The problem with blacks in america is...

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Senior member
Jul 2, 2002
They still blame slavery for their problems.

They lack the drive to succeed based on this.

They fail to acknowledge that Afro-American pop culture is inherently anti-achievement. Not until their mindset and culture changes, will Afro-America succeed.

Everyone and their brother wants into the USA for that chance to achieve their dream while the black culture is still blaming slavery here for their issues... They in fact should have a 'thank god for slavery and the struggles of the generations prior' day to celebrate they are here in a land of opportunity instead of back in Africa crapping on the beach. Be excited and happy instead of pissed off for something that is history. Move on.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2013

This really needs no comment on how weak and stupid this looks as some type of token to justify the history of blacks as being common among other peoples.

Why don't you go ahead and pontificate about all the black slavery that exists today in "mother Africa" then?

I'll wait for your reply.

...oh wait, I forgot, blacks can't be racist and blacks never owned slaves and blacks certainly didn't START the slave trade or continue it to this day with no hope in sight.


Spot on.

The United States evolved above slavery but we're still somehow guilty of it, blacks can't stop talking about it, but the only slavery that is recognized by many blacks like you is what happened in this country 300 years ago. Not what happened before that, who owned slaves before that, not what peoples were slaves throughout human history (read: everyone), not what's happening RIGHT NOW on an entire continent on the other side of the world from us, no no, none of that is important.



Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2013
Everyone and their brother wants into the USA for that chance to achieve their dream while the black culture is still blaming slavery here for their issues... They in fact should have a 'thank god for slavery and the struggles of the generations prior' day to celebrate they are here in a land of opportunity instead of back in Africa crapping on the beach. Be excited and happy instead of pissed off for something that is history. Move on.

Crapping on the beach... if their modern day slave owners will let them.


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
...they are here in a land of opportunity instead of back in Africa crapping on the beach.
It's sad, I probably wouldn't have got the 'crapping on the beach' reference if I hadn't just seen this a few days ago:

Literally at 13:12- that's indeed the kinds of wretched conditions many would be living in back in Africa instead of blessed with living here.

People should be falling down kissing the ground that they're fortunate enough to live here vs. the hellholes that much of Africa is.

Another thing: I meet black Africans who come to America, and almost all of them that I've met don't identify with or understand native black Americans. They're some of the harshest critics of American blacks you'll ever meet. (Of course, it must be racism coming from people who are themselves black, right?)

The Africans I know here are virtually all well-off, hardworking, entrepreneur-minded, have no time at all for self-pity and race-card bullshit because they know the contrast of where they came from and most wouldn't be dragged back to that for anything.

They see native born blacks that don't take advantage of what's here as self-defeated. And wonder of wonders- racism doesn't seem to stop the African blacks from succeeding.
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Platinum Member
Jul 16, 2002
It's sad, I probably wouldn't have got the 'crapping on the beach' reference if I hadn't just seen this a few days ago:

Literally at 13:12- that's indeed the kinds of wretched conditions many would be living in back in Africa instead of blessed with living here.

People should be falling down kissing the ground that they're fortunate enough to live here vs. the hellholes that much of Africa is.

Obama makes an appearance at 14:01


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
Obama makes an appearance at 14:01

If many of Obama's biggest fans here actually ran things- much of the US would look just like that.

In fact, give them enough time...


Senior member
Dec 26, 2012
The real problem with a lot of people from white trash, thugs, and those simply whining about fairness is they're stupid. My parents didn't think only of themselves, they thought of us (their children) just like their grandparents did (not).

But these days it's blame everybody else, look out for number one, instead of strive to work through the problems not so you can have a better life, but for your children can.

I got a feeling a lot of their ancestors would be rolling over in their graves if they could see what was happening, and how some people waste the opportunity they fought for.

God Mode

Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2005
Black people should simply accept that there are people that don't like them or want to associate with them.

Why don't they establish their own community and strive to make it better than others? Lead by example not by force.


Mar 19, 2007
Translated, "Hooray for segregation!"

As per the racist defender that is Doppel (motivated to rally against those find racism vile all the while justifying the presented racism), the problems for racists and xenophobic bigots are the presence of those groups who they demean and the intolerant whiners who follow to identify, condemn racism, and attempt to eliminate such harmful bigotry from society. Solution -- segregation, to keep the dirty hordes at bay.

