** The OFFICIAL TeAm AnandTech "Meet your TeAmmates" thread....EVERYONE! Update: Poof posted! :D


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Well, with all the new TeAmmates on ALL the projects over the last 8 months or more, I think it's time to start a thread to post a little about yourself. You can make it as long (Smokeball ) or as short as you like....I'll start:

My name is Robert...I'm 33 years old...I'm been married for 11 years to Teresa (met my first year in college) and have two children, 8 and 2 (Katelyn and Kara). I am an Electrical Engineer specializing in design and programming of industrial controls for an automotive tubing manufacturer in the tooling division. I graduated from the University of Kentucky in 1993 with a BSEE and still reside in Lexington. My interests...I really love my wife and kids, PC hardware and software (lots), UK basketball and, of course...SETI@Home (RC5 and ECCp too). and......I drive a black 1996 Dodge Intrepid (I bought it new and it still has the original tires...76,500 miles and counting :Q)!

Oh...and I've lost 34 pounds in the last 3 months (really! :Q)....I can't afford FOOD with all these PC's running!

1st computer was a Radio Shack handheld model with BASIC. Bought a BASIC book and started writing small programs...loved it...1983. My dad then bought me a Radio Shack Color Computer (CoCo)....learned BASIC and Assembly on that little unit...and moved on the the Model 4 TRS-80. My first true PC was purchased by my grandpa in 1987....a Tandy 1000SX with 384K of memory, dual floppy drives and Tandy Graphics/Sound. Upgraded that same year with a 20 MEG HD ($379.00) and ISA IDE controller board . Since I had a PC with WordPerfect (spell check ) and could type 70 WPM, I made a decent living in college typing papers for a buck a page! My grandpa died that year, but had made me promise to graduate if he bought me that PC. I quit school in Jan. 2000...but it was this promise that took me back...and I'm so glad I did!

My first purchased PC was a Packard Bell 486SX 25MHz (WooooHoooo )......100Meg drive, 8Megs mem..VGA....I was in Heaven...but my wife didn't appreciate it....so she sent me to *ell! :Q...I had to purchase here a Sectional Couch to make up for it!

Now have 11 PC's at home....some not finished....but in progress.! I love CHEAP PC's and hot deals!

more..more...more! :Q


(I'm curious....spill the beans)!


Administrator Emeritus<br>Elite Member
Feb 18, 2001
/me waves at everyone

I am Evadman. My real name is Dave ( just in case you don't want to open my profile =P ) I am 22 years old, and live in the suburbs of chicago. I have been into computers since I was a little boy. my first computer was a HeathKit that I built to teach myself how to solder. I used to work at Home Depot, but got fired for stealing $240,000 worth of computer equipment because I caught the SETI bug. I now have all that equipment running SETI for the TeAm.

I went to school at ISU with a dual major of Computer Science and Physics, but left when I decided I could do better teaching myself. I started my own computer buisness ( Evadco ) in 1998 and build personal computers small time for people around here.

My DC project of choice is SETI. I run it because I would like to know for sure before I die if Aliens do exist. I also run TSC.

I really need to take a nice pic of myself with my digital camera one of these days.

And since everyone else is listing their vehicles, I drive a 2500 Dodge Ram with a dual supercharged ( NOVI ) 488 CI V-10. Soon to have a NO2 system by NOS installed. ( when I get the time )

Yay, 3 out of 3 crunchers so far own Dodge's


No Lifer
Jun 7, 2001
My name is Stuart and I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me!

No wait...

I'm Jerry, 35 years old and live about an hour west of Engineer (and IJump) in the GOOD part of Kentucky!!

I'm a self-employed (currently unemployed ) software developer (VB, ASP, SQL Server so if anyone needs any development done...give me a shout!), soon to be single again with two girls (one of whom just started high school :Q )

I'm crunching SETI on several PCs at home and two I've assimilated in the family. Although, a few of mine are down right now due to an infestation of Nimda :| And, I also drive a 1996 Chrysler product but my roof goes down, Engineer!


