The Official ANTI-WOKE anti-lgbt conservaterrorist mob thread!

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Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Right, a pauper who lives on the streets can't afford any home. Even to rent it. But he might be a pauper living on the streets because he couldn't afford the high rent he was paying and lost his job. Lower housing prices prevent people from becoming homeless to begin with. And increasing the supply will lower the prices.
He doesn’t seem to understand that while him taking in a few homeless people is admirable it doesn’t make up for supporting policies that render thousands or tens of thousands homeless.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Right, a pauper who lives on the streets can't afford any home. Even to rent it. But he might be a pauper living on the streets because he couldn't afford the high rent he was paying and lost his job. Lower housing prices prevent people from becoming homeless to begin with. And increasing the supply will lower the prices.
I said I understand supply and demand. I am saying there is nothing I can do about either. I can't cause cheap housing to be built or prevent massive developments that around where I live the homeless would never be able to afford anyway.

How about some laws that say, you can't hire anybody without providing them a place to live within walking distance.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I said I understand supply and demand. I am saying there is nothing I can do about either. I can't cause cheap housing to be built or prevent massive developments that around where I live the homeless would never be able to afford anyway.

How about some laws that say, you can't hire anybody without providing them a place to live within walking distance.
How about instead of mandating some sort of quasi public housing you just let people build adequate housing.

people you want to help through personal charity for the most part wouldn’t need charity if you just got out of the way.


Apr 8, 2013
I said I understand supply and demand. I am saying there is nothing I can do about either. I can't cause cheap housing to be built or prevent massive developments that around where I live the homeless would never be able to afford anyway.

How about some laws that say, you can't hire anybody without providing them a place to live within walking distance.

Did you read the post you replied to? You still don't get it, and the point was pretty basic.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
Did you read the post you replied to? You still don't get it, and the point was pretty basic.
‘Don’t build more housing because the homeless couldn’t afford it’ is an impressively dumb argument

NIMBYs are a lot like climate change deniers.
Reactions: Meghan54


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Did you read the post you replied to? You still don't get it, and the point was pretty basic.
I think so. The point is that I didn't stop houses being built in the past or the present, so I am not responsible for the housing shortage back when or now. I don't see me at fault for past, present of future homelessness. Do you know somebody else who houses a a person who would be homeless without such help and at personal expense? I only have one house I could earn good rent from but provide it all, rent. all taxes, all utilities paid by me. I prevent one person now from being homeless. It used to be two. You?


Nov 21, 2001
If my grandfather and mom were not in Florida I'd be perfectly content never going there again for the rest of my life.
I have been down there briefly to deliver a plane, but my wife is not interested in visiting, since before the latest BS. I'd say the odds are good we won't go.
Reactions: Pohemi and K1052


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I think so. The point is that I didn't stop houses being built in the past or the present, so I am not responsible for the housing shortage back when or now. I don't see me at fault for past, present of future homelessness. Do you know somebody else who houses a a person who would be homeless without such help and at personal expense? I only have one house I could earn good rent from but provide it all, rent. all taxes, all utilities paid by me. I prevent one person now from being homeless. It used to be two. You?
Would you vote for a person who pledged to make more houses in your town?

Before you said the government should force people to only live in homes you approved of so that would be a welcome change.


Apr 8, 2013
I think so. The point is that I didn't stop houses being built in the past or the present, so I am not responsible for the housing shortage back when or now. I don't see me at fault for past, present of future homelessness. Do you know somebody else who houses a a person who would be homeless without such help and at personal expense? I only have one house I could earn good rent from but provide it all, rent. all taxes, all utilities paid by me. I prevent one person now from being homeless. It used to be two. You?

You seem to be defending yourself against an allegation from another poster. For me this isn't about you. It's about policies. The ones you support, i.e. the status quo, not only will continue to increase homelessness over time, but also impact the quality of life of those who do not become homeless. Here on the peninsula, we spend 40-60% of our net paychecks on rent or mortgage. That leaves little for anything else, and causes us to live in constant worry over what happens if we lose a job. That worry and those financial limitations degrade quality of life even for those who never end up homeless.

