*The Official* Abit IP35-E (Ed. 2)

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Apr 30, 2006
Originally posted by: E4300
E6300 is E5x00 R0 stepping with higher FSB potential and VT. 3.5-3.6GHz nominal overclock with 4.0GHz potential. I don't think there will be any boot problem with 45nm E6300 and IP35.

The R0 E7x00 should overclock a little higher. MC had them on sale last month for $80. My sample is stable at 4.04GHz/1.26V CPUz and 4.3GHz/1.36V CPUz.

I want to pick a new cpu up quick and therefore will go to Fry's today...right now the new E6300 is $24 cheaper than the E7400...E5400 is exactly the same price as the new E6300...I currently have the "old" E6300...

With prices as they are above, what is the "best" choice? I will be overclocking but don't want to kick up the voltage too much (my E6300 is currently at 400fsb = 3200Ghz with v1.36)...I use virtualization once in awhile but is not critical...


Apr 13, 2009
Old E6300 is plenty fast. There will be very little gain with new E6300, even if you could crack 4.0GHz. I would not pay the premium for E5400 or new E6300. Only upgrade if you could get Q9400. Micro Center has E5200 for $69, Q9400 for $160, and i7 920 D0 for $200. The i7 is the best buy.


Apr 30, 2006
Originally posted by: E4300
Old E6300 is plenty fast. There will be very little gain with new E6300, even if you could crack 4.0GHz. I would not pay the premium for E5400 or new E6300. Only upgrade if you could get Q9400. Micro Center has E5200 for $69, Q9400 for $160, and i7 920 D0 for $200. The i7 is the best buy.

I am moving the old E6300 to my HTPC so I just want to get a CPU for my IP35-E to replace it...

I would love to get a Q9400/Q9550 from Microcenter in Silicon Valley but they are OOS on both ...anyone know how long it takes MC to restock CPUs like this?


Apr 30, 2006
So I got a Q9550 with E0 stepping...updated the bios...when windows loads it doesn't show the overclocked fsb (shows default)...I saw that this is a problem and that after you save the changes in the bios you are supposed to reboot, enter the bios again, and then exit without saving and that is supposed to make the fsb "stick"...

The problem for me is that when I exit without saving my computer still double boots and shuts down which requires me to unplug my PC from the wall and plug back in...doing that resets the the fsb to default again...

Anyone else have this problem and figure out a way around it?


Apr 13, 2009
Try 18 BETA. No issue with E0 E8400 and R0 E7x00. Always clean install windows for best performance.


Golden Member
Jan 7, 2001
I just had a delivery of E8500
should I use my stock fan with it that it came with
or the ZEROtherm BTF90 Copper CPU Cooler I now have mounted on my Q6600 Quad duo ?

The chip says
Intel 06 e8500
Intel core 2 Duo
SLB9K Malay I guess this is the E0 stepping = SLBxx as E4300 said is that the best or the worst what does EO stepping mean?
Is it overclock-able? and how far if yes?


Do I put the thermal paste on the chip or on the cooler base or on both?
I seem to recall itsaid use a thin layer but the last time that made poor contact
till I put more paste on.


Golden Member
Jan 7, 2001
To exchange the Q6600 for the E8500, I removed the cooler and the Q6600 and made sure I saw how the Writing on then Q6600 faced and did the same with the E-8500 applied a thin layer of paste to the processor, wiped down the cooler, and re tightened it and replaced the fan on it.

I booted up, It started the Win XP loading and as it came to the first blue screen it shut off.
I tried to take the battery out and reset the pins then booted up to Bio and restored the best default and tried staring, same result, blue regular windows screen briefly flashes then the power shuts off.
I trie to reinstall windows thinking that a quad and a dual processors may not work of the same Os Installation:

I boot up and let the installation run, it runs till it says windows now will start and it never gets there just shuts off.

I replaced my Quad duo and it started fine and is working probably a bit cooler because there was dust on the fan blades and on the grill blades of the cooler.

So is this IP35-E motherboard incomparable with this E8500 CPU? I thought I had seen some with it on this board... And Abit site said it is comparable.. !@#$%^&^^%$#@!

