Discussion The media should stop giving air time to Trump lackeys


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
The trouble is there's something compelling about their grandstanding even when you know it's utter bullshit. The media doesn't have the time or probably chops to effectively defeat their BS. All it does is provide more platform for disinformation.

This is personally very sad for me to say. I believe very strongly in free speech and promoting the opportunity for anyone with opposing views to express them. Unfortunately, there are currently a number of folks who don't simply hold opposing views. Their desire is to take advantage of others and manipulate their perceptions. It is not less biased to enable that.

This also applies to clips from Trump rallies, etc. even when making fun of them. We are still affected by emotional reasoning even when we know differently. There is no way to change that. Our emotional systems simply react faster than we can apply reason, and truly people who are more emotionally aware are actually going to be more compelled even when they use that awareness to logically counter the BS.

The other issue is that, simply, a large group of Americans just aren't interested in being fully informed. They are inclined to trust what is told especially when it comports with their emotional experience, and it is natural for them to overestimate their knowledge and intellectual competence to discern fact from fiction. Call it Dunning-Kruger if you like, but the findings from that study are not pejorative. We are that way because it's socially adaptive to be that way. It's the task of those more aware not to call people idiot sheep for simply being human but to counter those who seek to knowingly exploit humanity for their own gain.
Reactions: Perknose
Jul 9, 2009
Goodness gracious. Let me get this right. You think the press in general should silence any and all political speech and thought from the side you don't agree with and only show your point of view?
But you kinda feel sad about silencing free political speech? Because it's your opinion that a large group of Americans don't agree with you? Thank you for your input.
Reactions: pcgeek11 and Pohemi


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
The trouble is there's something compelling about their grandstanding even when you know it's utter bullshit. The media doesn't have the time or probably chops to effectively defeat their BS. All it does is provide more platform for disinformation.

This is personally very sad for me to say. I believe very strongly in free speech and promoting the opportunity for anyone with opposing views to express them. Unfortunately, there are currently a number of folks who don't simply hold opposing views. Their desire is to take advantage of others and manipulate their perceptions. It is not less biased to enable that.

This also applies to clips from Trump rallies, etc. even when making fun of them. We are still affected by emotional reasoning even when we know differently. There is no way to change that. Our emotional systems simply react faster than we can apply reason, and truly people who are more emotionally aware are actually going to be more compelled even when they use that awareness to logically counter the BS.

The other issue is that, simply, a large group of Americans just aren't interested in being fully informed. They are inclined to trust what is told especially when it comports with their emotional experience, and it is natural for them to overestimate their knowledge and intellectual competence to discern fact from fiction. Call it Dunning-Kruger if you like, but the findings from that study are not pejorative. We are that way because it's socially adaptive to be that way. It's the task of those more aware not to call people idiot sheep for simply being human but to counter those who seek to knowingly exploit humanity for their own gain.

Exactly, and what's worse is that I think the news media is playing into their hands. Currently their plan seems to be to invite them on, let them lie on air, and then pounce on their lies because it's a 'tough' interview. The thing is these guys don't care, their goal is to give air time to their lies and they could care less what the news anchor says.

There are a number of people, Kellyanne Conway, Sarah Sanders, Jim Jordan, and Devin Nunes to name a few, who are attempting to go on TV for the express purpose of lying. There's no shortage of conservative minded people in the world so why have someone on who you know for certain is just going to lie to you the whole time?


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
Goodness gracious. Let me get this right. You think the press in general should silence any and all political speech and thought from the side you don't agree with and only show your point of view?
But you kinda feel sad about silencing free political speech? Because it's your opinion that a large group of Americans don't agree with you? Thank you for your input.
Talk about cherry-picking a tiny slice of a statement, and then applying a broad brush stroke based on that twisted representation of what was said. Are...are you in politics by trade?

edit: sorry if this was infractive, but I felt it was the only response it deserved, honestly
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Reactions: dank69


May 15, 2000
Goodness gracious. Let me get this right. You think the press in general should silence any and all political speech and thought from the side you don't agree with and only show your point of view?
But you kinda feel sad about silencing free political speech? Because it's your opinion that a large group of Americans don't agree with you? Thank you for your input.

I think he probably doesn’t want to give air time to people who willingly lie to the press and American people.

It’s sort of like how a lot of people on this forum want to get rid of trolls and liars. It’s not because of their views, it’s because they are trolls and liars.
Jul 9, 2009
I think he probably doesn’t want to give air time to people who willingly lie to the press and American people.

