* * * The Lord of the Rings REVIEW THREAD! Post your reviews in here!! (here's mine...)

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Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2000

<< If you look at it as a Tolkien nut wanting 100% true to the books, some disappointment will occur...but if you look at it as a movie on its own merits it's one of the best ever made! >>

Not true!
Most people understand that a movie is merely an interpretation, and everyones imgination is different. With regards to the cuts... 3 hours, what can you do?
Only you, I, and all the other Tolkienites would like a 9 hour feature



Senior member
May 14, 2000
I just came back from the movie tonight, and I have NOT read the books before...

I enjoyed the movie very much, the three hours flew by really fast. I didn't think the plot was confusing at all to someone who have not read the books. The movie did a great job into putting you into their world, and usually I am not interested in all this fantasy stuff. People complains that they are leaving too much out from the book, but what did they want? A 72 hour movie about people walking in the forest? Why don't they show it in real time and show it from everyone's perspective? Some people are such nerds LOL

It was a good movie, and I can't wait til the next ones come out. I couldn't believe the movie was over, that's the only thing I hate about trilogies! I'm planning on seeing it again, in case I missed anything.

I found the movie reallying living up to the hype, like someone else said. This movie is not a piece of crap like Star Wars Ep1.



Mar 9, 2000

<< This movie is not a piece of crap like Star Wars Ep1 >>

Speaking of EP1, what did y'all think of the trailer for Ep.2?

It didn't look that good (and adding in the trailer from the Ep1 DVD), I am going to miss the "movie experience" in favor of just watching it on DVD.


Nov 16, 2000


<< This movie is not a piece of crap like Star Wars Ep1 >>

Speaking of EP1, what did y'all think of the trailer for Ep.2?

It didn't look that good (and adding in the trailer from the Ep1 DVD), I am going to miss the "movie experience" in favor of just watching it on DVD.


It's not like you will be proving anything...

Hell, just go see it so you can try and help it beat FSCKING Hairy Pot(smok)er in the box office.

Maybe I'll just wait for suckass LOTR to come out on DVD...:Q


Mar 9, 2000

<< Why?

It's not like you will be proving anything...

Well, it takes a LOT for me to go to the movies. The last movie I watched in a theater was Jurassic park (one). Ep 2 doesn't look that special (especially that it was spoiled with the leaked script) - I DID see the original Star Wars at the movies.

Of course, I'll buy or rent the Ep 2 . . . the next movie I am planning to go to is The Two Towers, next year.


Senior member
Feb 20, 2001
I just saw the movie at the Metreon, and it does live up to hype generated by media or by one's self. The people I saw it with who hadn't read the book had a few questions, but they were entertained by the movie even if they didn't understand all the references. Perhaps the biggest thing they won't understand is Gandalf the Grey's death though.
The villains looked incredbile. Sauron looks like a classic villain and the Baelrog is impressive looking. Gollum makes a brief appearance but looks like the twisted creature he represents. All the orcs and others were done very well.
The scenery was spectacular and acting was very good too.
Did anyone else walk out thinking "Damn, is Legolas really that much of a badass?" That's waht I was thinking and I am going to have to reread the book to find out.

So, go see this movie. If you only watch one movie this year watch this one. If you are not going to watch any movies this year, watch this one.


Diamond Member
May 1, 2001
I can finally give my review after coming out of the theater about 1.5 hours ago.

Overall, I must say I am a wee bit disappointed. Three hours is simply not enough time to render this story right (just the first book!), even if I fully understand they could not make it any longer given production cost realities. The movie seemed rushed, all 3 hours of it. Well, OK, the opening Hobbiton sequences were nicely paced, but once the hobbits crossed the Brandywine, the pace hastened. You did not gain that sense of travel, of journey, of time very well. It was BAM! big @ss sprawling landscape shot, characters talking a little, battle scene, another huge epic shot, more talking, another battle scene. I'm exhausted! I've never seen a film that comes across as so grand and epic, but it's just overwhelming after awhile. It may take a few weeks to read the first book, but seeing all that plot in 3 hours is a mind-bending experience.

