** The Other Official Fallen Earth Thread **


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
My in-game name: Khegobier

1/19/10 Update:
Not much to update, but anyone that's playing that needs a hand, take a look at GlobalTech Atlas. It's a fan site with a character planner, database (incomplete), maps, guides and much much more. Very nicely done too.

Level 17 and loving it!

1/6/10 Update:

They now have 10-day Trial Keys, and apparently there have been about 12,000 people that have taken advantage of them. Level 10 cap along with some other restrictions, but still more than enough to get you into the game.

I have to say, I did take advantage, and as a result have subscribed.

10/23/09 Update:
TenTonHammer is giving away 15-day trial keys for Fallen Earth and particularly their "Days of the Dead" Halloween event.

I know there was a brief discussion 2 months ago for the "stress test" beta, however Fileplanet has the full OPEN beta for Fallen Earth available right now open to the general public.

Yet another MMO to test. Previous comments weren't too totally enthusiastic about it, however 2 months and some more polish later, you never know what's going to happen. I'll be giving it a whirl. Hell, free is just about all I can afford these days!


8/28/09 Update:
Here's a few beta keys for the last week of the beta, first come first serve:


Well, I've been fairly quiet about this one, and for good reason too. It's not that it sucks, has bugs, isn't finished, etc. It's entirely because nearly all of my spare time has been occupied playing Fallen Earth! Here's my take on it.

#1 - First and foremost, it has a realistic story line that actually plays into the strengths of the game itself. It's a post-apocalyptic earth in which you basically are fighting not only for your own survival, but pretty much the entire human race's survival after a virus pretty much decimated the planet. The Shiva virus - what it didn't kill, it pretty much mutated. Other than small pockets of humanity, the world has been essentially thrown back into the dark ages, and humanity survives by scavenging whatever it can. There are some isolated pockets of technology, un-mutated human "clones", which is where you come in. Unfortunately, as the tutorial plays out you end up finding out that even the cloning process is failing now (due to sabotage), and it's your job to fix it, especially if you want to live.

#2 - The world is huge, and the ambiance of the world plays to the back story perfectly. I haven't actually be immersed in a game this deeply in a very, VERY long time. The developers got the atmosphere just about perfect.

#3 - The game play and the controls, it's a hybrid MMORPG / FPS style game. Combat is FPS, plain and simple. You don't go mashing button combos on your keyboard, you physically swing, and you have to actively and manually target your enemy in order to hit them. Both melee and ranged weapons require this. There are abilities in the game, which adds in some of the button mashing, but most of the refresh timers are ridiculously long meaning you're only be firing off one of that particular skill in the timespan that either the enemy dies, or you die. The enemies don't stand still either... they constantly jockey for position to some extent. This makes it even harder to fight. It's a nice combat system, and requires more attention than nearly all other MMOs out there.

#4 - Crafting is king. You want to get anywhere in the game? You need to learn how to craft. Why? Money. Money is scarce. The monetary system is "chips", which are essentially poker chips. Junk loot mostly sells for 1 or 2 chips each, and most anything useful to you even at the lower levels will start around 100+ chips (for a weapon for example). Thing is, getting "loot" is fairly easy. There are harvesting nodes all over the place, so it's not hard to pick up stuff. Mobs drop a decent amount of stuff too. But here's the rub: 80% of the items you pick up are trade skill items. If that's the case, might as well craft! In the game, it appears that pretty much anything you can buy can also be crafted (unless it's a basic trade skill item, in which case it can be harvested). So why spend a dime when you can make what you want! There's no real shortage of crafting materials to scavenge. The real nice part of crafting is you don't have to stand at some artificial crafting table in order to do it. In fact, you can craft while running around, looting, harvesting or even fighting. You do get a bonus for crafting at a designated crafting facility - it shortens the amount of time it takes for a given category of items. Crafting some items takes rather large amounts of time too. For example, crafting a typical level 1 weapon takes on the order of 10 minutes. But the cool thing is you can queue up to 20 crafting "recipes", and then go about your business or even log off! Your crafting queue even continues after you log off.

#5 - PvP. Yep, it's in there. It's unrestricted as far as I can tell. I haven't actively done any PvP, but from what I understand, you loot players. Not sure what the death penalty is exactly though.

#6 - Basically, you can do whatever you want in the game wherever and whenever you want to. It's very sandboxy.

My summary - Fallen Earth doesn't look aesthetically pleasing at first until you actually get into the game and realize what the story is. Then the graphical style begins to fit in. The game play, while there are a few quirks, is solid. The story is great. The game just rocks in my opinion.
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Oct 10, 2007
I was a tester through the alpha and beta stages of FE, so I have been in this for about a year now. Now that the NDA is dropped I can finally talk about it.