Golden Member
Dec 26, 2001

My name is Nuno Alves, I'm 27 years old from Maia, Portugal (a very tiny country just bordering Spain).
I don't have a college degree (yet) but I'm counting on finishing my Computer Systems Eng. by the end of this century
I currently work on my own (freelance stuff) because I've grown tired of having female bosses at work

I don't own a car (although I have my drivers license since 99) because my 11/5 size feet drag me everywhere I want to go. I have 12 fish, 2 dogs, 6 birds and a addiction for PC Hardware. I've been toying with computers since my dad brought home one IBM PC (1512 Kb of RAM) when I was nine from then on the only CPU I missed in the Intel evolution scale was the P4, I've switched to AMD in May last year and I'm not counting in switching for a very long time


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Ok, I'll go next.
I'm Andy.... In the USAF for 18 years and it's still lots of fun !
Divorced, no kids..... I do Radio Maintenance, well I did..... now I drive a desk
Living in Anchorage AK now, a great place to live (in the summer)......
I'm waiting for RC-5 to end so I can start something new. link
My living room looks like the back room of a computer repair center.
Drive a POS car.
Ok I spilled the beans, they made a huge mess on the floor, when will you be over to help clean?



Diamond Member
Feb 12, 2001
OK, just about every other cruncher is from Kentucky....

My name is Bob, I live in Lexington, KY also. I am a network administrator.

I have been married 10 years and have 2 kids, 10 and 2....this all sounds strangely similar to the first post....except for the job... I have a degree in programming and am back in school full time (in addition to working full time) working on a business degree.

I Jumped out of airplanes for the army, that is how I got the nick.....

I like my wife and kids, computer, and my wife and kids.

I drive a Chevy (sorry guys, no dodge). It is a black 2000 Impala.


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
OK, just about every other cruncher is from Kentucky....

Actually, we're all one and the same....I (WE) have multiple personalties! :Q

Great info so far......love reading about other TeAmmates !


Oct 10, 1999
First Canadian in this thread!

My name is Geoff (duh)... 37 yrs old living in Vermont for the last 5 years. Grew up and was schooled in Montreal, Quebec and am acceptably bilingual (no, not Spanish). I currently manage a software development team working on IBM AS/400s. Three kids... 16, 13, and 11, and married 15 years (yeah, you do the math...). I drive a grocery getter that currently has me stranded in Montreal because the transmission died (look for my FS/FT coming soon to a forum near you!). RC5 is my project of choice, and I have no clue what I am going to do when they get to 117% of the workspace and call the project off Despite my fear of heights, my next career will be search & rescue chopper pilot... they fly low, right?



Distributed Computing Elite Member
Jan 3, 2001
Hello, my name is Greg and I?m 144 years old ? or something like that, I can?t remember any more.

I just like to hang around here and laugh at all you young (and middle-aged) whipper-snappers. You guys break me up. And then there are a couple of other old geezers who make me feel quite young and not so behind the times. You know who you are ? don?t you?

At least I can still hobble around and mess up computers ? so I?ve got something in common with a lot of you.



Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2001
Hi folks!

My name is Man, single (thank goodness) w/gf, 3 brothers, and 3 sisters. I am a network administrator, working too much and paid too little Before this I went to University at Buffalo, majored in MIS and CS minor graduated in 1997. I love flying, hold an A/P mechanics license (expired), and did para-jump couple of times w/an instructor (what a rush!!). Hopefully, I will get my pilot's license someday and buy a Cessna Citation X

Oh yes, I like to also find ET before I die, and I drive a sporty '00 Civic SI. :Q

edit: typos


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
My name is Rob but I always go by Robor in forums. Apparently some other Anandtech member named Rob thought it was okay to use *my* name a long time ago so I've been using Robor in all forums ever since.

I'm 34 years old and I'm a network admin working in the area of Tampa, FL (United States). I first experienced computers when my parents got an Apple IIe and I played "RPG"s on it. Does anyone remember "999 fluffy things"? I got into "real" computers about 10 years ago when I was playing Might & Magic on a 386SX and thought it couldn't get any better. Then I saw DOOM for the first time and from then I was hooked. My ex-wife (girlfriend at the time) had a computer and we had to upgrade it so I could play DOOM at a reasonable framerate. I don't want to admit how much I paid for a DX4-100, 16MB of RAM, SVGA video card, and a 345MB HD either! :Q I learned from friends (thanks Magneto & Zero-Dfex) and turned a hobby into a career.

