** The OFFICIAL TeAm AnandTech "Meet your TeAmmates" thread....EVERYONE! Update: Poof posted! :D

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Diamond Member
Jul 27, 2000
LOL Ray!

I did finally find my HT pics.

Here is one.
A closer shot

For some of the 'puters:

The dwarfed K6s & P200MMX
The alpha, dual Xeon, 486 (the dually doesn't have the "external" fans anymore)
Alpha PAL on my XP 1900+ (1.6GHz@1.7GHz)

Need to get a pic of my P4 and my dual XP 1600s.

Yes, I'm a linux lover and I normally "wear" my Tuxette the Penguin avatar here... But I have been wearing my ribbon for the past year in memory of the 9-11 casualties. Gosh, it doesn't seem like a year has gone by since that time.

Anyway, I am also a Trekker (have all the eps from all 6 series, which includes the Animated one). Counting down the time for Enterprise to start up again (9/18).


Jan 29, 2001
way cool poof

I have the animated series too in a laserdisc box set. One of the best investments I made.


Golden Member
Feb 18, 2001
Thought I would drop in and leave a note before I leave for another week.

Native Texan, there aren't many of us around, I currently live just outside of Tulsa, OK. Born in 54, with another birthday is this month (when I'll be home for 18 hrs). Married 17 yrs with an 11 yr old son.

JonB, that is "A University in Texas", THE University in Texas is Texas A&M!

Since the 70's I've been a telephone man, lots of different titles, but still a phone man. Currently Sr Sales Engineer for a new Class 5 switch that is coming to market for the rural independents and xLEC's of the world. This little beauty is only 2 foot high, 12 inches deep, 21 inches wide and can offer everything from dial tone to DSL for up to 20,000 lines. The Digital Divide is going to get a lot smaller very soon!

Started with a Commodore 64 and went downhill from there! I have 4 XP duals, 6 XP singles and 4 intels of which only 3 are currently in the house and running. I had to move things to the garage to get room and havent had time to setup everything in the garage.

Need to go finish packing my bags, see you later...Carl


Platinum Member
Feb 12, 2001
Well, here goes.....

My name is David, I'm a sophomore at Wittenberg University in Springfield Ohio.
Business major because its the easiest major on campus, got 7 computers...... most of which crunch eccp currently....
yea... I worked at a pool supply store the last two summers and my life is boring until I can finally find something fun to do



Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
Well, here goes....

My name is Mike and I live in Columbia, Virginia. Columbia is about 55 minutes west of Richmond, on the James river. I, along with my wife and 3 year old son have been living here for just over a year. We rented for 1 year and just purchased the place in August.

I work for Bank of America as a senior systems analyst with the Asset Management Group. I have been there for about 4 years now. Really good group of people to work with. Prior to that I was a Psychological Operations Specialist in the US Army. I did that for just over 4 years. I was stationed at Ft Bragg, NC but I travelled quite extensively during that time.

After I screwed up my back jumping out of too many aircraft in the Army, I took a staff position and started working on Access databases. I helped write several databases during that time and started to pick up NT and networking as a way to get more people time on my databases. It worked pretty well so I just kept going with it when I got out of the service.

My first computer was a Commodore 128 that my parents bought us one year for christmas. My two brothers never took much interest in it except for the occasional game of Gunship That suited me just fine and I can remember many many hours typing in code from the back of Commodore magazine. I still have that computer somewhere around the house here. It should still work.

Now my main system is a dual 700@933. Still thinking about what my next system will be.

I started out running RC5 and then switched over to OGR for a while. Things got busy at work and at home so I had to lay low for a while. I still haven't figured out how to do without sleep. Now, I have gotten back into SETI for a little while and we'll see how that goes

Well, I think that's about all I would like to say about that.



Senior member
Apr 19, 2002
Hello, my name is Steve. and my last WU was submitted 15 minutes, 37 seconds ago.

I am 38, married for 4.5 years with a wonderful 2-year old daughter and Taz, our dog.
33+ years were spent in Ohio before moving to Texas to work in broadband wireless areas.

I drive an '89 Honda Accord LXi with 197,000+ miles (about twice as far as originally intended).
We had planned to replace it last year but held off when AOL layed off most of my wife's office....
She just recently found a job (tough market around here these days) and starts this week!

