The muslim mass immigration in Europe


Jun 22, 2001
Dubbed by a historian as "The Great Replacement". Still think Trump is full of crap on immigration? Watch the video. Once muslims are done taking over the EU countries, we are next. Say bye bye to Germany, UK, France, and Sweden and then the rest. This will happen in our generation. I also liked some of the comments, the muslims used diversity policies to kill diversity. Brilliant. Everyone is so worried about being labeled a racist that they wake up one day and realize their entire culture is fucked. Only then are they worried and spurred to action, lol. Bunch of socialist wusses.

Edit: New link for video since it was pulled off youtube for copyright
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May 11, 2002
So what are you suggesting? A genocide of 2 billion people called Muslims?

3.5 billion including Chinese?

5 billion including Chinese and Indians?

7 billion including everyone besides Americans since immigrants come from everywhere besides America?

What is your point?


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Long term, I think Muslims living in Europe will have more to fear from their neighbors than the other way around. Europeans don't have a great track record when it comes to valuing diversity.


Mar 31, 2003
So what are you suggesting? A genocide of 2 billion people called Muslims?

3.5 billion including Chinese?

5 billion including Chinese and Indians?

7 billion including everyone besides Americans since immigrants come from everywhere besides America?

What is your point?

There really isn't any point in having this discussion...anyone who says anything negative about this issue is automatically labeled a racist...never mind all of the issues that are happening all across Europe trying to deal with this issue...


Apr 8, 2013
That video is repugnant. Listen to the white supremacist Nick Griffon (9:28) talk about "an unholy alliance of leftists, capitalists, and Zionist supremacists has schemed to promote immigration and miscegenation with the deliberate aim of breeding us out of existence in our own homelands." I just mentioned in another thread about how white supremacists think the Jews are scheming to bring brown people into the US and interbreed them with white aryans in order to erase the white aryan race and culture. These people are their European counter-parts.

This crap should not be on this forum.


May 11, 2002

Still think Trump is full of crap on immigration? Watch the video. Once muslims are done taking over the EU countries, we are next. Say bye bye to Germany, UK, France, and Sweden and then the rest. This will happen in our generation. I also liked some of the comments, the muslims used to diversity to kill diversity. Brilliant. Everyone is so worried about being labeled a racist that they wake up one day and realize their entire culture is fucked. Only then are they worried and spurred to action, lol. Bunch of socialist wusses.

There really isn't any point in having this discussion..

I agree.. based on the fear and hate mongering, just read the stuff in bold.

If he had said we need to be more vigilant in how we vet refuge applications, he would have had a point but you see he's just trumpeting hate. Can't discuss views with someone who's already well on his way to becoming a fascist because of his hate.

If he had any common sense he would realize, we have a US Constitution that cannot be simply changed without 2/3rd of both houses of congress and 75% of the states ratifying it. So Muslims cannot just take over unless they have 75% or more of the population of the United States.


May 11, 2002
Besides his blanket hate sounds like some guys who told my Indian friend who was born in the USA to go back to Mexico.

Or the people who attack Sikhs across this country believing they are Muslims.


History of Hate: Crimes Against Sikhs Since 9/11

The mass shooting of a gurdwara (Sikh temple) in Wisconsin on Sunday is merely the latest chapter in a history of violence. In the months following the attacks of 9/11, more than 300 incidences of hate crimes against Sikhs were reported, according to the Sikh Coalition (PDF).

Though their numbers make up the world's fifth-largest religion, Sikhs are still misunderstood (No, they are not Muslims or Hindus). Below is a round up of notable hate crimes and bias incidents against Sikhs since 9/11. (H/t Buzz Feed.)

Sept. 15, 2001 -- Mesa, Ariz.: Four days after the infamous attacks of 9/11, Balbir Singh Sodhi, a 49-year-old Sikh, is shot and killed outside the gas station he owned by Frank Silva Roque. When police approached to arrest him, Roque says, “I'm a patriot and an American. I'm American. I'm a damn American.” [More from HuffPost.]

Nov. 18, 2001 -- Palermo, N.Y.: Three teens burn down Gobind Sadan, a gurdwara (Sikh temple) in New York, because they thought it was named for Osama bin Laden. [More from BeliefNet and Tribune of India.]

Dec. 12, 2001 -- Los Angeles, Calif.: Surinder Singh Sidhi, a liquor store owner in Los Angeles who took to wearing an American flag turban after 9/11 out of fear of being attacked, is beaten in his store by two men who accuse of him of being Osama bin Laden. [More from Real Sikhism.]