Anyway, I've been an Anandtech member since the early UBB days of BBS crashes resulting in lost logins and posts. This site has come a long way since then. Kudos to the Anandtech management for that! Little more support wouldn't hurt though. That said, there's a ton of great hardware forums available but I consider Anandtech home because of the members I call my TeAmmates!

EDIT: Forgot to tell ya that I drive a Tropic Orange VW GTI GLX (no mods - I'm 34 and hate the sound of coffee can mufflers ) and I tend to use "smiley's" too much. My favorite is the rolling eyes one (
) because I'm fairly sarcastic. Oh, and TOOL rulez, period.

EDIT2: Also forgot to mention my DC projects of choice... I've been doing SETI@Home since the start and recently joined the up and coming Distributed Folding team. I use my network admin position to my advantage by assimilating my work clients. I hope there's not an EDIT3...


Diamond Member
Sep 3, 2000
My name is Gregg, ia'm 45, married with 3 kids, 18, 20, 21 and work for AMF Bowling for 29 years. The extent of my life is up at 5:30am for work, home by 3, check the fourms, eat dinner, watch a little tv, bed by 10. Thats about it. I do have one joy, my 8 month old Grandson.


Super Moderator<br>Elite Member
Oct 31, 1999
I was a bicycle mechanic before and after failing in Chemical Engineering, and finally got a basic job doing bottom-rung IT stuff. Good thing I'm single... I goof around with 3D modelling sometimes, and also made some of the avatars used here in the Forums, including my own. My other claim to fame is that I helped with the Learn About Team AnandTech article

I drive an old-school RWD Oldsmobile station wagon (sometimes). My other vehicles are a 1998 Gary Fisher Paragon mountain bike and a ca. 1994 Cannondale loaded-touring bike. The engine on the Oldsmobile is on its way out. The engine needs work on the other two vehicles as well... workin' on it...


Jun 4, 2002
Well I am Spiffyguy aka Scott. I live outside of St. Louis. I work as a server monitor guy during the night and just started going to school to do computer art and animation. I have a girlfriend that lives in San Fran but I am making her move here to Misery with me. I have been attempting to move more towards art than working on computers since Mech can tell you I have no luck with them. I can fix the ones at work but that is all remote. If they are near me and I touch them they break . I drive a 2000 Daewoo Leganza. Yeah I know it is crappy but it was SO cheap. I toured as a roadie for 8 years before moving to this wretched.... er wonderful state. I really enjoy music and tend to mess around on the drums and guitar. My current MP3 collection is at 11,000 files and growing.


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2000
Great Idea Engineer Bob

My name is Rick, I am married to my best friend Vicky. We were friends for about a decade before we finally decided to get married. We have since had 6 children (and yes, we did finally figure out what was causing it).
Our kids range from 2 years to 13 years old, they are independant, artistic, athletic, caring, courageous, inquisitive, curious, strong yet needful little people and I consider it the greatest priveledge of my life that they call me dad.

I was an electronics troubleshooter for 18 years, servicing electronic security, CCTV, egress & ingress systems including PC driven facial recog etc...
I got real bored.
I started an internet business in 1995. Partly to do something more interesting with my career, partly to be able to spend more time with my family.
Now I know a lot more about really cool stuff like A&R, IRS, P&L, recurring revenue & accounting. Whee

I run my own server located in downtown Seattle, I host about 150 domains. I do Cold Fusion & SQL whenever I get the chance (when someone pays me to do it).

I started playing with computers back in about 1978, I had access to a university system, something like a PDP11 (VAX?) - anyway it was running this game called Adventure.

I am an Adventure Grand Master

I was the only guy at the security companies who knew his way around a computer so I got the tasks that had anything to do with PC's.
I had a roomie who got an IBM PC Junior in 1984. I learned basic on it.

