The Official Killer Instinct Thread

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No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
where to start, where to start... all i can say is that killer instinct met and surpassed my expectations. this game is going to be INCREDIBLE and i cannot WAIT for it to come out! it was such a tease playing it today with the pad, because all i wanted to do was play with my joystick. they were VERY VERY serious about NOT letting us hook up joysticks. a few of us had them there, and they said hell no every time i asked. even later on after i was talking to the guys there for a while, i told the dude i'd buy him chipotle if i could plug my joystick in, and he laughed and said hell no caues he could get fired.

so as far as the pad, personally, it's awful for this game. just having to use shoulder buttons for a fighter just does not feel right. then trying to use the dpad to use jago was a pain in the ass, and he was who i wanted to play the most. i wasn't even getting fireballs and windkicks and laser swords half the time, simply because it was a pain in the ass to do them. then trying the analog was even worse. simply put, i can't play fighters with pads anymore, especially not the x1 pad. i found myself constantly thinking about what button corresponds to what, in the middle of the fight, and doing that in a match isn't fun since you have to think so quick.

i only played as jago and sabrewulf. i played jago like 6 matches, then played sabrewulf my last match, just one time. i really can't comment much on glacius or thunder as i did not use them, but i saw some guys using thunder nicely. you could tell that the people who know how to play fighters started to get a hang of it. so here are some of my opinions on the 2 guys i played.

jago - feels VERY similar to the original to me, probably because his moves are similar. like i said though, i was having trouble just doing his moves because of the dpad. i think the longest combo i did (other than his ultra) was like a 14 hit combo, which entailed an opener - auto double - linker - auto double - finisher. i tried to do it more, but i kept dropping them when missing my damn moves cause of the dpad. it was definitely hard to get in on sabrewulf because sabrewulf stuffs so much shit cause he's so fast. i'll get into some more specifics on jago below when i talk about some mechanics of the game.

sabrewulf - i used him just once, and i gotta say, playing with a charge (although, not charge anymore in this game - its simply b/f or u/d, without charging) character in this game on the pad was MUCH easier than playing with jago. i could do his moves A LOT easier because its just b/f + attack. and sabrewulf is FFUUNN to play as. he is SUPER aggressive and his moves have SO much priority because they are so fast. like he just stuffs so much shit it seemed like. i was routinely doing 15-20 hit normal combos with him, with actual finishers and not dropping shit. then at the very end, i pulled off a double utlra with him that resulted in 65 hits. the guys running the whole thing hadn't seen that yet so they were pretty hype when i did it, and i happened to be on the setup that was hooked up to the loud speakers so everyone heard it.

so back to general things about the game. the game is simply beautiful. there is so much detail and the lighting is incredible. the sparks that come off of jago's fireball are ridiculous. it is just SUCH a pretty game i cannot stress that. and seeing it in person at 60fps is juts so much better than seeing videos of it on here. you all will see when you first play it.

ok so now onto a little bit of mechanics that i picked up on in this game.

shadow counter - i'm not sure how to do these, but when i was jago against sabrewulf, i did this a couple times when sabrewwulf was doing his b/f+p move, which is like 3-4 hits i think. the thing is, i did the shadow counter on the earlier hits, and since sabrewulf's move wasn't finished, the rest of his move simply stuffed my shadow counter. it happened a handful of times, so the shadow counters are going to have to be used in specific situations with specific timing.

shadow moves - i think that after about a week of this game being out, once people start knowing what they are doing, the only time you will see shadow moves is in the middle of a lockout. sabrewulfs shadow b/f+p move is SSSSSOOOOO SSSSSSOOOO easy to combo break if hits you, with that "1-2-3" combo breaker thing for shadow moves. i was hitting that pretty much everytime someone got me with it.

combo breakers - this is interesting to me. i was playing my buddy who is kind of a masher, and i noticed i did a combo and he broke it. i then tried the same exact combo and he broke it again, same time. then in my head, i remembered how these mechanics worked in this game. so the next time, i changed my autodouble from medium to light, and he got locked out. it's just crazy that these types of mind games are already happening within the first few matches i ever played this game. there is just going to be so many mind games going on in this game that it's going to be ridiculous. it's going to be a stressful game for sure.

