** The Other Official Fallen Earth Thread **

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Senior member
Dec 17, 2009
Here's a decent starter guide i found on their forums...


was talking about this link... even after registering with the forums

SunnyD that is a nice link thanks!!

What do they have for end game? Im a big pve kinda guy but I get the feeling all they have is pvp for end game.

I really dont know what to go with in this game there seems to be a lot of options and I am afraid of picking something that will suck later.

Do you know anything about leadership? Is it worth it? Is there a lot of grouping up?
What about construction? Camps? What do they do? Are they worth it?


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
was talking about this link... even after registering with the forums

SunnyD that is a nice link thanks!!

What do they have for end game? Im a big pve kinda guy but I get the feeling all they have is pvp for end game.

I really dont know what to go with in this game there seems to be a lot of options and I am afraid of picking something that will suck later.

Do you know anything about leadership? Is it worth it? Is there a lot of grouping up?
What about construction? Camps? What do they do? Are they worth it?

I honestly don't know what they have for end game. I'm a PvE sucker too... so you'll be happy to hear that they have a full expansion coming out I think within the next year. They're saying odds are that it will be set in the Las Vegas area, so there's that to look forward to.

Personally though, I've been rushing a bit, but it's great to slow down and read some of the mission story lines. Some are rather generic - filler missions. Some though, they get pretty interesting.

Don't be afraid to build your character how you want it. From what I hear, the only way you end up gimped is if your ultimate goal is PvP and you make "the wrong choices". For PvE, I'm pretty sure there's nearly no choice as long as you don't spread yourself across everything.

Leadership? You mean group tactics? It's okay I guess. There are some missions/areas you'll definitely want to team up (Kingman Prison for example). Can't say there's a specific build that's useful for it.

Camps are fairly new - not sure what they're good for. I think they'll provide you with a rested bonus. Talk to the camp trainer, he gives a bunch of info about it. You might make better sense of it than I did.


Senior member
Sep 3, 2005
This game runs like crap!!! I couldn't get it to run on the lowest settings on my laptop yet it has graphics from the 90's. Honestly its really disappointing. WoW runs fine on this system and looks 100x better.

The graphics would constantly "flash" and I would be able to see through the walls. I don't think I have ever played a game that was so unpolished and clunky. The controls suck, the lag is horrible, the graphics are crap and it crashed 3 times in under an hour.

Sadly it looks like I will continue my wait for a non fantasy mmo to play.
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Senior member
Dec 17, 2009
This game has some neat stuff, I just feel it was rushed out the door because money ran out.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
I struggle to understand why people think the game was rushed out, looks like a game from the 90's and is still not fit for public use.

I played FE for two months after release. They had a much smoother launch than any other MMO launch I have seen or read about.

The graphics are of a good standard in gaming terms, which equals much better than most MMO's out there. The graphical style in S1 is probably what puts you graphics moaners off. It is barren, a true post-nuclear wasteground. Try playing the game and wait until you visit S3 with it's lush forest areas.

Controls.... It's a simple FPS formula... WASD with mouselook. I had no problems with it compared to any other FPS.

Playing from Europe (UK), I have to say there were only a few times that I lagged and that was mainly due to S1 being extremely overpopulated at the time.

I am quite scared that someone thinks WoW looks better... I wonder if I am starting to go blind.

I feel I must add that the game itself is too easy in my opinion. At level 28 I could safely take down level 40+ mobs with my Crafter/Rifleman and earn a boatload of chips extremely easily. Crafting was the only big challenge... requiring several full days of crafting to produce certain higher level research books.


Senior member
Sep 30, 2005
After reading this thread i've jumped on the 10 day free trial, managed to play for quite a bit yesterday.

Seems good so far. Like the atmosphere, has captured the feel for an apocolypic world rather well imo... Have only been in S1 so am sure this will only get better.

Tutorial was decent and fun compared to others i've played.

Missions so far seem pretty well thought out (obviously a few: go here, kill this. Type but nothing too bad or unneccesary)

I'm planning on going for a rifle/crafter hybrid build... this choise was made after i got fed up with pistols after about 5mins lmao! Shame there is no AP re-roll / reset in place atm. I know 'hardcore' RPers will shudder at the tought... but from the point of view of a fairly serious gamer, new to this game, made a mistake with RP choice i'm now faced with two options:

1) live with it... wait for an AP re-roll to be implemented.

