The Obama Heyday Is Over

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Jul 17, 2003
I find it surprising how many vocal critics here just don't realize how their behavior now compared to "then" makes them utterly unworthy of being taken seriously.

Spending wasn't a concern when Bush was in office, now you'd think the Feds were literally drawing funds from your own bank accounts.

A president making tough, not so popular decisions then was an example of leadership and character, now it's the mark of Marxist tyrant ignoring the voices of We The People.

Anyone voicing dissent with the executive's agenda then was unpatriotic, a dirty liberal, or a terrorist sympathizer. Now dissent is suddenly patriotic, and required of all real red-blooded Americans.

Noting the failures of Cheney/Bush 6 or 7 years into that admin was puerile and naive, as the effects of presidential terms can't be fully realized and appreciated sometimes decades after that admin has left office. Now an admin can be judged and declared faulty a scant 2 years into it's first term.

Back then criticizing the economy under Bush was only a method by which to show one's financial ignorance, as Presidents don't directly control said economy, and besides it was all Clintons fault anyway. Now the President is expected to flip his magic switch and fix everything, and any mention of the causes of issues is strictly verbotten, to be met with infantile retorts like "Bu Bu Boooosh!" I guess that's how kids react to having glaring double standards exposed though, but the 180 regarding past presidents is still funny.

To quote Hayabusa from awhile ago, if you weren't complaining then, you shouldn't be now either. But if you can't help yourself, at least do it in a way that doesn't make you like a brain donor. Bashing Obama for using a teleprompter in a prepared speech for instance, looks exceeding stupid coming from Bush voters (a man who beyond commenting on baseball or fishing, could not form intelligent or informed comments on anything to save his life). Still waiting to hear where that teleprompter was when Obama ripped Boehner and Co. news @ssholes in Baltimore last year.

The Obama Heyday will indeed come to an end, and things aren't looking good for Dems in general now, but it still all has to come a long way to bear a resemblance to the White House of 2006-2008. That was a sinking ship with rats bailing over the sides.


Oct 29, 2003
Nope. The answer is congress and Obama passed huge legislation the majority of this nation did not approve of. If healthcare is so great, then stand up for it and expose how you saved the healthcare crisis by voting for the bill. If stimulus was so great, stand up for it.

Nope, they're running from Obama and their voting record of his radical agenda and now hoping The People will forget what they did or votes.

How soon you forget. Bush was an albatross around the neck of any Republican running in 2008 that voted along with him on everything for which Bush was unpopular. Guess what those Republican candidates didn't do: expose or talk about their votes with Bush.


Oct 29, 2003
That explains why you are such a defender of this president and his small government agenda, perhaps our president is a libertarian.... like you.

I don't support many of his policies, but I do defend him against the rabid idealogues.. who are no better than those they vilify on the other side.


Aug 17, 2002
Spending wasn't a concern when Bush was in office, now you'd think the Feds were literally drawing funds from your own bank accounts.

Too bad I don't have the time to dissect your whole post.

Who was defending the spending under Bush? Look at how many idiots are defending the spending (that is much greater) under Obama. BTW they are drawing funds from our and our kids accounts.


Jul 17, 2003
One things for sure, Fox Noise and hate radio have really turned a profit on the short memories of a lot of Americans. Sockpuppet spankfests like this are proof.


Aug 17, 2002
I don't support many of his policies, but I do defend him against the rabid idealogues.. who are no better than those they vilify on the other side.

Defending your own(all you libertarians stick together)? I'm SURE you do the same with Bush


Oct 30, 2000
well said Kage69, well said.

Oh, and if you note my post, I have no problems with putting out my dissent with both the current Pres and the Congress. Especially considering this health care reform "light" that we got. I am all for a UHC system, as I think it is needed. I don't like the implementation of it though. While I'm in disagreement with that policy, the way I express my disagreement is a far cry from the ass hatery that comes from spidey, FNE, patranus, and other shills around here.


Oct 30, 2000
Group think.... all you liberal small government libertarians are the same... defend Barry and Bash Bush. Not much diversity in thought.

Where do you see people in this thread defending Obama? I'm just calling out idiots who are going to extraordinary lengths to be retarded about their hate for Obama over very little logical reasoning. If you don't like him fine. I don't exactly think his shit don't stink either.

