The Roll Call of Shame.....


Jul 13, 2005
I totally believe that the republican have no chance in hell of regaining the white House for a very very long long as the Republicans keep screwing the country!!

Ladies and Gentlemen: the Roll Call of Shame... the 144 Republican House Reps who couldn't bring themselves to do the right thing and re-open the government.

Robert B. Aderholt R AL-4
Justin Amash R MI-3
Mark Amodei R NV-2
Michele Bachmann R MN-6
Andy Barr R KY-6
Joe L. Barton R TX-6
Kerry Bentivolio R MI-11
Rob Bishop R UT-1
Diane Black R TN-6
Marsha Blackburn R TN-7
Kevin Brady R TX-8
Jim Bridenstine R OK-1
Mo Brooks R AL-5
Paul Broun R GA-10
Larry Bucshon R IN-8
Michael C. Burgess R TX-26
John Campbell R CA-45
John Carter R TX-31
Bill Cassidy R LA-6
Steven J. Chabot R OH-1
Jason Chaffetz R UT-3
Chris Collins R NY-27
Doug Collins R GA-9
K. Michael Conaway R TX-11
John Culberson R TX-7
Ron DeSantis R FL-6
Jeffrey Denham R CA-10
Scott DesJarlais R TN-4
Sean Duffy R WI-7
Jeffrey Duncan R SC-3
John J. Duncan Jr. R TN-2
Renee Ellmers R NC-2
Blake Farenthold R TX-27
Stephen Fincher R TN-8
Chuck Fleischmann R TN-3
John Fleming R LA-4
Bill Flores R TX-17
J. Randy Forbes R VA-4
Virginia Foxx R NC-5
Trent Franks R AZ-8
Scott Garrett R NJ-5
Bob Gibbs R OH-7
Phil Gingrey R GA-11
Louie Gohmert R TX-1
Robert W. Goodlatte R VA-6
Paul Gosar R AZ-4
Trey Gowdy R SC-4
Kay Granger R TX-12
Sam Graves R MO-6
Tom Graves R GA-14
Morgan Griffith R VA-9
Ralph M. Hall R TX-4
Andy Harris R MD-1
Vicky Hartzler R MO-4
Jeb Hensarling R TX-5
George Holding R NC-13
Richard Hudson R NC-8
Tim Huelskamp R KS-1
Bill Huizenga R MI-2
Randy Hultgren R IL-14
Duncan D. Hunter R CA-50
Robert Hurt R VA-5
Bill Johnson R OH-6
Sam Johnson R TX-3
Walter B. Jones R NC-3
Jim Jordan R OH-4
Steve King R IA-4
Jack Kingston R GA-1
Doug LaMalfa R CA-1
Raul Labrador R ID-1
Doug Lamborn R CO-5
James Lankford R OK-5
Robert E. Latta R OH-5
Billy Long R MO-7
Frank D. Lucas R OK-3
Blaine Luetkemeyer R MO-3
Cynthia M. Lummis R WY-1
Kenny Marchant R TX-24
Tom Marino R PA-10
Thomas Massie R KY-4
Michael McCaul R TX-10
Tom McClintock R CA-4
Mark Meadows R NC-11
Luke Messer R IN-6
John L. Mica R FL-7
Candice S. Miller R MI-10
Jeff Miller R FL-1
Markwayne Mullin R OK-2
Mick Mulvaney R SC-5
Randy Neugebauer R TX-19
Kristi Noem R SD-1
Richard Nugent R FL-11
Alan Nunnelee R MS-1
Pete Olson R TX-22
Steven Palazzo R MS-4
Steve Pearce R NM-2
Scott Perry R PA-4
Tom Petri R WI-6
Joe Pitts R PA-16
Ted Poe R TX-2
Mike Pompeo R KS-4
Bill Posey R FL-8
Tom Price R GA-6
Trey Radel R FL-19
Tom Reed R NY-23
Jim Renacci R OH-16
Tom Rice R SC-7
Martha Roby R AL-2
Phil Roe R TN-1
Mike D. Rogers R AL-3
Dana Rohrabacher R CA-48
Todd Rokita R IN-4
Tom Rooney R FL-17
Dennis Ross R FL-15
Keith Rothfus R PA-12
Ed Royce R CA-39
Paul D. Ryan R WI-1
Matt Salmon R AZ-5
Mark Sanford R SC-1
Steve Scalise R LA-1
David Schweikert R AZ-6
Austin Scott R GA-8
F. James Sensenbrenner R WI-5
Pete Sessions R TX-32
Jason Smith R MO-8
Lamar Smith R TX-21
Steve Southerland R FL-2
Chris Stewart R UT-2
Steve Stockman R TX-36
Marlin Stutzman R IN-3
William M. Thornberry R TX-13
Michael R. Turner R OH-10
Ann Wagner R MO-2
Tim Walberg R MI-7
Greg Walden R OR-2
Jackie Walorski R IN-2
Randy Weber R TX-14
Brad Wenstrup R OH-2
Lynn Westmoreland R GA-3
Roger Williams R TX-25
Joe Wilson R SC-2
Rob Woodall R GA-7
Kevin Yoder R KS-3
Ted Yoho R FL-3


