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Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2005
That may be your opinion, but I think even Froyo/Gingerbread era Android looked better than iOS. The wall o' icons has been around since the original iPhone, no innovation on that front.

It is my opinion. It also seems to be the opinion of the graphic design community as well. Android's UI has no depth or style. If you're not working in the design field, then you don't know good design.


Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2005
It is my opinion. It also seems to be the opinion of the graphic design community as well. Android's UI has no depth or style. If you're not working in the design field, then you don't know good design.

Right. Because the consumer (you know, the actual person buying the product?) liking the way something looks is completely meaningless.


Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
That may be your opinion, but I think even Froyo/Gingerbread era Android looked better than iOS. The wall o' icons has been around since the original iPhone, no innovation on that front.

As someone who had to configure numerous Gingerbread devices for testing, it is in no way better looking than iOS. Gingerbread had the features checklist down pat, but it did not look or feel as good as the "inferior" iOS. Ice Cream Sandwich and Jellybean is a major step up in UI design for Android. ICS feels much more fluid and smooth.

Supposed pictures of the new 9 pin dock connector

Looks nice if it's real. Certainly looks more sturdy than micro USB. Of note, if true, is the mentioning that this connector can be plugged in either way and it'll work. Micro USB is kind of annoying at times because you have to analyze the micro USB plug to see which way it's suppose to plug into the device. My only concern is the exposed pins which may get damaged.
Last edited:


Jan 3, 2006
As someone who had to configure numerous Gingerbread devices for testing, it is in no way better looking than iOS. Gingerbread had the features checklist down pat, but it did not look or feel as good as the "inferior" iOS. Ice Cream Sandwich and Jellybean is a major step up in UI design for Android. ICS feels much more fluid and smooth.

Supposed pictures of the new 9 pin dock connector

Looks nice if it's real. Certainly looks more sturdy than micro USB. Of note, if true, is the mentioning that this connector can be plugged in either way and it'll work. Micro USB is kind of annoying at times because you have to analyze the micro USB plug to see which way it's suppose to plug into the device. My only concern is the exposed pins which may get damaged.

As somebody who has used iOS 4&5, and beta 6, and Android from 2.01 to 4.1. I agree.
I loved GB for it's functionality, but it wasn't too pretty...stock. And most themes for it sucked in the phones I had.
IC and JB on the other hand, look purdy.


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2005
Right. Because the consumer (you know, the actual person buying the product?) liking the way something looks is completely meaningless.

The general consumer is ignorant and does not know design. If you dont expect john doe to have the skills to build a bridge, why would he/she naturally have the skills to design?

Android just recently got a design guide in their sdk, while apple has had it since the beginning. Developers cant design worth a shit, so those guides are imperative.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
The general consumer is ignorant and does not know design. If you dont expect john doe to have the skills to build a bridge, why would he/she naturally have the skills to design?
Is that why they mistakenly bought all those samsung tablets thinking they were ipads?


Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2005
The general consumer is ignorant and does not know design. If you dont expect john doe to have the skills to build a bridge, why would he/she naturally have the skills to design?

Who ever said the "john doe" knows how to design? Trying to make a factual argument over what looks better is a losing proposition before ever getting started. It is subjective. That was my point.

And for the record I have seen plenty of stunning UI elements designed by amateur "John Does". I can't think of a single bridge they have made though.....


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
Who ever said the "john doe" knows how to design? Trying to make a factual argument over what looks better is a losing proposition before ever getting started. It is subjective. That was my point.

And for the record I have seen plenty of stunning UI elements designed by amateur "John Does". I can't think of a single bridge they have made though.....
I just watched The Godfather and I used to think that I thought it was a good movie but since I don't know how to make movies myself I must have no basis to form my opinion.


Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2005
It is my opinion. It also seems to be the opinion of the graphic design community as well. Android's UI has no depth or style. If you're not working in the design field, then you don't know good design.

Are you a member of the graphics design community?


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2005
I work in the graphic design field and I think the pre JB android UI is ugly. You may form your own opinion on Android's design, but it's an uneducated one if design is not something you have exp in.