If you did not read the book, the movie must have been tremendously frustrating because you may have no idea what they are doing, where they are or why things are happening the way they are. Because I read the books twice, I could fill all the missing details in my head transparently...but the pacing threw me off. The Galadriel sequence seemed long (and the Lady was CREEPY), but any time the characters had to move from place to place, it seemed rushed...One minute you are at Caradhras and the next minute you are banging on the door to Moria. Frodo and Sam cover nearly 1000 miles in the first book, but you would never, never guess that by watching the movie. I guess the act of journeying would look a bit flat and boring on film, but the distance between places is rendered falsely.

Peter Jackson's vision is much different than mine. The movie is DARK, gothic and evil. Yikes! Black and grey hues are used extensively in the film...there are little dark corners everywhere. Orcs, goblins, slimy creatures, ringwraiths, cave trolls, balrog and who knows what else pop up all the time. Oh, yes, they are all in the book, but compress them all into a 3 hour movie and it seems like everything in Middle Earth crawls with evil. And what's up with Isengard? It looked like Saruman had modelled his new underground digs after Indiana Jone's Temple of Doom. And perhaps I need to read the book more closely because I have NO idea Isengard was black inside and out. It looked positively evil, even though Saruman was good at one time.

And finally, the last battle scene was botched and I don't know why PJ changed the plot. Frodo "escapes" without his companions' knowledge, but in the movie, Aragorn, Pippin and Merry tell him and watch him leave. That really bothered me...I guess because I don't see how this change enhanced anything.

Phew, ok, I had to get some of my expectations out of the way. I'll have to see the movie again, now that I know what to expect. It's pure wonderful cinema. It looks like it cost a fortune...the amount of detail given to some of the scenes is astounding. FX are almost always transparent (though I thought Boromir's boat going over the rapids looked fake) and they rarely made you take notice of them. What was computer generated and what was a real set is very difficult to discern. LOTR:FOTR is an emotional film - more than any Star Wars film could ever dream of - though I wish it wasn't often so bleek. I think the screaming sounds from the ringwraiths was sheer terror incarnate and probably appropriate. But I tired of the close-up shots of oozing orcs or whatever they threw up on the screen.

Gandalf was GREAT. Almost 100% perfect translation from the book. Saruman was pretty damn good as well. Legolas and Gimli were weak (where was the development of their friendship???), Elrond was indeed an agent, Aragorn was mostly positive and the same could be said about Boromir. Merry and Pippin were baggage (not too far from the truth), Frodo and Sam....well, I haven't made up my mind yet. I wish Wood would show more emotions that just the puppy-dog-ready-to-cry look. The intro Sauron sequence was great...I LOVED watching his incredible power.

OK, the first review is always the worst one if you are a fan of the book. Let's see how well this wine ages in its second viewing...


Golden Member
Sep 16, 2000
Was I the only one who went absolutely ape$hit when Gimli made the "dwarf tossing" joke in Moria? God I was beside myself. Maybe its from watching real life dwarf tossing on the Howard Stern E! show...


Golden Member
Nov 27, 1999
Man i am going to try to see this movie tomorrow.

I am pumped up now reading some of the reviews.


Moderator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< The one character I didn't like was Galadriel. I guess it?s mainly because I did not picture her like this. She is very surreal and strange in the movie, almost too strange. I always pictured her as more friendly and approachable...not menacing. This is really my only gripe with the characters...thankfully she got hardly any screen time, as did Liv Tyler (Arwen is not a warrior princess guys).
OK...enough about the characters!!!
edit: another character i wans't too pleased with was Hugo Weaving as Elrond. It's not that I was just seeing Agent Smith, but he didn't seem quite right.

I agree for the most part. Like someone else pointed out, if we had see Hugo as Agent Smith in The Matrix, then his role as Elrond would have been better. I found myself chanting "Mr. Anderson........." quite often when i saw him, lol.


Diamond Member
Jul 18, 2001
I guess I'll put my two or three cents in...

Going into the theatre, I was worried, same as Kami, as to whether or not the movie would at all resemble to books. I don't know if anyone else wathches movies like I do, but I found myself simply watching and enjoying it, not trying to pick it apart. yea, there were a few glaring holes (ie Bombadil), but nothing that really contributed to the overall storyline. (lembas being the key to the movie?? Give me a bloody break!)

Character development might have been done a lil more in depth, but honestly, after 5 hours of having your ass glued to the chair, without peebreaks, are you really going to care about whether or not they show Strider/Aragorn exactly as portrayed in the novels? I think 3 hours was about right for it. Any longer, and I think it might have killed it.