counter breaker - i did this twice, on total accident lol. once i was on offense, once the other guy counter broke me and i'm rpetty sure it was on accident. it was cool though when i saw someone else actually DO a counter breaker, and it was when he was about to die too. it was cool seeing him and his brother see that and his brother was wondering how the hell he knew a counter breaker was coming at that point. counter breakers are going to be HYPE as shit when pulled off!

i might be going back there tomorrow too, because it's literally across the street from my friends house, and i was maybe going to go over there at 1pm to watch the redskins game, and they are going to be at the same gamestop from 3:30 to 6:30 tomorrow. if i do go, i'm definitely only playing killer instinct.

if you got any questions feel free to ask.


Dec 12, 2001
Nice write up. I am disappointed that the dpad is terrible even still. I swear I thought this one would be good. I don't know why Microsoft neglects the dpad so much. Makes me sad cause I know a couple people who would love to play killer instinct with me but I feel bad o ly having one stick. I'll buy a multiconsole one later probably.

The game sounds great and I can't wait to see it in person.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Nice write up. I am disappointed that the dpad is terrible even still. I swear I thought this one would be good. I don't know why Microsoft neglects the dpad so much. Makes me sad cause I know a couple people who would love to play killer instinct with me but I feel bad o ly having one stick. I'll buy a multiconsole one later probably.

The game sounds great and I can't wait to see it in person.

well the dpad is good, don't get me wrong, and it's noticably better than the 360 one, i just think it still is ass for this game. but i haven't been able to use pads for fighters in ages. i just think my thumb is too big for the dpad. the dpad feels smaller than the 360 one too now that i think about it.

other people were playing just fine though. it's just a personal preference of mine.


Platinum Member
Feb 12, 2005
Can someone explain to me why all the hype?!?
How is this better than mortal kombat/soul calibre/tekken/DOA/virtua fighter/etc?


Oct 9, 2002
Can someone explain to me why all the hype?!?
How is this better than mortal kombat/soul calibre/tekken/DOA/virtua fighter/etc?

I never liked those other games. Not even a little.

I absolutely LOVED both of the previous KI games.
Oct 19, 2000
Can someone explain to me why all the hype?!?
How is this better than mortal kombat/soul calibre/tekken/DOA/virtua fighter/etc?

1. Nostalgia, another game in the series has been a long time coming.
2. Fantastic coverage of the game from the developer.
3. Looks absolutely fantastic.
4. Sounds absolutely fantastic.
5. Is a launch game for a new console.

Those are the 5 reasons for the hype. As for why it's better? That's subjective.


Dec 12, 2001
Can someone explain to me why all the hype?!?
How is this better than mortal kombat/soul calibre/tekken/DOA/virtua fighter/etc?

This game from all I have read is designed for the fighting game community. It has all the requirements to be the next great competitive fighting game and it is easy enough to get into for newcomers. A lot of other fighting games take themselves seriously to the point that if you are not a fighting game player you can't get I to it because the learning curve and amount of punishment you receive.

Killer instinct is a game people have been wanting for a long time and it was looking as if we would never get.


Dec 12, 2001
I bet these bastards will eventually start trying to sell additional characters later on.

Have you followed anything? You can buy one character at a time if you want or the whole pack. Later on they expect a season two with more characters. You can also buy them in a pack but you do not have to. If you only play as saberwolf you are never locked out for the life of the console, from playing the entire game and against anyone in the lineup.
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Jun 24, 2001
All this talk about Spinal vs. Fulgore as the main character of the series: KI2 says that Jago won the first tournament. No clue who supposedly won the second, but it could also have been Jago. Orchid and Spinal were on the side of the original cabinets. Jago and Orchid were on the cover of the first comic book.

Personally, I still think Fulgore is the series mascot.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2012
This game from all I have read is designed for the fighting game community. It has all the requirements to be the next great competitive fighting game and it is easy enough to get into for newcomers. A lot of other fighting games take themselves seriously to the point that if you are not a fighting game player you can't get I to it because the learning curve and amount of punishment you receive.