Diamond Member
Apr 25, 2005
I work in the graphic design field and I think the pre JB android UI is ugly. You may form your own opinion on Android's design, but it's an uneducated one if design is not something you have exp in.

lol ok, got it. You do realize that you have just rendered every opinion you have in regards to iOS versus Android completely meaningless unless talking about how pretty the icons and UI graphics are right? I would disagree, but I guess that is your philosophy on it so have at it.
Feb 19, 2001
I work in the graphic design field and I think the pre JB android UI is ugly. You may form your own opinion on Android's design, but it's an uneducated one if design is not something you have exp in.

To be honest I think most people saw ICS as a big jump in UI quality. I agree that looking back Froyo and gingerbread aren't that great. A LOT of people felt that way too when Android first came out.

Even Anand himself kept rooting for webOS. It just never got picked up by enough people, but it had the UI and functionality. It had the best notifications out of the 3 OSes at that time.

I think the people who keep saying GB and Froyo looked sexy are probably the same ones who feel like bashing iOS everyday. Sure the wall of icons needs to be overhauled, but to say the UI is fugly is absurd. If iOS has an ugly GUI, then Froyo and Gingerbread should be downgraded to text based UI. Anyway, I'm glad Google innovated, and ICS addressed a lot of my concerns about Android from before....


Platinum Member
Apr 2, 2008
To be honest I think most people saw ICS as a big jump in UI quality. I agree that looking back Froyo and gingerbread aren't that great. A LOT of people felt that way too when Android first came out.

Even Anand himself kept rooting for webOS. It just never got picked up by enough people, but it had the UI and functionality. It had the best notifications out of the 3 OSes at that time.

I think the people who keep saying GB and Froyo looked sexy are probably the same ones who feel like bashing iOS everyday. Sure the wall of icons needs to be overhauled, but to say the UI is fugly is absurd. If iOS has an ugly GUI, then Froyo and Gingerbread should be downgraded to text based UI. Anyway, I'm glad Google innovated, and ICS addressed a lot of my concerns about Android from before....

Well, I'm an iOS dev, and I think iOS 5 UI is fugly. Most of my commissions require me to theme the entire interface because default themes look dated.

The UI is long in the tooth... and it's in dire need of an upgrade.

Once you see iOS 6, you'll realize how bad iOS 5 looks. In fact, since I see iOS 6 now, I realize how bad iOS 6 still looks. The interface could use an even bigger overhaul.
Nov 26, 2005
I read somewhere that the LTE shrink would NOT bring any significant power saving improvements. Things may have changed since then.


Diamond Member
Feb 13, 2003
I have an iPhone 4 with Verizon. If I am eligible for an upgrade on November 2nd, what's the chances I can get an iPhone 5 early (at launch date) using an upgrade?



Diamond Member
Jul 8, 2001
Having used some Froyo/GB devices in the past and now full-time using JB, Android just isn't there in terms of visual quality. Let's take something simple. The font. It's just not... Right... It's thin. It's stretched tall. The drop shadow is almost indistinguishable from the lettering.

Icons are inconsistent and difficult to distinguish. I often tap the Google Voice icon when I meant to tap Google Talk. Yes, I know the icon says 'talk', but just glancing at the two quickly it's hard for me to differentiate between the two. I have the Google Maps and Google+ icons next to each other and they're even hard to tell apart from a quick glance.

Everything feels just not well thought out. Why, for instance, since Android devices tend bigger, are menu options and navigation in apps not at the bottom of the screen. I can't count how many times I've gone to open a new tab in chrome and instead of hitting the 'new tab' button, I hit the current tab and it just reopened and I have to do the whole thing over and just stretch a bit farther.

It feels like Android is a collection from a lot of different departments just kind of thrown together and released. The main OS functionality from one department, but the GMail app is by a completely different team. And then the Maps applications comes from somewhere else. And then the Navigation app comes from somewhere else. the Google Earth app is from a whole other department. Nothing feels cohesive.

iOS is in an entirely different league in this regard IMO. JB, and even ICS that I've used on a RAZR, is a LOT better in terms of UI, but I don't even think Google even showed up on the playing field in terms of usability for me. Now, your definition of usability and ease of use may not be the same as mine, and some things that bother me might not bother you. I get a lot of eye rolls from friends when I start talking about things like "fonts", but it's important to me. I stare at it for hours a day. I think sometimes people lose sight that what they do or what they like is the end all be all of what anything should be and that there's no room for anyone else to dislike what, for them, is perfect.


