The *Official* Asus A7N8X (Deluxe) Thread

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Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
How's that again? Are you mistaking the 6-in-a-row legacy connector (used to jumpstart certain models of Subaru's, I think ) for a fan-power cable? The PSU should be powering its own fans from within, with the exception of some Enermax models. Be very thankful you haven't succeeded in plugging in your 6-pin legacy connector into your fan headers


Sep 28, 2002
If anyone cares I just hit 1666 Mhz

By the way, have there been any updates Bios-wise or has nvidia decided to stop at 1002final (though I am running 1002.001) ?


Sep 28, 2002
Hey guys I'm finally done ocing

Stable at 172*10.5 = 1796Mhz

ram is running 1:1 ratio at 7-3-3-2.5 stable


Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
I have O/C'ed 2000+ from 1666 (133x12.5) to (166x11.5) at 1.75 Volt ...

It is funny that the COmputer crashes in games such as Age of Mythology and a very intensive 3-D rendering puzzle in 1600x1200 mode

Stepping up the voltage in small increments have solved the problem so far ..

Can it be the video card, when under stress consumes more power from the board and there is a drop in VCore voltage ?


Sep 28, 2002
Originally posted by: Oric
I have O/C'ed 2000+ from 1666 (133x12.5) to (166x11.5) at 1.75 Volt ...

It is funny that the COmputer crashes in games such as Age of Mythology and a very intensive 3-D rendering puzzle in 1600x1200 mode

Stepping up the voltage in small increments have solved the problem so far ..

Can it be the video card, when under stress consumes more power from the board and there is a drop in VCore voltage ?

Possibly, what kind of videocard do you have? What kind of PSU do you have?

I don't have to worry too much about voltage drops with my psu mainly because I only have a geforce2

Mechbgon- Volcano9 Coolmod w/ arctic silver 3. I have it set on manual and I leave the RPM at about 2900. I am about 29 Idle, and I maintain 41 full load

but I figure Asus probe is lying and I jack up the temps 10 degrees so I see it as 39idle and 51load

One more thing

  • I have passed 48 straight hours of prime95 in my setup
  • I have looped memtest86 THIRTY TIMES in a row with no errors

Yet my computer still occaisonally has "read memory errors"

I'm clueless to be honest

Though I didn't reinstall windows....I have way too much stuff on my HDD and when I RMA'd my Ram and Mobo (both were defective...go figure) I didn't erase my installation and I just popped in the mobo and was running


Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
Originally posted by: magomago
Originally posted by: Oric
I have O/C'ed 2000+ from 1666 (133x12.5) to (166x11.5) at 1.75 Volt ...

It is funny that the COmputer crashes in games such as Age of Mythology and a very intensive 3-D rendering puzzle in 1600x1200 mode

Stepping up the voltage in small increments have solved the problem so far ..

Can it be the video card, when under stress consumes more power from the board and there is a drop in VCore voltage ?

Possibly, what kind of videocard do you have? What kind of PSU do you have?

I don't have to worry too much about voltage drops with my psu mainly because I only have a geforce2

Mechbgon- Volcano9 Coolmod w/ arctic silver 3. I have it set on manual and I leave the RPM at about 2900. I am about 29 Idle, and I maintain 41 full load

but I figure Asus probe is lying and I jack up the temps 10 degrees so I see it as 39idle and 51load

One more thing

  • I have passed 48 straight hours of prime95 in my setup
  • I have looped memtest86 THIRTY TIMES in a row with no errors

Yet my computer still occaisonally has "read memory errors"

I'm clueless to be honest

Though I didn't reinstall windows....I have way too much stuff on my HDD and when I RMA'd my Ram and Mobo (both were defective...go figure) I didn't erase my installation and I just popped in the mobo and was running

I have ASUS A-10 (Server Case) with 350W Power Supply and Matrox G400 Max as the Video Card
Last night I used SiSoft Sandra Burin in Wizard run continously with CPU Intensive (%100 Utilization mode) Loops for about 25 minutes. The CPU temp went up from 36C to 40C ...