So who is the game for then, the fighting game community, which is among the most hardcore crowd, or casuals who don't want a learning curve? There's a bit of a contradiction there.

Personally this game looks very casual-aimed IMO... I doubt it will be at EVO.
Oct 19, 2000
So who is the game for then, the fighting game community, which is among the most hardcore crowd, or casuals who don't want a learning curve? There's a bit of a contradiction there.

The answer to your questions is in the single sentence you didn't bold. It's my opinion that KI, in the past, has been easy for casuals to get in and learn some 20-hit combos and feel bad ass. It's also in-depth enough for fighting game faithful to get in and do 100-hit combos and feel bad ass.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
So who is the game for then, the fighting game community, which is among the most hardcore crowd, or casuals who don't want a learning curve? There's a bit of a contradiction there.

Personally this game looks very casual-aimed IMO... I doubt it will be at EVO.

the game is for people who want to play fighters, beginners and advanced. if you think the game "looks" casual, then you have no clue about the mind games going on in this game. it actually probably has the most mind games out of any fighter to date. most games, once a combo starts, the person doing the combo goes on autopilot and the person getting hit sits there. this is the first game where there are actually mind games going on, in the middle of the combo. it's going to be stressful to play this game the entire match. there are no mental breaks in it like there are other games. there are times in marvel where you, as the person getting attacked, can literally sit there doing nothign for like 20 seconds.

there is also an extensive training mode in this game, that teaches you stuff from very very beginner (how to dash, jump, etc) to some very advanced stuff (how to use frame data, what a frame trap is).

also, the next evo has already been set to be played on microsoft consoles. this is the first year as it's always been sony consoles in the past. so all umvc3, sf4, etc, will be on 360 instead of ps3. you can bet your ass that killer instinct is going to be front and center as well on the xbox1 at evo, and ms is going to be a big reason for that.

ki is being developed/designed by guys who are into fighters and who are actually tournament fighters. there are many minor things they are doing BECAUSE of this. one of the examples of this is that they have a button configuration in the character select screen. you press RB and you can re-map your buttons. and it's the quick button mapping like they had on SNES versions where you just press the button you want for that input, and it moves to the next one in the list. it takes 2 seconds to set your button, and it's in the character select screen. none of that wasted 2-3 minutes before EVERY match at a tourney where you have to do a button check.
Oct 19, 2000
sabrewulf - i used him just once, and i gotta say, playing with a charge (although, not charge anymore in this game - its simply b/f or u/d, without charging) character in this game on the pad was MUCH easier than playing with jago. i could do his moves A LOT easier because its just b/f + attack. and sabrewulf is FFUUNN to play as. he is SUPER aggressive and his moves have SO much priority because they are so fast. like he just stuffs so much shit it seemed like. i was routinely doing 15-20 hit normal combos with him, with actual finishers and not dropping shit. then at the very end, i pulled off a double utlra with him that resulted in 65 hits. the guys running the whole thing hadn't seen that yet so they were pretty hype when i did it, and i happened to be on the setup that was hooked up to the loud speakers so everyone heard it.

So were you able to do this because the combos were the same from past KIs or were you just learning this stuff on the fly from experience? With the line being so deep for the game, I'd imagine you didn't get much time with the game. I don't see how you learn these combos so fast.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
So were you able to do this because the combos were the same from past KIs or were you just learning this stuff on the fly from experience? With the line being so deep for the game, I'd imagine you didn't get much time with the game. I don't see how you learn these combos so fast.

it's just understanding how the mechanics work.

opener - autodouble - linker - autodouble - finisher.

that will land you pretty much a 14-18 hit combo pretty easily regardless who you use, as long as it doesn't get broken. and with sabrewulf, his special moves were easier for me to do with the dpad then jago's were, whichi s why i was struggling with jago.

even though the line was deep, they ended up having 4 stations, which is 8 people at a time. and it was 1 match and done, get back to the end of the line, so you wouldn't be waiting long at all. i did only play as sabrewulf once though lol, and pulled off the 65 hit double ultra the very first time using him . but that was because i've seen videos of how to do double ultras and just understood how to do them, and it really wasn't that hard to do.


