The Most Respectable Profession?

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Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2006
I'm a cop, but I voted armed forces. Those people sacrafice much more than any of us to serve our country. That being said, I think its sad that people don't have more respect for law enforcement just because they run into a few bad apples. News flash...most of what you say about paramedics and firefighters carries over to police as well. They have just as many bad apples as the police do, but the media and you doesn't care because they aren't constantly out there doing a job no one wants to do. I think its a sad state of affairs really. You complain about a profession, yet aren't willing to do it yourself nor try to improve the situation.


Golden Member
Mar 7, 2002
Originally posted by: DainBramaged
I'm voting teachers because no other professions tends to have such a strong desire to do something of value to society for so little freaking money.

Private school teacher; yes.

Public school teacher; HELL no.
What public school teachers "lack" in salary they make up in benefits.
1. Full pension: I'd be a lot richer if I didn't need to contribute to my 401k and roth IRA that they don't have to do thanks to the tax payers.
2. Retire by 55: It'd be nice to know that I could retire by 55 with their benefits in tack.
3. Medical: My company's plan is great (and I love it) but it doesn't hold a candle to what teachers get.
4. 3 months vacation: I'd love to be able to get 3 months of extra employment on top of my salary. Christmas break, spring break, and all the extra "holidays" (that no private businesses acknowledge).
5. Make one lesson plan and set for life: Yes some things change but as I recall German lost both WW1 and WW2, 2+2 still equals 4, etc.
6. Job security: Part of the reason our schools keep falling behind is that we can't fire the worthless teachers.
7. Extremely low stress job: Who here doesn't have stress at work? Then think how unstressful it would be to be a teacher. See 8 for low stress too.
8. 5-10 minute breaks between classes, plus lunch break, and 1 free class period Remember high school? Teachers didn't come to you, you wen to their class room. So between classes they get breaks. Teach 8 classes and get 5 minutes for students to get to class is 35 extra minutes plus a free class and you get 80 break minutes a day (not even including lunch break). How many people get 80 minutes of paid, non-lunch break time a day?

So given all that, tack this on their salary: at least 6k for medical, 8-10k for pension (do the math for being able to retire by 55 and never have to worry about running out). Then multiply by 4/3 because of their summer off. And then you realize "underpaid" teachers are really bringing in the money. Then factor in job security and low stress of their job and then try to give me this crap that they are underpaid.

Once again: private school teachers I agree with you 100%, but completely disagree with you when it comes to public school.

FYI I went to public school and had great teachers; not a rip on them just the bullsh!t argument that public school teachers are underpaid.

Back to the topic:
I voted Armed forces. But this was tough my ranking: Armed forces, Police, Private school teachers, Doctors, Firemen, Scientists, Hookers>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Public school teachers tied with politicans

I'm a chemist but I view my self as just a regular guy doing nothing special; I'm not helping and dedicating my life for other people like the profession's listed ahead of mine.


Golden Member
Sep 20, 2006
Mathematicians and scientists get my vote for #1

I'd put paramedics pretty high seeing as how I worked a summer in security at a hospital and got to talk with them lots (while they loaded up after bringing someone in). Really extremely cool people--lots of fun and very upbeat in addition to the work they do. Not one of them was ever rude despite the security policies I enforced on them (on bringing people in). Very polite, grounded, upbeat and fun people who do a hell of a job and deal with lots of crap.

I rate lawyers, politicians, insurance agents and bankers below tow-truck drivers


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2006
Originally posted by: BigJelly
Originally posted by: DainBramaged
I'm voting teachers because no other professions tends to have such a strong desire to do something of value to society for so little freaking money.

Private school teacher; yes.

Public school teacher; HELL no.
What public school teachers "lack" in salary they make up in benefits.
1. Full pension: I'd be a lot richer if I didn't need to contribute to my 401k and roth IRA that they don't have to do thanks to the tax payers.
2. Retire by 55: It'd be nice to know that I could retire by 55 with their benefits in tack.
3. Medical: My company's plan is great (and I love it) but it doesn't hold a candle to what teachers get.
4. 3 months vacation: I'd love to be able to get 3 months of extra employment on top of my salary. Christmas break, spring break, and all the extra "holidays" (that no private businesses acknowledge).
5. Make one lesson plan and set for life: Yes some things change but as I recall German lost both WW1 and WW2, 2+2 still equals 4, etc.
6. Job security: Part of the reason our schools keep falling behind is that we can't fire the worthless teachers.
7. Extremely low stress job: Who here doesn't have stress at work? Then think how unstressful it would be to be a teacher. See 8 for low stress too.
8. 5-10 minute breaks between classes, plus lunch break, and 1 free class period Remember high school? Teachers didn't come to you, you wen to their class room. So between classes they get breaks. Teach 8 classes and get 5 minutes for students to get to class is 35 extra minutes plus a free class and you get 80 break minutes a day (not even including lunch break). How many people get 80 minutes of paid, non-lunch break time a day?