But as far as bashing Bush, well that's easy to do because he was a fuckup. I'm not as crazy as Harvey in his hate of Bush which is almost but not quite as bad as spidey's hate for Obama, but at least there is reasoning behind disliking the guy. He did start a second war under false pretenses. He at worst steered Congress into misguided conclusions about Iraq and at worst lied his ass off. Incase you don't remember, he tried getting Congress to sanction the war against Iraq for WMD's but that was denied. He then changed tactics to telling them that Iraq has unmanned aerial drones that could drop biological agents on us and/or allies. That part got him the sanction from Congress although he didn't exactly tell them that those drones were not working as they were ancient or ours that were shot down previously and could not be repaired by Iraq. They did have the drones, and if they worked they *might* have been able to do what he said they could. For this, and this alone Bush needs to go down as one of the worst Presidents in the history of the US. I don't even need to get into all his other failings and actions he did that I really disliked.

So yah, while people bashed Bush, and will continue to do so, it is because the bashing is justified. Disliking Obama is one thing, but the shit spewed from some people around here is not justified. It may be one day, but I don't see it. No president is going to do actions all the time that everyone likes. Can't please all the people all the time. But I do see him trying at least. While I can respect the opinions of people that don't agree with having a UHC system in place, I can't respect people that go bat shit insane over that.


Jun 23, 2004
He can't even string together a coherent thought anymore at this point... you can literally see him grasping for his next thought and trying to form a sentence. At any moment you expect him to just say, "Well shit..."

It's sort of amazing how lost the man appears to be on stage. Are we seeing things, or has the media really worn him down and essentially frightened him?


Aug 17, 2002
Where do you see people in this thread defending Obama? I'm just calling out idiots who are going to extraordinary lengths to be retarded about their hate for Obama over very little logical reasoning. If you don't like him fine. I don't exactly think his shit don't stink either.

But as far as bashing Bush, well that's easy to do because he was a fuckup. I'm not as crazy as Harvey in his hate of Bush which is almost but not quite as bad as spidey's hate for Obama, but at least there is reasoning behind disliking the guy. He did start a second war under false pretenses. He at worst steered Congress into misguided conclusions about Iraq and at worst lied his ass off. Incase you don't remember, he tried getting Congress to sanction the war against Iraq for WMD's but that was denied. He then changed tactics to telling them that Iraq has unmanned aerial drones that could drop biological agents on us and/or allies. That part got him the sanction from Congress although he didn't exactly tell them that those drones were not working as they were ancient or ours that were shot down previously and could not be repaired by Iraq. They did have the drones, and if they worked they *might* have been able to do what he said they could. For this, and this alone Bush needs to go down as one of the worst Presidents in the history of the US. I don't even need to get into all his other failings and actions he did that I really disliked.

So yah, while people bashed Bush, and will continue to do so, it is because the bashing is justified. Disliking Obama is one thing, but the shit spewed from some people around here is not justified. It may be one day, but I don't see it. No president is going to do actions all the time that everyone likes. Can't please all the people all the time. But I do see him trying at least. While I can respect the opinions of people that don't agree with having a UHC system in place, I can't respect people that go bat shit insane over that.

While it's hard for me to defend a war that I don't support, I blame both parties and it's disheartening to see the left that voted for it suddenly get amnesia.

As far as Obama I'm no fan because of what he says and does, only the left can spin an economy that has lost 4 million jobs and start claiming that they have "saved or created" 3.5 million, health care needed to be changed but they lied and twisted the numbers to make it look a lot better than it is. Obama's constant bashing of Bush... it's time to be a man and start taking ownership, bashing Bush on the spending that he voted for, vilifying the private sector and telling Americans to making sacrifices while he is out on the golf course and having private concerts.

Have we ever had a president that was so disconnected from the country?


Aug 17, 2002
It's sort of amazing how lost the man appears to be on stage. Are we seeing things, or has the media really worn him down and essentially frightened him?

The man is out of his element, he isn't making a speech, dictators don't answer questions. Can you imagine how hard the questions would be if the media didn't adore him.

child of wonder

Diamond Member
Aug 31, 2006
Big surprise.... this is how fickle the retarded American public is. Their favor is simply a rapidly moving pendulum.

"Times are bad! Who's in office? A Republican? VOTE DEMOCRAT!"
"Times are bad! Who's in office? A Democrat? VOTE REPUBLICAN!"

It's a reflection of people's irrational, knee jerk, simple brains.


Jul 17, 2003
well said Kage69, well said.

Oh, and if you note my post, I have no problems with putting out my dissent with both the current Pres and the Congress. Especially considering this health care reform "light" that we got.I am all for a UHC system, as I think it is needed. I don't like the implementation of it though. While I'm in disagreement with that policy, the way I express my disagreement is a far cry from the ass hatery that comes from spidey, FNE, patranus, and other shills around here.