I too enjoy playing music (mainly sax with some dabbling on guitar & keyboards) and used to be
involved running live sound (mostly my brother's band) and recording (multi-track home studio)
back in Ohio.

I've been a radio nut since I was a little kid getting my ham radio license at age 12 and currently
erecting several ham antennas on a big tower in the back yard. SETI interests me because I've
contacted ham operators from nearly every country on earth and think it would be cool if we
could receive signals from 'way out there'. SETI also plays to my interest in radio astronomy and
signal processing.

My first computer was a Commodore 64 advertised by none other than Captain Kirk (William
Shattner) himself. There are currently 3 machines at home (xp1800+, P200MMX & an old AMD
5x86-P75) which will probably grow to 4 in a few more weeks.



Senior member
Oct 30, 1999
I'm the guy who pees to your letters after you forget to put the doggie on the leash.

Well actually not anymore. I used to be an employee of the local section of the postal illuminati for 5 years, but decided do go back to school, and now I'm fully buzzword compliant software/service developer working for this capitalists' propaganda machine.

I'm also planning on making a trip to north america next summer so start stocking those supplies and digging the shelter for the apocalypse .

I also want to send warm hugs to my mom!


Platinum Member
May 18, 2001
Hi my name is Bot, my first computer was a Commodore 64 and the first machine I built was a 12 mhz PC Compatible with an NEC V20 chip instead of an Intel chip, but I don't remember how much RAM. It had a Hercules Mono-EGA Card that did Greenscale for color. Alot of people probably don't know me, I haven't had much time to spend here lately, like Mech I just broke into the computer field and am playing some catch up. I am currently working for MS in developer support, so if you are the guy that called in trying to run a managed component from you legacy component but every time you registered it in the GAC it broke you ASP.NET code because you used one of those new fangled PAGs to make it...well...I still don't know what the hell you are talking about... Oh and my blocks go to the TA Klingons that are over 4 million blocks(RC5) thanks to the help of alot of people including a nice big donation from NWM! Oh, and I am...uh 30 and stuff... oh, and I live in Charlotte, NC, so HI to all the other North Carolinians!



Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999
I'm Jim (duh) and most of you are too damn young.... 48 here.

My first "PC" was a TI 99, current main rig is an Athlon XP/Soyo Dragon.

I've lived in Houston, Texas for the last 22 years, have a super wife (Dee) and three great kids (one at Baylor, one at OU --GO Sooners!--) and one still in High School.

I started DC about 2 years ago, doing RC5. Stayed with it until I became a "Millionaire" and have been doing Seti since that time, recently passing the 5k mark.


Elite Member
Feb 5, 2001
Just saw BBR also has such a thread. Who's copying who.

Anyway, I'm from Norway, unmarried, and born in the 1870's... or was it 19...?
Has crunched some Genome@home, and a quick try-out of UD and Folding@home.

Has now reverted back to only crunching Seti@home, and is most of the time sprinkling the production out across my multiple accounts.

Is better at crunching than posting...


Platinum Member
Feb 5, 2001
Let's revive this thread!

My name is Jim, I am 47 years young! Look the same as I did at 18, (well except for the bifocals and thin hair:Q). I started messing around with comps in the 60's when my older brother ( a physics PHD, from Harvard
no less had an oscilloscope hooked to a PDP-something programmed to play Asteroids or Photon Torpedo Shooter or something like that. Way before Pong! and much neater too.

I moved on to college where I played a StarTrek variation on a 300 BPS Teletype machine complete with splats (asterisks) for the stars and all. Got into a programming class (FORTRAN) using Hollerith cards to submit jobs to the University VAX. Sometimes we got our jobs back in 5 days, but near the end of the term it was more like 9 days. Especially bad news when you forgot the "start of job" or "end of job" cards. Worked my way up to 2500 card jobs, 2-1/2 boxes, and then managed to drop my boxes of cards before turning them in to the window. Dasm, I hate it when that happens:disgust:.

After attending CSU Chico(then Cal State College, Chico), University of California, Davis, University of Oslo(Norway), University of Bergen(Norway), and lastly Univ. of Hawaii, I finally was granted a degree BSc. Economics, with minors in Biology,Psych, History, Statistics, Norwegian, in 1981 with nearly 2 times the credits I needed. Then returned to the family business, Ace Hardware stores. Hey EVADMAN wanna job? If Home Despot doesn't recognize your talents we independents certainly do!

