The recent display of attitude toward the DPC...


Golden Member
Mar 9, 2000
0 this forum has been generally disrespectful and not very becoming of Team AnandTech members.:| On one hand, we complain about how some of their members behave while they are here, yet we turn around and act in a similar poor maner on our own board!?!:Q I thought we were the better team? Let's act like it,



Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Hey osmo,

Come back to RC5 and I'll behave

You're right, I've already acknowledge several good DPC posts tonight with much nicer replies....Not all, but will be better, I promise

P.S. It's catching, the DPC have many posts on their site with a >.< now...LOL!!!

office boy

Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
Good Call OSMO, You RC5'rs need to get along better with competing teams like us Seti'rs


Jul 3, 2000

Troll, flame, no its your forum so you write whatever you like, i just thought most of you were a little bit older and wiser but i guess i was wrong. Nice to see that DanC and a couple of other TAmembers are just as stupid as a few of the DPCmembers. That even things out in the stupid department.


You are wright , no smilies, maybe because i mean it. I enjoyed coming here but that was a while ago. If that was the intention of DanC he succeeded, this is probably my last post. It just would have been honest when he (maybe you all)said to DPCmembers : get the f_ck out of here instead of saying you are all &quot;welcome&quot; but then behave the way he is doing now. I thought things had straitened out but now it seems to be reversed. Disappointing to me is that a lot of TAmembers seam to agree.

Good luck to you, Osmo and Dvch, a few of the TAmembers who still understand the meaning of &quot;FRIENDLY RIVALRY&quot;.




Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999

I'll be the first to say I'm sorry to you and the rest of the DPC (good guys, at least). I would really enjoy you posting! I know what it feels like to be in your shoes, as I was in them a little over a week ago. There seem to have been a few more DPC members (new ones) flaming over the MF6 and other stuff...OSMO, ViRGE, and others (my good friend DVCH, others..) are right...Time to drop the . stuff...If you don't like the threads, just ignore them...They will go away, I promise...

JollyP, I hope you stay, as I still enjoy the DPC boards, although I haven't posted in a while....

Good Luck in the &quot;Friendly&quot; Race...

I do mean that!


Senior member
Jun 28, 2000
I truly regret your feelings of not being welcome.
I,for one,would miss you and the other mature people who post on this board-who ever and where ever they come from-if they decided to leave over what are basically rants from various individuals.
I also realize that some of this unfriendliness is being used as a recruiting tool,atleast on our side.I would not like this board to become noted for its zenophobia.You can have pride in your team and your accomplishments without belitteling others.

EVERONE-Can you just ignore stupid/trollish posts?


Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
If you can't stand the Heat, stay out of the kitchen.

You can list on one hand the number of TA members that go the their fourm and raise hell.

So all I've got to say is, Don't start no sh*t and there won't be any.

So, See Ya, Bye!


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2000
You obviously don't know my capacity for biting rhetoric. The &quot;.&quot; was in response to continued trollish behavior on the part of DPC. when one does it - you all get blamed. Not fair, but the way it is.
If you police your membership, maybe we'll be a bit more cordial. The &quot;MF6&quot; is nothing more than a stunt, which is taking servers down and causing havoc.
To top it off with child-like antics invites retaliation. The point is, we can - as DPC can, say anything we like in &quot;our&quot; forum. It's out of hand when one posts on the other's forum. Plain and simple.
Do your production on a daily basis like regular people do, and don't be trolls - and you won't get treated that way.
Continue, and expect more of the same. Fair enough?


Oct 9, 1999
Sorry, but as long some of the DPC's keep popping in to recruiting threads and barfing up crap like this:

<< Hehe yeah use your RC5 cows for OGR-25... for you don;t have any chance in the RC5 project >>

I won't be cutting them any slack.

Russ, NCNE


Golden Member
Mar 9, 2000
JollyP- I hope that you decide to continue posting here.


<< when one does it - you all get blamed. Not fair, but the way it is.
If you police your membership, maybe we'll be a bit more cordial.

This is precisely the poor attitude I was talking about!:| As far as having the right to say whatever we want on our own board, I would hope we would have the class to keep it cordial no matter what the circumstance!


<< I won't be cutting them any slack. >>

If it was as easy to &quot;police your membership&quot; as DanC suggests perhaps you might, however I don't expect that you will.:|



Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2000
Osmo -
You don't get it... DO YOU?