The emotion displayed in the movie is nothing short of astounding. I think the last movie I saw like that was Braveheart or Rob Roy. You could feel the smugness of Saruman, and the utter evil that was Balrog. It was one of those movies, where having a few tears slide down your cheek was nothing to be ashamed about (especially since it's dark anyways.... )

I really think that you do not have to be a Tolkien fan to enjoy the movie. Like I said, I watched the movie, not the book. Can i wait for Two Towers? hell No!!! I want it now.... Ahh well... at least it will ensure that i watch at least one movie in the theatre next year...

My rating:

5 creamy shorts out of 5.....

Thank god for squeegie kids...

EDIT: And my fiance kept squeezing my arm, saying "he's gonna say it! he's gonna say Mr. Anderson.. err Frodo... Damn you Matrix, damn you for polluting our easily corruptible minds.... *contented sigh*


Golden Member
Aug 29, 2001
I don't have much to say except "Wow." That was one of the most amazing movies I've ever seen, hands down. The visuals rival (beat, really) anything else made, the story is one of the most amazing ever conceived, and the emotion was enough to melt anyone's heart. Pure cinematic bliss. I would recommend this movie to everyone.


Senior member
Dec 31, 1999
Agreed. This movie rocks, period.

I went to see it with 2 other big tolkien fans, and 2 people who had never read the book. We all though the movie flat-out rocked.

The scenery is breathtaking; the special effects were really some of the best I've seen, both in the obvious, and in the subtle (shrinking the hobits, for example).

The casting was impeccable (yes even Agent Elrond). There were only a few corny lines delivered ("Let's hunt orc!" uhm.. no.) Compare this to over 200 corny lines in SW:Ep1! Best of all for tolkien fans was that all the classic lines from the book were there; in fact I'd say most of the dialgue was straight from the book, and well acted to boot.

For me the movie didn't really find its rhythm until the Chase at the Fords. From then on, it grabbed and didn't let go. I felt drained coming out of the theater.

The movie had some real emotion. The audience I went to see it with was primarily an older one -- 20-somethings and up, and at several moments the silence was broken by sobbing at emotional moments (like the death of Boromir) in the film. YMMV depending on the audience at your theater.

Speaking of Boromir, I like the way the film handled him MORE than the book. In the book I kinda felt he got what he deserved; in the movie his death is a tragedy.

The Arwen thing wasn't as bad as people made it out to be. So she gets 3 extra minutes of screen time, big deal. It worked well enough for me, putting in Glorfindel for a 30 second cameo isn't exactly better..

I'm eager to see TTT.. and probably will go see FOTR again with some other friends.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2001

<< Why the hell didn't they ask the Lord of the Eagles to fly Frodo to Mt. Doom and drop in the ring? That would have certainly caught the Dark Lord by complete surprise (he didn't expect ANYONE would want to DESTROY his ring or so the book states). Afterall, the eagles did the big rescue for Gandalf and later at the finale. it would have saved everyone a lot of trouble (but then there would have been no book). >>

Actually, I have participated in discussions that talk about this. Basically, having bunch of giant eagles fly to Mordor would be alot more visible than having 9 person walk there. Eagles don't go to Mordor (except in the end), so them being there would have been noticed, and Sauron would have made sure they don't make it there. Also, The Ring could have corrupted the eagles as well.


Platinum Member
Apr 30, 2001
i thought it was pretty awesome, i'd probably watch it again...duno about a third time tho...pretty long movie...


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
I just came back after watching it twice 6:30 then again at 10:30

I loved it! I was really suprised by the difference in the type of crowds at the different times! The 6:30 crowd seemed to be really into it. The laughed at little things that only the Tolkien fans would get and applauded at the end. The 10:30 crowd kept on saying "WTF" and "That's the end?", there was no applause either. Coincedentaly the 2nd crowd was of the ages 15-20 .

I was very confused about why Gimli thought Moria was teaming with life... Was Gandalf really the only one who knew it was taken over? I was also dissapointed with the cuts... Farmer Maggot's farm to Bree didn't seem quite right.

I can't wait to see it again on saturday with my friends (this group hasn't read the books ) and then with my Mom after Christmas.


I too would like to make a reservation to stay in Rivendell


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< in fact I'd say most of the dialgue was straight from the book >>

Ummmmm....NO. Actually, very few passages came straight from the book. But anyway... I have to add my own two cents...