Aug. 6, 2002 -- Daly City, Calif.: Sukhpal Singh, brother of Balbir Singh Sodhi, who was the first Sikh murdered following 9/11, is shot while driving his cab. [More from HuffPost, Real Sikhism and Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund.]

May 20, 2003 -- Phoenix, Ariz.: Fifty-two-year-old Sikh immigrant and truck driver Avtar Singh is shot in his 18-wheeler while waiting for his son to pick him up. As he is being shot, he hears someone say: “Go back to where you belong.” [More from Real Sikhism.]

Aug. 5, 2003 -- Queens, N.Y.: Members of a Sikh family are beaten outside of their home by drunk individuals yelling, "Go back to your country, Bin Laden." [More from NY Daily News.]

Sept. 25, 2003 -- Tempe, Ariz.: Sukhvir Singh, a 33-year-old convenience store owner, is stabbed to death by Bruce Phillip Reed. It is not labeled as a hate crime. Representatives of the Phoenix Sikh community issue a statement that says, in part, “Together we can help others to evolve past hate and fear by continuing to organize to reach out to others with increased understanding, respect, and support. May our collective prayer be that God preserve and protect the honor of all people, our nation, and our world.” [More from the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund and SikhNet.]

March 13, 2004 -- Fresno, Calif.: Gurdwara Sahib, a local Sikh temple, is vandalized with graffiti messages: “Rags Go Home” and “It’s Not Your Country. [More from SALDEF and Real Sikhism.]

July 12, 2004 -- New York, N.Y.: Rajinder Singh Khalsa and Gurcharan Singh, cousins on their way to dinner at a restaurant, are beaten by two drunk white twentysomething men. The attackers describe Gurcharan’s turban as a “curtain.” When Rajinder tries to intervene, saying that Sikhs are peaceful, he is beaten unconscious and suffers a fractured eye socket, among other injuries. [More from Real Sikhism.]

May 24, 2007 -- Queens, N.Y.: A 15-year-old student has his hair forcibly cut by an older student at his high school. The scissor-wielding 17-year-old showed the Sikh a ring inscribed with Arabic, saying, “This ring is Allah. If you don't let me cut your hair, I will punch you with this ring.” Afterward, he cuts the younger boy’s hair. A main pillar of the Sikh faith compels followers to keep their hair uncut. [More from Real Sikhism and United Sikhs.]

May 30, 2007 -- Joliet, Ill.: A decorated U.S. Navy veteran of the Gulf War, Kuldip Singh Nag is approached by a police officer outside of his home for an expired vehicle registration tag. The officer reportedly assaults Nag with pepper spray while hurling expletive-laced anti-immigrant statements. [More from SALDEF and ABC7 News. ]

Jan. 14, 2008 -- New Hyde Park, N.Y.: A 63-year-old Sikh, Baljeet Singh, has his jaw and nose broken when attacked outside his temple by a man who lived next-door. David Wood, the attacker, had apparently disturbed members of the gurdwara in the past. [More from United Sikhs.]

Feb. 28, 2008 -- Bryan, Texas: A Sikh man is assaulted in a Wal-Mart parking lot. Though the assailant called him a terrorist, punched him in the face and head and knocked his turban off, the Sikh man does not suffer major injuries. [More from SALDEF.]

June 5, 2008 -- Queens, N.Y.: A ninth grade Sikh is attacked by another student, who tried to remove his patka, or under-turban, and had a history of bullying the boy. [More from Real Sikhism and United Sikhs.]

June 5, 2008 -- Albuquerque, N.M.: A vehicle belonging to a Sikh family is defaced with the message “F*** Allah!” and a picture of male genitalia. [More from SALDEF.]

Aug. 4, 2008 -- Phoenix, Ariz.: Inderjit Singh Jassal is shot and killed while working at a 7-Eleven. No clear motive is found. [More from SALDEF and The Arizona Republic.]

Oct. 29, 2008 -- Carteret, N.J.: A Sikh man, Ajit Singh Chima, goes for a walk in his neighborhood. He is attacked by a man who casually leaves the scene afterward. Nothing is stolen. [More from SALDEF.]

Jan. 30, 2009 -- Queens, N.Y.: Three men attack Jasmir Singh outside of a grocery store. Racial slurs are heard. A broken glass bottle is used. Singh loses vision in his left eye. [More from NY Daily News and United Sikhs.]