I explained my position in the PM you must have ignored. The DPC attitude from the MegaSpam to the trolling has been arrogant, uncalled for, and invites smackdown.

Your attitude toward scolding members likewise invites response.
Russ does not control my opinions.

Facts are facts. DPC is being slaughtered by a much smaller contingent. (some) of them can't deal with it and troll. Those people will continue to be smacked down if they come in here swaggering and boasting.

If you need a real-live demonstration, walk into a biker bar and start acting like an ass. You'll get your answer. I suspect then you'd scold some of them? - give me a break.

office boy

Diamond Member
Oct 12, 1999
I hate to get into this being a seti guy, But Things were a lot friendly around here before this whole Borg thing,
We've already had to have a mod in here once, do to troubles from mini team bwahahah'rs. Now this. Come on please try to act like adults.
Russ and DanC, Your blocks are appreciated. Your attitudes are not.
Please for the sake of ?The Team? try and mellow out a bit.... Please.


<< If you need a real-live demonstration, walk into a biker bar and start acting like an ass. You'll get your answer. I suspect then you'd scold some of them? - give me a break. >>

I'd like to think that the forums are a lot better then a biker bar. :|


Elite Member
Oct 9, 1999
Hey guys,

This thread reminds me a LOT of the thread that I was a part of over at the DPC forum...We need to focus on beating the DPC, not beating up on them or on EACH OTHER...... This team has great potential, especially with the masses that frequent this forum (forums!) daily...

Inner team fights like this discourage new people from joining, and that is bad news for all of us. I would rather apologize to the DPC and gain new TA members (along some new DPC friends :Q) as to fight it out and get nowhere but mad...I saw this same pattern on the DPC board several weeks ago, and they had to get over it...

It's our turn...

TeamAnandtech ... Distributed computing at its best... And I will do my part to keep it that way!!!


Golden Member
Mar 9, 2000

Actually, I do get it.

Despite any actions from any DPC members, we can handle it in a polite manner. If you want to crack for a &quot;Biker Bar&quot;, I'd suggest that you're cracking for the wrong team.


Feel free to &quot;lay&quot; into me anytime,

I rarely use the PM feature, so I didn't see it, sorry.
Also, I'm confused by your statement about Russ controling your opinions?



Jul 3, 2000
Engineer,Russ,DanC and Osmo

Thanks for all your replies, they were as i aspected them to be (no offence)

The last thing i wanted was to start a argument amongst TAmembers.(Although Russ may have a theory about this)
I thought and still think you are a great team (not just in numbers but especially the way you act and react on this forum).

Hope to see/speak to you in better/friendlier times




Platinum Member
Feb 29, 2000
&quot;The recent display of attitude toward the DPC...&quot;

Well, it takes two to tango and its not our fault the DPC took the lead. Some of these over-confident a$$'s come over to our forum and post garbage probably because they know that A)they can run off without a care, and B)because they know that we wont do the same (because we are the better team). (BTW, have not flamed any DPC member or Anandtech forum member).

And as for flaming trollers as policing the forum.... I dont remember too many people complaining when Paulson was having the sh!t taken out of him left,right, and centre by other members. In fact only a few of us ever did say to lay off him.

Also, as for policing the forums for the DPC members.... why dont they clear up their own sh!t. I don't even see why we have to debate this topic when their own members could kinda like send them a message and say &quot;Stop talking crap&quot;.

Anyone is welcome to join the forums. I dont particularly care who they are, be it a DPC member or not (its not like I know more than 1% of the 30,000+ members), as long as they dont do anything stupid.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2000
Just forget it. I'm not going to engage in a &quot;my lawyer can beat up your lawyer contest&quot;

You spoke your mind, I spoke mine. I'll get off your back, if you get off mine. We can either arm-wrestle, or forget it. Your choice.


Diamond Member
Jun 2, 2000
One other item... My analogies seem to whisk about 2 inches over the heads of a few.

The point wasn't bikers - it was territory. Let me make it simpler for you. Walk into a bar in Amsterdam and start talking trash about the Dutch. How would you expect to be received? Duh.

Seems a couple of you jump right in and start the attack - exactly the actions you claim to distain. Keepers of the double-standard I see.

So, you advocate one thing, yet practice another. This is supposed to sway me to become warm, fuzzy, and politically left? - c'mon guys, I'm not 15 years old. Drop it and I will.


Oct 9, 1999

Let me make one thing perfectly clear: I like and respect the DPC's as a team. I like and respect most of their members. They are driven, competitive and very organized. They play to win. These are characteristics that I admire most in anyone, be it friend or foe.

