The Official i845E, i845G, and i850E Motherboard Thread. All Your Comments and Questions are Welcome Here. :)


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2001
OK, here's how this thread is going to be organized. First I'm going to list all the motherboards on this earth based on the i845E, i845G, and i850E chipsets from Intel. I will include 1) the specs of each motherboard as listed on the motherboard makers' web site and 2) links to reviews of these boards as well as people's experience with these boards (i.e. general comments on layout, performance, reliability, etc.). from AnandTech threads as well as other threads around the Internet. Of course you?re welcome to include your own comments and questions about any of these motherboards as well.

Btw, everyone here is free to send me a personal message with any comments or suggestions about anything.

Abit Motherboards:

i845E chipset: IT7, BD7II and BD7II-RAID
i845G chipset: BG7
i850E chipset: Not listed.

Reviews: Abit BG7 Review @ Tech Report. Abit IT7 Review @ HardOCP. Abit IT7 Review @ Hexus UK

AnandTech Threads: Abit BG7 thread. Abit IT7 thread. Abit AT7/IT7 Thread. Abit BD7-II Thread

Asus Motherboards:

i845E chipset: P4B533
i845G chipset: P4B533-V and P4B533-VM
i850E chipset: P4T533-C

Reviews: P4T533-C Review @ HardwareZone.

AnandTech Threads: P4T533-C Thread

DFI Motherboards:

i845E chipset: NB71-SC, NB73-EA, and NB73-ES. (Click the "products" link on the left-hand side of the page for motherboard models and specs).
i845G chipset: NB35-EC, NB35-EL, NB76-EA, and NB76-EA. (Click the "products" link on the left-hand side of the page for motherboard models and specs).
i850E chipset: Not listed.

Reviews: DFI NB76 Review @ VIAHardware. DFI NB76 Review @ TweakTown.

AnandTech Threads: None yet.

Epox Motherboards:

i845E chipset: 4BEA
i845G chipset: 4G4A and 4G4A+
i850E chipset: Not listed.

Reviews: Epox 4G4A+ Review @ TweakTown. Epox 4G4A+ Review @ OCWorkbench. Epox 4G4A+ Review @ VRZone.

AnandTech Threads: Epox 4G4A+ Thread

Gigabyte Motherboards:

i845E: 8IEXP, 8IEX, 8IE, 8IEMK, and 8IEML-T. (Click the "Pentium 4" link at the top of the page for motherboard models and specs).
i845G: 8IGX, 8IG, 8IGMK, 8IGML-T. (Click the "Pentium 4" link at the top of the page for motherboard models and specs).
i850E chipset: 8IHXP.

Reviews: Gigabyte P4 Titan 533 Review @ AnandTech

AnandTech Threads: Gigabyte 8IEXP Thread. Gigabyte 8IHXP Thread.

Iwill Motherboards:

i845E chipset: Not listed.
i845G chipset: Not listed.
i850E chipset: P4R533-N

Reviews: None yet.

AnandTech Threads: None yet.

MSI Motherboards:

i845E chipset: 845E Max (6566E) and 845E MAX2 LR (6398E)
i845G chipset: 845G Max (6580G) and 845G MAX L (6580G)
i850E chipset: Not listed.

Reviews: MSI 845E MAX2 Review @ Tbreak. MSI 845G Max Review @ AnandTech

AnandTech threads: MSI 845G Max Thread

Soltek Motherboards:

i845E chipset: 85DR2-L, 85DR2-L+, 85DIR2-L, 85DR2-C, and 85DIR2-C. (Click the "products" link at the top left-hand part of the page and then click the "Socket 478" link at the top of the next page for motherboard models and specs).
i845G chipset: 85MR and 85MIR-L (Click the "products" link at the top left-hand part of the page and then click the "Socket 478" link at the top of the next page for motherboard models and specs).
i850E chipset: Not Listed.

Reviews: None yet.

AnandTech Threads: None yet.


Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999
Nice thread!