So given all that, tack this on their salary: at least 6k for medical, 8-10k for pension (do the math for being able to retire by 55 and never have to worry about running out). Then multiply by 4/3 because of their summer off. And then you realize "underpaid" teachers are really bringing in the money. Then factor in job security and low stress of their job and then try to give me this crap that they are underpaid.

Once again: private school teachers I agree with you 100%, but completely disagree with you when it comes to public school.

FYI I went to public school and had great teachers; not a rip on them just the bullsh!t argument that public school teachers are underpaid.

Go to a poorer district, then try the same argument.


Golden Member
Feb 5, 2005
Originally posted by: Jadow
teacher is NOT a profession I respect. Most are grade-A morons

Not all. Some teachers are actually very good, and have sincere desire to teach others and are very good at. Some are miserable people that realized that couldn't do anything creative in life and apply what they've learned to real life problems. And then there are some that realized that there aren't any real jobs in what they've learned, so they have no choice but to teach



May 23, 2002
With the exception of a few bad ones, I'd say Teachers all the way.

Doctors are many times arrogant and don't care about the patient much any more. Although they solve cases, the Healthcare industry as a whole is garbage and Doctors are a big part of that.
Police can also be arrogant and take it out on people just because they are having a bad day.

I guess Fire Fighters/Paramedics would be a good choice as well but they are about reaction instead of proaction whereas teachers are molding the future.
Scientists would also be good assuming they are researching useful things for the betterment of the world and not doing studies showing that if you eat at McDOnalds every day you'll get fat.


Golden Member
Mar 7, 2002
Originally posted by: FallenHero
Originally posted by: BigJelly
Originally posted by: DainBramaged
I'm voting teachers because no other professions tends to have such a strong desire to do something of value to society for so little freaking money.

Private school teacher; yes.

Public school teacher; HELL no.
What public school teachers "lack" in salary they make up in benefits.
1. Full pension: I'd be a lot richer if I didn't need to contribute to my 401k and roth IRA that they don't have to do thanks to the tax payers.
2. Retire by 55: It'd be nice to know that I could retire by 55 with their benefits in tack.
3. Medical: My company's plan is great (and I love it) but it doesn't hold a candle to what teachers get.
4. 3 months vacation: I'd love to be able to get 3 months of extra employment on top of my salary. Christmas break, spring break, and all the extra "holidays" (that no private businesses acknowledge).
5. Make one lesson plan and set for life: Yes some things change but as I recall German lost both WW1 and WW2, 2+2 still equals 4, etc.
6. Job security: Part of the reason our schools keep falling behind is that we can't fire the worthless teachers.
7. Extremely low stress job: Who here doesn't have stress at work? Then think how unstressful it would be to be a teacher. See 8 for low stress too.
8. 5-10 minute breaks between classes, plus lunch break, and 1 free class period Remember high school? Teachers didn't come to you, you wen to their class room. So between classes they get breaks. Teach 8 classes and get 5 minutes for students to get to class is 35 extra minutes plus a free class and you get 80 break minutes a day (not even including lunch break). How many people get 80 minutes of paid, non-lunch break time a day?

So given all that, tack this on their salary: at least 6k for medical, 8-10k for pension (do the math for being able to retire by 55 and never have to worry about running out). Then multiply by 4/3 because of their summer off. And then you realize "underpaid" teachers are really bringing in the money. Then factor in job security and low stress of their job and then try to give me this crap that they are underpaid.

Once again: private school teachers I agree with you 100%, but completely disagree with you when it comes to public school.

FYI I went to public school and had great teachers; not a rip on them just the bullsh!t argument that public school teachers are underpaid.

Go to a poorer district, then try the same argument.

Fine maybe poorer districts have it bad, but as I recall 90% of America isn't poor. Hats off to the teachers that go to the poor districts--they are almost at the same level as private school teachers in my books). But for the 95+% of non-poor districts my arguments still hold water.