I am really trying to see why you are an expert in the plight of the black man when you live in Oak Bay, BC Canada population 18,000 with 0.1% being black.
Aug 14, 2001
The problem in America is actually with conservative white men. They have become de-assimilated from American society. For so much time they have enjoyed an unfair playing field and work the political process specifically to their advantage. Obama destroyed that for them and now they have started to increase the rate of de-assimilation among conservative white men in the US.

We see this when we look at the 2012 election numbers. Women, white men, blacks, hispanics, asians, etc. voted for Obama. Romney? Monolithic voting bloc. That is clear evidence of de-assimilation.

I've been saying for a while that this is the most important social issue in the US - the de-assimilation of many white males from American society. And now we are seeing them strike out in violence over and over again. Things will only continue to get worse as the playing field continues to be equal to everyone and white men have to go along with all of the privileges that they are used to having.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
Black people should simply accept that there are people that don't like them or want to associate with them.

Maybe I should just copy and paste this in every thread where the majority of the posters on this thread (whites) whine and complain about racism against them.

I'm sure it will go over well because It would be coming from a black person, but, of course...other posters can say whatever the hell they want about or to brown people without consequence.


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2003
I think what many white people don't realize is that blacks who are 60 years old were born and lived through the hell of segregation and hatred. Which means they taught their children, who are now 40-ish, to believe the same.

This isn't the same as foreigners coming into the US. They haven't been mistreated by the people IN the US. Whereas blacks have been taught by their parents that the larger part of the US population simply cannot be trusted.

They haven't had enough time.

BUT. I don't support giving them extra opportunities beyond that of financial support for schooling, etc. I.e., I don't support affirmative action.


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
The problem with blacks in america is basically that they have never been treated fairly.

I hear all manners of discussions that characterize black people as criminals, ignorant, unintelligent, racist, etc.. But really how would you expect a group of people to act when the moment that they arrived in america they were treated as subhumans or animals? Imagine how you would feel if you were labeled before you even had a chance to demonstrate who you really were.

Just 50 or 60 years ago it was ok in america to force black people to use separate water fountains, to sit in the back of the bus or public auditoriums, to use different entrances in public buildings. It was ok to lynch and hang black people over the slightest infractions. How would you feel if that was your legacy? How would you look at a society knowing that you were considered to be inferior no matter what you achieved in life?

I grew up with an immense love for reading. I love all forms of books whether it's fiction, history or math, I enjoy the pleasure of reading. During my grammar school years many of my test scores were on the level of college students. Yet despite the fact that I had an obvious aptitude for the written word, more often than not I was judged soley on the color of my skin. I remember at 11 years old being placed in a school for advanced students (which was predominately white) and had to be taken out because of the backlash from the students, teachers and parents (this was in the late 1980's). I can remember times walking home from the mall or school and being verbally and physically harassed for no other reason than being black. The reason I bring this up is simply to point out that this kind of treatment will naturally cause a reaction. Let me state for the record that I have never treated or spoke of any person of a different race or color in a derogatory manner. Nor do I condone any one doing so, although I can understand the frustration of people who may react in a less than civil manner.

When I read thoughts and comments such as the ones expressed here ( ), I can't help but to feel a little annoyed. I could argue the statements made in that thread for hours, but in the end it would achieve nothing in the larger scheme of things. I realize that this post itself will likely not change many opinions or feelings, but in the interest of present both sides of a coin I felt the need to put my thoughts online.

I've never been treated fairly in my life. Because I'm a white male I cant make excuses. I have to produce.

I joined the Navy, worked my way into the advanced electronics program, got a job a Hynix, then later at Tektronix. Currently working on my masters. I also support my community by safekeeping the environment with Izaak Walton, and working with kids & veterans thru the VFW.

If I had been allowed to make excuses do you think I would have accomplished all that?

There is one common feature I noticed in every successful black I've ever met.
They dont act "black". No whining, no excuses, no blaming, and damn sure no feeling sorry for their whole race.


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2012
They dont act "black". No whining, no excuses, no blaming, and damn sure no feeling sorry for their whole race.

What is this "acting black" bullshit? I swear, you guys think you're an expert on us...

What does it mean to "act black"?. Does that mean being the stereotype you clowns paint of us on this forum? Does it mean acting like white people expect a black person to act? Please, clue me in. I really want to know.