After more exposure I decided to get my own PC. My first one was an IBM clone, 4.77 mhz with TURBO that would boost it up to 10 mhz!!! It had 512K ram and a CGA vid card.
I got an EGA card & monitor, and then eventually I upgraded to a VGA card & monitor.
I played all the early games from Apogee & the like, I added ram chips to my motherboard so I eventually had 640 base and 384 K extended (1 Meg of RAM total!!!)
Then the biggest thing in my computer upgrading life occured.

id software released DOOM

Now I had to ramp up my system. 286, then 486, then more systems, serial connections, modem games, LAN cards when would it end? It's an addiction! (that's Vicky talking)

Then this whole internet thing started up, so I thought it might be good to put my computer upgrading skills to use. I got paid to fix peoples PC's and speed them up. I learned some html and got paid to make some web pages.
Then I decided it would be more profitable to learn about databases and that led me to Cold Fusion ( back in the days when MS was saying the Internet was a fad and what people really wanted was MSN
I discovered that people needed a server to put their web pages on and they would pay a monthly fee for space on it.
So I built a dual proc server. Dual P133 cpu's with 128 megs ram!!!. It was enough back then, times have changed and so the servers have had to become more powerful.
So I started a corporation and made a good relationship with a local accountant. I take care of her office network and she takes care of my taxes.

I had one of the first Quake web sites. I got an email from John Cash at about 2:30 AM one February day (I was up working) that said "Come and get it" - "it" was the qtest1 file being the first public look at the game Quake.
I had one of the few authorized distribution sites for it, and for the later released Quake Demo.
I logged a lot of downloads to internet users.
I ran a JAVA QuakeChat app where I showed lots of people how to enable the dragon in qtest1 and other fun stuff.
Then this guy came along and started up bluesnews. I found that I was going there a lot for Quake and game related info so I eventully closed my QuakeSite.
I had some meaningful emails with Tom Hollenshead, John Carmack & John Cash about the games and that was a lot of fun.
I got one of the first Quake CD's directly from id, the ones with no codes.
Once I told them that if they just didn't have all that stuff with pentagrams and "hell talk" my wife wouldn't be so upset with their games and I could play them longer without so much grief, I also said it would be nice to have more of a SciFi edge. They said that they get the same stuff from theirs (wives, girlfriends etc..) and that they would see if they could help. That was before they came out with Quake 2.

Since then I have been keeping my nose to the grindstone. Profitability is king and I have been tenaciously sticking to that.
The kids have gotten older & bigger, much of our time every year is now devoted to school & Little League.

I played Tuba from grade school - college, went to college on a Tuba scholarship. Left after one year because I was too immature to stick with it.
After 25 years of not playing I have just purchased my first Tuba. It's an old horn made in 1930's Berlin by Sprinz & Schmol. It has 4 rotory valves and a big bore. I am surprised how fast I am relearning it.
My ten year old son also wants to play TUba, so I am looking for a 3/4 size BBb Tuba for him.
I have bought a flute for my 13 year old daughter and a clarinet for my 12 year old daughter this year. I have some music stands and instructional materials on order that should be here within a few days.

I love backpacking and camping in the State & National Parks. I have spent an extensive amount of time exploring the Olympic National park. There is still more out there that I want to see.

There you go, that's not all of it but it should be enough to make even Smokeball proud!

PS: I drive a 1994 Ford Aerostar 8 passenger (got a second 3 pass seat out of an Aero from a local wreking yard)
My other car is a red 1969 MGC-GT that sits in the back on 4 jackstands so it doesn't flatten out one side of the Michelin MXL tires. One of these days I will restore it.

Oh, I run Seti@home since the beginning. I've done OGR & RC5 in the days of seti folk helping out dnet folk but Seti has been my number 1 DC project.


Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2000
Hello all. I am MoFunk aka Shawn. I live in Cali. I am a retired musician and currently work as a network technician. After years of music, bands, van tours and a recording degree from the Art Institute of Seattle, I moved to Fremont to work in a recording studio and start a life with my girlfriend (now wife of 4 years) After numerous albums I decided I wanted the monday through friday life. I feel into computers and along with my current job I also have a side business or repairing and building PC's. I have 2 amazing daughter the oldest will be 3 in december and the youngest turned 5 month recently. I started doing Seti because I have always been interested in space and the thought of "others" out there. I stumbled accross this community and have been here ever since. I feel at home here! Looking forward to reading more about all of you.


Diamond Member
Oct 30, 2000
Well I'm not going to write as much as Wiz (I know you're all relieved) but here goes.