Nov 5, 2002
No love for lawyers? I'd say it is a well respected profession, just one that some people love to hate until they actually need one.

Judge is also a respected profession.


Golden Member
Mar 7, 2002
Originally posted by: everman
No love for lawyers? I'd say it is a well respected profession, just one that some people love to hate until they actually need one.

Judge is also a respected profession.

Why not used car salesman?


Apr 29, 2003
Originally posted by: FallenHero
I'm a cop, but I voted armed forces. Those people sacrafice much more than any of us to serve our country. That being said, I think its sad that people don't have more respect for law enforcement just because they run into a few bad apples. News flash...most of what you say about paramedics and firefighters carries over to police as well. They have just as many bad apples as the police do, but the media and you doesn't care because they aren't constantly out there doing a job no one wants to do. I think its a sad state of affairs really. You complain about a profession, yet aren't willing to do it yourself nor try to improve the situation.

I picked fire fighter over armed forces for a few reasons.

1. Enlistment goes down during times of war. This leads me to believe that people are enlisting with the hope that they won't actually have to fight.
2. The military has to force people to stay in the military during times of war with a stop-loss order.
3. Many/most people in the military use it as a stepping stone, they don't make a career of it. It's an alternative to college for people who can't afford college, or a way to have college paid for.

Fire Fighters might not die as often as soldiers, but they don't sign up hoping there won't be any fires. There are always fires.

In the end it was a toss-up. Law enforcement officer is up there too. I have no respect for people who call cops pigs. I think that most cops are good and want to help people.


Diamond Member
Feb 11, 2005
Originally posted by: Corporate Thug
1. Why isn't Lawyer there?

2. Why isn't mathematician there?

I vote Lawyer. It appears it has been removed.

Originally posted by: BigJelly
Originally posted by: everman
No love for lawyers? I'd say it is a well respected profession, just one that some people love to hate until they actually need one.

Judge is also a respected profession.

Why not used car salesman?

Explain how representing/arguing the law is the same thing as hocking used cars?


Diamond Member
Aug 17, 2002
By respect what do you really mean?

In terms of more or less social status, then I'd have to say doctors and professors.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2004
Originally posted by: BigJelly
Originally posted by: FallenHero
Originally posted by: BigJelly
Originally posted by: DainBramaged
I'm voting teachers because no other professions tends to have such a strong desire to do something of value to society for so little freaking money.

Private school teacher; yes.

Public school teacher; HELL no.
What public school teachers "lack" in salary they make up in benefits.
1. Full pension: I'd be a lot richer if I didn't need to contribute to my 401k and roth IRA that they don't have to do thanks to the tax payers.
2. Retire by 55: It'd be nice to know that I could retire by 55 with their benefits in tack.
3. Medical: My company's plan is great (and I love it) but it doesn't hold a candle to what teachers get.
4. 3 months vacation: I'd love to be able to get 3 months of extra employment on top of my salary. Christmas break, spring break, and all the extra "holidays" (that no private businesses acknowledge).
5. Make one lesson plan and set for life: Yes some things change but as I recall German lost both WW1 and WW2, 2+2 still equals 4, etc.
6. Job security: Part of the reason our schools keep falling behind is that we can't fire the worthless teachers.
7. Extremely low stress job: Who here doesn't have stress at work? Then think how unstressful it would be to be a teacher. See 8 for low stress too.
8. 5-10 minute breaks between classes, plus lunch break, and 1 free class period Remember high school? Teachers didn't come to you, you wen to their class room. So between classes they get breaks. Teach 8 classes and get 5 minutes for students to get to class is 35 extra minutes plus a free class and you get 80 break minutes a day (not even including lunch break). How many people get 80 minutes of paid, non-lunch break time a day?

So given all that, tack this on their salary: at least 6k for medical, 8-10k for pension (do the math for being able to retire by 55 and never have to worry about running out). Then multiply by 4/3 because of their summer off. And then you realize "underpaid" teachers are really bringing in the money. Then factor in job security and low stress of their job and then try to give me this crap that they are underpaid.

Once again: private school teachers I agree with you 100%, but completely disagree with you when it comes to public school.

FYI I went to public school and had great teachers; not a rip on them just the bullsh!t argument that public school teachers are underpaid.

Go to a poorer district, then try the same argument.