Edit: So how are people finding the Gigabyte 8IEXP? It looks like quite an interesting board and has more features that I like than the EPoX 4BDA2+. On the 8IEXP are the AGP/PCI speeds locked at any FSB, and is the 4:3 memory ratio usable at a 150 MHz FSB? Are there any known overclocking issues? Thanks!


Golden Member
Feb 26, 2000
Sweet, this is exactly the kind of thread I needed. Would it be out of line for me to ask a question here though?

Here's my question (let me know if I should move it to a different thread):

Can someone explain to me (in plain english) what the ratio numbers mean when people talk about these boards? I keep seeing 3:4 and 4:5 ratio being thrown out when people review these boards but I have no idea what they are talking about. I realize it refers to the memory speed or bus speed or something like that, but I guess I'm still a little stumped. For example: I still have a 440BX motherboard and when I set it up or overclock it the memory runs at the same bus speed as the cpu, now what exactly does the 3:4 or 4:5 ratio refer to on these newer boards?

I'm planning on buying a 1.6a and trying to overclock it and I before I pick out my board I just want to be up to speed on how these things are set up.


Dec 2, 1999
Mem ratios are memory speeds that are multiples of the FSB speed.
1:1 = FSB:Mem are running same speed
Example: 133 FSB 1:1 = 133 (266 DDR)

3:4 = 3:4 ratio of FSB: Mem
Example: 133 FSB x 2 (DDR) = 266 x 1.333 (3:4) = 354DDR

4:5 = 4:5 ratio of FSB:Mem
Example: 133 FSB x 2 (DDR) = 266 x 1.25 (4:5) = 333DDR.

Sometimes you can use these ratios @ higher FSB speeds if the board allows it.
Example 150 FSB x 2 (DDR) = 300 x 1.333 (3:4) = 400DDR


Golden Member
Aug 28, 2000
This thread is sooo gay . (what?? its a comment ) Just Kidding.

Now my question, I am gonna build a p4 1.6a system and oc the crap out of it what chipset/mobo should I get?

I was thinking of getting the epox 4bda because its so cheap its it has 3:4 mem ratios above 133fsb (the only board I know of that does!) and it ocs well.. I know that the i845g boards are getting good mem scores but I havent seen any good ocing boards..

What should I get?


Senior member
Jun 4, 2001
Originally posted by: Sukhoi
Nice thread!

Edit: So how are people finding the Gigabyte 8IEXP? It looks like quite an interesting board and has more features that I like than the EPoX 4BDA2+. On the 8IEXP are the AGP/PCI speeds locked at any FSB, and is the 4:3 memory ratio usable at a 150 MHz FSB? Are there any known overclocking issues? Thanks!

I think I'm going to order this board right now... I've been looking all over the place for good reviews and haven't seen anything, so I guess I'll be the guinny pig...


Nov 21, 2001
The MSI 845 G board has no information on bios adjustment of fsb/mem/agp/pci divider. Are these speed fixed. How does the fuzzy logic 4 works (a window based overclocking function).


Dec 2, 1999
If the 8IEXP is like other Gigabyte boards, it wont have a PCI/AGP lock. Gigabyte uses PLL dividers to change PCI/AGP speeds. My last board was a Gigabyte GA6OXET-C and I could never get them to work right. I'd rather have a straight forward AGP/PCI lock.


Senior member
Jun 4, 2001
Well, my board should be here on thursday so we'll see what she does. I'm getting a 1.6A and some Samsung Original 2700 DDR. I will be pleased if I can get 150x16=2.4GHz out of it...


May 19, 2000
Here is one for the list -- FOXCONN F845G --- i think this is a new arrival at new egg or at least they are expecting it shortly. Foxconn made quite a bit of stuff for apple G4s.


Golden Member
Oct 24, 1999
which boards allow locking of pci/agp while overclocking the cpu and which have unofficial support for ddr 333?