Platinum Member
Jan 15, 2003
Originally posted by: magomago
Originally posted by: Questor
I had posted this in another area with no result, now that I found this thread, I am hoping it works to get an answer of some sort:

ASUS A7N8X Deluxe board, XP 2600/333 and Vantec VA4-C7040 Heat sink/fan. On boot up of course it I go to BIOS to make setting and while there notice the MB Temp is 77 degrees (Ok np there) but right below that it says CPU Temp 189 degree F. My reaction was one of serious surprise. I take the board out of case and run it on a bench...177 degrees...slowly moved up to 190 degrees. Keep in mind this was within the first 60 seconds of the new systems very first start up.

Nothing smelled hot, the air blowing out of the heat sink slots seemed rather cool when I placed my hand near it (yah yah I know, not very accurate /shrug).

Long story short...does this motherboard have a history of bad cpu temp sensors or incorrect reading cpu temp sensors?

Oh, and used Arctic Silver 3 thermal grease, properly applied.


I think is somethihng funny going on with the way the BIOS reads the CPU temps when you first boot up. On mine, when I do a cold boot up at the beginning of the day the computer ocassionally shuts down for no reason. If I reboot it is fine, and the problem only occurs within the first few minutes of booting up. I never have a problem once everything is all warmed up. From the way it just goes dead suddenly, I think that the COP routine is kicking in because of an erroneous CPU temp reading. I changed the BIOS to 1002 and even switched out the BIOS battery, but it still happens from time to time. Since it only happens within the first few mintues of boot up and then never recurs once things are booted, I am letting it slide for now - hopefully a future BIOS flash will clear it up. It is annoying, but not yet annoying enough to warrant a RMA. Besides, if I am gonna RMA it, I want to wait until they have a real fix for it instead of just sending me another board and hoping for the best.

Has anyone else figured out for sure what is causing these sudden shut downs. If it is COP is there any option in the Asus BIOS to shut it off, or am I gonna have to go and grab an uber BIOS? (I really don't need COP since I am running my AXP 2000+ at stock speeds for now until I am sure everything is working okay, and my temps usually hover around 45-50 C with the stock AMD fan)


Sep 28, 2002
No offense, but I have no idea what you are saying Like a random comment or something

EDIT: To the post above the post above mine



Platinum Member
Jan 15, 2003
If magomago was referring to my above post:

I was basically wondering if anyone else had had issues with the A7N8X DX reading the CPU temps too high on a cold boot because of some odd BIOS bug, and then triggering the CPU Overheating Protection (COP). The shutdowns I have encountered have all been within minutes of my first cold boot of the day. If that is what is causing the shut downs, then it may have some bearing on the high temps being seen by the other poster. Also, if the COP feature of the board is to blame, I'm interested in a way to shut it off in order to prevent these unneccessary shutdowns. Windows does not crash, and the power stays on to all the other components, so it is unlike any other shutdown I have ever seen, so I am suspecting that it is a COP shutdown being triggered. I don't want to RMA my board if the issue is something that will be fixed in a month by a new BIOS, or if it is caused a feature I can disable with an uber-BIOS.


Feb 19, 2003
I have this board coming Monday. I am sticking in a 2800xp Barton with Dynatron cooling/heatsink and a Highpoint 404 raid PCI SATA/IDE Raid card.

My question is should I flash bios to differnt version upon installation?.
Should I use Arctic Silver paste with CPU install when AMD site says not to use the paste for extended periods of time?
Should I stick my SBLive Audigy sound card in or use the onboard sound?

Should this setup be a sweet one?...

Couldn't help myself, just anticipating putting this baby together makes my heart race a little.

I will be putting back in a Geforce 4400 and 1 gig of PC2700 RAM.

Oh yeah, what's an Uber bios? Is that just where the settings are maxed out, and OC'ed...

What settings should I be putting in for BIOS to keep it w/in specs... I don't want to be overclocking this thing.



