The official Nintendo NX rumours and wild speculation thread

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Dec 12, 2001
No, no, no. No one "abandoned" Sega.

Not one of you guys have taken a business class, huh? Learn to read balance sheets and do case studies.

Sega did a lot right when it came to appeasing its audience, both developers and you pointed your last paragraph doesn't even align with Sega's story. Sega failed due to mismanaged business practices, pure and simple. The Dreamcast was well received, sold well, and had a bright future. McDonalds can have as many sales per day as people in the United States, but bad business and financial decisions can put anyone out of business. Never had an uncle that had a decent amount of cash flow and somehow managed to lose it all?

For the rest of you who think its "weird" that Nintendo is still around...yeah, they're still around...with 18 Billion USD on hand and 0 debt. Sony's entire net worth is 17.7 billion (including their electronics, entertainment, and various other divisions). Nintendo isn't exactly the underdog when it comes to resources on hand.

Nintendo's "problem" is that they play it safe, and truly, LEARNED from Sega's mistake. Nintendo takes very careful, calculated decisions, putting out consoles and games that will turn them a profit even *if* they don't sell in the multi-millions. Why would they go appeasing gamers and developers if all of their employees go home with raises and bonuses year after year? They're not catering to *you*....but they're stable, and they're not going anywhere. Will they relive their past glory of golden age gaming? Doubt it. That kind of magic won't return as Miyamoto gets older, softer, and more out of touch with western tastes.

Sony is bending over backwards, deciding to continue to sell hardware at losses, gambling with game sales to reap profits...they're making the risky ventures. Exciting...and possibly could lead to their downfall. We've seen this exact scenario before, and oh how quickly people forget.

Except Sony(playstation) is selling hardware and Games as is Microsoft(xbox). Nintendo isn't selling console hardware or games nearly enough to compete.

See your line of thinking is why Nintendo sucks currently. You think they should sit on their hands all the time and make "careful" decisions? That's why nearly the whole game development industry abandoned them. Their decision making process is too archaic for today's standards. They're too closed and really don't listen to industry trends at all. If they did they would be sitting on a console selling 10million units in a couple months.

Also yes, developers abandoned Sega for the most part. All the big games were going to be on another platform. I remember a friend having a Dreamcase but didn't get his hands on a PS2 and I distinctly remember him complaining that all the games he is interested in are coming to PS2 and not Dreamcast.

Anyway back on topic here a bit, Nintendo's next system is supposed to not really be a replacement for the WiiU or 3DS, whatever that means. If this means they'll have two different home consoles I don't know what to say...I mean that's just boneheaded IMO. Also they keep using the team "brand new concept" which to me sounds like a catchphrase for "new gimmick we hope people will buy" and since they aren't calling it a WiiU replacement I'm betting they just don't want people to be mad who bought the WiiU with it's pitiful library.
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Nov 20, 2005
.but Gamecube a beast?

Sure. More power than a PS2 and did somethings better than the Xbox that was like twice the size.

Their decision making process is too archaic for today's standards. They're too closed and really don't listen to industry trends at all.

And yet if they had a real Zelda game and a Mario (kart) game ready to launch with the Wii U we are probably singing a different song today.

Nintendo's problem isn't that their model doesn't match some Western achievement driven rat race, the problem is that they are failing THEIR OWN MODEL. Nintendo's bread and butter is a mix of new IP and traditional IP. Their problem is that they have been slow getting out games with the old IP, and the new IP they created during the Wii era (Sports, Fit, etc.) are pretty much worthless today.

I don't want them to try to move up to the scale of the PS4 and Xbone for that reason- it is obvious that they have problems using all the power of the Wii U in first party titles! They will never make a game with the scale of the hundred million dollar Grand Theft Autos, they can't. And that is fine as long as the games we do get are great.

Do like Capcom did with Mega Man 9, or Square did with FF4 The After Years! Give us a badass side-scrolling Super Mario 4 on a $100 console. I would sign up for that. And it wouldn't compete directly with the Wii U.
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Lil Frier

Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2013
I take the fact it's not a Wii U or 3DS replacement to mean that they want a hybrid experience. Think a PS4+Vita combo, or a Wii U+tablet where the tablet doesn't need to be within 30 feet to be functional. At least, that's what I hope for. Get a consistent experience, get the games to be available on the go and in the home. I know I've hated that my Wii U lacks a Pokémon Stadium reincarnation, same for Fire Emblem. Maybe they're thinking Windows 10 on a smaller scale, where they focus on unifying their gaming experiences so the home and handheld aren't such widely varied experiences that lead to software gaps on each.


