The Philadelphia beating

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Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000

Anyone throwing the race card on this is an ass.This had nothing to do with race.It was law enforcement against criminal and the lawbreaker got caught.
Further ,the police went beyond protocol in making the arrest.It is on tape.I know many cops and have a son going to the academy. I broke the law enough to know it doesn't pay and I hope this idiot learns also. The perp shot a cop!That could be my son he shot!
But that is no excuse for highly trained,well fed,well paid, professionals to behave. They are an example of what society abhores..A gang of thugs.Some where still waving there guns around,being slammed into by other cops in the beating frenzy.Oh how lucky we are a fatality of an innocent bystander from a stray cops bullet didn't occur.

Its high time law enforcement clean up the criminal element in Philly.I have been there many times and the word is "be off the streets by sundown or you will be in danger". Crime is rampent there and we just witnessed how brazen that element has become.

I beleve there are laws preventing criminals profiting from there deads.If this punk gets a dime,some redneck may off him for principle.IMHO Sorry to Rant


Senior member
May 20, 2000
IMO, what happened to him, was completely his fault. It is common sense that if you resist arrest, shoot at an officer then go on a high speed chase that the cops are going to be just a wee bit miffed at you. You can't train the adrenailine(sp?) rush out of a person, only try to control it.The officers should not be punished for relying on their basic insticts. How would you have reacted if you were in that situation?


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
<<Once hes on the ground with no gun hes no threat to anyone especially with the 30+ cops surrounding him - beating him was unnecessary>>

Perhaps but what was he doing while on the ground? Kicking, scratching, trying to go for a cops gun...??



Diamond Member
May 12, 2000
My opinion on this ordeal.

The police are here to protect us, they keep the world safe for little Jonny so he can play in the yard, and for Mr Smith on his drive to work.

The officers were doing their jobs, and the man got exactly what he deserved. I don't care what your race is, when you assault an officer who is putting his life on the line daily to protect you and your family, you deserver a beating.

It seems that in recent years, any time the police get involved in something like this, the bad guy is always made out to be some innocent bystander who has fallen victim to police violence. Well here are the facts, the police deal with the scum of the earth on a daily basis and there is a DARK SIDE to police work that not allot of us want to accept is there.

This is nessisary, I don't care if the police kill him, if he has no reguard for the laws of this country and the lifes of others, he deserves to be brought down hard.

What would you be thinking if he had shot your husband? Your brother? Your Son, Your Uncle? What if that cop who was shot was close t you. I gaurentee you he was aiming for the cops head - he missed.

This guy got what he has comegint to him - and I don't support government beatings of inocent citizen - I fully and firmly support strict and swift law enforcment that protects me, my family, my neigboors friends and my right to freedom as an American - if you cannot accept this perhaps you should move to Iraq.


Diamond Member
Nov 10, 1999
I think many people (all over the country) are missing the point that a cop was shot. This is bad enough, but when you see someone very close to you (a fellow officer) in a similar situation (possibly with a family!) get harmed you get fscking pissed! Rightfully so too!!! They were angry that any man could attempt to take a man away from his family and were so pissed that they beat the crap outta this piece of sh!t.

I feel he got what he deserved.

No man has the right to take another man from his family unless it is in self defense! (or war...but that is the risk taken in going into war.)

Yes, these officers are representatives of our judicial system (well the enforcement part of it), but human emotion, empathy, possibly sympathy, and anger are far more controlling than any job!

The guy who got the snot beat out of him endangered the lives of people on that high speed chase too!

I hope that guy gets life in prison without parole.

I hate criminals, especially violent ones with no regard for life! :|

BTW, police officer boots aren't just boots, they are steel toed boots. My friend's dad is a police officer.

BTW, before I get flamed, let me have my opinion, I only rarely visit this forum any more so I probably won't be able to defend it.


Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000
I sure can't think of any reason to flame anyone in this thread for expressing themselves.We are all entitled to our opinions,on this and any other issue.This one brings with it alot of emotion.It's good to re-enforce your convictions.It defines your character.