Nov. 29, 2010 -- Sacramento, Calif.: Harbhajan Singh, a cab driver, is a attacked by passangers, who call him Osama bin Laden. Singh believes the attackers, who were later convicted, would have killed him. [More from SALDEF.]

March 6, 2011 -- Elk Grove, Calif.: Two elderly Sikh men in traditional garb, out for a daily afternoon walk, are shot and killed. The perpetrator is not found. [More from Southern Poverty Law Center, SALDEF and The Sacramento Bee.]

May 30, 2011 -- New York, N.Y.: Jiwan Singh, an MTA worker and the father of Jasmir Singh, who was assaulted in early 2009 in Queens, is attacked on the A train and accused of being related to Osama bin Laden. [More from the NY Daily News.]

Feb. 6, 2012 -- Sterling Heights, Mich.: A gurdwara (Sikh temple) is defaced with graffiti that includes a gun and references to 9/11. [More from SALDEF.]

Aug. 5, 2012 -- Oak Creek, Wis.: A gunman is shot dead by police after he opened fire in a gurdwara during Sikh prayer services, killing six. [More from HuffPost.]

So really who's more dangerous in our generation? Muslims or Ignorant Americans who can't differentiate between Sikhs and Muslims


Elite Member
Aug 21, 2003
I see the OP got his Stormfront and ATPN tabs mixed up again.


Jun 22, 2001
I agree.. based on the fear and hate mongering, just read the stuff in bold.

If he had said we need to be more vigilant in how we vet refuge applications, he would have had a point but you see he's just trumpeting hate. Can't discuss views with someone who's already well on his way to becoming a fascist because of his hate.

If he had any common sense he would realize, we have a US Constitution that cannot be simply changed without 2/3rd of both houses of congress and 75% of the states ratifying it. So Muslims cannot just take over unless they have 75% or more of the population of the United States.

That is the point. We (the U.S.) can learn from how the muslims took over white Europe and destroyed its culture. Whether it's stricter immigration policy and/or reproductive incentives, this is a real threat to displace our culture. Of course the muslims will be pre-occupied with their new Caliphate countries of Germany, France, Sweden, and the UK so it won't happen in our generation but it may for our grandchildren. It is our job to educate our children that it's not ok to accept 1.5 million people who have stated their intention is to destroy anyone not like them.

And lol to the people in this thread who think this is just hate mongering. The Great Replacement is a huge deal since it's a deliberate changing of the guard in Europe, and most likely the remaining non-muslims will flee to North America (here). All of Europe will eventually be muslim and don't be surprised when sharia law is instituted and gays are imprisoned. In 20 years, wait til you see what Sweden and France look like. Oh, and guess what these country's history books will look like? How "the great muslim invasion of the 2000's eradicated the infidel and allowed the brave followers of muhammad to take the lands by force while the infidel could do nothing about it."
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Jun 22, 2001
Besides his blanket hate sounds like some guys who told my Indian friend who was born in the USA to go back to Mexico.

Or the people who attack Sikhs across this country believing they are Muslims.


History of Hate: Crimes Against Sikhs Since 9/11

So really who's more dangerous in our generation? Muslims or Ignorant Americans who can't differentiate between Sikhs and Muslims

Wow, you went off on a tangent there. I bet the crimes of muslim refugees in the EU this year alone outnumber your weird "US crimes against sikhs over the past 15 years" tangent. Get a grip on reality, and to expect the average 100IQ american to differentiate between an arab and sikh is pure delusion. They came to a place where they risked misidentification, if it was that big of a deal they wouldn't still be here. Yet they are, because it's such isolated incidents.


Jun 5, 2000
Besides his blanket hate sounds like some guys who told my Indian friend who was born in the USA to go back to Mexico.

Or the people who attack Sikhs across this country believing they are Muslims.


History of Hate: Crimes Against Sikhs Since 9/11

So really who's more dangerous in our generation? Muslims or Ignorant Americans who can't differentiate between Sikhs and Muslims

OP makes a thread talking about Muslims taking over Europe ad the US would be next...

you hijack the thread about how Americans hate Muslims and something something about racism against Sikhs...

you get a gold star for thread crapping.
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May 11, 2002
Get a grip on reality, and to expect the average 100IQ american to differentiate between an arab and sikh is pure delusion. They came to a place where they risked misidentification, if it was that big of a deal they wouldn't still be here. Yet they are, because it's such isolated incidents.

They have a naturalization certificates certifying their citizenship but they're getting attacked in this wave of anti immigration and anti muslim hate.