How dare any of you complain about blacks saying shit like a kid is "acting white" because they do certain activities and then you keep perpetuating the fucking ignorance.

What the fuck does it mean to act a race? If you can't explain it, stop fucking saying it. Its stupid. I'm an individual first and I am black second. Don't fucking tell me that if I am successful (oh excuse me, you said your token non-"black" acting, black successful friends..), that means I don't exhibit typical black behavior.

This is the type of shit some of us have to battle with. Idiots who think that because they find some black people that aren't ready to pounce on them that they've discovered some small section of the black community that they can describe as not acting as if they belong to that community. Idiots who think that if I don't act the way they expected me to means that I am a credit to my race. Or that I have interests that they don't think black people should have.

And you guys wonder why minorities don't want to come to P&N and have dialogue with you. What the hell is there to talk about?, every single one of you sit there in your fucking armchairs and pretend like you're some sort of expert on us. You guys bashed Rob M. because he posted a positive thread about blacks...yet, you guys have free reign to sit here and say disgusting shit about minorities while the mods sit back and pretend they are actually doing something. Everything is about negativity here. Many of you have already exposed yourselves to be prejudiced against blacks.

As God Mode said:

Black people should simply accept that there are people that don't like them or want to associate with them.

I'm sure a few words could be changed and/or added to match the current mission statement of P&N.
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Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2008
How dare any of you complain about blacks saying shit like a kid is "acting white" because they do certain activities
You'll probably say it's racist to point out, but pretty much the only people I've ever heard use the term 'acting white' were actually black people making fun of another black person who uses proper english/grammar, tries hard in school/or work, and doesn't generally act in a way that's supposed to represent someone else's (in this case another black person's) stereotypical view of what it means to be 'black'.

You are right, using the term 'acting black' is a bit asinine for a white person to use basically acknowledging their own ignorant beliefs of some sort- but let's be honest for a minute, the whole 'acting' whichever race thing isn't just something whites do against blacks, it's something blacks also do against themselves too. Not acknowledging that is just dishonest.

What I'd genuinely like to see is for ALL races to stop taking themselves so f'ing seriously already. Your race/ethnicity doesn't actually mean JACK SHIT. Not white, not black, not Asian, Hispanic, or whatever else.

It's undoubtable, white people taking their race too damned seriously has caused a hell of a lot of strife in this world. I would hope MOST of the white race has realized the folly of that and moved on.

But here's the thing- what I observe all too often is other races besides whites taking themselves too damned seriously, and then wanting to yell racism, oppression, unfairness, etc. etc. because everyone else won't bow down and take their race too damn seriously too.

The conditions are different- non-whites aren't often wanting to be taken too seriously in the form of being recognized as racially superior (let's face it, that's been white people's crutch) rather, it takes the form of "Recognize my oppression! Recognize my race-based plight, and sympathize with it and treat me accordingly! You can't disagree with what I say/think/believe or how I act or treat others without being a racist!"

It's coming from a different place- but at the end of the day, it's the same horseshit wrapped up in a different package.

I know, I know- we'll probably never get past it- but that's too bad, because the second people would all start to see themselves as individuals and not part of some group based solely on useless criteria such as race, the whole world would become a better place.
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God Mode

Platinum Member
Jul 2, 2005
What is this "acting black" bullshit? I swear, you guys think you're an expert on us...

What does it mean to "act black"?. Does that mean being the stereotype you clowns paint of us on this forum? Does it mean acting like white people expect a black person to act? Please, clue me in. I really want to know.

How dare any of you complain about blacks saying shit like a kid is "acting white" because they do certain activities and then you keep perpetuating the fucking ignorance.

What the fuck does it mean to act a race? If you can't explain it, stop fucking saying it. Its stupid. I'm an individual first and I am black second. Don't fucking tell me that if I am successful (oh excuse me, you said your token non-"black" acting, black successful friends..), that means I don't exhibit typical black behavior.

This is the type of shit some of us have to battle with. Idiots who think that because they find some black people that aren't ready to pounce on them that they've discovered some small section of the black community that they can describe as not acting as if they belong to that community. Idiots who think that if I don't act the way they expected me to means that I am a credit to my race. Or that I have interests that they don't think black people should have.