Junior Member
Feb 20, 2003
Hi eveybody,
Total noob at this. Recently got this great motherboard with an Athlon XP 2700 CPU. Windows and 3d Mark keep telling me that I have an Athlon XP 1500+. I believe it has to do with my cpu settings in the bios but I do not know what to change. What would you all recommend?
Thanks for any help.


Sep 28, 2002
Should I stick my SBLive Audigy sound card in or use the onboard sound?

Onboard definitely. The quality is excellent and I see no reason to use an Audigy in the place of it.

Hi eveybody,
Total noob at this. Recently got this great motherboard with an Athlon XP 2700 CPU. Windows and 3d Mark keep telling me that I have an Athlon XP 1500+. I believe it has to do with my cpu settings in the bios but I do not know what to change. What would you all recommend?
Thanks for any help.

Ouch...Hehehe - okay....first click on start and type "DXDiag" and see what it says for your processor...I'm just doing to to make sure that 3Dmark2001 isn't crazy or something...Okay first of all try to use Asus Flash and get best bios (unless a new BETTER one is out) 1002.001 which is linked on the very first page.

I'm still trying to think why you are posting at 166mhz...the is the 2800+ is 2.25 Ghz then that means your processor is ~2150. So normally you'd be at a 166*13 multiplier possibly? If the board thinks you are at a 133mhz FSB that would make your multiplier (if its positng at a 1500+) at 10*133

Hrm....Go into the Bios (prses delete when the computer initially boots up repeadetly till it goes to a menu)

press left once

and then press down once

and tell us what the FSB and the multiplier is.

Because the 2700+ is 333mhz FSB processor and I'm wondering if you are encountering the same problem as people who leave their 133mhz Athlon and complain its posting at 1100mhz (or was it just 1000mhz? I think it was 1100)

But utnil I can think further that is my guess for the meantime...

Anyone else care to help this man out, or build upon what I have extrapolated?


Sep 16, 2000
The reason I use the 3Com over the NVidia network adapter. Granted, the 3Com does take more CPU power, but per Anadtechs review, the 3Com has more built in functionality. That was from the original NForce review. I dont know if the NForce2 NVidia netowrk adapter has matched functionality, but I had assumed it did not. Thus, i sacrafice speed / CPU power for more options. Besides, I have mad net speeds anyways, and plenty of CPU horsepower so those issues dont overly concern me.
Does anyone know, did NVIdia give more functionality to the built in network adapter in the NForce2 chipset?


Junior Member
Feb 20, 2003
Thanks magomago for the response.
I forgot to mention that I did update the bios to the 1002 version.
When I ran dxdiag (neat app by the way) I got this for the cpu: AMD Athlon(tm) XP 1500+, MMX, 3DNow, ~1.3GHz
I will try to change the bios setting to 166 and then the multiplier and see what happens.

Thanks again

UPDATE - Changing the CPU setting the 166 fixed the issue. Again thanks for the quick response!


Sep 28, 2002
Well, if you don't care for CPU cycles and whatnot, go 3COM But try the nforce lan anyway

n/p trav33


Sep 16, 2000
Originally posted by: magomago
Well, if you don't care for CPU cycles and whatnot, go 3COM But try the nforce lan anyway

n/p trav33

Did. Couldnt get it to hook up tot he internet, and really didnt feel like jackin with it at the time. Did enable it and turn itup, just wouldnt connect. May mess with it tomorrow if I get time.


Sep 28, 2002
Alright Keep us informaed is anything occurs b/c I haven't even touched my NICs

Also, if I ramp up my clock speed I start getting cold boot issues...It is like the CPU needs to warm up before it will post. Anyone know how to solve it? Is it a bad PSU or what?



Junior Member
Feb 23, 2003
Here's My System:
Corsair 3200/512m
WD 80G Se
Asus 9180Magic 8x agp
Cheiftec server case with 2exh fans/1psexh fan & 2 intake fans (thermaltake)

Here's my problem(s):

Having read all the posts in this thread it sounds like I have the typical things going on. When I shut down (power off), then start up usually it won't post. Hangs on the memory check, fails memory test, can't find the keyboard and so on. Just a restart works fine.