#1- HOLY SH@T, when Bilbo pulled his "Large Marge" scary face on Frodo, EVERYONE in my theater DIED laughing. That was HORRIBLE. I could seriously hear people after that going, "Tell 'em LARGE MARGE SENT YA! HEHEHEHAHAHAHAHA!" Terrible.

#2- Gollum looked cool, but his voice was also quite the humorous element. myyy preeeccchhhhiouuuussssssssssssss...... eeeeeggghhhhhhh..... Terrible. People all over the theater, once again, were just making fun of that one.

#3- There was definitely some good stuff in the movie. But I sat WAAAYYY too close (2nd row) to really be able to enjoy the visuals. So I'll have to see it again. I can say for sure, though, that some of the compositing (especially in Bag End shots) was pretty BAD. --Basically, in some shots where hobbits were composited with big folk, you could totally tell they were not there together.

#4- Not trying to be critical. But this stuff is my job, so I may be over-sensitive.



Senior member
Jul 5, 2001
"Why the hell didn't they ask the Lord of the Eagles to fly Frodo to Mt. Doom and drop in the ring? That would have certainly caught the Dark Lord by complete surprise (he didn't expect ANYONE would want to DESTROY his ring or so the book states). Afterall, the eagles did the big rescue for Gandalf and later at the finale. it would have saved everyone a lot of trouble (but then there would have been no book)."

My response to this is that Sauron's EYE would easily have seen the eagle flying into Mordor and would have stopped it pronto before it ever got to Mount Doom. They needed to SNEAK into Mordor under Sauron's radar. And who better to do that then little bitty hobbitses with silent feetsies.


Nov 30, 2001
u know, when i first heard of this movie i thought it was going to be a remake of the Lord of the Flies... it has the same font and everything so...... hmm...


Aug 21, 2001
went to see movie today at lunch, but i had to skip work, told my boss i was feeling sick i just hope he doesn't find out. anyway i thought the movie was great, abit long, but it was great. i loved the look of the balrog, that rocked, also the duel beteen the wizard kicked ass. i only wish they had shown the starting battle scene, that looked wicked.

ps. a big fock you to the person who let his cellphone ring a few times through the movie, and then the moron finally answered it. oh also a big fock you to the peeps who can't hold it in, and kept standing up going for the bathroom breaks. if you can't hold it in, next buy a smaller drink.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999

<< u know, when i first heard of this movie i thought it was going to be a remake of the Lord of the Flies... >>

Or Lord of the Dance. That would have been pretty coo.



Senior member
Apr 24, 2000
I saw it yesterday with a group of die-hard tolkien fans/rpg players
and I warned them that sadly, I had not yet read the books. Made
no difference since we all felt this was one heck of a movie.

This is pure cinema. History in the making. Compare it to Wizard of Oz, Lawrence of Arabia...etc.

That garbage that Hollywood produced this year *cough* Pearl Harbor *cough* finally got shown what a REAL MOVIE looks like.

I suspect the following nominations:

- best score
- best cinematography
- best costume design
- best makeup
- best F/X
- best sound effects editing
- best performance by an actor in a leading role: Ian McKellen
- best performance by an actor in a supporting role: Ian Holm
- best direction
- best feature

Going to see it again today...
Nov 28, 2001
I saw it. I never read the books but it was the best movie i've seen. It doesn't seem like 3 hours cause of the excitement throughout. There is a perfect balance between action and drama, with a little love story action thrown in, but just a teeny bit. i loved it, i'm seeing it again friday


Golden Member
Jan 3, 2001
I have to disagree w/ some folks here - I think the pacing was fantastic: one of the best paced movies I've seen in a while! But, it isn't paced like the book it - and thank God for it! If the movie were paced like the book, it would be 6 hours long, and 5 1/2 of it would be nothing but scenery!

Tolkien described very little action in the book, even when it is clear that moments in the plot require action. So, PJ wisely filmed more action for those moments than what is described. <shrug>
Remember, this is a movie - if PJ had filmed this movie the way Ebert and others seemed to have wanted it, nobody would see it because it would have just been a travel brochure for the New Zealand countryside.

"...and coming up on the left you will see Bagshot row. Notice the elaborate flower arrangements..."

"...and our next stop will be the renown gardens of Farmer Maggot, where you will find..."

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