Senior member
Nov 27, 2012
Sure. More power than a PS2 and did somethings better than the Xbox that was like twice the size.

To call it a power house is a stretch. I am not even going to touch that PS2 thing, I could tell you're a big Nintendo fan!


Nov 20, 2005
To call it a power house is a stretch. I am not even going to touch that PS2 thing, I could tell you're a big Nintendo fan!

I guess you could call me a Gamecube fan, I picked one up at the end of its life (like when it went for $99 with a game) and ended up really liking it.

And I know it wasn't quite the Xbox, but it certainly had more power than the PS2.


Senior member
Nov 27, 2012
I guess you could call me a Gamecube fan, I picked one up at the end of its life (like when it went for $99 with a game) and ended up really liking it.

And I know it wasn't quite the Xbox, but it certainly had more power than the PS2.

Dont worry. I only had a Dreamcast that my neighbour(and friend) mostly played while I looked along. I rather to spectate.
That neighbour had a Gamecube and I loved Metroid Prime and thought it looked fantastic and Mario Sunshine was fun. So I got no beef with the Gamecube.
In the final leg of the PS2 life a roommate had one. I was actually surprised at how good some of the games looked on that. Resident Evil 4 comes to mind.
I briefly had an Xbox also and Ninja Gaidan was pure eye candy.

I think I need to call up that neighbour now and see if he still has his Gamecube. I doubt it though. He dumped his NES stash at my house some 14 years ago because he knew I would keep is safe for him.
I acquired a master system in my teens from another friend in nearly the same manner.


Dec 12, 2001
Sure. More power than a PS2 and did somethings better than the Xbox that was like twice the size.

And yet if they had a real Zelda game and a Mario (kart) game ready to launch with the Wii U we are probably singing a different song today.

Nintendo's problem isn't that their model doesn't match some Western achievement driven rat race, the problem is that they are failing THEIR OWN MODEL. Nintendo's bread and butter is a mix of new IP and traditional IP. Their problem is that they have been slow getting out games with the old IP, and the new IP they created during the Wii era (Sports, Fit, etc.) are pretty much worthless today.

I don't want them to try to move up to the scale of the PS4 and Xbone for that reason- it is obvious that they have problems using all the power of the Wii U in first party titles! They will never make a game with the scale of the hundred million dollar Grand Theft Autos, they can't. And that is fine as long as the games we do get are great.

Do like Capcom did with Mega Man 9, or Square did with FF4 The After Years! Give us a badass side-scrolling Super Mario 4 on a $100 console. I would sign up for that. And it wouldn't compete directly with the Wii U.

Nope, it doesn't matter what you have at launch or whatever as those games only matter until people complete them or move on from them. I had a WiiU and that's exactly what happened. Once I finished the couple games I wanted to play I sold it because nothing else looked interesting at all at the time. See...there is no third party support. Look at the games over the last couple years and you'll see that most of the big ones aren't exclusives at all and that most of them never appear on Nintendo hardware. Also look at the release list for the next year or so. Last time I checked there was 5 WiiU titles. Just 5. There's just simply not enough coming to the console. A lot of it goes back to the fact that Japanese developers have fallen flat over the last several years. Companies like Square-Enix do better publishing other developer's titles than developing their own sometimes. Konami is moving on to a mobile only developer etc. That's probably due to the way Japanese gamers play their games these days, but the rest of the world spends billions every year on new games. Couple that with a horrid online system and that's where the WiiU is right now. Nintendo isn't going to get my support for a key title or two every time they have a new console. I need more than that.
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Sep 10, 2003
Nope, it doesn't matter what you have at launch or whatever. See...there is no third party support. Look at the games over the last couple years and you'll see that most of the big ones aren't exclusives at all and that most of them never appear on Nintendo hardware.

If Nintendo released a very slightly upgraded ps4 spec from amd in 2017 and gave reference systems to developers with industry standard licensing agreements, they would have tons of 3rd party titles at launch. It would be trivially easy to port to it because it would only be slightly different from the ps4 and Xbox1Xbox1. If it's faster, then a direct port would require less effort than porting to Xbox.

If Zelda and starfox were put out for the Wii u and nx, I don't think there would be too big a fan backlash, and it would show outside dedevelopers that there would be popular 1st party titles at launch and coming out soon.
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Dec 12, 2001
If Nintendo released a very slightly upgraded ps4 spec from amd in 2017 and gave reference systems to developers with industry standard licensing agreements, they would have tons of 3rd party titles at launch. It would be trivially easy to port to it because it would only be slightly different from the ps4 and Xbox1Xbox1. If it's faster, then a direct port would require less effort than porting to Xbox.