Some factual support: here in San Mateo County, the average rent is $3,311 per month, while the median family income is $128,000. After taxes, that is around $80,000 net. Do the math.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Would you vote for a person who pledged to make more houses in your town?

Before you said the government should force people to only live in homes you approved of so that would be a welcome change.
Politicians in my city are hard at work on the housing issue. There is pressure from the state and from liberals, mostly ones, probably who have trouble making ends meet. I vote for all of these people because they are Democrats and liberals. They are also the ones that win. I don't vote for them specifically on the basis of more houses, that just comes with the turf. The only way California is going to solve the homelessness crisis will only come when the state builds houses itself via eminent domain.

We will have to have socialized housing so old people can't turtle up on all of the expensive land.

For me the problem of how society should be structured for a meaningful life, no other aim having any real value, can only be solved holistically by the most highly conscious people on the planet. It is a job for men of scientific knowledge and deep wisdom, people who live such values in their own lives. Politicians and political solutions are just stimulus response mouthing of people trying to avoid political heat so they can get re-elected. The whole structure of society needs to be rethought in terms of as in Heaven so on Earth. Density will doubtlessly have some factor in that. We have to get ready for a world in crisis, population wise, resource wise, food wise, weather wise, employment wise, you name it. Stress makes people mean.


Diamond Member
Oct 2, 2004
NIMBYs are a lot like climate change deniers.
Only in their stubbornness, IMO. NIMBYs are just greedy. Climate change deniers are, well...denying science and reality (often to support partisan policies and deregulation...or just being ignorant lemmings if referring to the general public.) I've never really considered them in the same circle.


Oct 18, 2005
It's like a very low-quality SNL skit...
She knows all the buttons to push with the Meth/Oxy loving GOP base.

I think like several other GOP politicians she isn't as crazy as her positions make her sound. She is deliberately playing to the GQP base that she pretty much has to win over if she is going to win the primary. She will govern catering to this base as well because to do otherwise would just open her up to a primary challenge if she were to be elected.

She isn't crazy, just fucking evil and willing to pay whatever price is necessary in order to obtain power.


Golden Member
Feb 10, 2005
Recent conversation of FB - sorry, it's long

Person: Help me understand how a trans person is unsafe traveling to Florida
Me: To be honest, it's not just Florida. There is currently a culture in many parts of the country that are hostile to LGBTQ individuals and a lot of it is such that it doesn't hit the media. While I have not been a target of direct physical or verbal threats, I have been harassed and mocked by individuals. I know several people who have been targets of threats and violence, however.
I have a friend in Utah who is a physician has been threatened and harassed. She has had the police called on her for doing yard work in her yard. She now has to be careful about packages she receives. She has received several threatening letters and comments. She is moving from the state of UT as a consequence of the many anti-trans laws that affect her and her family.
Florida has many similar laws, most of them are targeting youth. Many families feel it is in their best interest to move to a different state then try to fight the laws and culture they are seeing.
37% of transgender youth have been physically threatened or harmed due to their gender identity based on a survey at the Treavor Project. The Human Rights Campaign has old data for adults dating to 2020 but we are 4x more likely to have violent crimes committed against us.
I personally have been called a devil, evil, a pedophile, stupid, slow and deluded. There are plenty of examples in media of high-profile individuals and social media channels calling for "eradication" and violence to LGBTQ individuals.
Michael Knowles - CPAC - urges eradication of transgenderism
Tucker Carlson - transgenderism is most dangerous movement in the US
Matt Walsh - LGBTQ individuals are groomers and pedophiles
Lots of stories and experiences:

Person: You have not explained how this woman who does want to travel to Florida for business, would be unsafe there if she did travel for business.
If she is boycotting a particular state because of their policies on…. (Fill in the blank) then certainly voting with her dollars is her prerogative. However, disagreeing with policies in and of itself does not make a person “unsafe”, which is what she is claiming.