May 24, 2002
Am I missing something?...I see posts from different folks getting a 1.6A CPU and O/Cing it...with the price drops off the top of the can buy a 2.26 CPU now for $255 have a processor that already has a 533Mhz FSB...bring me up to speed.


Dec 2, 1999
You can also buy a 1.6A for ~ $130 that will also run 533+ FSB. The extra $125 can buy a mobo. The price drops just were announced today.


May 24, 2002
Isn't there some sort of penalty for pushing the CPUs limits...heat wise?...I'm no authority on O/Cing but doesn't that shorten the life of the processor?...if you are able to get 533Mhz from a CPU thats validated for 400Mhz what kind of corresponding temperature increase do you get?...would that entail the use of a alternate heatsink and fan?...don't get me wrong I don't try to stay on the leading edge of the computer technology revolution my current rig is a 733Mhz PIII I bought it right after they went to the 133Mhz FSB...I figure this is the next step on the trailing edge of technology...These price drops have been known for some time...Mike Magee over at the Inquirer had them up over a month ago...There's going to be another big drop toward the end of October...but I couldn't wait that long "monies burnin' a hole in my pocket"...hope I havn't been too contentious...Have a good night!


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
kinda funny how you guys are all jumpin over these new intel chipsets when the Sis 645 dx is still puttin out top scores. Considering that the Sis chipsets are considerably cheaper I don't even know why you guys are hyped up about these Intel chipsets (besides their ability to hold the PCI and AGP in proper specs, and keeping the memory ratios at high fsb). For a 1.6a i don't see any reason why I should go with any intel chipset over the SiS 645dx.


Diamond Member
Jul 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Sudheer Anne
kinda funny how you guys are all jumpin over these new intel chipsets when the Sis 645 dx is still puttin out top scores. Considering that the Sis chipsets are considerably cheaper I don't even know why you guys are hyped up about these Intel chipsets (besides their ability to hold the PCI and AGP in proper specs, and keeping the memory ratios at high fsb). For a 1.6a i don't see any reason why I should go with any intel chipset over the SiS 645dx.

The PCI/AGP lock feature is important to a lot of overclockers, including several people that have posted in this thread.

Also note that in general Intel chipset-based boards aren't that much more expensive than SiS chipset-based boards, and i845 and i850 have proven to be extremely high quality chipsets, especially when overclocking.

In addition, SiS doesn't offer a Rambus-based chipset yet, meaning Intel chipset-based motherboards (that is, i850) will always perform better than SiS's DDR solutions. Although not by much...


Golden Member
Feb 26, 2000

Thanks for the explanation, that cleared things up a little Now I just need to track down a board that can lock the pci/agp speeds and hopefully has usb 2.0.

Sudheer Anne...

There's one very simple reason why people chase down Intel Chipsets so's 'cause they work, and they work well. While it's true that I haven't used an SiS chipset in years, I have been burned numerous times by Via's sorry excuse for a chipset. So now that it's time for me to upgrade I'm going Intel all the way and I'm not giving any other chipset a second thought.

Also, I'm choosing a 1.6a because it has been known to overclock well and it's dirt cheap (don't forget, I'm a poor mofo without a job). I was saving up for a 1.8a, but I figure if I can get a board that will lock the agp/pci speeds and a 1.6a then it shouldn't be any trouble at all to push it to at least 1.8ghz (which is what I was originally aiming for).


Diamond Member
Jan 15, 2000
amost all people don't get their fsb's over 150 mhz anyways on a 1.6a, so this arguing about pci/agp lock and memory ratios is pointless on the P4S533. As for stability, SiS 645dx is just as stable as any intel chipset. If u don't believe me look at the forums, the only problem i can think of is that retards plugged in all three power cables onto the mobo(riskin the chance of frying it on the spot) when the manuals clearly state to only plug in two of them at a time.


Senior member
Oct 23, 2000
Sorry to digress away from the SIS 645DX vs i845G debate but I have a ps question:

I plan on getting a board based on the 845G/E but have a case that comes with a 300 Watt power supply. It is AMD recommended whatever that means. Will I definately need to shell out for a new 350/400/430 watt ps?