Sold our stuff in Hawaii in 1987 and moved to Mainland, Hermosa Beach, CA, for 3 years while my wife got her Masters degree. You can tell who the educated, intelligent one in the family is! Then move to Newman Lake (Spokane, WA burbs) in 1991 to resume my hardware career.

I have a boy 11 years and a girl 7 years and enjoy work, my family, sailing our 31 ft Cal boat and flying, currently planeless, but soon to be rectified.

The music connection. I play alto sax, recorder (as in wooden ones, soprano, alto and tenor), and guitar. Have been in a few bands over the years, I feel this is one of the most important parts of my kids education. Son plays piano (expertly if the proud papa may say so, Bach, Handel etc) and clarinet, and daughter plays piano and sings as well as acts in the various local theatre groups. Wife plays piano, flute and guitar. We while away many a long cold, dark winter hour here in Spokane making music! Couldn't live without it!!!!!!!


Jan 15, 2001
My name is Brett, and i'm 19 years old. I live in northwestern Illinois, right along the Mississippi River. I'm single and I always have been (big suprise coming from a computer nerd), and I have to admit, that i've had about all I can take from females for a couple of months. I don't know if they're all crazy, or if the one i've met just likes to torture me, but I don't want to start a flame war here about women being crazy so i'll leave it at that.

The first computer I had was a Commodore (SP?) 64 with one of those fancy tape drives. It was a long time ago and I had no clue what I was doing. The next computer I had, I couldn't tell you what it was. I don't even know what OS was on it, but i'm almost positive it wasn't windows. Third computer was a 66mhz AMD with 8megs of ram and a 550meg HD. Used to work, the hard drive controller card conked out and I tore it apart. Parent's got a Gateway 200 400c, 400mhz Celeron, 64megs of ram, 8gig HD. They still have it.

After that I decided I wanted my old computer, so I got ahold of my sister's old Pentium 133mhz to toy with. Then my buddy got into building computers, and he helped me put together MY first computer, which has now been changed so much it's pointless to bother. Right now I still have that old Pentium crunching seti, well sort of. I also have my main rig 1600+ XP and ECS k7s5a and a duron 600 @ 800 mhz in an Iwill kk266-r, also both crunching seti.

Other than computers, I absolutely love to hunt. I started out hunting Whitetail Deer and Racoons back in.....1996 I believe. My brother and my cousin got me into it, and i've loved it ever since. It will never be the same for me though, as my cousin ceased his life on 9/8/01. Since then, i've started hunting Rabbit, Pheasant, Quail, Ducks, Geese, and Turkey as well, and every time I go out I remember who got me started.

I also like Car/Home audio. I enjoy working on my car stereo, although computers has pushed that to the side a bit. Can't afford both at the same time. I really love to listen to music, but I never could get into playing it. I had an electric guitar that I took lessons on but it never caught on.

I'm in my second year at a local community college, just getting Gen. Ed. requirements out of the way. Right now i'm planning to major in Computer Science at Western Ill University, but no one can seem to explain to me what types of jobs I can get with that degree. Both advisors I have talked to just kind of beat around the bush, maybe they just don't know, but it would be great if I had an idea.

I just started SETI last week and I can't wait to reach that first milestone

This thing ended up being really long, so i'm going to go to bed. Great to be a part of TeAm Anandtech.


Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999
Lets see...I'm Matt and I'm a freshman in mechanical engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. My first computer was an IBM AT my family got when I was in elementary schools. I was stuck with that thing (and thus barely interested in computers) until 7th grade when we got a P133. I used that until I built a C433 in 10th grade. I now have a P4 1.6A@2.0 GHz that I built this summer.

Ken g6

Programming Moderator, Elite Member
Dec 11, 1999
I just sent out e-mail and I'm in a talkative mood, so I guess I should post now.

My name is Ken Brazier. I'm a senior in computer science at CU Boulder, where the Buffs and Broncos seem to be extreme opposites. I'm 21, but I don't drink. And I certainly don't smoke because I have terrible "allergies" which my allergist calls non-allergic rhinitis. That's what got me into computers; I couldn't go out and play, so I'd stay in and program.

My first computer was technically a Commodore 16 (anyone remember that one), but I didn't start doing anything useful with computers until my Commodore 128. My dad bought a Tandy 1000 (that's an 8088 processor), but I stuck with the C=128 until we got a Packard Bell 486SX 25MHz (170Meg HD, 4mb ram, and one of the first CD-ROM drives.)

