The roads are safe again :( (For a year at least :P)


Senior member
Dec 19, 2000
Sunday was a great day, my father and I had just finished picking up some stuff from an auction we went to the prior night, about $1,800 of stuff, it was rather a steal, we were surprised all of it was that cheap. We got too much stuff to list, it was great. After we took the stuff to our other land, for storage, we went home in dad's thunderbird. Mom was happy as a lark, finally, she hasn't been happy recently because of medical problems. Valarie, Brandon, Jessica, Dad, Fletcher, everyone, they were all having a blast, along with me. We decided it'd be great to have some pizza about that time, so my mother and I discussed the pizza issue. I wanted all meat-lovers pizza from domino's, and mom wanted pizza from the new york style restaurant. We debated for a good while on this, and chose the best route; I would order the meat lovers for delivery, and I would drive out to Johnny's pizza for the new york style. So I ordered the pizza from domino's, and got in the car to go to the new york style restaraunt. This is where everything started to go down hill.

I pulled down to the bottom of my road, and decided I'd take the high-way because it would be much faster than following some pokey old man through town. So I'm going at about 40mph through double bridge (Speed limit is 25) It's a very windy road, and even 40 is pushing it, but I knew my limits. So I come upon a straight away, and a man pulls out in a very large F-350 double cab, and I decided I would just pass the man, seeing as he would probably go very slow. And I didn't want to slam on my brakes so I could match his speed, which would have probably locked all my wheels and caused me to hit him in the hind end (I was going ~50 at the time). It was a double-lane road, but it was late at night, and there wasn't a soul for miles, so I passed him. As I was passing him, I went to 70mph for a short time, so I could actually pass him, and then slowed down when I got in front of him. I then continued to go through at 15 over the speed limit. Then I started out to the high-way further.

I got out on the high-way, which is a large straight highway wherein you can see for at least a full mile, and decided, I'm not going to go 65mph! There is no one on this road anyway! I'll get in the fast lane and go a little bit faster! So I get there, and I'm speeding up considerably, now going on 95mph. I notice that the truck I passed catch up to me quite quickly, but I dis-regarded him completely. After a while, I find my exit, and continue through it, knowing my limits, I had to slow down to about 40mph to take the turn, or I'd kill myself or others, because at this time there was a little bit of traffic on the road. So I go normal from now on, it's in the city, don't want to endanger anyone, now do I?

So after a little bit, I finally arrive at my destination, Johnny's pizza. After I got there, a big mean looking truck parked in three lanes, it looked quite similar to the one I passed about half an hour ago! And by god, soon as that 8 foot man got out of the truck, pointed his finger while walking towards me, and said "Are you the little sheit that passed me on double bridge road?" I was scared sheitless. I said blunty however, "Yeah, yeah it was, why?" Afterwards he said "Well, now you are going straight to jail, and having your license suspended." It just happened that I ran into the famous "Robo-Cop" off duty. He is called "Robo-Cop" because he is the biggest, meanest cop in all georgia. He is absolutely ruthless when it comes to teenagers doing something wrong. Good thing where I stopped was out of his jurisdiction. However, he called reinforcements! Which was not good, not good at all.

Robocop and I talked a little bit, about how I shouldn't be speeding, or anything like that, and doing bad stuff, and many people get killed, etc etc. He also told me I was going straight to jail! He asked "What do you have to say for yourself, etc." I simply stated, "Well, I'm not surprised by what's happening, and I know I was in the wrong, so I have nothing to say for myself." Well, after the cornelia police man came, we talked a bit about some misc. stuff, I showed him the broken door on the car I was driving (it doesn't close right; taking it to body shop soon) and he went through the 80 million insurance cards we have from the past. I told him my SS number, because I forgot my license at home, I gave him my name and address, etc, etc... I was pretty calm throughout the entire thing. Still keeping my sarcastic attitude, which got me further in the hole too. Then the nice copper hand cuffed me, and we went straight to the jail house! Nothing much happened there though.

An asian man escorted me to the room where you get to talk to someone and make your phone call (although he didn't allow me to call anyone). And told me to sit put while they called my parents. So I sit... and I sit... and I sit some more, then I start picking my finger nails, brushing my hair, spinning in the chair, doing everything that I could to stay awake... I could not, however, move from my chair. So I'm spinning around going "woo!" And the prime officer tells me "Sonny, I gotta get some information on yun's, get on en here." He was a redneck from heck too. So anyway, he starts asking me a bunch of questions about my past, good student or not, and stuff like that. They found out about the stop light I ran too, the guy recorded it, just didn't give me a ticket. So the main officer man writes me two tickets, one for "reckless driving" and one for "passing on a double lane road." He didn't mark the speed I was going, or any correct information. Especially on the "traffic" area, where there was absolutely no traffic, he put "Traffic: Heavy." Don't know why he wanted to be mean about it, but I fussed him out for it, not helping one bit though.