Diamond Member
Jul 6, 2000
Originally posted by: Sudheer Anne
kinda funny how you guys are all jumpin over these new intel chipsets when the Sis 645 dx is still puttin out top scores. Considering that the Sis chipsets are considerably cheaper I don't even know why you guys are hyped up about these Intel chipsets (besides their ability to hold the PCI and AGP in proper specs, and keeping the memory ratios at high fsb). For a 1.6a i don't see any reason why I should go with any intel chipset over the SiS 645dx.
actually, they're not. i845g is the fastest. plus, intel's chipsets are a lot more stable that via's or sis'.


Dec 2, 1999
kinda funny how you guys are all jumpin over these new intel chipsets when the Sis 645 dx is still puttin out top scores
They are? All the reviews I see show them dead last when running the same mem speed as other chipsets. Add the lower IDE performance, lower overclockability amd lack of a PCI/AGP lock, I don't see much reason to choose one.


May 25, 2002
Well, here is the first report I've seen on the Gigabyte 8IEXP and it sounds sweet so far (copying this from the Hardforum board post by PrometheusN):

Gigabyte 8IEXP - POSITIVE First Impressions
Received the first shipments of the 8IEXP today, and I must say Gigabyte did a great job on this one. 6USB 2.0, 3 Firewire, Promise ATA133 RAID WITH Bios settings that allow it to function as additional ATA133 ports for any IDE device OR RAID ( a first for a Promise onboard controller that I'm aware of), Creative CT5880 on-board with included SPDIF/Optical bracket, and Intel 10/100 LAN.

In addition, EasyTune 4 WORKS COMPLETELY!!! INCLUDING Linear, Asynch, or Divider adjustment of Memory, FSB, AGP, and PCI AND voltages for Vcore, Vdimm, and AGP all adjustable in Windows!!

You can see my screen capture below on my system running a 2A at 133FSB at 1.65V with 1 Gigabyte of Samsung PC2700 memory. You can also see the tab with details of voltages, temps, and fan speeds is also working.
You can also FIX AGP/PCI in 1Mhz intervals from 33/66 to 50/100 OR let it float with FSB. This is the most controllable 845E I have seen - it even beats the Abit IT7 I have been testing as far as control is concerned.

Patron Saint of the Bleeding Edge

Man, fixing the AGP/PCI in 1Mhz intervals from 33/66 to 50/100!!!!!! Sweeeeeeeeeet. I wonder what this board and Gigabytes 645DX and 845G boards will do!!! Hmmm, and their 850E board should be hitting the streets in the next few weeks too....



Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999
Originally posted by: MaximusH825
Well, my board should be here on thursday so we'll see what she does. I'm getting a 1.6A and some Samsung Original 2700 DDR. I will be pleased if I can get 150x16=2.4GHz out of it...

Very nice! That's the exact setup I would be buying so I'm interested to see how it works for you.

Ooohhh, the 8IEXP is looking quite nice! Luckily I'm not ordering until next week so I'll have a little time for some reviews to come in.


May 27, 2002
I am thinking of building a new P4 2.26Ghz w/ 1024MB of PC1066.

I am trying to decide to go with Gigabyte Ga-8ihxp vs Intel 850 EMV2L vs Asus P4T533-c.

Questions about Intel...
I know there is no twaek settings in the Bios, but will this board recognize PC 1066 RDRAM and run at 533 Memory Bus?

Questions about Gigabyte...
Has anyone seen it available anywhere yet?
Is it possible to use the 2 raid ports (pure ata133) and the 4 standard ide channels for a total of 6 devices?
Will a full length video card fit easily in the AGP slot(Geforce4 TI4600)?
Does this board have the ICH4 southbridge for onboard USB 2.0 support?

Questions about Asus...
Why is there a standard 4 pin power plug instead of the P4 ATX plug?
Are there 2 or 4 RIMM slots?

Which board do you recommend/why?
Thanks in advance for your help.
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