The first PC I actually bought for myself, and built too, was a Cyrix (IBM) 6x86 P150+. I started using it for DC in 1997 with Proth, and I still try to find a prime a year, at least. That was about it until I got to college. My family didn't, and still doesn't have much if any money to spare, so new hardware has been hard to come by.

When I got here at CU, I got a free computer for four years (my PII-400) thanks to a Pell grant. That internet connection, and The Magicman, eventually led me to you, the nicest group of people I've ever met on the net.

Now I have a P-200MMX next to the PII as a linux box and RC5 cracker. I also have access to a group of 16 machines normally run with removable hard drives, called The Wildnet. Currently, I'm kinda looking for anyone here at CU who can continue running SETI there after I'm gone, though I may try for graduate work here as well.

Well, as we say around here, CU later!


Golden Member
Feb 26, 2001
Ok, my turn, a little bit late.

My name is Paul. I'm in the old folks group! Born Sep 6 1950 on a little farm house in the country

Married for 26 years to my best friend and Love of my life! I have 2 kids 1 is 27 and the young one is 23 and he is still living at home!! He is finishing his degree in design graphics and he's on job training at Softimage! We live in Laprairie, 15 minutes from Montreal, Canada.

I work for Ford Canada as a electronics specialist (troubleshooter). I've been an auto mechanic for 34 years. I was a stock car driver from 18 to 24 while I was in the army.

The first comp I bought was a Commodore 64 w/floppy drive and a tv set as monitor. There was a club at that time for a few games, test drive was my favorite, this was in ?84. After that I didn't touch a comp until 92. And read a lot about the hardware side and that's what got me to build my first one. Anyone remember Mattell's Intellivision?? it had a few good games also. My Sisters (8) and I used to get together once a week to bet on the horse racing from that gamebox!! LOL

I built my first computer in Oct'94, a pentium 75mhz(the very first pentiun chip out), 16 megs of ram, 2meg video card, don't remember the make, 1 gb hd, cdrom 2x, and a 17" Princeton graphics monitor! Wow that was big at the time, because 14" was the standard then!!

I read a lot of technical papers and lurk on a few hardware sites, specially the TA site to learn of new technologies and what's coming out. I do believe we're not alone in this universe, and hope we have confirmation of this before I die.

I have been a TeAm member since 01/26/02 and submitted over 6 thousand WUs. This is the best membership of all, very helpful, courteous, knowledgeable and fun group of people anywhere.
And I am very proud to be part of it. Although I haven't met anyone in person, there?s already a few that I really consider my friends (folks I have exchanged PM's with and others). Hope to be able to meet some of you sometime.

My hobbies include roller blading, golf, hockey, badminton, video editing and comp building and repairing. Also wild camping and mountain hikes.

I drive a 98 Crown Vic and my wife has a 99 Escort, (what did you expect???)

Keep on Crunchin'



Golden Member
Dec 30, 2000
Ahh! I saw this thread a while ago (seems like a long time now) and thought i'd save myself the embarrassment of posting stuff about me. But now it's reappeared i think i might make a contribution

It'll only be short, because I haven't lived a very long life so far. Only 16 years of age and I live in the prosperous country of Australia! (No i don't ride kangaroos around town, and I don't go to the pub every afternoon for some beers ) I live in Hervey Bay which is in the state of Queensland, about 4 hours north of the capital, which is handy as there are some pretty cheap computer stores there and i don't have to pay much in postage!

I first came to computers when i was very young, hmm let's say around 5, as both my brother's (especially my eldest one, who's now 24) were obsessed with computers and really got to know how they worked from an early age (lots of books and playing around on them). I still remember our first computer which we payed a pretty penny for, a good ol' Tandy 1000 colour vga monitor. I still have the games i used to play sitting around in our study

After that sort of stopped working, my eldest brother bought a PC, but i showed not much interest in it (not sure why)... but my brother went on and started programming in all sorts of languages. I remember he brought home a program which was a voice that read out numbers, and i'm pretty sure that sort of technology is new these days.