Fine maybe poorer districts have it bad, but as I recall 90% of America isn't poor. Hats off to the teachers that go to the poor districts--they are almost at the same level as private school teachers in my books). But for the 95+% of non-poor districts my arguments still hold water.

eh i give respect to teachers. I cant find it now but I read an article that said on average a teacher works as much as other people including the 3 month holiday they get. They work from like 6:45-4 in the afternoon..but then they have to go home and grade, read ****** hand writing all night and make sure their lesson plans are ok for all the different classes they teach. I have a lot of friends that are going to be teachers and they say you are no longer allowed to use the same lesson plan every year and must do a new one.

Yeah the 3 months sounds nice tho...I am actually considering becoming a teacher because I like to teach, and love to travel and the 3 months would make it possible to do it every year where in other jobs I could at most take a week off.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2004
Originally posted by: mugs
Originally posted by: FallenHero
I'm a cop, but I voted armed forces. Those people sacrafice much more than any of us to serve our country. That being said, I think its sad that people don't have more respect for law enforcement just because they run into a few bad apples. News flash...most of what you say about paramedics and firefighters carries over to police as well. They have just as many bad apples as the police do, but the media and you doesn't care because they aren't constantly out there doing a job no one wants to do. I think its a sad state of affairs really. You complain about a profession, yet aren't willing to do it yourself nor try to improve the situation.

I picked fire fighter over armed forces for a few reasons.

1. Enlistment goes down during times of war. This leads me to believe that people are enlisting with the hope that they won't actually have to fight.
2. The military has to force people to stay in the military during times of war with a stop-loss order.
3. Many/most people in the military use it as a stepping stone, they don't make a career of it. It's an alternative to college for people who can't afford college, or a way to have college paid for.

Fire Fighters might not die as often as soldiers, but they don't sign up hoping there won't be any fires. There are always fires.

In the end it was a toss-up. Law enforcement officer is up there too. I have no respect for people who call cops pigs. I think that most cops are good and want to help people.

i have respect for most cops..its just the few that are assholes that give them bad names. At my college town they all seem like jerks. Its like a give them a little power and they go ****** crazy with it and want to make u feel like your nothing.


Platinum Member
Apr 20, 2006
I would say Astronauts wearing adult diapher is a very respectable profession, not as classy as hookers, of course.


Jun 15, 2001
In order:

Poop scooper
Politician/Forum Moderator


Diamond Member
Feb 27, 2003
Originally posted by: BigJelly

Private school teacher; yes.

Public school teacher; HELL no.
What public school teachers "lack" in salary they make up in benefits.
1. Full pension: I'd be a lot richer if I didn't need to contribute to my 401k and roth IRA that they don't have to do thanks to the tax payers.
2. Retire by 55: It'd be nice to know that I could retire by 55 with their benefits in tack.
3. Medical: My company's plan is great (and I love it) but it doesn't hold a candle to what teachers get.
4. 3 months vacation: I'd love to be able to get 3 months of extra employment on top of my salary. Christmas break, spring break, and all the extra "holidays" (that no private businesses acknowledge).
5. Make one lesson plan and set for life: Yes some things change but as I recall German lost both WW1 and WW2, 2+2 still equals 4, etc.
6. Job security: Part of the reason our schools keep falling behind is that we can't fire the worthless teachers.
7. Extremely low stress job: Who here doesn't have stress at work? Then think how unstressful it would be to be a teacher. See 8 for low stress too.
8. 5-10 minute breaks between classes, plus lunch break, and 1 free class period Remember high school? Teachers didn't come to you, you wen to their class room. So between classes they get breaks. Teach 8 classes and get 5 minutes for students to get to class is 35 extra minutes plus a free class and you get 80 break minutes a day (not even including lunch break). How many people get 80 minutes of paid, non-lunch break time a day?

So given all that, tack this on their salary: at least 6k for medical, 8-10k for pension (do the math for being able to retire by 55 and never have to worry about running out). Then multiply by 4/3 because of their summer off. And then you realize "underpaid" teachers are really bringing in the money. Then factor in job security and low stress of their job and then try to give me this crap that they are underpaid.

Once again: private school teachers I agree with you 100%, but completely disagree with you when it comes to public school.

FYI I went to public school and had great teachers; not a rip on them just the bullsh!t argument that public school teachers are underpaid.

low stress as a teacher??? are you kidding me

I've made my fair share of teachers cry and have seen plenty have nervous break downs in class.

what kind of joke is that? ... low stress ... hahahahaha
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