The official Nintendo NX rumours and wild speculation thread


Senior member
Jan 19, 2011
AMD has announced a couple new semicustom wins expected to ramp up in 2016, and it wouldn't shock me if one of those was for the NX. Probably a new SoC w/ K12 cores.

(I have no insider info on this one, except that the K12 is supposed to be a very high performance ARM core).


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
Maybe this time they will learn that power does matter. Yes create your terrific first party titles that is fine, but stop doing it on Texas instruments level hardware.


Sep 20, 2007
Maybe this time they will learn that power does matter. Yes create your terrific first party titles that is fine, but stop doing it on Texas instruments level hardware.

I get Nintendo's logic on keeping the price affordable for families, but low powered custom hardware has made third party ports more difficult than it needs to be.

It's really only a recent phenomenon though. All Nintendo systems up until the Gamecube were as or more powerful than their rivals. Then with the Wii they went half a generation behind, and the Wii U a full generation. From what I've read about the Wii U's development process, there's a major disconnect between Nintendo's executives and what everyone else is doing. They want to build small, quiet systems that won't bother mom. They also want to build systems that appeal primarily to a Japanese audience rather than a global one. So they tend to ignore what the industry as a whole has been doing. I do like that they're doing different things than what Sony and Microsoft are doing, but it definitely has hurt them at times.

Nintendo's number one priority for the NX needs to be working with third party AAA and indie developers and mending that relationship.


Nov 20, 2005
Maybe this time they will learn that power does matter. Yes create your terrific first party titles that is fine, but stop doing it on Texas instruments level hardware.

It see it going the other way-

Nintendo makes a low-cost ARM console for a cheaper price.

Everyone forgets that Nintendo makes money on each Wii U sold. They won't take a loss on hardware, which means ARM.


Dec 12, 2001
It see it going the other way-

Nintendo makes a low-cost ARM console for a cheaper price.

Everyone forgets that Nintendo makes money on each Wii U sold. They won't take a loss on hardware, which means ARM.

More like Nintendo gets forgotten. You can't compete when all the 3rd parties go elsewhere. Look at the release list for this year. There's like two more games coming and neither of them are going to sell systems.

At this point I don't even care what Nintendo does. They take too long to bring out games and when they do, it's when the hardware is nearly EOL.


Nov 20, 2005
More like Nintendo gets forgotten. You can't compete when all the 3rd parties go elsewhere.

That is kinda my point. I mean look at what it would take to get back third party developers:

-Hardware up to PS4/Xbone standards (which means maybe losing money per console)
-Build some sort of online network for gamers to play on
-Dump tons into marketing so that your platform has a good user base
-Get your own developers to use that level of power and show how its done day one

That is a list of stuff so far beyond Nintendo's current competencies it's not even funny. There is no way they can catch up to be a viable replacement option to say a PS4.

So the best path is to be a SUPPLEMENT, aka the cheap sub-$200 console you put next to the PS4 just to play Zelda/Mario games and classic games.

ARM is the way to get there.


Nov 27, 2001
It seems strange that the rumored reasoning for Nintendo using Android is to pull in developers, but how is that going to pull in AAA developers? AAA developers most likely don't care so much about the OS, but they want to see development tools that make their life easier. When I saw remarks about Android, the only thing that came to mind was courting the indie developers, but they aren't the ones that are going to sell your home console.


Dec 12, 2001
It seems strange that the rumored reasoning for Nintendo using Android is to pull in developers, but how is that going to pull in AAA developers? AAA developers most likely don't care so much about the OS, but they want to see development tools that make their life easier. When I saw remarks about Android, the only thing that came to mind was courting the indie developers, but they aren't the ones that are going to sell your home console.

Maybe they can get in bed with Nvidia cause their Shield platform is Android based.

Although developers aren't flocking to that platform either. Microsoft's DX and Sony's API are supposed to be very similar to eachother and easy to use for developers. Both teams have great support for developers wanting to leverage the console's respective strengths. That's the real difference. Nintendo is still living in a time when everything has to be approved by the chain of command.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2006
I just hope they don't pull the same stunt they pulled last time and release the new Zelda on the Wii U instead of pushing it back to release it on the new console...that would piss me to oblivion.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
at this point i don't even know what nintendo could do to get me to buy another console of theirs at launch. they've pretty much been irrelevant to me since i bought into the hype of the wii.

i really wish they would just go third party and make games only for the better consoles, but we all know that will never happen. they are too stuck in their old ways.


Senior member
Nov 18, 2007
AMD has announced a couple new semicustom wins expected to ramp up in 2016, and it wouldn't shock me if one of those was for the NX. Probably a new SoC w/ K12 cores.

(I have no insider info on this one, except that the K12 is supposed to be a very high performance ARM core).