Me: Can I take a step back and approach the questions and statements you have presented. You're right, my response was vague. I want to understand your perspective better. Currently there are a lot of laws being presented in legislative bodies across the country that address LGBTQ individuals. There are 100s actually. How do you feel about these laws?
Do you have many opportunities to interact with LGBTQ individuals?
Help me understand your perspective too.

Person: Of the “100’s” of laws being enacted. I am aware of the following categories. Laws that:
1) That prevent parents from being disenfranchised from extremely important decisions their children are making.
2) Prevent children from being sexualized by exposing young children to gender and sex.
3) Prevent women’s sports from being over taken by contestants that are biologically physically superior to women. (Thus separate sports in the first place)
I support those types of laws.

Your friend’s post stated that as an adult trans woman she was not safe traveling to Florida.
That’s why I asked. I’m not aware of laws in Florida or any other state that would cause someone traveling there to be unsafe.

Me: There is a lot to discuss with these topics and different perspectives as well. You will find there are many similarities in our feelings, but differences as well. I, too, believe in maintaining the welfare and caring for children. While I believe this is an important topic to discuss, can we step back a little more.
First, and I realize this may be an interesting question as I am a transgender individual, how do you feel about transgender individuals and gender dysphoria? There is an extension to this by asking about intersex individuals as well. Please understand, I am trying to ask this question objectively. The reason for this question allows for taking the conversation to other topics.
You will find there is a lot I agree with sports. Personally, I feel there is maybe a little gray area that could be discussed, but I do not believe it should be a blanket statement that anyone be involved. There is a massive diversity of the human population where I can see some certain medical conditions leading to some exceptions, but there needs to be restrictions on who can participate in women's sports. No matter the rules, laws or policies on participation in women's sports, there will always be someone who is frustrated. As a consequence, I will favor and side with natal born women with minor exceptions (some intersex conditions) to be able to participate in women's sports.

Person: Gender is a broad topic with varied ramifications.
That’s why I asked a very specific, targeted question.
Why would an adult trans individual feel unsafe in a State with laws such as those I mentioned?
Or are there other laws I’m
Not aware of?