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2000
They tried to arrest him once. He bit one cop, shot another, and then stole a cop car. The second time, they don't need to be &quot;nice.&quot; :|


Apr 10, 2000
They were very justified in beating him. If you've seen the video tape, then you know it is an overhead shot. You cannot even see the guy being beaten. You can't tell anything going on really, it is VERY likely that the guy was trying to fight the cops and they had to use force to subdue him. Also this bastard shot a police officer.
This is just like with Rodney King. The man was high as a kite, speeding at over 100mph, and he attacked the arresting officers. Of course he was gonna be beaten up. If you attack the cops, especially when you're out numbered, you're gonna get beaten down quite severely.


Mar 12, 2000
Ugghhh... Don't bring up this &quot;Rodney King Beating&quot; was justified cr@p. The man was lieing unconcious on the ground, and they beat him mercilessly, for a traffic violation. How the fsck would any of you know what its like? The cops probably call you &quot;Sir&quot; when they pull you over for the same thing.

There's not a newspaper editorial I've read so far that supports this beating. Of course, I don't read the Charleston, SC Daily Klansman or the Idaho Neo Nazi News, like the rest of you. I doubt any of you have ever taken a class on jurisprudence, or - for that matter - even know what it is. Most of you probably see Detective Andy Sipowicz beating confessions out of people (and his hunches are always right too!) or Batman kicking the cr@p out of various miscreants, and you reach the brilliant conclusion that procedural justice is always bad and inherently incompetent, and that vigilante justice is the only way to go.

What if they burned the predominantly white portions of Philadelphia down? Many of you support vigilante justice when the police feel its necessary. Maybe you'll support this too.


Diamond Member
Nov 10, 1999
CyberSax, I resent those remarks. Just because people hold a different opinion than you does not give you the right to attack them, is it you who is reading &quot;Neo Nazi Daily&quot; or whatever?

Various news shows interviewed African Americans in the heart of Philly, not one said that it was a race issue, so don't even go there. It was an African American getting beaten by an interracial group of officers, it wasn't only white officers.

No one here knows what was going on during the beating. The man may have been going for an officers gun, kicking and punching one knows.

I think it was instinct which guided them in their beating of this man, anyone would do the same if their life was in jeopardy because of this slime. Also, when you see a man in the same situation as you get, you really wanna beat the fsck outta that perp because it could have been you. Sometimes we can't escape our instincts in this world.



Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000
If I heard correctly on cnn just a moment ago,the officer shot in the thumb was shot by &quot;friendly fire&quot;?

In the same report,witnesses were being coerced for testomy that the perp was &quot;waving a gun&quot;?

In the same report, the perp was witnessed to have rolled to a stop on that corner slumped over to his left side apperently passed out?(I saw the video of the officers dragging him out of the car and throwing him to the ground)

In same report it cannot be certain if the perp was shot 5 times before he jumped in the squad car to get away.(Hmmmmm,I think if a bunch of nuts just put 5 slugs in me,Ild jump in the nearest running vehicle and try and get away too. survival instinct 101.)

You keep ranting this racial crap and your credibility is in the toilet. I'll smack you with a Reginald Denny thread if you want to keep justifying racial stuff. I presume you are Afro- American. I am a WASP. You can see I don't condone what took place and I am not an apologist for either side,but if you want people to take you seriously,drop the racial crap. You know black officers were beating and kicking this criminal as well as white.Hell, for all we know there could of been an hispanic,an asian and an american indian kicking this guy. It just plain got out of hand.


May 24, 2000
the police went way over the line of what they're supposed to do. They lost their cool and beat the crap out of a guy. There shouldn't be a second chance for these guys. They lowered themselves to the level of a common street thug and deserve to be treated as such. Just because our emotions are running high doesn't give us (civilians) the right to beat the crap out of someone, why should they be given that privilage? There's a big difference between &quot;should be able&quot; and &quot;legally be able&quot;. I should be able to beat the crap out of the guy that killed my cousin (drunk driver =( ) but I didn't because i'm not going to lower myself to that. Punish those who broke the law, all of those who broke it.


Mar 16, 2000
I'm from Philly myself. Considering what cops make for what they do; and considering the AMAZING fact that anybody actually wants to do that job I've alway felt we're damn lucky to have them around...and yet all they get is sh*&amp;^ on by everyone. The truly disgusting part of the whole thing is the shamless grandstanding the media and various interest groups partake in...true bottom feeders and ambulance chasers they just can't wait for such an event to keep themselves in the news...and if it's on VIDEO, by GOD, look out!!