IIRC their custom arm core were delayed to 2017.

I personally think they should go x86. That would probably make porting a little bit easier between the 3 consoles which should entice AAA developers. If they want to tap the android market for indie developers then there's android for x86. Win-win if you ask me


Sep 20, 2007
It see it going the other way-

Nintendo makes a low-cost ARM console for a cheaper price.

Everyone forgets that Nintendo makes money on each Wii U sold. They won't take a loss on hardware, which means ARM.

ARM isn't a terrible choice since games are less CPU dependent than they were in the past. That's how the PS4 and XB1 get away with what are essentially low powered notebook chips. Kabini's single core performance is on par with the Snapdragon 800 series.

It really depends on what GPU they chose. Latte is rumoured to be a modified Radeon HD 4650, which was already four years old when the Wii U came out.

Nintendo should consider partnering with Nvidia to use 64-bit Tegra cores paired with a more powerful GPU. I'm sure they'd be willing to cut some deals after losing the console market to AMD. I agree with Zebrax that they should go x86 to streamline third party porting.

Then again, we're assuming the NX is a TV top console. It may end up being something completely different.

According to IGN, Nintendo has denied that the NX will use Android.

That's typical of them though. Much like when they denied a successor to the Wii was in development back in 2010, and then unveiled the Wii U a year later.


Jun 23, 2005
That is kinda my point. I mean look at what it would take to get back third party developers:

-Hardware up to PS4/Xbone standards (which means maybe losing money per console)
-Build some sort of online network for gamers to play on
-Dump tons into marketing so that your platform has a good user base
-Get your own developers to use that level of power and show how its done day one

That is a list of stuff so far beyond Nintendo's current competencies it's not even funny. There is no way they can catch up to be a viable replacement option to say a PS4.

So the best path is to be a SUPPLEMENT, aka the cheap sub-$200 console you put next to the PS4 just to play Zelda/Mario games and classic games.

ARM is the way to get there.

Agreed. Nintendo isn't getting a huge installed base on a traditional home console ever again. Just look at the Dreamcast. Look at all the lessons Sega learned from the Saturn. With the Dreamcast they made a powerful system, made it cost effective, easy to program. Hell they bent over backwards so crazy for developers they even partnered with Microsoft for some Windows tools on the thing. Right out the gate they came blasting with Soul Calibur and Sonic Adventure, what Xtreme should have been. And in the brief two years the system existed it just kept hammering out quality titles one after the other like crazy.

if you piss off developers and gamers long enough, eventually they'll abandon you for good. I think that's more or less what Nintendo has done. And somehow I highly doubt they're even truly ready to learn from all their mistakes like Sega was.

Lil Frier

Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2013
I really like the Wii U's concept with the tablet, using it for remote play. I thought that they should have dumped the tablet and made the 3DS their remote play peripheral, a la the Vita'/Vita TV's remote play functionality.

So, they've not really said if the NX will be a home or handheld offering, instead making it sound like it could be involved on both ends. Due to that, I'm hoping they do something like I suggested. Make a Wii U home console successor, while simultaneously presenting a 3DS successor that ties in as a remote play handheld. Turn it into a multi-functional platform that can also tie together for a good experience at home. Better hardware for better graphics/performance, new UI (because the Wii U's rather obnoxious to navigate), and a legitimate networking solution for online play (including voice chat). In a perfect world, they'd even make the handheld tie-in capable of remote play online with those on the home console.

Basically, something like Windows 10 Mobile and Continuum, mixed with the Wii U tablet, but in a DS/3DS form factor.


Jun 3, 2011
+1 for "nintendo?"

it is my understanding that the Wii left people disappointed; so, who's exactly looking at this next console with anticipation?

not from AT i mean, people here love new hardware just because, but i mean of the old N fanatics, and also of the new generation of players who do not have a history with nintendo .. are they not all involved in the XBOXX VS PEESSS war?


Golden Member
Jan 31, 2006
By the time the new Nintendo console launches they should have no problem pulling a profit off the hardware sale and still making something 2-3x faster than the PS4 and Xbone. First party exclusives, a console that can render true 1080p/60 and even offer 4k gaming...should make for a pretty strong argument to get one, since the PS4/Xbone gang will be stuck with their medicore hardware for many more years to come. Nintendo just needs to lure the AAA guys back into making games for their system and it should be a home run.