My general impression: This is SWG resurrected, before the CU and NGE. The learning curve is steep, in no way dose this game ever hold your hand. Outside the short tutorial you are free to go where ever and do whatever you want. The crafting system is simply amazing, the most epic gear in the game is all crafted not dropped.

There is a lot to say about this game, if anyone has questions I'll try and check this thread to answer.


Jul 21, 2008
I just downloaded and installed last night. wanted to try it out but the servers were down.

Anyone know if this has any similar feel to Fallout? I am sure that it is definitely coming from another direction. It will be interesting to see what similarities there might be.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2004
Interesting, I'm downloading it now. What is the gameplay like? Standard hotkey mashing WoW or something a little different like Tabula Rasa? Any guides or pointers for newbies?

Basically can I expect normal MMO conventions like healers, DPS and Tanks? Can skills be easily be changed? How does the gameplay work? Wiki isn't providing any real info.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: mwmorph
Interesting, I'm downloading it now. What is the gameplay like? Standard hotkey mashing WoW or something a little different like Tabula Rasa? Any guides or pointers for newbies?

Basically can I expect normal MMO conventions like healers, DPS and Tanks? Can skills be easily be changed? How does the gameplay work? Wiki isn't providing any real info.

My friend says combat is very much like Tabula Rasa. "Hybrid Shooter" MMORPG


Senior member
Jul 3, 2004
Except Tabula Rasa shut down from lack of players and TR was 10x better than Fallen Earth.

I tried FE earlier, and it was a flaming pile of junk. Worth a try if you're bored i suppose though.


Oct 10, 2007
This game is what a Fallout 3/S.A.L.K.E.R mmo would be

It's nothing like WoW. There are no classes to choose, you select from list of skills which ones you want to level. You are free to dictate your course however there are only a limited number of AP to assign to theses skills so you must be very careful from the begining. It's good to have a clear idea of the path you want to go. Also there are 6 factions you can "join", each offer a different set of advantages in combat/crafting/mutations.

People considering crafting heavy roles are at a bit of a disadvantage in PvP combat, that said I had the most fun as a crafter, there's something awesome about building a dune buggy with a chain gun mounted on it.

All said this game has been heavily influenced by SWG and Tabula Rasa. It is very much an RPG style combat. Some of the devs from the Pre CU/NGE SWG have been working on FE from the begining. If anyone remembers Tiggs from SWG, this is what she has been up to since leaving SOE.

For those are downloading I recommend you read the beta forums and website before playing, the learning curve is steep and there is so much to know.


Diamond Member
Oct 22, 2004
I DLed it, and only got to play about 10 minutes before having to do 2 hours of research on the forums on AP allocation because there's no respeccing in the game.


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2004
Originally posted by: DangerAardvark
I DLed it, and only got to play about 10 minutes before having to do 2 hours of research on the forums on AP allocation because there's no respeccing in the game.

Uh oh, that's what I was afraid of. I hate rolling 5 or 6 different, hobbled characters until I get to an endgame char that works in raid enviroments.


Apr 23, 2000
Originally posted by: mwmorph
Originally posted by: DangerAardvark
I DLed it, and only got to play about 10 minutes before having to do 2 hours of research on the forums on AP allocation because there's no respeccing in the game.

Uh oh, that's what I was afraid of. I hate rolling 5 or 6 different, hobbled characters until I get to an endgame char that works in raid enviroments.

I'm still downloading so guess I should check their forums for AP info etc..

Are servers still empty?...was an issue somebody posted earlier at their forums.


Senior member
Nov 12, 2006
I'm downloading this on bittorrent right now. I'm going to read up on it a little before I install though... Any links new players should read?


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Mem
Originally posted by: mwmorph
Originally posted by: DangerAardvark
I DLed it, and only got to play about 10 minutes before having to do 2 hours of research on the forums on AP allocation because there's no respeccing in the game.

Uh oh, that's what I was afraid of. I hate rolling 5 or 6 different, hobbled characters until I get to an endgame char that works in raid enviroments.

I'm still downloading so guess I should check their forums for AP info etc..

Are servers still empty?...was an issue somebody posted earlier at their forums.

There's only one server (right now). There was some issues last night, the server ended up being restart or something (couldn't log in for about 30 minutes). Once that was out of the way, I played through the tutorial.

Basically, the tutorial tells you "basically" how to play the game, nothing more. Then it's pretty much throw you to the wolves. It's a hardcore game, so when you die you're pretty much screwed. So, um, a tip would be don't die.

Graphically, it's not impressive really. It sort of feels like Anarchy Online actually, with the graphics maybe just one step up from that. I welcome the fact that it's pretty much a pure FPS MMO though.

I would say if at all possible, find some friends and do things as a group. I get the feeling that noobies will get in WAY over their heads rather quickly if they're not careful (I almost died to a mob right outside the starting city I picked, and it wasn't a high level mob either).