But, some of their membership continually chooses to crap on threads that are specific to our efforts, such as recruiting drives. I will not give them a kiss. If one of them decides to level a derogatory, or defaming comment in an unsuitable context, they fully deserve what ever retribution is directed.

<< But Things were a lot friendly around here before this whole Borg thing >>

Office Boy,

Maybe you should take a look at total team production and membership numbers before this &quot;whole Borg thing&quot;. I play to win. If there are people who are incapable of grasping that concept, well, I'm sorry, that's just the way it is.

To everyone else whose delicate sensibilities are offended by heated, intense competition: I intend to see that Team AnandTech wins the RC5-64 contest by whatever legal and ethical means are at my disposal. Either lead, follow or get the hell out of the way.

Russ, NCNE


Golden Member
Mar 9, 2000
/me rolls up his sleeves

DanC- Your analogy was perfectly understood by me. My point is that your attitude over TA &quot;territory&quot; is behavior I expect from average 15 year olds, not my TA teammates. IMO, if you want to mark your territory, go P in another forum.



Oct 10, 1999
I can't leave you guys alone for a second! :Q

I go off and take down my network to replace a UPS (don't EVEN ask me about it ) so I can't flush some stored blocks, pull an ID10T error (removed a hub from between the Internet router and the firewall as part of some re-cabling) brought everything back up, everything works except our Internet connection! :|
Too late to flush some PCs for the day :|
Kept working on it, tried different cabling. Even called our T1 co. to check the line. It finally dawns on me I need a stupid cross-cut cable. DOH!! :Q

And I pop in here and find all of this bickering.

Since I've had soo much fun tonight, I'm going to add my 2c.

1. Some (NOT all) DPC members have been popping in and doing troll posts, trying to incite reactions. It started just prior to MF6, and has increased. :| I chalk it up to youthful enthusiasm and the immaturity of not knowing how to deal with the excitement at DPC.
2. The DPC trolls got a &quot;.&quot; instead of flames. This is very irritating to a troll and you can see them re-posting trying desperately to fan the flames. I felt it was just as appropriate to post a &quot;.&quot; as ignore them. Sort of a visual symbolic of our ignoring them. Result is the same, whether we post a &quot;.&quot; or ignore them. They will keep trying to fan the flames. :|
3. Also, if you read the posts, there were a number of more mature DPC members who posted asking the others to lay off. Sometimes in strong language. These DPC members also got the &quot;.&quot;, which I feel was totally undeserved. They even tried to start reasonable conversations, trying to stop the flames and trolls. THESE members DID NOT deserve the &quot;.&quot; TA got carried away with it in those cases, and should apologize to those DPC members directly.
4. Now we have TA members from other contests chastising the RC5 members. Not good. It will not help any of us to gain new members, in fact, a lot of people don't like turmoil and confrontation, so they end up leaving altogether.
5. We ALL need to develop thicker skins and a stronger sense of humor.
6. It's the weekend, it's been a long week, seems like everyone's tired and stressed. I know I am. Let's go have some fun and relax!

We are all in this together.


Oct 9, 1999


Ditto. As I said before, the trolling from some of the DPC's members has been dividing us. This is an age old strategy of war, and the DPC's appear to understand the art far better than some members of TA.

However, as a concession to my fellow team members, I will, henceforth, simply ignore any trolls that choose to post here.

Russ, NCNE


Oct 10, 1999
PS, I used to LOVE to arm wrestle, but since I'm such an old geezer, can I use both hands?

PSS, The greatest threat to Team Anandtech isn't from other teams, it's in our losing our team unity. The old cliche of &quot;United We Stand, Divided We Fall&quot;, still rings true.

So what's it going to be? Are we going to let trolls tear us apart? Are we going to let our differences of how to handle those trolls tear us apart? Are we going to let our jealousy and envy of those who can recruit better, crack better, or &quot;whatever&quot; better on the same team get in the way of our Team Anandtech goals?

Or are we going to forgive our differences, agree to disagree, take it to UT, PM someone directly if you have a beef or misunderstanding, put our hurt, envy, or other feelings aside and concentrate on the one thing we ALL can agree on, and that is acheiving #1 in overall rankings, and putting the smackdown on any team that dares challenge us by doing what we do best, out-cracking them by whatever legal and ethical means at our disposal.

Let's put the Team back into TEAM ANANDTECH!
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