My name is Matt and I'm 21 years old and live in Southwest Michigan. I have the greatest girlfriend in the world who's name is Stephanie and we have been together for a year and a half. I love computers and in my house we have a total of 9 computers thanks to me and my brother. I thought I wanted to spend my life working on computers until recently since I can't seem to get a job doing that.:disgust: So now I'm unemployed and maybe I'll get a job with FedEX or something. I would like to get a job though so I could move out and get married. I spent some time at Hope College and Davenport University but school isn't for me and I really just want a job that I can go to everyday for the rest of my life and make enough money to get by.

Lets see...I do SETI and DF but have also been known to do a little RC5 and D2OL. Don't like travel, pets, or change of any kind unless it is a computer upgrade. I drive a 1994 green Pontiac Grand AM because it has hail damage so it was cheap but I really wanted a silver Dodge Stratus.

Also I'm only 5'6" 190lbs. (can you believe they call that obese?:|) but I'm very muscular so its not like I'm fat or anything. I have been shaving my head for the last 7 years but for 3 years before that all I had was a flattop so that is where my handle Baldy18 came from. It is Baldy18 because after I hit 18 I got sick of changing it every year to keep up with my age so that is where it will stay. I'm also trying out a gotee which my girlfriend is warming up to.

Last I enjoy bowling, college and pro football, college basketball, all types of stock car type racing, and baseball. Geeze this did get pretty long.


Oct 19, 2001
Name is Martin - 25yrs old - Married 4 yrs - 2 kids (3yr old daughter and 9mo old son)

Work for an Industrial Automation(Engineering/programming) Company - we do stuff that Engineer does except we mainly do Automation for the Food and Grain Industries. I do the lacky CAD work (oooohh 2D Electrical Control drawings - WOW
) and also have started to build the actual control panels now too. I have dabbled in some PLC programming and have done some HMI programming. I'm planning to get my EE degree eventually but right now I'm just soaking up as much as I can at work.

My first computer was an Apple IIe.
I was the king at Car Builder Top speed was 174mph? or was it 183. I still have the printout here somewhere. Nobody in school could beat me - even my tech teacher (who claimed to be the Car Builder guru) couldn't come close.

Computers is basically a full time hobby at the moment - we'll see what the future holds though




Diamond Member
Sep 12, 2000
I'm poopaskoopa. My first name is Ryutaro, but my peeps call me Dew, or anything that sounds like it. I'm 24 years old, and live in Raleigh, NC. I was born and raised in Okinawa, Japan for 15 years before coming to the States in 1992. I'm one of those IT admin types, and take classes at NCSU whenever possible. I got into PC stuff with my stepfather's 386 that can toggle between 8mhz and 16mhz. I got hooked on SETI back in 2000, and haven't looked back since. I drive an 89 Ford Probe GT(turbo, baby! ), but I hope that will soon change to a 1996/1997 Z28. I too fix and sell PCs on the side, but the word is out that I can be bought for any combination of beer/burritos/pizza/etc. So I've become more a will-work-for-food type of geek. I'm not "that" young, nor hungry, but just 2 days ago my friend's mother asked me to fix her younger son's PC in exchange for dinner. I mean... What's the deal? I wasn't expecting money, but Best Buy gets $30 from these guys to diagnose the problem(their verdict: replace the motherboard, and that was soooo wrong and they didn't stop there, but we all have our BB episodes, so I'll stop), and I get a trip to Taco Bell? WTF?


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
My name is Jeff. I'm 34 years old and live in Williston, ND.

While in high school I discovered computers. Tandy Radio Shack Model III - 32KB and Model IV - 64KB. I learned BASIC before I even took the classes, and while taking computers learned PASCAL. I got 12 lessons ahead of my teacher in PASCAL and he gave up on me and let me do whatever I wanted to.

I also spent those 4 miserable years in the photography club. I burned up over two miles of film while in high school. Over 75% of the pictures in my junior and senior annual were ones I shot. After high school I got on the staff at BSC and ran the dark room for two semesters. Got to see Honeymoon Suite, AC/DC & Queensryche for free and shot pictures.