That's not what is going to happen though and they still have the issue of an online infrastructure.

Another thing is they are still looked upon by some as "the system for the kids" and they don't try to shake that image. Especially when they neglect things like voice chat in a multiplayer based shooter game (splatoon). Nintendo claims it's because players online are too negative. we need Nintendo to be the internet police because we're not smart enough to mute and report bad players. That's almost as bad as not allowing Blood in Mortal Kombat on SNES.


Sep 10, 2003
Yeah it probably won't happen, but it would be their best move.

Regarding voice chat, that's for their own internal IP. they wouldn't block 3rd parties, given that they included cod.


Senior member
Aug 18, 2008
Nintendo doesn't have a good history of working well with 3rd party devs.

Basically, during the NES, SNES era, when they were the market leader, they limited third party devs to only 3-5 games per year, required huge royalties, and were unreliable at best to be counted on for promoting your game through mediums they controlled like Nintendo Power. They were total jerks! Many 3rd party devs only made games for Genesis instead of porting to Nintendo's SNES, since dealing with Nintendo was just so difficult.

Nintendo was still pulling their bully BS when Sony came onto the scene with the Playstation, and during the N64 vs PS1 era, they lost a LOT of support.

During the PS2 vs Xbox vs Gamecube vs Dreamcast era, it was Sony and Microsoft that most aggressively courted 3rd party developers to their platforms. During GDC 2000 it was noted that Microsoft and Sony were handing out dev kits like hotcakes and enthusiastically trying to get 3rd party devs support, while Nintendo was like "F*ck you guys, dev on a high end PC, and we'll tell you stuff about the system when we get around to it".

With no 3rd party dev support, the Dreamcast sophisticated under huge gaps in their release schedule, having far less big games hit through the year vs their competition (PS2 in particular). Add in piracy as a cherry on top, and they were done. Nintendo's Gamecube scared up hardly ANY 3rd party dev support, and Nintendo lost a HUGE amount of marketshare.

The Wii U still continues with Nintendo's typical BS. Hard to dev for system, provided horrible support to devs who supported their system early on (broken dev kits, poor, slow support from Nintendo), bullshit publishing rules that made Indy development unprofitable and frustrating. To third parties, it was the same old impossible to work with bully. So all the big publishers went "Enough is enough Nintendo, we're not even going to bother making our middleware work with your BS system this time", and the little Indie devs went "Steam and Sony, and Microsoft want our games, you just make things hard for us", and the entire game industry basically gave Nintendo the middle finger and abandoned the Wii U for dead.

I really hope Nintendo learned a lesson with the Wii U...


Dec 12, 2001
Yeah it probably won't happen, but it would be their best move.

Regarding voice chat, that's for their own internal IP. they wouldn't block 3rd parties, given that they included cod.

It's still something that they need to get their head out of their ass with. It's expected that voice chat is standard in a multiplayer game and their reason for keeping it out is not convincing.
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Sep 4, 2005
It's still something that they need to get their head out of their ass with. It's expected that voice chat is standard in a multiplayer game and their reason for keeping it out is not convincing.

I'm glad Nintendo keeps voice chat out of their games. My kids can play Nintendo games and I don't have to worry about what they're hearing. If I want voice chat I'll play on my PC or PS3. They're right, there's a lot of negative and disrespectful people that you have deal with when voice chat is involved. I'm certainly smart enough to mute people I don't want to hear, but a lot of us don't want to deal with that in the first place, especially those of us with kids. I'm not sure how that argument isn't convincing, it makes perfect sense.

For some reason this thread has turned into people arguing that a Nintendo console should be just like an XBOX or Playstation. I'm happy to have an alternative and I hope they don't change. Do you really need a third console to play COD on?


Jan 8, 2010
I find this line of conversation interesting. The same ones blasting Nintendo for the way they are doing things are the ones that gave MS and Sony all the leeway in the way they were doing things. I'm sorry, but Sony and MS have really dropped the ball this gen too. It was all about rushing out the consoles, with very little content. It really surprises me that they've sold as well as they have. Most people I know with any of the 3 are gathering dust while they play PC. (or they still play 360/PS3). It would do them all well to slow down, and not announce games until further along in development.

