned optical illusions. The Hobbits don't look fake for a second and they're always short in comparison.

<< Second there is WAY too much cut out, I read the books enjoying to let everything unfold, learning little by little the history behind everything, but the movie for one was
rushed, granted doing everything in the first book would have been a 10 hour + movie, but I've read the books so many times that I have this vision of things unfolding like in
the book, and was kind of angered at how the movie cut it out. Not that Peter Jackson DID cut it out, but that people watching are missing so MUCH history and this
whole world that Tolkien created, he created a language for the book, and it's just kind of looked over. Hopefully the movie will get people reading the books,
because there is SO SO much more.

Yeah I agree. But remember people:

This is a movie, not a book!

After seeing this it is safe to say that none of us, and probably none of our children or grandchildren, will ever see a version of The Lord of the Rings represented on the screen this well.

The cut-outs anger me too, but when you look at it on its own merits - a MOVIE - they don't bother you as much and you realize how freaking WONDERFUL and magical this movie really is.

As for people who haven't read the books, two of the people I went with did not read them and they easily got the gist of the story and got most of the characters down...I only had to answer a few questions afterwards. After 2 viewings I don't see why anyone couldn't totally understand it. They both also said they are rushing out to buy the trilogy the next day.


Dec 17, 2001
how much money did this movie cost to make?

also, i heard that this first one in the trilogy is only 3 hours for the theaters, but when released to DVD it will be more like 5 hours...any truth to that?


Oct 9, 1999
If you guys want more reviews (and certainly more professional than mine) check out the member reviews at HTF. Some good stuff. I put my review there too.

<< how much money did this movie cost to make? >>

About $300 million for the 3 movies combined (they did it all at once to save money), this doesn't include marketing costs (estimated $150m)

<< also, i heard that this first one in the trilogy is only 3 hours for the theaters, but when released to DVD it will be more like 5 hours...any truth to that? >>

There will be a director's cut, but somehow I am doubting 5 hours (we could hope!!!) I am thinking more like 3.5 hours in length.
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