So thank you for fucking proving you and your bunch are a bunch of MENTALLY RETARDED XENOPHOBIC PUSSIES.
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May 11, 2002
OP makes a thread talking about Muslims taking over Europe ad the US would be next...

you hijack the thread about how Americans hate Muslims and something something about racism against Sikhs...

you get a gold star for thread crapping.

Since 9/11 Who has killed more people in the United States? Muslims or White Americans via Hate Crimes?

Thread Crapping? Really? I'm showing he is a complete dunce by destroying his entire fear mongering argument as we need to be afraid of the far American Right more than Muslims who aren't even on the same continent as us.

How would they get here? We have 2 oceans protecting us and a very cold Canada up north and as far as I know not many Muslims south of the border.
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Jun 5, 2000
Since 9/11 Who has killed more people in the United States? Muslims or White Americans via Hate Crimes?

Thread Crapping? Really? I'm showing he is a complete dunce by destroying his entire fear mongering argument as we need to be afraid of the far American Right more than Muslims.



Diamond Member
Sep 28, 2001
Ever since the 70s, for example Germany was "importing" what back at that time was called "Guest Workers", mostly from Turkey.

I used to live in Berlin for a long time. This was before 9/11 and the "OMG!11OneMuslims!!!" paranoia.

Entire districts in Berlin are very "Turkish" and from my own experience I didn't notice any "integration problems" there whatsoever. (Not that I am saying those don't exist!) There is a LOT of Turkish/Muslim culture there and before 9/11, TBH no-one really gave a sh!t.

Why? Because the average Muslim store owner, baker, Kebab stand guy or internet cafe owner etc. (which there are a ton in Berlin) is not an extremist. Back then, "Muslim" designated merely that someone has another religion.

So..have all the Muslims now all magically turned into extremists who want to fly planes into buildings?

No-one (correction: Only a few) gave a damn before 2001 "that Muslims are taking over" Europe, if so, they (Germans, etc.) could have LONG voiced their concerns since Muslims, for example in Berlin, are there for a very long time already.

I guess the nice and friendly Kebab man who gives you a free tea when you go to his restaurant now all of a sudden has turned terrorist?

BS, I say.
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Jun 22, 2001
Since 9/11 Who has killed more people in the United States? Muslims or White Americans via Hate Crimes?

Thread Crapping? Really? I'm showing he is a complete dunce by destroying his entire fear mongering argument as we need to be afraid of the far American Right more than Muslims who aren't even on the same continent as us.

How would they get here? We have 2 oceans protecting us and a very cold Canada up north and as far as I know not many Muslims south of the border.

Nobody cares that you're a sikh, go create a thread about it. Nobody cares about the scary "far American Right" either because they're not trying to wipe entire cultures off the map like muslims are currently doing (and bragging about it).

This thread is about the Great Replacement and its impact globally. You think "2 oceans and Canada" are enough protection? lmao. It will only delay the inevitable IF we don't revise our immigration and reproductive policies stat. This isn't a physical takeover like the board game Risk.


Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000
Wow, you went off on a tangent there. I bet the crimes of muslim refugees in the EU this year alone outnumber your weird "US crimes against sikhs over the past 15 years" tangent. Get a grip on reality, and to expect the average 100IQ american to differentiate between an arab and sikh is pure delusion. They came to a place where they risked misidentification, if it was that big of a deal they wouldn't still be here. Yet they are, because it's such isolated incidents.

I guess you are too dumb to understand his point, I can see why you are a Trump supporter.

Nobody cares that you're a sikh, go create a thread about it. Nobody cares about the scary "far American Right" either because they're not trying to wipe entire cultures off the map like muslims are currently doing (and bragging about it).

This thread is about the Great Replacement and its impact globally. You think "2 oceans and Canada" are enough protection? lmao. It will only delay the inevitable IF we don't revise our immigration and reproductive policies stat. This isn't a physical takeover like the board game Risk.

What are your 14 favorite words?
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Jun 22, 2001
Ever since the 70s, for example Germany was "importing" what back at that time was called "Guest Workers", mostly from Turkey.

I used to live in Berlin for a long time. This was before 9/11 and the "OMG!11OneMuslims!!!" paranoia.

Entire districts in Berlin are very "Turkish" and from my own experience I didn't notice any "integration problems" there whatsoever. (Not that I am saying those don't exist!) There is a LOT of Turkish/Muslim culture there and before 9/11, TBH no-one really gave a sh!t.