I guess there is the indie stuff coming to the stores, but that is really about it. Overall there is much less 3rd party support on any of them, and even less first party. 3DS is the same way. When half of your catalog is re-releases/half-@assed HD re-releases for the 4th time of the same game, it's time to re-evaluate what you are trying to accomplish. Sadly, most people STILL buy this stuff over and over.

I simply refuse to continuously rebuy the same games over and over on new consoles. I'll pirate the old versions and play on an emulator if I feel I just have to play something again, but I'm not giving any more dimes to the same that new megaman collection coming out that is less games than the LAST time it was released 10 years ago (and we are expected to be excited about it?)
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Dec 12, 2001
I'm glad Nintendo keeps voice chat out of their games. My kids can play Nintendo games and I don't have to worry about what they're hearing. If I want voice chat I'll play on my PC or PS3. They're right, there's a lot of negative and disrespectful people that you have deal with when voice chat is involved. I'm certainly smart enough to mute people I don't want to hear, but a lot of us don't want to deal with that in the first place, especially those of us with kids. I'm not sure how that argument isn't convincing, it makes perfect sense.

For some reason this thread has turned into people arguing that a Nintendo console should be just like an XBOX or Playstation. I'm happy to have an alternative and I hope they don't change. Do you really need a third console to play COD on?

You know what you do? Don't connect the headset or force it to mute all. That's obviously too hard for people, or Nintendo thinks everyone is 8 years old. The demographic that spends the most money on games will use voice chat and all that. Keeping it out because someone may hear a word they don't like is a pathetic excuse.

It's not like everyone wants CoD on a 3rd system (4th if you count PC). It's that they want a reason to care about the system at all. At least it's that way for me. Without 3rd party support, without a solid network, without voice chat it's always going to sit on the shelf in the store rather than be hooked up to my TV. I don't even think I could buy a WiiU for Zelda...that's only one game that I'll probably finish in a couple weeks and never touch the console again.
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Dec 12, 2001
I find this line of conversation interesting. The same ones blasting Nintendo for the way they are doing things are the ones that gave MS and Sony all the leeway in the way they were doing things. I'm sorry, but Sony and MS have really dropped the ball this gen too. It was all about rushing out the consoles, with very little content. It really surprises me that they've sold as well as they have. Most people I know with any of the 3 are gathering dust while they play PC. (or they still play 360/PS3). It would do them all well to slow down, and not announce games until further along in development.

I guess there is the indie stuff coming to the stores, but that is really about it. Overall there is much less 3rd party support on any of them, and even less first party. 3DS is the same way. When half of your catalog is re-releases/half-@assed HD re-releases for the 4th time of the same game, it's time to re-evaluate what you are trying to accomplish. Sadly, most people STILL buy this stuff over and over.

I simply refuse to continuously rebuy the same games over and over on new consoles. I'll pirate the old versions and play on an emulator if I feel I just have to play something again, but I'm not giving any more dimes to the same that new megaman collection coming out that is less games than the LAST time it was released 10 years ago (and we are expected to be excited about it?)

The difference is they have games releasing all the time for their consoles. Nintendo does not. Even if you don't like the games, the library is much larger and that entices people. There's more to choose from.
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Sep 4, 2005
You know what you do? Don't connect the headset or force it to mute all. That's obviously too hard for people, or Nintendo thinks everyone is 8 years old. The demographic that spends the most money on games will use voice chat and all that. Keeping it out because someone may hear a word they don't like is a pathetic excuse.

It's not like everyone wants CoD on a 3rd system (4th if you count PC). It's that they want a reason to care about the system at all. At least it's that way for me. Without 3rd party support, without a solid network, without voice chat it's always going to sit on the shelf in the store rather than be hooked up to my TV. I don't even think I could buy a WiiU for Zelda...that's only one game that I'll probably finish in a couple weeks and never touch the console again.

No, it's not a pathetic excuse, it's a valid reason, you just don't like it. If a game uses voice chat and you choose not to then you are at a distinct disadvantage, if the game doesn't use voice chat at all then it's a level playing field. That much should be obvious. It doesn't mean that Nintendo doesn't know what they're doing or that they think you're too stupid to mute someone, it's a conscious decision.

There's a bunch of great games on the WiiU right now, but it sounds like you don't like most of them. That's fine, it just means the WiiU isn't the right system for you. You already have a PC, XBOX, and Playstation that does everything that you want. You're not going to buy a Nintendo console unless it does everything that those 3 systems do as well, we get it.