May 4, 2000
very very appears that the cop that got shot in the thumb was from friendly fire!

And low and behold, there are reports that the cops &quot;coerced&quot; (read threatened) civilian eyewitnesses to say they saw the suspect shotting at cops...even if it wasn't true....hmmmm...

You may dismiss these reports as simply biased media reporting. But keep in mind, where did you get your information from? The same media!


May 4, 2000
Making this a black vs white issue is a simpleton approach. Believe it or not, many of the worst aggressors against minorites are other minorites in power!

Take for instance the LAPD Rampart division scandal. Over 100 innocent latino/black people were wrongly convicted and sent to jail. It was recently proved that they were innocent and all of them have been released from jail. Why did this happen? Because a group of cops ganged up on a particular community that they didn't like. They beat them until they confessed. They threatened to beat other people unless they lied in court. Who was the ringleader of this rouge cop gang? A latino man!

It just goes to show you that it is not a white vs minority issue. Rather it is a class issue. Many cops either don't understand the inner city (they always lived in the suburbs and view inner city people as &quot;trash&quot or they were from the inner city, but now that they are out, they forget about where they are from.


Jun 13, 2000
Most of you guys have NO idea what it is like to be in that sort of situation, so it's easy for you to say 'well he's down so why beat on him?' He was resisting arrest, and he was a pretty big boy. If that bigboy was on the ground, resisting arrest, how would you handcuff him? You'll grab his hand, and he would bite it. How would you cuff his hands around his back? I have resisted being arrested before, and was quite successful for about 15secs, before a joint lock manuever was placed on me. And i'm 5'6&quot; and 150lbs. Imagine somebody as large as that guy... AND known to have no qualms about shooting a cop... for all they know he may have had a hidden weapon (not to mention the biting he was doing... have you ever been bitten before?).

20to1? yes, but how many were on him at a time... and since he was on the ground, somebody would have had to get down with him to wrestle him onto his stomach... and for a bigboy like him that was resisting arrest and biting, that wouldn't have been fun.



Elite Member
Jan 29, 2000

You need to watch the film on cnn and read what I said.

The perp was seen slumped in the seat of the car.The car was stopped at the corner in the middle of making a turn.The perp was passed out!!He was dragged out of the car by the cops and thrown to the ground and ponced upon in microseconds of him being pulled from the car.What is this B.S. about resisting and biting and going for a cops gun? He was probably bleeding profusely from 5 bullet wounds he recieved PRIOR to getting into the squad car.He was not resisting,he was trying to live!!!

At least make intelligent posts from the info we all have now.


Nov 14, 1999
Are you being &quot;mistreated&quot; by the cops?

Here is a suggestion...become a law abiding contributing member of society..the cops will fade into the background...a non-issue..


Junior Member
Jul 2, 2000
My god, that was beating! The cops claim that he was resisting arrest and all, but it doesn't take 12 or so people to restrain 1 civlian..geez..12 people kicking and hitting him..i agree he got what he deserved, but when they claim that they did not beat him..what is that!>?!?! Cops there think that just because they enforce the law, they should not be a part of it???


Nov 14, 1999

<< My god, that was beating! The cops claim that he was resisting arrest and all, but it doesn't take 12 or so people to restrain 1 civlian.. >>

It is Written..a soft answer turns away wrath.

In common terms...if you step into a pile of sh&amp;t...don't be surprised when you stink..

Get Wisdom and remain free..



Diamond Member
Nov 10, 1999
Lets see...

Attempted Murder
Reckless Endangerment
DUI (he was high...)
Automobile Theft

Just a few of the many laws this motha fscker broke...

I have no sympathy for this scum.


May 4, 2000
lets lay down some facts:

The police themselves aren't sure if the
wounded cop was shot by the suspect or another

The cops *STILL* have not recovered the gun that
the suspect supposedly shot at cops with

These bring up important suspicions.
I still say, prosecute the suspect....and the cops


May 4, 2000
According to one eyewitness in the above MSNBC link:

The suspect gave up and put his hands in the air,
the cops grabbed him and started to punch/kick him
thats when the suspect grabs a cop gun and starts shooting

then the whole melee starts where the suspect steals a cop car...

very interesting...seems like the suspect was giving
up first but had to defend himself because the cops started
beating on him for no reason.
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