Jan 12, 2005
Having used some Froyo/GB devices in the past and now full-time using JB, Android just isn't there in terms of visual quality. Let's take something simple. The font. It's just not... Right... It's thin. It's stretched tall. The drop shadow is almost indistinguishable from the lettering.

Icons are inconsistent and difficult to distinguish. I often tap the Google Voice icon when I meant to tap Google Talk. Yes, I know the icon says 'talk', but just glancing at the two quickly it's hard for me to differentiate between the two. I have the Google Maps and Google+ icons next to each other and they're even hard to tell apart from a quick glance.

Everything feels just not well thought out. Why, for instance, since Android devices tend bigger, are menu options and navigation in apps not at the bottom of the screen. I can't count how many times I've gone to open a new tab in chrome and instead of hitting the 'new tab' button, I hit the current tab and it just reopened and I have to do the whole thing over and just stretch a bit farther.

It feels like Android is a collection from a lot of different departments just kind of thrown together and released. The main OS functionality from one department, but the GMail app is by a completely different team. And then the Maps applications comes from somewhere else. And then the Navigation app comes from somewhere else. the Google Earth app is from a whole other department. Nothing feels cohesive.

iOS is in an entirely different league in this regard IMO. JB, and even ICS that I've used on a RAZR, is a LOT better in terms of UI, but I don't even think Google even showed up on the playing field in terms of usability for me. Now, your definition of usability and ease of use may not be the same as mine, and some things that bother me might not bother you. I get a lot of eye rolls from friends when I start talking about things like "fonts", but it's important to me. I stare at it for hours a day. I think sometimes people lose sight that what they do or what they like is the end all be all of what anything should be and that there's no room for anyone else to dislike what, for them, is perfect.

If the font really bothers you you can change it.

Puddle Jumper

Platinum Member
Nov 4, 2009
Icons are inconsistent and difficult to distinguish. I often tap the Google Voice icon when I meant to tap Google Talk. Yes, I know the icon says 'talk', but just glancing at the two quickly it's hard for me to differentiate between the two. I have the Google Maps and Google+ icons next to each other and they're even hard to tell apart from a quick glance.

Google Voice is a light blue icon while chat is white, that seems pretty easy to tell apart imo.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
You may form your own opinion on Android's design, but it's an uneducated one if design is not something you have exp in.

I think that is an incredibly succinct summation of why Apple went from ~three times the market share of Android to ~half in such an incredibly short period of time.


Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2005
I think that is an incredibly succinct summation of why Apple went from ~three times the market share of Android to ~half in such an incredibly short period of time.

First, I don't see how you turned an argument about UI's into one about Android and iOS sales numbers.

Second, to only point out market share is only telling half of the story. If you put it into the proper perspective, you can see that Apple is succeeding beyond anyone's wildest dreams when Apple entered the cell phone arena.

Apple's iPhone sales numbers have been growing year over year since its introduction. For all of the success that Android has had sales numbers wise, it's hard to believe that Samsung is almost alone as the only consistently profitable Android OEM.


Feb 28, 2003
For some reason, just over the last two or three days, I've been getting that itch to change again and I've been looking more and more at the GS3. I'm starting to think Apple is going to have to show me something more earth shattering than LTE and a slightly larger screen. Maybe something on the software side?


Senior member
Nov 18, 2007
If the leaked pictures and videos turns out to be true i think apple maybe taking a step in a different/wrong direction. Their designs used to be more "hip" but the leaked pictures of the new phone looks more "industrialized" and a little bland.

I also think iOS needs an update modernize their UI a bit. Sure androids UI may be a little more cluttered but it does look a lot more modern than iOS UI. I think they just need to change the color scheme a little bit, maybe reduce the roundness of some of the buttons but keep the OS navigation similar to what they have now


Diamond Member
Oct 23, 2005
I think that is an incredibly succinct summation of why Apple went from ~three times the market share of Android to ~half in such an incredibly short period of time.

I didn't say anything about sales nor market share. I was stating that pre JB, Android UI is ugly.


Nov 27, 2001
I would get bored as hell looking at the same os year after year lol

I've been using Windows since Windows 95... I think I'm pretty used to looking at the same shit year after year, and it doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I prefer the rows of icons.
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