Fallen Kell

Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Agreed. Nintendo isn't getting a huge installed base on a traditional home console ever again. Just look at the Dreamcast. Look at all the lessons Sega learned from the Saturn. With the Dreamcast they made a powerful system, made it cost effective, easy to program. Hell they bent over backwards so crazy for developers they even partnered with Microsoft for some Windows tools on the thing. Right out the gate they came blasting with Soul Calibur and Sonic Adventure, what Xtreme should have been. And in the brief two years the system existed it just kept hammering out quality titles one after the other like crazy.

if you piss off developers and gamers long enough, eventually they'll abandon you for good. I think that's more or less what Nintendo has done. And somehow I highly doubt they're even truly ready to learn from all their mistakes like Sega was.

You have your reasoning entirely wrong for the death of the Dreamcast. It wasn't that third party developers were pissed because of lack of tools, or easy ports, or insane custom in-house-only constraints of a powerful system. The problem was publishers would not release games for a console that was completely and utterly hacked due to horrible security. There was not a single Dreamcast game that could not be ripped, run through a quick program, and burned to a standard blank DVD and played just like the original disk. Even if you didn't want to "rent" a game to rip it yourself, rips were posted all over the internet for every game released...


Dec 12, 2001
No, it's not a pathetic excuse, it's a valid reason, you just don't like it. If a game uses voice chat and you choose not to then you are at a distinct disadvantage, if the game doesn't use voice chat at all then it's a level playing field. That much should be obvious. It doesn't mean that Nintendo doesn't know what they're doing or that they think you're too stupid to mute someone, it's a conscious decision.

There's a bunch of great games on the WiiU right now, but it sounds like you don't like most of them. That's fine, it just means the WiiU isn't the right system for you. You already have a PC, XBOX, and Playstation that does everything that you want. You're not going to buy a Nintendo console unless it does everything that those 3 systems do as well, we get it.

There's no disadvantage to mute players if you don't wanna talk. That's an excuse. I've played Battlefield many times with no voice chat enabled, also CoD before, Titanfall, Halo, Destiny.

I had a WiiU and like I said when the games I wanted to play were done it would have sat so rather than that I sold it. It would definitely benefit from the things I listed, voice chat included.
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Golden Member
Jun 9, 2004
There's no disadvantage to mute players if you don't wanna talk. That's an excuse. I've played Battlefield many times with no voice chat enabled, also CoD before, Halo, Destiny.

The disadvantage he's trying to articulate is that you are muted while the other team has the advantage of voice chat. I personally don't take video games serious enough to ever wear a headset, so my team is always at a disadvantage because they have a member who isn't receiving or transmitting voice commands. All other things being equal, if my team doesn't use voice chat and the other team does, the team using voice chat is going to win.


Dec 12, 2001
The disadvantage he's trying to articulate is that you are muted while the other team has the advantage of voice chat. I personally don't take video games serious enough to ever wear a headset, so my team is always at a disadvantage because they have a member who isn't receiving or transmitting voice commands. All other things being equal, if my team doesn't use voice chat and the other team does, the team using voice chat is going to win.

Not necessarily. I never felt a difference because when I did use a headset we talked about stuff unrelated to the game anyhow.


Golden Member
Jun 9, 2004
Not necessarily. I never felt a difference because when I did use a headset we talked about stuff unrelated to the game anyhow.'re complaining that Nintendo doesn't allow you to have voice chats with fellow players on topics unrelated to the game? I mean ... I respect the fact that you enjoy such chats with randos on their Nintendos, but I'd hardly call it a pressing issue for Nintendo to address...

It's pretty clear that *you* personally, don't like what Nintendo has been doing and like voice chats in the game. That's a completely fine, fair opinion to have.

On the voice chat issue, however, it is not fair to say that Nintendo's reasoning for leaving voice chat out of competitive multiplayer games is "not convincing." I understand people have different tastes, but mine, personally, coincide with Nintendo's on this issue. I think the issue they articulated is that when voice chat is in the game, you will sometimes run into matches against an opposing team which is heavily coordinated using voice chat to assist them in communication. For me, those games aren't fun because you're just getting rolled.

So they made a design decision to not include voice chat in the game to reduce the likelihood that a casual player runs into that scenario. I respect the fact that many people don't like that, but at the same time I *do* like that. As someone who doesn't use voice chat, it means I will more likely be on even footing with opposing teams. They're catering to casuals, no doubt about it, but there's plenty of games out their that cater toward serious gamers, so let's just let casuals like me have this one (I assume we're talking about Splatoon!)?
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