So he takes me out to the main room, and my parents are there. The first thing mom says "Where's our pizza?!" God I was so happy when she said this, because that meant she was still in a fine mood. The police let me go home for today, luckily. Then me and my parents have a long discussion, dad showed me a '93 thunderbird, who was going 100mph down double bridge (you'd have to be a crazy idiot to do THAT) and wrapped itself around a tree. The car was fine except for the driver side door, which was demolished, and the 17 year old inside was killed. This didn't impress me though, I know how people get killed going fast. I don't go fast where I don't think I can absolutely handle it. Hell, my father even said "I can't say much, I go 100mph through town sometimes, and even 70 through double bridge!" And that was in his '63 galaxie! I don't know how he did it, if I went 70 I'd die through double bridge!

So the outcome is, we're waiting for the call to say when the trial starts, whether or not I'll get my license suspended or not, etc, etc. The most likely outcome will be suspension for an entire year I don't expect anything less.

*edited for grammar* made some big mistakes :/


Diamond Member
May 1, 2001
Hire a good lawyer and fight this b#stard. He's off-duty and out of line. It's time to read up on your law because your rights may have been violated. For one thing, your Miranda rights weren't read and they should have been if you are arrested and put in jail. What you said is inadmissable as evidence. Damn it, throw the book at this big ego'd fool. Few things pester me more than hot headed cops. So what you did was wrong....the law must obey the law! This guy's toast.


Senior member
Dec 19, 2000
No, in mommy's thunderbird.

yes, I learned my lesson

No, I didn't get read my rights, or any of that legal stuff. This robocop man is something special though, I think he's using a "citizens arest" type thing on me, seeing as he's off duty. Although, if I was smart, and had my cell phone, I could have called citizens arrest on him for parking wrong



Elite Member
Nov 5, 2000
I'm glad you learned your lesson, but I must ask why you feel it's ok to break the law in the first place. Acording to your reasoning, it'd be absolutely ok to kill someone if you were sure you could handle it. Speed limits are not suggestions, and quite frankly, it's drivers like you that upset me. Had a woman pass me today doing about 75 (55 mile zone) across a double yellow line. Her actions made me wonder why she felt she was above the law and could do that, and her actions made me feel a smidge less safe knowing that some people feel it's ok to break the law when they see fit.


Aug 4, 2000
nice story!

sucks friend got pulled over from a "detective" once for passing on a double yellow...guy didn't have any tickets though...

Ladies Man

Platinum Member
Oct 9, 1999

thats soo gonna be me soon

one road i always pass old folks over the double line and i speed. But if some @sshole is coming after me and he isn't dressed in cop uniform and is driving a big truck, i'm freaking running to my car... and hauling ass as fast as i can out of there. Screw him.


Golden Member
Sep 19, 2001
I would've told him to go to hell since he's off duty. Don't learn a lesson, dammit! If you got the skills, do it. I hate it when people are going 50kph on roads with no other cars.


Senior member
Dec 23, 2000
Sounds like the police are having some fun. Have you ever watched "Just Cause", the movie? Yea, hick parade.

Sounds like it sucks to speed in Georgia. Now, here in Oklahoma, the cops/OHP will tolerate anything up to 9MPH over the speed limit (unless you're in town). Anything above that and you better be watching for a cop, or else you're waisted. I'm quite fond of hitting the max speed on my Ninja; just cause it's so fun to ride that thing fast. Talk about a blast at 100+ MPH.


Golden Member
Oct 6, 2001

<< don't want to endanger anyone, now do I? >>

now that's a retarded statement, you endangered yourself


Sep 21, 2001
Ever considered writing for a living? My fiction teacher's been trying to pound the notion of including detail in our stories into the heads of me and my classmates and you stuff so much detail in there it's incredible.


Dec 12, 2000

<< Hire a good lawyer and fight this b#stard. He's off-duty and out of line. It's time to read up on your law because your rights may have been violated. For one thing, your Miranda rights weren't read and they should have been if you are arrested and put in jail. What you said is inadmissable as evidence. Damn it, throw the book at this big ego'd fool. Few things pester me more than hot headed cops. So what you did was wrong....the law must obey the law! This guy's toast. >>

I completely agree.

I can't stand it when the police stomp all over peoples rights. The cop was not even on-duty! What right does he have to pull you over?

Sounds like a real jerk to me...


Diamond Member
May 1, 2001
I remember driving on the highway (fast, of course) and seeing some car tailing me. On the roof, it had one of these flashing domes where the power cord dangles out the driver side window. The driver was dressed in plain clothes. I moved to another lane in case this was some EMT professional who had someplace to go, but he continued to follow me. I refused to stop because I am not stopping for any fool and frankly it wasn't about to get hit for a speeding ticket. Anyway, this guy followed me for a few miles despite my hand jesters to go the he!l away, but eventually we came across a marked squad car on the highway and the weirdest thing is that the guy backed off and turned off his light. Don't know what the heck that was all about, but it sounds very fishy to me.