So what is my next step?


Golden Member
Jan 7, 2001
you have this processor are you using IP35-E abit motherboard too?

you are using Bios#18 Final I am using just plain bios #18 is there another one named final? or you mean a non Beta #18 like mine?


Oct 8, 2005
Sorry didn't see this. My thread subscription is off or broken bah.

Hey Tung, i do have a e8500 but it's c0 stepping along with bios 18 final installed.

Maybe installing the new cpu is just bringing up your previous instability issues up quicker somehow and the cpu is fine.

You just need to put the thermal paste on the cpu btw.


Golden Member
Jan 7, 2001
Originally posted by: Spammeh
Sorry didn't see this. My thread subscription is off or broken bah.

Hey Tung, i do have a e8500 but it's c0 stepping along with bios 18 final installed.

Maybe installing the new cpu is just bringing up your previous instability issues up quicker somehow and the cpu is fine.

You just need to put the thermal paste on the CPU BTW.

Spammeh I had the same CPU and I RMA_ed it back to Amazon where I had bought it.
The new one will get here in 4 days.
There is either a flaw in the motherboard or in this chip. The memory checks out fine with memtest.

If it does the same thing I will see if Abit has a warrantee still on this motherboard. If they do, do they have any left to replace it or will they fix it or what do they do about problems like these?

This system is freezing up on just trying to play a video clip today, so we will see if I can install a freshh install on the new chip and it was the CO stepping, same as yours.


Golden Member
Jan 7, 2001
I just received the E8500 cpu replacement and it did the same thing sas the old one. Now Abit recommends using Bios#15 to flash with for this CPU so now I am looking for all my data and software for flashing. All my floppies are dead and moldy so I need to do either a USB flash or a CD flash maybe use the special Abit software to do that.

Spammeh I am perplexed nothing is working, and since you and I have the exact same cpu it is driving me batty since Bios 18 is working for you, why would Bios 15 work for me if i8 is a workable bois for this combination... scratching my head as to what to do.

I did take the battery out and cleared the C-moss and nothing it tarts windows till where you have your desktop open up and it crashes to a black screen and noting happening in the hard drives silence...now I need to flash the bios to be sure through I am very skeptical.


Golden Member
Jan 7, 2001
I have called abit and been online waiting for tech support for an hour, while every 3 minutes a message saying I will need to wait up to 20 minutes and what alternate things I can do and the phones, but no one is answering. This is the third time I tried them each time waiting from 30 minutes to one hour.
So I called Intell and asked about the compatibility problem with this board and E8500 CPU, He said that either the board is bad, or I could try and Bios flash the with this CPU E8500 in the Motherboard. He said it had worked on a couple of other boards.
I have no Floppy so will try reread how to flash from a USB thumb drive, boot with a CD into Dos and load the bios and flash it from the Thumb-drive with the Os on CD Controlling the dos flashing. So I need to remove my Q6600 for the 10th time, put in the E8500 re flash the bios to the same one I have in it #18 and that may make it work with the E8500 CPU. I will wait a little to see if anyone posts a reply to this. I am curious if Spammeh flashed his bios with the E8500 in it or how he did it.


Golden Member
Jan 7, 2001
Do I just rename the M630A_(3).bin with , M630A_18.BIN I downloaded from this page above and replace the one that came in the 18 I downloaded from Abit? Because I cannot find the Beta anywhere on Abit site.

After thought
All my floppies are toast from mold. I cannot seem to be able to boot from my Flash drive, I followed Hyren's page of creating it but it does not boot. I set the bios above the first boot to this flashdrive in USB and tried HDD and the flash options as first boot, but it says enter a boot drive. So how do I do it?

Do I create a bootable CD? if so what do I put in it? or has anyone used the flash drive to do it?

I feel a bit scared to use the flash windows utility. I can only flash with the windows utility with the Q6600 on my motherboard because that is why I am flashing I cannot enter windows with the E8500.


Apr 13, 2009
GOOG how to make bootable USB drive. Replace the 18 BIOS by renaming the BETA BIOS to match 18 BIOS. Copy all data to USB drive. Go into BIOS and set to boot from USB instead of HDD. Reboot with USB.