However, I remember clearly about 5-6 years ago when we first got the internet (on our Pentium 100 PC). My second eldest brother and I spent ages on mIRC chatting to random people, and i remember our first conversation even. I was hooked after that, and by 4 years ago, I got my very own PC which my eldest brother made from some parts he had just lying around. It was a Cyrix 233, 64 mb RAM and i still remember to this day, waiting so excitedly one day at school, because i knew i'd come home to a computer sitting on my desk at home.

At first it didn't get on the internet (we didn't have a network set up) and in between when i got that PC and a nice upgrade to a Cyrix 300 I was on the internet and did all sorts of things.

One thing that did attract me was online chess, because i played Battle Chess on my Tandy as a kid. So i started to learn how to play that (I still play it to this day.. okish ) and then i ventured into other things. By the time i was in about grade 9 i found Anandtech courtesy of a friend who's become obsessive of computers as well (much older than me though). I stayed mainly in the General Hardware forum, just trying to absorb how computers work (modern computers that is) and try to learn a bit more about them. I must admit i have learnt a fair bit from the General Hardware forum.

Then I remembered ages ago when my eldest brother and his best friend at high school had these screensavers on their computers which was all nice and graphical and looked nice and pretty I asked him one day about them, and he told me about SETI etc, and how he and his best friend had races on who could produce the most WU's.

So i downloaded the GUI screensaver and ran it and eventually I stopped caring much about it, then i saw in Anandtech later on under the Distributed Computing forum title: "SETI@home etc.." so I checked it out, and voila! Been here ever since!

That's my computer history.. now for other things..

My interests are: Sports (Athletics (Triple Jump, Long Jump, Javelin, sprints), Cricket, Soccer, Basketball, I also enjoy my computers of course, DC and all the races and WU production etc, Chess (made meself about 1000$AU (~2000$US) in prize money! and a few trophies), Utopia (online strategy game, very fun and addictive!), Music, Music Videos, Downloading those mentioned etc..

I'm 6"4' and about 70kgs

And when on a roll and feeling energetic, I can type 110 WPM+ 96% accuracy

I usually type slow because i can't be bothered, but i have no trouble typing up assignments

That's about all there is to know.. really


Senior member
Apr 11, 2000
Hi I'm Barbary and my real name is Barbary. eh.

I'm 29 (nooo so old) and I live in London England. I grew up in Cornwall (Thats the very southern tip of England) on the beach's and lived most of my first 18 years in the surf. I have been into computers since I was a child and have been writing C since I was 10. I've been a Seti nut for the past 3.5 years ish. I run a small computer firm writing Computer Software. We used to write alot of stuff for the Airline Industry before Sept 11th. I write mainly C, Oracle, Java stuff on Unix but have been known to do a fair bit of Visual Basic. For my Sins I did my degree with IBM I am one of only 120 people in the world to have the IBM Computer Science Hons Degree. This also means I know my way round Mainframs, Job Cards and PL/I.

I still sometimes wake up screaming "E34 abend but I still have extents left Ahhhhhh".

Seti is very useful to me. My company writes analysis software and Seti gives a very good indication of how fast it will run on a machine. I started getting very into the hardware side of computers since I noticed that my software ran much faster on one machine than another. I had no idea why and went on the web to find the answers. That was 3 years ago I have probably read Anandtech nearly every working day since.

I'm not married and frankly not likely to be, partly due to my love of the batchlor life style which is good beacuse the other reason is I'm so god damn ugly.

In my spare time I like to put my head inside my PC with a magnifing glass and see if I can predict which instruction the processor will load next.

When I'm not doing that I can be found in many fine resteraunts in London drinking bottles of red wine. Other things I like to do...

Drinking in Late night Bars
Drinking Guniness
Drinking Gin & Tonic
Drinking Baileys
Singing Badly to 80's hits ("desperado why don't you come to your senses." Not a dry eye in the house when I do this one. Probably because there ears have started to bleed.)
Falling over
Leaving my Jacket in Nightclubs
Wandering the streets of London at 4am looking for a cab

I must like doing all these things as I spend a lot of my time doing them. I also enjoy Home Cinema and have a great big setup and spend far too much money on DVD's. It's a great way to relax and nurse last nights hangover while coming to terms with how much cash I spent last night.

I also love to Scuba dive. I have dived all over the world and I lived in Barbados for 7 months where I worked as a Divemaster. Don't get me wrong I was being paid to write Java code for JP Morgan but I was working as a Dive Master. Made lots of friends with people from Trinidad people from Trinidad are the best. Wreck diving is my thing you can keep your coral reefs and fishes give me a deep dark wrecks at 60 meters (200 feet) and I'm well happy or is that the narcosis. My deepest dive is to 74 meters.