It’s sort of like how a lot of people on this forum want to get rid of trolls and liars. It’s not because of their views, it’s because they are trolls and liars.
Just who does he want to be the judge and jury and carry out the sentence of his opinion? Who should be for yours in this forum? My opinion isn't the same as yours or his, but i'm not the one calling out to silence opposition.


Jun 21, 2005
I don't agree. It provides more ammunition to point out perceived "liberal bias".

Invite them on but hammer their lies if they try it, and don't let up.


Feb 24, 2009
The trouble is there's something compelling about their grandstanding even when you know it's utter bullshit. The media doesn't have the time or probably chops to effectively defeat their BS. All it does is provide more platform for disinformation.

This is personally very sad for me to say. I believe very strongly in free speech and promoting the opportunity for anyone with opposing views to express them. Unfortunately, there are currently a number of folks who don't simply hold opposing views. Their desire is to take advantage of others and manipulate their perceptions. It is not less biased to enable that.

This also applies to clips from Trump rallies, etc. even when making fun of them. We are still affected by emotional reasoning even when we know differently. There is no way to change that. Our emotional systems simply react faster than we can apply reason, and truly people who are more emotionally aware are actually going to be more compelled even when they use that awareness to logically counter the BS.

The other issue is that, simply, a large group of Americans just aren't interested in being fully informed. They are inclined to trust what is told especially when it comports with their emotional experience, and it is natural for them to overestimate their knowledge and intellectual competence to discern fact from fiction. Call it Dunning-Kruger if you like, but the findings from that study are not pejorative. We are that way because it's socially adaptive to be that way. It's the task of those more aware not to call people idiot sheep for simply being human but to counter those who seek to knowingly exploit humanity for their own gain.
Not even going to read this. I've been advocating that the press just ignore the fuck, and never play any of his interviews since they are ALWAYs laced with lies.
Reactions: ivwshane
Jul 9, 2009
Talk about cherry-picking a tiny slice of a statement, and then applying a broad brush stroke based on that twisted representation of what was said. Are...are you in politics by trade?

edit: sorry if this was infractive, but I felt it was the only response it deserved, honestly
I disagree that I cherry picked. His 3rd paragraph says that even some clips of President Trumps rallies shouldn't be shown.


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
I disagree that I cherry picked. His 3rd paragraph says that even some clips of President Trumps rallies shouldn't be shown.
You mean the many clips from rallies where he spews outright lies, and calls for violence against his opposition? Yeah, I would agree with that. I don't think it has the merit to be aired on television to millions of people.

You were painting the picture as if he said ANY and ALL political footage though, which is definitely not what he stated. So...why the misrepresentation? For argument's sake?


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
You mean the many clips from rallies where he spews outright lies, and calls for violence against his opposition? Yeah, I would agree with that. I don't think it has the merit to be aired on television to millions of people.

You were painting the picture as if he said ANY and ALL political footage though, which is definitely not what he stated. So...why the misrepresentation? For argument's sake?

Per the bolded...It's a double edge sword. Obviously somebody blatantly lying on TV to manipulate people is something you rather not broadcast. But...broadcasting it will reinforce what a blatant liar this person is and continues to be and is someone who can't be trusted.


Feb 6, 2002
Goodness gracious. Let me get this right. You think the press in general should silence any and all political speech and thought from the side you don't agree with and only show your point of view?
But you kinda feel sad about silencing free political speech? Because it's your opinion that a large group of Americans don't agree with you? Thank you for your input.
Lying to the American people is not a right. When they say something that is a provable demonstrative lie stop the coverage.

If it is your contention Trump lying to people is protected speech then scroll a chyron across bottom of screen indicating Trump or his people are lying. Then we can protect your precious lying
Reactions: Pohemi


Diamond Member
Apr 6, 2012
Per the bolded...It's a double edge sword. Obviously somebody blatantly lying on TV to manipulate people is something you rather not broadcast. But...broadcasting it will reinforce what a blatant liar this person is and continues to be and is someone who can't be trusted.

You would think. But it also gives the person's lies a megaphone and adds credibility to that lie. I think Republicans have learned how to manipulate the news (with the help of Fox News) and how the news likes to report "both sides".
Feb 4, 2009
I don't agree. It provides more ammunition to point out perceived "liberal bias".

Invite them on but hammer their lies if they try it, and don't let up.