18 BETA will work with E0 E8x00.


Diamond Member
Dec 31, 2005
Just retired this board, finally. Replaced it with an Intel P43 board. I am tired of overclocking, especially since the performance difference is virtually nonexistant. E8400 @3 is just fine for me. 3.6 is not worth the extra power and heat.

I mainly got sick of the machine screwing up resuming from hibernation from time to time and other strange quirks associated with enthusiast boards. It still is a great board and I might throw it in a spare box for my GF but I don't plan on OCing anymore.

The IP35-E is still a champ. Kinda sad I'm not going to use it anymore, but I must say. . . having an Intel board is nice. The stability gives me a piece of mind that I'm not used to having.


Platinum Member
May 18, 2005
Originally posted by: TungFree
After thought
All my floppies are toast from mold. I cannot seem to be able to boot from my Flash drive, I followed Hyren's page of creating it but it does not boot. I set the bios above the first boot to this flashdrive in USB and tried HDD and the flash options as first boot, but it says enter a boot drive. So how do I do it?.

http://www.theraptorpit.com/fo...dex.php?showtopic=2628 - scroll down to from USB



Golden Member
Jan 7, 2001


Thanks Spameh Thanks E4300 thanks Heidfirst I used Spammeh's link, and E4300's determination.

Now if I still get crashes I will change boards, otherwise I am glad to be running near my overclock speed with a cooler CPU and a huge fan on it. Maybe Fall break I will over clock it, for now I am fine with this speed. I did read a couple of pages back where someone had problems with the E8500 booting or even posting, and just as one gave links and sounded like he had fixed it, you guys post today and it all just came together, for this happy camper



Golden Member
Jan 7, 2001
A sad face again

It froze needing reboot, using Jet audio to play a .rm ( real media player file) which neither wmp nor PowerDVD can play, those 2 do not freeze my system. in my last install Nero 7 video player froze my computer needing a reboot also and VLC froze my computer too.

I just noticed that when I RMAed the Kingston Ram and Asked if part of the RMA they can let me upgrade to 4 gigs of ram 2x2 gig I used to have the 800 speed now I see they had sent me 600 speed not the 800 at all. I wonder if that is contributing to the problems.

So the hard drives were changed, the video crad was tried with another one and those 2 still make it freeze up. The cpu exchange did not change it either, I did 5 fresh installs and all of them begin to freeze up as soon as I add the video players. right now I only have three players wmp PowerDvd and JetAudio. So codec conflict seems unlikely with just three players.

my temperatures are not high.

And this never ever happened on any other motherboard I had ever had... Not on 486 not on win95 not on win 98 not on win 2000 nor XP on any board...

Is it the bios? is it the motherboard? those are the only 2 that I can think of as not being sure of...



Apr 13, 2009
It's a software issue if you get lockup only with some applications. Replacing hardware is not going to fix the problem. Clear CMOS. Download OCCT V 3.1 or newer. Run Small, Large, and Linpak. If okay after 1 hour, then MB/CPU is fine.

I don't use Jet Audio. Nero 7 and newer can be buggy. No problem with Nero 6 and XP Pro SP3 (clean install). VLC 0.8.6.h is also stable.


Golden Member
Jan 7, 2001
Originally posted by: E4300
It's a software issue if you get lockup only with some applications. Replacing hardware is not going to fix the problem. Clear CMOS. Download OCCT V 3.1 or newer. Run Small, Large, and Linpak. If okay after 1 hour, then MB/CPU is fine.

I don't use Jet Audio. Nero 7 and newer can be buggy. No problem with Nero 6 and XP Pro SP3 (clean install). VLC 0.8.6.h is also stable.

I will try the test.

I only had freezes with Nero 7th video player not burning DVDs, I am running XPsp3 near totally updated. Sometimes with the quad duo Q6600 it would freeze after sitting a long time, it happened too often to be unconcerned. I have not tried VLC with E8500 yet.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2003
Does anyone know/confirm for sure if an E5200 will work in the IP35-E? I'm having no luck or can't find any word on the cpu.

I figured I'd ask here instead of making a new thread.
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