Jun 24, 2001
So were you able to do this because the combos were the same from past KIs or were you just learning this stuff on the fly from experience? With the line being so deep for the game, I'd imagine you didn't get much time with the game. I don't see how you learn these combos so fast.
I've never played it or read about it but I figure that I'd learn it pretty fast.

The standard combo system is opener (1-3 hits), auto-double (2-3 hits), linker (2 hits), auto-double (2-3 hits), finisher (3-5 hits), juggle (1-3 hits). That makes ~18 hit combos typical with a combo breaker. Most stand-alone moves work as a opener, linker, or finisher, (often more than one - depends on strength used). The auto-double is not a secret: punch or kick one strength lower than the previous move. Of course, those combos get broken really easily so pro players restrain themselves and switch it up (finish early, use a slappy hit that's not a proper auto-double, end with a non-finisher or brutal hit, etc). The juggle is a particular strength projectile move that rarely requires any special knowledge (Jago's press-release fireball was the odd-ball). Takes a maximum of two times to figure it out except for Jago damned press-release juggle. When you have a combo-breaker under your belt it gets additional hits.
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Dec 12, 2001
So who is the game for then, the fighting game community, which is among the most hardcore crowd, or casuals who don't want a learning curve? There's a bit of a contradiction there.

Personally this game looks very casual-aimed IMO... I doubt it will be at EVO.

It is for both because they want a game that is competitive with all the right elements but is easy enough for people to get into. It's for the FGC in that they want to build the playerbase to larger levels and allow more people the opportunity to experience fighting games in a way that doesn't leave them feeling unwelcome due to the mechanics of the game. Building the player base will also increase the number of people exposed to fighting games and build that community.


Platinum Member
Feb 12, 2005
kind of like street fighter 4, which did not live up to the high expectations.

Also, only 6 playable characters? charging for additional characters? wtf?
M$ is trying to use this to sell the Xbox one, and lots of people will get duped.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 1999
Also, only 6 playable characters?
Initially, then two will be released later as DLC content (for a total of eight.)
charging for additional characters? wtf?
If you are purchasing characters separately, you realize the initial game is free, right? Or you can spend $20 and get all eight characters.
M$ is trying to use this to sell the Xbox one, and lots of people will get duped.
How exactly are people being "duped"??? Unless, like it seems with you, they didn't bother to pay attention.


Dec 12, 2001
kind of like street fighter 4, which did not live up to the high expectations.

Also, only 6 playable characters? charging for additional characters? wtf?
M$ is trying to use this to sell the Xbox one, and lots of people will get duped.

Or lots of people want to play it because it's actually a good game? Couldn't be that
Oct 19, 2000
kind of like street fighter 4, which did not live up to the high expectations.

Also, only 6 playable characters? charging for additional characters? wtf?
M$ is trying to use this to sell the Xbox one, and lots of people will get duped.

Please check out the pricing model for KI before assuming:

It's a very generous pay-for-what-you-want model. The only thing that chart doesn't show is that each character individually is $5, but I can't imagine they'll sell many of those.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
$20 for 8 (6 at launch, 2 in december or early 2014). lets not forget sf2 had 8 characters. i personally like having less characters so that i can get good with everyone like i used to in the old days of sf2 and mk.


Elite Member
Dec 28, 1999
$20 for 8 (6 at launch, 2 in december or early 2014). lets not forget sf2 had 8 characters. i personally like having less characters so that i can get good with everyone like i used to in the old days of sf2 and mk.
Not only that, but when there's dozens of characters to choose from, many of them are hardly different from each other.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
Not only that, but when there's dozens of characters to choose from, many of them are hardly different from each other.

yep that is very true.

ken, ryu, akuma, sagat
zangief, thawk, hakan

in killer instinct, knowing all of the characters is going to be big, so that you know the autodoubles and manuals for your opponent, so you know which combo breaker to attempt to break it or else you gonna get locked out.
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