Why? Because the average Muslim store owner, baker, Kebab stand guy or internet cafe owner etc. (which there are a ton in Berlin) is not an extremist. Back then, "Muslim" designated merely that someone has another religion.

So..have all the Muslims now all magically turned into extremists who want to fly planes into buildings?

No-one (correction: Only a few) gave a damn before 2001 "that Muslims are taking over" Europe, if so, they (Germans, etc.) could have LONG voiced their concerns since Muslims, for example in Berlin, are there for a very long time already.

I guess the nice and friendly Kebab man who gives you a free tea when you go to his restaurant now all of a sudden has turned terrorist?

BS, I say.

Things are a lot different when an ethnic group is the minority vs the majority (i.e. 15 years ago). It explicity states in the koran that muslims are to integrate into societies where they are the minority, and then expel all non-muslims when they are the majority. This is why the EU is in turmoil now: their low birthrates and welcome-anyone-including-people-who-want-to-take-over-the-country mean they are screwing themselves. Like I said in the OP, using diversity policies to kill diversity (oh the irony).

Mexicans cannot exactly do that here because of the sheer number of natives, but the natives are very receptive to Trump's extreme policies-against-illegals because the writing is on the wall (assuming it continues for the next 30 years) if the trend continues.

EU policymakers were either too naive/wusses to stand up to anti-immigration out of fear of non-political correctness. What is political correctness getting them now? The chance to celebrate Ramadan for everyone soon, and possibly sharia law. Just like political correctness was the fall of the British during the American Revolution. People need to get off their superiority PC high horse and not be scared to offend someone, otherwise they get replaced.

All in all, this goes to the root of a much deeper problem. The destruction of the nuclear family - guess what? It can be argued that muslims have a stronger nuclear family than all Western country natives. Since the decay of the nuclear family here, that means we are more susceptible to sinful pleasures. Guess what sinful pleasures take the place of? Having kids. Guess what is an inconvenience when you are too into yourself and your hobbies and you are too into making money? Having kids. I applaud muslims for reproducing the fastest and sticking to their guns (pun intended) and realizing that those with the fastest rate of people will eventually rise to power and take over. While westerners are too busy with fantasy [insert sport here], video games, facebook, their 100 hobbies, 100 credentials/degrees, they are losing the most important war of all - reproducing and preserving a family structure that helps them resist sinful pleasures. Rinse repeat. It's not a hard equation to calculate. The race that is least immune to distractions from reproducing will eventually "win" power in a democratic society where everyone has an equal vote. When you combine a democracy with a religious order to reproduce, guess who wins? Christians are also ordered to reproduce but most christians are too pre-occupied in western culture to give a shit, and negative birthrates for American whites (christian and atheist) are proof of that.
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Jun 19, 2000
Paranoid delusions

Muslims are not evil or scary, they are just people.
Especially the ones that cut off heads, burn people alive, drown them in cages, perform genital mutilation, throw gays off roofs and treat women like second class citizens.

Just people, just regular folks going about their business. My problem, and I'll admit it, is that I don't like their line of work.
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Nov 10, 2003

On another occasion, a woman takes offence to their requests and tells them they are in Great Britain at which point they respond by saying 'they don't respect those who disobey God'.

From the story = No more alcohol for your unclean life... and cover up, vile and disgusting women.

There is no God but Allah. Allahu Akbar, eh? If those Muslims think UK is that bad, why not move back to Middle East? I do not see much of the current refugees from Syria and such want to move to ME countries except EU, especially Germany.
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Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000

From the story = No more alcohol for your unclean life... and cover up, vile and disgusting women.

There is no God but Allah. Allahu Akbar, eh? If those Muslims think UK is that bad, why not move back to Middle East? I do not see much of the current refugees from Syria and such want to move to ME countries except EU, especially Germany.

While you are on the Daily Mail maybe see if they have any Batboy updates since the National Inquirer dropped the case.


May 11, 2002
Nobody cares that you're a sikh, go create a thread about it. Nobody cares about the scary "far American Right" either because they're not trying to wipe entire cultures off the map like muslims are currently doing (and bragging about it).

Oh really? The white people are not trying to wipe cultures off the map???

What do you call taking American land from Native Americans??

If that's too ancient, What the fuck do you call the Charleston Shooting?

As you can see it isn't just about Sikhs.. it's about blacks and jews too.

This is all because of Fox News wanting a White Country.

Everyday they blame minorities or immigrants or muslims for problems when the real problems are conveniently ignored.
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