Humiliate them, one warning on obvious bullshit then the second time it happens drown them out with music. Yakety Sax would be a good start

Reactions: Pohemi


Jun 17, 2005
Lying to the American people is not a right. When they say something that is a provable demonstrative lie stop the coverage.

If it is your contention Trump lying to people is protected speech then scroll a chyron across bottom of screen indicating Trump or his people are lying. Then we can protect your precious lying

They need to have one of those buzzers that games shows use for the wrong answer, and hit it whenever they tell a lie, then the interviewer says 'Judges?' with a pause, then 'The judges say that is incorrect'. Counter the Reality Show President with the Game Show News.
Reactions: Pohemi


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2012
You would think. But it also gives the person's lies a megaphone and adds credibility to that lie. I think Republicans have learned how to manipulate the news (with the help of Fox News) and how the news likes to report "both sides".

Yes..I agree. It's a BIG problem


Feb 24, 2009
Per the bolded...It's a double edge sword. Obviously somebody blatantly lying on TV to manipulate people is something you rather not broadcast. But...broadcasting it will reinforce what a blatant liar this person is and continues to be and is someone who can't be trusted.
But it's been obvious for at least the last 2 years that there are a lot of people who can't see a criminal and a liar for who he is. He said it on TV, it must be true. Seriously, Trump could be convicted of several crimes just from his tweets alone if it were not for him being president.
Reactions: Pohemi


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
I'm in the camp where you can have Trump drones on in some cases, but give them the third degree every time they lie. Make them want to leave if they insist on parroting bullshit.

Hell, once the general election debates are on, I'd like to have every debate accompanied by a fact check -- preferably at the event, shown to his face. Bzzt... sorry Trump, but you did not bring jobs back, build the wall or curb terrorism; here's 29 statistics that prove you wrong.
Reactions: Pohemi


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Goodness gracious. Let me get this right. You think the press in general should silence any and all political speech and thought from the side you don't agree with and only show your point of view?
But you kinda feel sad about silencing free political speech? Because it's your opinion that a large group of Americans don't agree with you? Thank you for your input.
What would you do to save your country from 'this kind of evil', where liberals would actually prevent truth form being spoken if they got too much control. Wouldn't you do anything to keep that from happening. Wouldn't you even lie or try to keep liberals from going to the poles, anything to keep them from getting a majority. What if they were to pack the courts and allow babies to be murdered for centuries. What if you were of the Christian faith and told you had to worship the devil. You are asking me to believe you could be that evil, that you would let them lie to the world about their motives and ambitions in the name of some socialist heaven. I just don't think you would risk that happening whatever it took. God knows the truth and will judge you for your sins. Remember the Grand Inquisition where the real truth of the iniquitous was made manifest. Look what has happened to the world since God's Laws have been abandoned. The snake speaks with a democratic tongue.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
Goodness gracious. Let me get this right. You think the press in general should silence any and all political speech and thought from the side you don't agree with and only show your point of view?
But you kinda feel sad about silencing free political speech? Because it's your opinion that a large group of Americans don't agree with you? Thank you for your input.

I don't have any problem with a difference of opinion. I have a problem with willfully lying and manipulating. I don't care what anyone's underlying beliefs are who does that. Right now, it happens to be people pushing Trump's false Biden narrative and calling the impeachment inquiry unconstitutional whose voices should not be heard. This is no difference of opinion. This is an intentional spreading of known objectively false information.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
I don't have any problem with a difference of opinion. I have a problem with willfully lying and manipulating. I don't care what anyone's underlying beliefs are who does that. Right now, it happens to be people pushing Trump's false Biden narrative and calling the impeachment inquiry unconstitutional whose voices should not be heard. This is no difference of opinion. This is an intentional spreading of known objectively false information.
But isn't unconstitutional whatever somebody's high paid lawyers can get 5 conservative justices to say it is? I mean, you would think abortion is settled law.


Diamond Member
Oct 10, 1999
But isn't unconstitutional whatever somebody's high paid lawyers can get 5 conservative justices to say it is? I mean, you would think abortion is settled law.

Reality is, as always, what we make it. I appreciate that heartily and yet still frequently prescribe antipsychotic medication.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Reality is, as always, what we make it. I appreciate that heartily and yet still frequently prescribe antipsychotic medication.
But congress hasn't crossed that bridge. The constitutional crisis is still before us. As long as the courts haven't nailed Trump to his cross, we won't know the fate of the nation and the Republican Senate will be able to pretend it's a partisan witch hunt. I would assume also that at least the vast majority of your patients are voluntary and not force fed.
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