Apr 23, 2000
So what faction is everybody going with?..Personally I'm leaning towards Enforcer or Lightbearer for my starting alt.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Mem
So what faction is everybody going with?..Personally I'm leaning towards Enforcer or Lightbearer for my starting alt.

I opted to be one of the crafter ones. TBH, I'm not entirely sure it really matters though.


Apr 8, 2002
Ill try it out. While I am into EVE there is always time for another MMO. That is the beauty of EVE


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2004
Originally posted by: Mem
So what faction is everybody going with?..Personally I'm leaning towards Enforcer or Lightbearer for my starting alt.

I'm going enforcer. I'm thinking Armor, Pistols and First Aid in a sort of combat medic role.

I am finding some problems though. The game has many random slowdowns on my PC, C2D @ 3.5ghz 4gig ram, 4870 1gb, HDD is defragged 2x a week automatically, Windows 7. I have all the graphical settings at max (1280x1024 resoultion, everything else maxed out) and it seems to have many loading related slowdowns where my fps will go from 80+ to the mid-low teens 12-16 (or even lower, many places, 8-9 is normal if i turn and walk in another direction for 30 yards) quite frequently. I don't have anything extra running, no firefox or anything, just drivers (ATI CCC, Creative X-Fi control panel, Logitech Setpoint, Antivirus, Steam, FRAPS and Xfire.)

I think the game still has some bugs to work out. In the tutorial itself, one of my quest npcs didn't spawn, some enemies spawned during the stealth session (enemies with guns, not supposed to be in the room, spawned and started shooting at me) and the part where you protect civilians with CHOTA in a big firefight.... wasn't, nothing happened, i walk there, mission completed, no bodies, no fight and then turn the quest back in.

The shooting mechanics remind me of other FPS-RPGs like Mass Effect or Fallout 3 which is fine, but the slowdowns are really killing me and NPC path finding is suspect. Melee enemy NPCs will charge at you, then weave around a bit, then charge at you again, then weave, then somehow end up behind you 15 yards, then turn around and weave back at you in seemingly random patterns. They don't look for cover, most of the time, they don't even head in your direction.

Then there's time when textures just don't load, NPCs have heads and legs but no bodies, the ground goes transparent some places, etc. It really seems like it's a issue with low memory, but I have 3gb of ram free when i'm at the desktop.

Overall, great premise, but not ready for release yet IMO (release is set for Sept 9th IIRC).


Apr 23, 2000
Originally posted by: Scouzer
It doesn't work on my computer. Crashes on loading. Oh well.

PC specs?... btw run as Admin for Vista/Win7.

It's updating on mine at the moment,Vista x64.


Platinum Member
Dec 28, 2003
Mine crashed on loading the second part of the tutorial last night, but I was impressed with what I saw.


Jun 3, 2001
Good lord, this game is a PIG! I finally got it working, why bother?

I've got a 2.8ghz Core 2 Duo and a 9700M GT and I can't get 5fps on the lowest settings! Horrible!


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Scouzer
Good lord, this game is a PIG! I finally got it working, why bother?

I've got a 2.8ghz Core 2 Duo and a 9700M GT and I can't get 5fps on the lowest settings! Horrible!

Eh, something is wrong on your end. I've got a Phenom II 940 with a Radeon 4890 and it runs fine with all settings cranked up.


Apr 23, 2000
Originally posted by: SunnyD
Originally posted by: Scouzer
Good lord, this game is a PIG! I finally got it working, why bother?

I've got a 2.8ghz Core 2 Duo and a 9700M GT and I can't get 5fps on the lowest settings! Horrible!

Eh, something is wrong on your end. I've got a Phenom II 940 with a Radeon 4890 and it runs fine with all settings cranked up.

4870 here with 3800+ x2 cpu(full hardware upgrade soon so don't ask ) anyway seems to run fine so far,however only played for a short time,graphics seem ok to me @1920x1080 res.
Feb 4, 2009
Alright I've been suckered in, I'll DL it tonight or tomorrow and join Sunday evening. Maybe I'll use the same name as here....


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Originally posted by: Mem
Originally posted by: SunnyD
Originally posted by: Scouzer
Good lord, this game is a PIG! I finally got it working, why bother?

I've got a 2.8ghz Core 2 Duo and a 9700M GT and I can't get 5fps on the lowest settings! Horrible!

Eh, something is wrong on your end. I've got a Phenom II 940 with a Radeon 4890 and it runs fine with all settings cranked up.

4870 here with 3800+ x2 cpu(full hardware upgrade soon so don't ask ) anyway seems to run fine so far,however only played for a short time,graphics seem ok to me @1920x1080 res.

I should mention I was running 1680x1050 windowed mode too. Didn't feel like getting stuck fullscreen last night (1920x1200).
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