Lesson learned: only pull over for cops in marked cop cars. You might be asking for trouble if you stop for anybody else.

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999
While I can't say I'm surprised, I hope you do get your license suspended. Maybe that will teach you a lesson.

Viper GTS


Platinum Member
Mar 9, 2000
Yah, you made a mistake and learnt your lesson, but the cop(s) messed up and you should take it to court.

1.) You stated that traffic was not heavy, and he marked down that it was. Fvcking lying hot head cop, get him on that in court.

2.) The off duty guy sounded like he lost his cool. Get him on that.

3.) Are you sure they did not read your rights? If so, get them on that in court.

4.) They cannot make any claims to your speed, cause there was NO speed detection equipment used.

5.) How did he beat you to the Pizza place? He must have been speeding to catch you. Get the stupid hot-head off duty cop on that.

Justice shall prevail, but don`t drive like a frickin' idiot.

Good luck!



Senior member
Dec 19, 2000
Yeah, I think I can get it thrown of of court, because I'm pretty sure the cop made a citizens arrest, and he was going just as fast as I was. I could just return the citizens arrest on him, twice too. Maybe an out-of-court settlement will be good too? Because the man was off duty, and out of jurisdiction.

HotChic: I thought it was rather short and very undescriptive I usually write much better when I'm telling a story, but I wanted it told right now, instead of doing all the normal stuff that I usually do to make it good.


1.) That's right

2.) Yeah, he wasn't happy 'till the cops finally showed up (and I waited 10 minutes)

3.) No rights what-so-ever were read to me, or mentioned.

4.) I'm not sure on whether or not speed detection equipment was being used. This man is big on stuff like that.

5.) He didn't beat me there, but he did pull in as soon as I opened my door! I could use citizens arrest on him for keeping up with me, and gees, he was at least 10 car lengths behind me on the highway, he had to be going at bare minimum 100 to catch up to me.

I have learned my lesson, and learned it well. However, the scariest part is not what the cops will do to me, but what my parents will end up doing to me

Viper GTS

Oct 13, 1999

<< I have learned my lesson, and learned it well. However, the scariest part is not what the cops will do to me, but what my parents will end up doing to me >>

Here's one vote for replacing your shiny new Celica with a (gasp) pre-1995 Hyundai.

Viper GTS


May 3, 2000
Sounds like your parents are real winners as well.

<< Where's our pizza?! >>

<< I can't say much, I go 100mph through town sometimes, and even 70 through double bridge! >>



Senior member
Dec 19, 2000
*gasp* Mom and dad are thinking of putting me in a '71 datsun pickup for three months after I get my license back (supposing I lose it)

No celica for me


Jan 10, 2001
the best of everyone of his stories is that he names people as if we know them also

<< ...Valarie, Brandon, Jessica, Dad, Fletcher, everyone... >>



Jun 12, 2000
A few points here:

The Police are never "off-duty" they are under an oath to uphold the law at all times. Most of it lies at their discretion, however a car driving recklessly on a 2 lane road, would certainly raise an eyebrow or two of all the cops I know.

The Police didnt arrest him, they detained him. Detaining him is most certainly within their rights since he was driving without a license, and was looking at several tickets. You arent under arrest till the Police say the word "arrest." It looks to me like they were doing him a favor by just detaining him and calling his parents, not arresting him, and making him wait for an arraignment.

By being a complete smartass to everyone involved, you sure didnt do yourself any good. Being a gentleman and answering questions with "yes sir" and "no sir" shows a lot of respect and most cops really like that. With your attitude you are probably lucky the Police didnt "lose" you in the general population of the county jail.

I hope you learned a lesson, because you are probably the #1 target of every cop in the county now.


Senior member
Dec 19, 2000
Well, unlike 99% of the world, I use names, instead of "these friends that I know, and my dad's friend." I don't like people to use "my friend and I." Because it leads to something like: "Yeah me and these friends of mine were doing this blah blah" and you have to ask the person talking "which friends?" It bugs me to no end.

I did use "yes sir" and "no sir" when needed, thank you very much. I have also found new information about this ROBOCOP guy... Such as:

1) He has won many awards for being a deputy (god knows what for)
2) He is the most trustworthy deputy in office
3) He is a county police, rather than city police.
4) He knows the law book like a preacher knows the bible.

There will be no winning against this man.

Robocop was under the impression that I was going to be arrested, he even told me I'd have to spend nights in jail 'till mother and father bailed me out. However, when the on-duty police men came, they didn't go through with that balogna...

And how is "Recklessly" defined, in police terms? I would think it would be something along the lines of dangerous weaving, passing many people at once, spinning out, racing, taking sharp turns at high speeds, etc. Not "going 30 over on a straight road w/ no one on it."
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