I graduated from Bismarck State University in 1987 with a A.A.S. in Power Plant Technologies. Phi Theta Kappa Honorary Society, Who's Who Amoung Students In American Junior Colleges, President's Honor Roll...all the meaningless BS. Couldn't find a job in it so I wound up as a clerk at Tractor & Equipment Company in June of 1987. And I've been there ever since. My offical position is: Service Clerk.

I learned how to use an IBM System36 & System38. We're now on a fractional T1 connected to an AS400 in Tuckwilla, WA. Spent many hours running good old Twin-ax cables until about two years ago when we went to all CAT5. Before the end of the year I have to pull all the CAT3 out of our phone system and replace it with CAT5e.

I've run sound for several local bands including Zephynx, Blue Age, Free Beer & Balderdash. I also helped pick out, install and run two PA system for local churchs. I love doing live sound! Nothing like having 16 to 24 open live chanels and trying to figure out which one you're getting feedback from. I'd love to try my hand at some studio mixing.

I was reading someone's homepage and they mentioned that they were in the RC5-64 contest. I followed some links and did some more research on the project and decided to help out with my Pentium II 266. Been building all of my machines from scratch with the help of reviews from Tom's & Anand. After the fallout of members last fall, I really started gaining places in the contest.

I've also been doing radio shows on and off since 1992. I was the production engineer/lacky/sidekick while doing "The Hour Of Power" in Langdon, ND on Hot 95.7FM KNDK. We'd go on the air as "Jake & The Fatman" and kick out the hard rock / heavy metal for two to four hours by request. I start a new show on September 6, 7 & 13 in Sidney, MT. "The Edge" with "Skull & Bones" will be basically the same format, but we won't be taking requests. If you're in the area it's 95.1FM KTHC.

I made a run for the IASCA World Finals in Dallas, TX back in 1995. After putting 13,000+ miles on my car and over $6,500 into the stereo system I managed to take 8th place in the world in the Novice 1 - 150 watt power class. I tried to run again in 1996 as an Amature, but I was getting beat by cars that I smoked the year before so I gave up.

My current rent-a-wreck is a 1991 Toyota Corolla. I've always had good luck with them, but the closest dealer is 125 miles away. Might be time for a Honda CRV.


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2001
Morning all!

I'm Chris, and I'm 19 years old. I live in South-east England, just below the capital. My time is spent between my work, hobbies, girlfriend, jealous cat and a rapidly worsening car!

Gotta run, going away for 2 days - to be updated upon completion!


Senior member
Oct 24, 1999
My first name is Stilson (don't ask) and... well, I'm almost older than dirt. Did a little Fortran in college. My first computer was a Sinclair: Z80 with 2K of RAM, hooked up to a portable audio cassette player for storage and my TV for a monitor. Graduated to a Kaypro 10, which ran my educational film business, including a 30,000 name mailing list, then to a 386-16. Wow....

I've lived in L.A., Honolulu, NYC and now live in the redwoods just south of Eureka, CA with my wife and am a business consultant, have a couple of degrees, wrote two unpublished novels, been a pilot and flight instructor, am really into playing steel drums with our steel orchestra, and drive a really dusty 1988 Taurus. Been hanging around Anandtech just about since it got its own domain name (well acquainted with lost posts, etc.)

Signed up with SETI in May 1999 and was running 112 hours per WU on my P200 until the conflicts with Corel forced me out for about three years. But, sci-fi and sci-non-fi addict that I am, I'm back running a T-Bird oc'ed to 1350 and have assimilated some rigs at work and just reached 1,000 WUs today. Nice crowd here!


Elite Member
Nov 13, 2000
Hi all.

Been enjoying reading up on all of you, and was hoping to be the first Brit here (dasm you, Migroo )!

Right, here i go!

My name is Garry, i am 18 years old, and live in the UK, about 40 miles south west of London. I moved here just over 2 months ago, and before that, i lived in Colchester, UK, which is about 60 miles north-east of London. I have just finished my A Level exams, where i got B in Maths, C in Computer Science and D in Physics. I also completed and passed my CISCO CCNA exam (2nd attempt, getting 903, first time getting 846 - pass mark is 849 - dasm how close was I!? :Q) at the beginning of May.

I am not going to Uni (well, not this year anyway, i might go next year) and have just started a job building computers at a small computer business in the town centre. However, this is not what i really want to be doing, as i would prefer to go into networking, as i spent 2yrs working on getting the CCNA qualification, and i am currently not using it at all.