No Lifer
Sep 13, 2001
By the time the new Nintendo console launches they should have no problem pulling a profit off the hardware sale and still making something 2-3x faster than the PS4 and Xbone. First party exclusives, a console that can render true 1080p/60 and even offer 4k gaming...should make for a pretty strong argument to get one, since the PS4/Xbone gang will be stuck with their medicore hardware for many more years to come. Nintendo just needs to lure the AAA guys back into making games for their system and it should be a home run.

i don't think anyone on this board gives a crap if nintendo pulls a profit or not, it's irrelevant to enjoying a console. unless you own stock in them, it means nothing for the most part.

you're also giving nintendo WWWAAYYYY too much credit in the hardware area. the wii-u wasn't even more powerful than the ps3/360 by hardly any margin, and you think they are going to make something 2-3x more powerful than ps4 and x1? yeah ... i don't see that happening.

Lil Frier

Platinum Member
Oct 3, 2013
By the time the new Nintendo console launches they should have no problem pulling a profit off the hardware sale and still making something 2-3x faster than the PS4 and Xbone. First party exclusives, a console that can render true 1080p/60 and even offer 4k gaming...should make for a pretty strong argument to get one, since the PS4/Xbone gang will be stuck with their medicore hardware for many more years to come. Nintendo just needs to lure the AAA guys back into making games for their system and it should be a home run.

You're making it sound like hardware power is the only reason Nintendo's left out in the cold. It's also because they're using a different CPU architecture, they didn't build any meaningful gaming network (for online multiplayer like CoD and BF), they are still functioning with highly atypical input hardware (WiiMotion Plus and the GamePad), and they're generally nightmarish to work with, if you're a third-party developer.

In fact, wasn't an article linked on this forum last year about the issues of developing for a Nintendo platform? It talked about trying to get help from Nintendo support, which took weeks to get a response from because those answering the questions didn't speak English, and that meant having the questions and answers translated by another party, among other problems.


Platinum Member
Oct 21, 2012
You're making it sound like hardware power is the only reason Nintendo's left out in the cold. It's also because they're using a different CPU architecture, they didn't build any meaningful gaming network (for online multiplayer like CoD and BF), they are still functioning with highly atypical input hardware (WiiMotion Plus and the GamePad), and they're generally nightmarish to work with, if you're a third-party developer.

In fact, wasn't an article linked on this forum last year about the issues of developing for a Nintendo platform? It talked about trying to get help from Nintendo support, which took weeks to get a response from because those answering the questions didn't speak English, and that meant having the questions and answers translated by another party, among other problems.

Odd, I thought Japanese students were also taught English in their schools.

I'd like to see Nintendo go the Compute Stick route in the future. Utilize a small, low power system that just plugs into the tv, perhaps utilizing a future Tegra design, or even a custom SoC design with a massive gpu based on Rogue or it's successor. Throw in some HBM and a few Cortex A-72s and call it a day. This form factor would suit the secondary console role well, and be inexpensive to produce. With the above specs, while it still pales compared to the current consoles, it is a well balanced system capable of providing excellent NPR (non-photo realistic) visuals as is common on the Nintendo platform, and leverages the low power nature of the SoC to differentiate itself from "big-box" consoles.

For Nintendo, attempting to outgun the other consoles on hardware specs is a mistake. However, robust online multiplayer infrastructure was needed years ago, not to mention dev support. Nail these points, and a successful console may be in the cards.


Mar 9, 2010
IIRC their custom arm core were delayed to 2017.

I personally think they should go x86. That would probably make porting a little bit easier between the 3 consoles which should entice AAA developers. If they want to tap the android market for indie developers then there's android for x86. Win-win if you ask me

I don't see Nintendo going x86 - it doesn't make much sense to me.
Third parties on Nintendo consoles are finished. They have struggled to attracted them over the past 20 years except for niche titles.

By going x86 they would be tying themselves to a company that is struggling to stay afloat - Intel as a backup plan isn't something that a company like Nintendo would consider as they wouldn't be willing to pay the Intel premium.

ARM makes perfect sense - especially with the explosion in SoC power over the last 5 years. If Nintendo stays in the console business(or whatever the NX turns out to be) then they could get a custom high-end ARM chip, probably from AMD, and could choose from a huge range of mobile chips for their next portable.


Senior member
May 11, 2012
I don't see Nintendo going x86 - it doesn't make much sense to me.
Third parties on Nintendo consoles are finished. They have struggled to attracted them over the past 20 years except for niche titles.

By going x86 they would be tying themselves to a company that is struggling to stay afloat - Intel as a backup plan isn't something that a company like Nintendo would consider as they wouldn't be willing to pay the Intel premium.

ARM makes perfect sense - especially with the explosion in SoC power over the last 5 years. If Nintendo stays in the console business(or whatever the NX turns out to be) then they could get a custom high-end ARM chip, probably from AMD, and could choose from a huge range of mobile chips for their next portable.

Why not just grab a Tegra? Besides, AMD's already serving Microsoft and Sony with customized x64 variants.
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