I am getting what I wanted. Oversite on government spending, controlled immigration, merit based government hiring. I have concern that the Trump crew is using a hatchet where a scalpel would be the proper tool, but going overboard seems to be the very nature of our government.
I don't like the way some of his ideas are being handled, but the alternative was more of what wasn't working. Over thirty trillion dollars in debt is a problem, illegal immigration is a problem, government agency's blowing through billions of dollars with little to nothing to show for it is a problem.
Oversight? You can't even spell oversight, yet alone correctly identify it. This isn't 'oversight', it's mindless vandalism by a ruling elite who specifically want to destroy any mechanism for overseeing them.
As for the debt, on one level this seems like a rerun of the 'austerity' we had under Osborne and Clegg - we had years of cuts and reduction of government spending, and the result was a country where nothing worked properly, the greatest decline in living standards for centuries, and an even larger debt than we started with. And that was with cuts applied via the legitimate political system, with a 'scalpel', not extra-constitutionally with a woodchipper. I can't wait to see the devastating effect of the work of Chairman Musk's Red Guards. Will probably take the US a generation to recover.