I currently drive a 92 3 door 1.4litre Ford Escort (pic), currently totally standard. Hopefully at the end of the year, i shall be putting 18" OZ alloy wheels, full body kit and an uprated engine (probably a 1.6litre 16 valve injection), depending on money! (Mock up of car with 18" alloys). By the way, if someone could do me a better pic (i used MS Paint! :Q), here is a pic of the wheel, could you put it up to the first pic, sorta like i have

I first got into computers 7/8 years ago in my last year of Primary School (when i was 10/11) when myself and someone else started putting a program onto a computer, and then had to troubleshoot it when we did it wrong and it didn't work! After that, i was given an old 386 with a 25mb hdd, 8mb RAM and Windows 3.0! After that i got my first PC which i started tinkering with, which was a K6 233MHz, 32mb RAM and a 4.3GB HDD. This got gradually upgraded (more RAM, TV card, 2x 12mb VoodooII cards ), and i started running Seti GUI on this for about 30WUs (average about 36hrs) then forgot about it until i upgraded to a Duron 700 on an Abit KT7, then came here looking for overclocking advice! Then, i rediscovered Seti, and then after that in Feb 2001 i discovered the DC forum, and the TeAm, and the CLI, and i've never looked back! I got up to 2500 WUs, then i joined onto Ai3x's account to make TeAm Confused Ai3x, and have done about 1000 WUs together in the past few months

Anyway, gotta go to work, might edit it there, or if not when i get home tonight

If anyone here wants to offer a young, enthusiastic person a job, go ahead! Am willing to move to America, cheaper cars (i can get my pickup i've always wanted) cheaper computer bits etc...so long as i have a place to stay!



Senior member
Feb 22, 2001
Hi all,

My name is Wayne, I'm 44 and live in Pineville, NC, a small town outside of Charlotte. I currently work in institutional planning and research at the local university. I got into comptuers about 20 years ago in graduate school. My typing sucked and when I saw a word processing program with spell check I knew that was the ticket to making a grad students live much easier. As a played around with the computer I then discovered you could do much more than word processing. I started to learn other software packages and teach myself programming to get through grad school, it was amazing what you could make Lotus 123 do.

It turned out that the programming I did for fun was as important if not more so than my degree in getting a job after grad school. They needed someone who who knew something about economics but could also write programs based on economic models at the university. So I really have never left school and have been able to avoid that so called real world. Working in academica is great. Compared to being in the business world, their is very little stress or pressure and there is a much more laid back attitude toward work and life.

I currently drive a 1997 Firebird, never have owned any other type starting with my first car which was a 1978 model. But they stopped making them this year so I'll have to look else where for my next car, maybe the new GTO they will introduce next year.


Golden Member
Nov 13, 2001
Hey guys,

My name is Matt and I'm from southeastern Pennsylvania. Don't ask me where the EvilWobbles nickname originated - because I just don't remember anymore!

Anyway, I am 26 years old married for two years (no kids, but we have a dog which is enough responsibility for now!) I am a systems administrator for a medium sized systems integrator. I graduated from college back in 1999 with a degree in Computer Information Systems and have been gainfully employed in the computer field since then. I have been playing with computers since I was a little guy. I remember getting hooked on BASIC programming in school when they had the Tandy TRS-80 in the computer lab! Now that was a powerhouse machine!

These days I am into building computers for myself, family and friends and whenever I can I try to make a couple of bucks doing this. I currently have 5 computers of my own at home and two servers I am hosting for my company crunching Seti and Distributed Folding. I have about 5 or 6 computers at work crunching Seti as well. Obviously Seti is my main DC interest but I have thrown some CPU time at DF recently.

My interests, computers hardware and software, golf, softball, volleyball, college and pro football, fantasy football and the consumption of quality crafted beers.

My car? I drive a 2001 Olds Alero. I've got 30,000 miles on it in a little more than a year and a half. I think I'm going to hit the 60,000 miles before I hit the 5 years on my GM warranty :Q

Anyway, that's about it on me. Thanks to Engineer for such a great thread idea. It's been nice getting to know a little bit more about my TeAmmates!
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