And you guys wonder why minorities don't want to come to P&N and have dialogue with you. What the hell is there to talk about?, every single one of you sit there in your fucking armchairs and pretend like you're some sort of expert on us. You guys bashed Rob M. because he posted a positive thread about blacks...yet, you guys have free reign to sit here and say disgusting shit about minorities while the mods sit back and pretend they are actually doing something. Everything is about negativity here. Many of you have already exposed yourselves to be prejudiced against blacks.

As God Mode said:

I'm sure a few words could be changed and/or added to match the current mission statement of P&N.

If you feel unwelcome or annoyed at the 'idiots' on this forum, you should leave. You take things out of context and think everyone is out to get the black man when people simply have better things to do.

I don't give a shit if a black person thinks that I'm racist because I use my freedom and choice to determine whether or not they're worthy of knowing. To some, they had enough bad experiences to not bother anymore. Get that through your thick skull.
Apr 27, 2012
The problem is simple. Liberalism and welfare have totally destroyed the black family. There is a 70% out of wedlock birth rate and many babies are born without a father. No father means that the chance of going to jail and not finishing school increases. As long as the father is missing there will always be problems and they won't be able to achieve prosperity at the same level as whites.


Diamond Member
Jan 31, 2010
I've never been treated fairly in my life. Because I'm a white male I cant make excuses. I have to produce.

I joined the Navy, worked my way into the advanced electronics program, got a job a Hynix, then later at Tektronix. Currently working on my masters. I also support my community by safekeeping the environment with Izaak Walton, and working with kids & veterans thru the VFW.

If I had been allowed to make excuses do you think I would have accomplished all that?

There is one common feature I noticed in every successful black I've ever met.
They dont act "black". No whining, no excuses, no blaming, and damn sure no feeling sorry for their whole race.

LMAO, yeah you sure had it hard, if you were only black things would have been much easier


No Lifer
Jul 15, 2003
LMAO, yeah you sure had it hard, if you were only black things would have been much easier

Nice little logical fallacy you got there. Have fun using those to make excuses and demand free handouts. They seem to work quite well.


Golden Member
Nov 19, 1999
LMAO, yeah you sure had it hard, if you were only black things would have been much easier

It very well could have been easier if he was black. If he were black and worked just as hard, or maybe not as hard, affirmative action could have easily caused him to be promoted more quickly in the workplace. Perhaps would have made it easier for him to obtain funding to further his education. A black person that volunteers to work with kids and veterans would be much more likely to be elevated to a hero type status in the local media than a white person would be.

I am not as successful in life as I dreamed I would be. My failure is mine to own, I earned it by poor decisions that I made myself. I could try to blame you, anybody and everybody but I don't. I blame myself for my failures. I am white and have a lower income. If I were black I could blame everybody but myself but it would be a lie. How nice it must be to not have to be responsible for your poor decisions, but instead blame the result of your poor decisions entirely on the color of your skin. Don't get me wrong there are many white people out there that blame everyone but themselves for their failures, I find that instead of blaming their race they usually blame rich people so the white race has issues too.

You may not have noticed, but don't we have a black president? Doesn't that single fact alone negate many of your arguments that blacks are too victimized, too oppressed to ever succeed?

The character traits that I myself personally observe in the black community, for the most part, are not positive and are detrimental. That's not my fault or responsibility. There are definite exceptions. A friend of mine at my old job, his son graduated from the worst school in our district. He earned a full scholarship to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This young man now works at Google and is very successful. I never met my friends son but I am very proud of him and his parents and speak often of his success. I use him as an example to my kids that being smart isn't enough, being smart just isn't enough these days. You must work hard and strive to do your best at all you do. I proud of this young man, not because he's black and he broke loose of the oppression that binds down allll black folks. I'm proud of him because he made it, he made a success of himself and no one handed it to him because he is black, he earned it. I am sure he struggled at times, made numerous correct decisions instead of deciding to hang with the wrong crowd to be accepted, to put off immediate gratification with the maturity to think about tomorrow. I blame his parents for his success also. That young man and his parents could have just given up at any time, and preach about being a victimized black person. They didn't, they chose to make the hard decisions, the right decisions. Can you comprehend how someone could be responsible for their own destiny? or are both of our destinies predetermined by the color of our skin?
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