2) 'waste' a few hours of my life going over all the beggining content again, just to get the 'perfect char'

I'm plumping for option 1 as i simply have bettter things to do with my life atm and am fairly sure the game devs will bow to pressure and implement a re-roll of some form or another even if it may be expensive.

Will probably add a couple more updates over the course of my trial and hopefully if i continue to like it i'll subscribe. Although the price tag is a little off putting...


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
This game runs like crap!!! I couldn't get it to run on the lowest settings on my laptop yet it has graphics from the 90's. Honestly its really disappointing. WoW runs fine on this system and looks 100x better.

The graphics would constantly "flash" and I would be able to see through the walls. I don't think I have ever played a game that was so unpolished and clunky. The controls suck, the lag is horrible, the graphics are crap and it crashed 3 times in under an hour.

Sadly it looks like I will continue my wait for a non fantasy mmo to play.

So we're to assume you have a crappy laptop then? You do realize not a lot of games run well on Intel GMA GPUs right?

If you had bothered to read the thread, particularly my initial impressions, you'd know that the graphical style will at first strike as somewhat dated. That's the point - Sector 1 is a wasteland. There's not much in terms of "eye candy". You could easily have figured this out just from screen shots or videos on youtube. If you actually stop to take in the atmosphere - Post-Apocolyptic world = barren wasteland! Oh my, that explains why there's wide open areas of desolation everywhere with not much eye candy! It's okay though, most people are motivated by the instant wow-factor of a game these days, so I forgive you.

As far as your graphical issues themselves, I can solely attribute that to your laptop hardware, nothing else. I've only heard of one person thus far in the game that has had graphics issues similar to yours and a simple reboot fixed their ills. Laptops are notoriously underpowered, and particularly difficult to update drivers - namely video drivers - to current versions which solve all manner of issues.

Again, this may just not be the game for you. That's fine too. It's a niche game and as you can see many of the people that jump aboard enjoy the fact that it is different.

Sorry, I was harsh, but I feel you're writing off this game because of non-issues. Though it does sound like your mind was made up before you even tried it out. That's fine though, to each their own.


Senior member
Sep 3, 2005
So we're to assume you have a crappy laptop then? You do realize not a lot of games run well on Intel GMA GPUs right?

If you had bothered to read the thread, particularly my initial impressions, you'd know that the graphical style will at first strike as somewhat dated. That's the point - Sector 1 is a wasteland. There's not much in terms of "eye candy". You could easily have figured this out just from screen shots or videos on youtube. If you actually stop to take in the atmosphere - Post-Apocolyptic world = barren wasteland! Oh my, that explains why there's wide open areas of desolation everywhere with not much eye candy! It's okay though, most people are motivated by the instant wow-factor of a game these days, so I forgive you.

As far as your graphical issues themselves, I can solely attribute that to your laptop hardware, nothing else. I've only heard of one person thus far in the game that has had graphics issues similar to yours and a simple reboot fixed their ills. Laptops are notoriously underpowered, and particularly difficult to update drivers - namely video drivers - to current versions which solve all manner of issues.

Again, this may just not be the game for you. That's fine too. It's a niche game and as you can see many of the people that jump aboard enjoy the fact that it is different.

Sorry, I was harsh, but I feel you're writing off this game because of non-issues. Though it does sound like your mind was made up before you even tried it out. That's fine though, to each their own.

Its ok, you are defending a game you love but I feel you are also glossing over real issues because of your feelings. I have had my eye on Fallen Earth since early beta and have lurked in their forums so I knew what I was getting into. The only reason I did not buy it on launch was because of REAL issues people were reporting in the forums and mixed reviews. As you know there was also no trial at the time so when I found out that they were finally offering one I was excited. To say I wrote the game off before I tried it is bullshit. I want to be able to play this game and enjoy it, but I guess im just deceiving myself and really just downloaded it hoping for problems so I could flame it in this forum.

My laptop is not a gaming laptop but it is not crap. I have a Nvidia 8400m, Core2Duo and 2GB ram. The lag and graphical glitches made it impossible to play. I could have easily looked past the graphics if it ran well but guess what, it didn't which to me in unacceptable.