I also play alot of Squash and Computer Games. I used to be a CS freak then I migrated to DOD. More recently I have been blasting away on 1942 which is an excellent game. I also like Op Flash, H&D, Hitman 1/2, GTA3 and many RTS's like TA and Warzone 2100.


Elite Member
Nov 4, 1999
Damn! I forgot about this thread ,I meant to post in it ages ago!.
Unfortunatly I don't have time right now to read it all or give my little story ,if its still open I'll post here tonight or Friday

Btw Grant ,I saw that bit about the stats


Elite Member
Dec 5, 1999
barbary, do you happen to have a lot of experience with the physical design of different tube stations, especially on the Victoria and Picadilly lines? If so, I have a question for you.

Also, just curious, which tube station would you say you live closest to?


Elite Member, Moderator Emeritus
Oct 9, 1999
Humm, how on Earth did I miss this thread?:Q

Anyways, hi, I'm Ryan. I'm the "other" old guy on the team besides that shifty Ray fellow. I'm a senior in high school, and looking to break out as soon as possible. I'm looking to graduate with a CS degree when I go in to college, hopefully when the market is on an upswing. I'm sort of the Mac expert here(and envy of RC5), as I work in a smallish Mac-based firm. I like long walks on the beach, and sunsets over the horizon(ok ok, so that line hasn't worked yet, there's always a chance).

I'm one of the "first" members of Team AnandTech, although definately not the first. When the team started on Dec. 26, 1998, I was there... for about 3 seconds. I recieved a Diamond Monster 3D II 8MB(an 8MB Voodoo 2), so I was playing games for the first couple of days of our existance. The team was started by an even smaller core of people(among those were members Amok and Netopia(Joe) I believe), who convinced Anand to start an RC5 team. Once the team was started, people started trickling in, including myself. And as they say, the rest is history...

To put things in perspective, when the contest started, I had a single PMMX 200, and put out less than 100 blocks a day. That number of course was skewed with the infamous PTE(Project Total Eclispe), which due to a large donation from several members(including JonB and Ray) resulted in my account recieving 250K blocks in one day.:Q Almost 3 years later, and they're still torturing me, this time with things such as canes and daughters.

I'm a gaming addict first and formost, followed by crack(no, not that kind), and then defenestrating other people in IRC. I have an interest in computer hardware, which is why I was at AT in the first place, and am knowledgable at a decent amount of computer hardware issues. My hopes include earning a CS degree, and ultimately going in to consulting, or some other field where I can make things happen, but not nessisarily program them. If I may toot my own horn here, I'm a 4. student, which is a good thing, there are 12 4.'s at my school, 10 are female.

Now that I'm done with RC5-64, I'm participating in SETI(and getting up to speed in it) partly as payback for the SETI Calvery. Once RC5-72 is out, I may partially go to it, especially if my Orchard of Macs can tear through it like they could RC5-64. My ultimate goal is to perhaps be the only person to see the birth of the team, and be here until the bitter end. Now, get out there and Thrash The / (you old guys will remember that).


Oct 10, 1999
DJSnairdA, if that post is what you consider short, I'm not sure I want to see long winded.

LOL@Barbary. Me thinks he likes the drink...

Now, get out there and Thrash The / (you old guys will remember that)

Oh man, it's been a long time since I heard that, and all it's variations!

/me waves at ViRGE


Senior member
Oct 12, 1999
I too am an old time Anandtecher. I have been around since the team started in december of 98. Mostly an rc5 addict, now crunching OGR . ( mostly because my remotes were setup that way ) I don't post much but I do lurk.
My name is Chris Lanpher and I live in Des Moines, Iowa. I didn't start messing with computers until late '96. I am 44 years old and a maintenance supervisor by trade. I own 14 computers all crunching and a small fleet out and about. I came across this stats addiction early on in the smash the /. days. I don't cruise the forums nearly as often as I used to mainly because of the time involved. I am working hard to learn 'nix and run several web and mail servers with it.
Life is good and will be getting married this weekend. My love is 36 and a sweetheart I've known for 8 years. She doesn't have a problem with my addictions so I will keep her.

Peace All
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