Me: Thank you for your answer. I appreciate the discussion.
OK, let me turn back to Florida and sadly I think you will find there are other parts of the country affected as well. There are indeed other laws being discussed and put forward. Let me take this from two scenarios: me as a visitor and me as a potential resident.
First as a visitor. Washingtonians, for me, have been amazing! I have a wonderful group of people I work with, my family is accepting and my church is doing a remarkable job. There are a lot of good people I am privileged to interact with. It's not perfect, mind. There are indeed real challenges however. I have been sexually harassed and verbally targeted by others. I have been called a freak and a devil. I have also been called a pedophile.
Florida is a cool state. There's amusement parks, beaches, the Everglades. I have attended conferences there in the past and, of course, Disney World. I have also been to SeaWorld.
The bill I am worried about is SB1674 - This bill is a bathroom bill essentially. It calls for designated men's/women's bathroom, but states:
(7) A person 18 years of age or older who willfully enters,
118 for a purpose other than those listed in subsection (6), a
119 restroom or changing facility designated for the opposite sex
120 and refuses to immediately depart when asked to do so by another
121 person present in the restroom or changing facility commits a
122 misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s.
123 775.082 or s. 775.083.
Sex is defined at birth and is included in the definitions of this bill.
For the vast majority of time, I am gendered as a woman. There are exceptions, but most people or strangers I encounter clearly gender me as a woman. How do I approach this situation? I can be potentially targeted by going into either bathroom and if I don't leave immediately, it's a misdemeanor. A lot of places don't have a unisex bathroom. This bill goes into effect July 1, 2023.
Second as a resident - SB952 - "reverse woke bill"
On the outside, this bill seems reasonable. It basically mandates if you provide insurance coverage for gender transition, you have to provide for it's reversal. The caveat comes in with the duration. The later reversal has to be provided even if the individual no longer works for that employer. This bill also goes into effect July 1, 2023. What this will likely do is cause employers to carve out coverage for adult transgender care to avoid the premiums and expense associated with essentially "lifelong" coverage for reversal.
SB1342 Provides for the death penalty for pedophiles under certain circumstances and only needs an 8/12 jury vs 12/12. This joins Alabama as the only other state to do this. While this hasn't passed yet, it has been passing through the legislator unanimously. What is interesting is this law will be up against a Supreme Court decision in Kennedy v Louisiana that prohibits child rapists from being sentenced the death penalty.
While this law does not target transgender individuals, a quick reading between the lines reveals the intent. Why would a state legislature go against a SC decision that has already been made? As someone who has been called a pedophile already and many national media and legislatures calling me demonic or dangerous what is the law really trying to do? Intimidation comes to mind. For example, if I go into a bathroom, get called out, maybe a child present it is not a far stretch for me to called a pedophile. Given it has already happened, it's not hard for it to happen again. It doesn't even have to be true, but can easily transition into courts. As someone who has been in the court system, it takes time and expense to defend myself even though I may be innocent.
There are currently at least 5 states with bathroom laws. Missouri just passed a bill making it very much harder for transgender adults to get their medications and treatments
But is isn't just laws. While I believe people are overall good, there is a culture if several states that is very anti-lgbtq. Ask any gay couple. Ask any transgender individual. We have been shunned by family and friends. We have been kicked out of churches. We face increased violence and harassment. It already happens. Dozens of transgender individuals are murdered every year. We are at 8+ already this year. 32 in 2022. 375 in 2021.


Feb 1, 2008
I heard DeSantis today spewing the same old crap that every republican governor has been spewing. And frankly, I do not remember ever having any teacher in my school years talking about gay or trans, nor do I ever once remember seeing books or any book in the school library illustrating sex acts or books on gay sex or any sex. Have any of YOU????

So, where are these republican governors and republican legislators getting all this crap from?
Oh, I know, they are pulling it out of their ass.
And to even conceive of such oddities as sex books in school libraries or teachers talking gay sex to the class makes me wonder WHAT is going on in the minds of these republican governors and republican parents? How sick are THEY, mentally, to envision sex being taught to their kids? Hmmmm....
Sound like some of these republican parents and republican governors are having some pretty perverted wet dreams and sexual fantasies. I mean... WHO could come up with this stuff? Especially when we know it Is all bullshet and they know it's all bullshet too.

I know I'm an old guy, and I know schools have maybe changed since I went to school, but sex books in school libraries? Gay instruction in classrooms? Really!!!!! Seriously!!!!!
Why does no one call these people out on their F-ing BIG LIE??? HUGE LIE!!!!!
Like I always say.... WHERE ARE THE HEREOS?
Reactions: hal2kilo


Oct 15, 1999
‘Don’t build more housing because the homeless couldn’t afford it’ is an impressively dumb argument

NIMBYs are a lot like climate change deniers.
I've never seen slums improve an area, I also disagree with the idea that homelessness is due to a shortage of housing. Why can't the thousands of homeless people from California be relocated to places that have reasonable prices? Right here in the small town I live in there are homes for sale at very reasonable prices, and low rents. There are jobs available for the asking. A couple both working in food service can afford a home.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
I've never seen slums improve an area, I also disagree with the idea that homelessness is due to a shortage of housing. Why can't the thousands of homeless people from California be relocated to places that have reasonable prices? Right here in the small town I live in there are homes for sale at very reasonable prices, and low rents. There are jobs available for the asking. A couple both working in food service can afford a home.
So to be clear you don’t think that an increase in the price of a thing decreases the number of people who can afford that thing?

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