Here's what I've done so far since reading all the suggestions in this forum:

Flashed the bios to ver. 1002 downloaded from ASUS site.
Replaced the original CMOS battery
Reset the bios

I did discover, that the Corsair ram may be suspect, but according to the "Ramguy" on Corsair's site, the ver.1002 bios is supposed to fix the memory check problem. I'm not so sure!
I discovered that if I unplug the keyboard and plug it back in, it usually finds it at post.

However, I still think my tests and changes are inconclusive.

Is bios ver 1002.001 better even if it's beta?
Will it help?
Any other Ideas?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.


Golden Member
May 26, 2002
what speed are you running the mem at? You might want to back down a little and see how it goes. Run it at the same fsb ur athlon is at. Try it out.


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
Hot-plugging PS/2 keyboards can do harm, just so you're aware. What power supply you got there, RNLTRED? Also, is your Western Digital hard drive's jumper set to Single Drive (assuming it's on a cable by itself)? Welcome to the Forums


Oct 5, 2000
"I suggest setting your memory to Sync and see if that helps... Also, you may want to try using just one memory module at a time."

Don't know if that post was to me, but in case it was I've tried running sync and async, and still can't go above 148 mhz FSB without crashing. I've also tried using just one DIMM and I've tried every DIMM/slot combination possible, which suggests to me that the memory isn't the problem, since I could understand ONE DIMM being defective (166 mhz only able to reach 148 mhz) but the odds of BOTH being defective would have to be incredibly small.

Since my last post I've also replaced the northbridge cooler with a Thermaltake Blue Orb. It didn't help. I might try attaching a heatsink to the southbridge to see if it helps, but I'm not holding my breath.

So I'm curious... do I own the single "least overclockable" A7N8X ever produced? I have yet to hear of ANYONE who is even close. Sounds like most are in the 180-200 range, with a very select few in the 155-175 range. 150 must be a new world record.


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
Originally posted by: vicwang
"I suggest setting your memory to Sync and see if that helps... Also, you may want to try using just one memory module at a time."

Don't know if that post was to me, but in case it was I've tried running sync and async, and still can't go above 148 mhz FSB without crashing. I've also tried using just one DIMM and I've tried every DIMM/slot combination possible, which suggests to me that the memory isn't the problem, since I could understand ONE DIMM being defective (166 mhz only able to reach 148 mhz) but the odds of BOTH being defective would have to be incredibly small.

Since my last post I've also replaced the northbridge cooler with a Thermaltake Blue Orb. It didn't help. I might try attaching a heatsink to the southbridge to see if it helps, but I'm not holding my breath.

So I'm curious... do I own the single "least overclockable" A7N8X ever produced? I have yet to hear of ANYONE who is even close. Sounds like most are in the 180-200 range, with a very select few in the 155-175 range. 150 must be a new world record.
Did you lock the AGP to 66MHz? See pages 55 and 57 of the manual for that. You might also want to try more RAM voltage, maybe 2.7V or so, if you didn't try that yet.


Senior member
Oct 11, 1999
I am experiencing difficulties writing with my CD-RW drive

Primary COntroller Master : IBM UATA -100 30 GB
Secondary Controller Master : Philips CDRW 48x16x48x
Secondary Controller Slave : Pioneer 106 DVD

The CDs seemed to burn fine but when I try to browse them they give errors (verify fails)

I have so far uninstalled NVIDIA 2.03 (ASUS 1.16) Drivers and installed Microsoft IDE controller drivers - DID NOT HELP
Switched back to ASUS 1.16 ... Used my CDRW in PIO mode - IT WORKS OK but the performance is degraded

Now I will move my DVD from secondary slave to primary slave. I hope this will help ..

Anyone else have suggestions ?
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