Back atcha HumblePie! I couldn't agree more regarding your posting style either. You and several others are all encouraging alternatives to the vocal, amnesia afflicted parrots that clog this forum with their collective idiocy.


Oct 30, 2000
I'm not defending Congress for not doing their research on the "evidence" Bush proposed for the war into Iraq. They should have and should not have granted him the ability to start a war with Iraq. However, they didn't declare or push for the war. It was Bush that kept coming back with more angles to get clearance for the war when he was shot down initially. Because of that, the lions share of the blame rests with him. Yes, some blame can and should be laid on Congress as well. But it is the blame of negligence and not malice unlike Bush. Bush knew he was misdirecting them and still went ahead and did it.

As far as the economy, Bush sent it all down hill. The extra war in Iraq, the bungling of both wars to make it take this long, the continued deregulation of major industries that allowed them to fuck up and require bailouts to stay afloat, giving out those bail outs, major tax breaks for the rich, a terrible stimulus package (which obama contiued), and a slew of other shit that Bush spent money on without collecting any new taxes is what started us into the downward spiral of a shitty economy.

I agree that Obama shouldn't have said he could make it all better when he was campaigning. Personally, I knew that it would take a long time and there was no magic wand to fix the economy. I knew he was overpromising, but that is almost expected of every politician in this day and age. Which is sad to say, but that doesn't quite excuse it either. It is what it is however. To somewhat borrow a quote, I can't quite fault a person who aims for the stars with his goals and expectation and lands on the moon instead.

As far as him taking ownership of the problems Bush caused, screw that. Bush left a hole too deep for any president to clean up magically in a few years. I agree that maybe he should stop having to put out excuses and just state, "still working on it" though. As for your other claims, most of those are blown out of proportion or are just ridiculous hyperbole. Maybe the guy could take less "vacations," although technically he is never really on vacation since the job of the Pres is 24/7. He's on call all the time.

I do not think Obama is a saint. I do not agree with everything he has done. I do think the sheer outrage, vitriol, and angst expressed by certain members of this board and certain media outlets is seriously overboard.
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No Lifer
Aug 4, 2000
I do not think Obama is a saint. I do not agree with everything he has done. I do think the sheer outrage, vitriol, and angst expressed by certain members of this board and certain media outlets is seriously overboard.

But bush? That's all I saw, but, but, bush.

Here's the thing. It was just fine to bash bush call him an idiot, etc. So that means that same vitriol is just fine against the current administration doing his best to destroy this nation and the American Way.

Fuck Barrack Hussein Obama. Having hatred for that fucker is the most sincere form of patriotism we have, and the majority of the country feels this way with their hatred, disgust and downright anger at the current president.

He is done. No dem wants him on their side, no dem is trumpeting his agenda, he is a toxic liability and they know it. The people of this country flat out reject what he has done and is trying to do, they REJECT the Obama agenda.


Oct 29, 2003
But bush? That's all I saw, but, but, bush.

Here's the thing. It was just fine to bash bush call him an idiot, etc. So that means that same vitriol is just fine against the current administration doing his best to destroy this nation and the American Way.

So you're basically saying you're no better than those who did this when Bush was in office? If so, that's interesting.. because I agree.

Fuck Barrack Hussein Obama. Having hatred for that fucker is the most sincere form of patriotism we have, and the majority of the country feels this way with their hatred, disgust and downright anger at the current president.

His approval numbers aren't good, to be sure, but I'm not sure you can accurately claim that the majority of the country has "hatred, disgust, and downright anger" toward the president.


Nov 10, 2003
3) Preparing a budget. The President writes out a budget plan and then it must be approved by congress.

No way <gasping>. From what I hear and read from the left, the deficit from his 8 years of administration was "ALL" G. W. Bush's fault even Democrats got control of Congress in 2006.

Lemon law

Nov 6, 2005
Lest we forget, these are mid term elections, and Obama is not up for re-election until 11/2012.

If the American people elect a GOP dominated congress, then the onus will be on the GOP to start contributing to good governance. And thus far the GOP is dominated by the same thinking that wrecked our economy before. Right now the GOP is just one booster shot away from the politics of the great depression of 1929, where nearly all voters quit voting republican because it was the GOP politics who wrecked the economy in 1929. Nor were pro GOP ideas good for business, because once they killed off the buying power of the consumer, no one could afford to buy the output of big business as a falling tide dropped all boats.

In short, if this grid lock stuff does not stop, Obama may be looking a heck of a lot better come 11/2012.

But excuse me, I am somehow crashing this thread that is all about Obama bashing.
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