I have a wonderful gaming desktop but I like a game that I could play on the couch. Both EVE and WOW run fine and to me look better. I have recent Nvidia drivers and am running Windows 7. I might try to update to the latest versions to see if it makes a difference but I am not hopeful it will help.


Platinum Member
Jun 18, 2006
Just started this MMORPG. Was a big fan of all the Fallout series. I am enjoying it so far.
Anyone else playing? Any thoughts?

Threads merged.

Anandtech PC Gaming Moderator
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Platinum Member
Mar 1, 2005
I played this when open beta or something was announced. Biggest pile of shit I ever had the dishonor of playing. I'm pretty sure I've never uninstalled a game faster.


Diamond Member
Apr 27, 2002
Very good game. Lightyears better than some of the MMO's we're forced to digest (AoC, WoW etc.)

As SunnyD pointed out, we had a huge thread on it with a few supporters and not many people against it.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001

In what way...?
It's more of a sandbox MMO. It lets you do pretty much anything you want to do, whenever you want to (within limits - you still have advancement in the game).

Most people are hung up on the graphics of the game. To be honest, if you take the time to absorb the atmosphere, read some of the story lines, and actually play the game, you'll find that the graphical style fits in perfectly. Not only that, but they've already committed to making things look better (see the last few updates).

As far as bugs, which seems to be another major complaint amongst the detractors - let me be one to say that I have only ever encountered one bug in the game, and there is a quick work around for it. Every young MMO will have issues anyhow, so this argument is moot.

All in all, for a large scale MMO from a small indy production, Fallen Earth is a very, very good product.


Aug 11, 2005
It's more of a sandbox MMO. It lets you do pretty much anything you want to do, whenever you want to (within limits - you still have advancement in the game).

Most people are hung up on the graphics of the game. To be honest, if you take the time to absorb the atmosphere, read some of the story lines, and actually play the game, you'll find that the graphical style fits in perfectly. Not only that, but they've already committed to making things look better (see the last few updates).

As far as bugs, which seems to be another major complaint amongst the detractors - let me be one to say that I have only ever encountered one bug in the game, and there is a quick work around for it. Every young MMO will have issues anyhow, so this argument is moot.

All in all, for a large scale MMO from a small indy production, Fallen Earth is a very, very good product.

I liked the graphics, it worked well for the game, first couple fo weeks playing where great, eventually the combat became very boring and i quit. There is a huge amount of things to do in the game though, craft pretty much anything and you can craft while out doing other things which was nice.


Golden Member
Oct 22, 2006
Repost But:

I played in the open beta with a clan from another game (Roma Victor for those who have played it).

I didn't really like it. Sure it was better than WoW type games. But their claim about open sandbox didn't really hold true to me. I mean, the game I had been playing before was wicked open sandbox (build things almost anywhere).

The crafting system was also really weird to me. The most irritating thing was that when you put something in the que, it didn't take the items out of your inventory until it was finished. And the crafting all revolved around combat. Even though they claimed it didn't and you could gather things by not killing, you had to kill to get to those gathering places. I guess that's pretty realistic for post-apocalypse though.


Golden Member
Nov 15, 2006
I just can't stand most post-apocalyptic settings in games. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series being the closest, but that is more "everyone up and left" then nuclear holocaust. I also didn't enjoy Fallout 3 for this reason.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
The crafting system was also really weird to me. The most irritating thing was that when you put something in the que, it didn't take the items out of your inventory until it was finished. And the crafting all revolved around combat. Even though they claimed it didn't and you could gather things by not killing, you had to kill to get to those gathering places. I guess that's pretty realistic for post-apocalypse though.

#1 - It takes the components out of your inventory for the item being crafted, not the entire queue. The latter would be stupid, as it would cause people to use it like a virtual loot bag.

#2 - Pretty much everything you need for crafting can be acquired through non-combat sources. Be it gathering, or purchasing from NPCs. It's true, there are some items which are far easier to obtain from mobs in combat - but there is nothing in the game that requires you to enter combat... period.


Oct 30, 2000
Using my necrotic arts, I raise this zombie thread! MUAHAH

Anyhow, I just started the 10 day trial after the recent big patch and many people from my guild in it. Seems to be decent enough.


Golden Member
Jul 8, 2007
My friend convinced me to look at this game because of the crafting system and how closely it reminded him of Star Wars Galaxies. Anyone still playing this?
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