Diamond Member
Jul 3, 2008
You mean the republicans that actually kept their word to their constituents and did what they said they were going to do ? The republicans who kept their campaign promises? My Rep. is on the list and i'm proud he kept his word, the fact that you don't like it makes me even happier.


Jul 13, 2005
You mean the republicans that actually kept their word to their constituents and did what they said they were going to do ? The republicans who kept their campaign promises? My Rep. is on the list and i'm proud he kept his word, the fact that you don't like it makes me even happier.
if telling your constituents that your going to screw them and that you care not about whether they can live of earn a living because you don`t like Obama care then YES!! You are right on all accounts!!


Diamond Member
Feb 5, 2005
Where's the list of Democrats who believe that money grows on trees and that deficits don't matter?


Platinum Member
Apr 30, 2012
Step back and let reality sink in guys. I am a republican and I am embarrassed by the House Republicans for this unnecessary fiasco. No matter what no representatives should hold the government functions hostage on a last minute stand off. They need to know when to back down and when to fight. Weshould not allow the economy to take a hit like this ever again. This was a total waste of tax payer money. How can we fiscal conservatives allow this to happen?


Jul 13, 2005
Where's the list of Democrats who believe that money grows on trees and that deficits don't matter?
awww your rear end hurting a little bit huh??? can`t accept the fact that your beloved republicans screwed themselves royal this time!!!


Diamond Member
Sep 23, 2006
You mean the republicans that actually kept their word to their constituents and did what they said they were going to do ? The republicans who kept their campaign promises? My Rep. is on the list and i'm proud he kept his word, the fact that you don't like it makes me even happier.

Their constituents are more than just the people who voted for them. Most Americans did not support the GOP in their foolish endeavor, so there is a good chance the majority of their constituents did not agree with their votes.


Jan 2, 2001
I'd like to see the list who voted to put this country further into debt. Although most of you idiots here think money grows on trees. Stupid partisan hacks that can only see one side. Job well done on bankrupting this country.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
Obama voted against increasing the Debt limit in the past.

Was he screwing the country then?


Aug 5, 2000
I'd like to see the list who voted to put this country further into debt. Although most of you idiots here think money grows on trees. Stupid partisan hacks that can only see one side. Job well done on bankrupting this country.

FYI, the economy is steadily improving since Obama got into office. Notice how the DJ has been doing since Obama got re-elected? I know the Repub leadership and apparently you refuse to acknowledge this but c'mon, give yourself a healthy squirt of Clear Eyes and enjoy this moment of modest prosperity that we're going through.

edit - Upon reflecting on the thought that you can't really be serious about how Obama has bankrupted the economy, I thought you may have meant that Obama has "morally" bankrupted our country. In which case, I'd have to disagree with you again.....sorry.
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No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
I predict some ribbon cutting photo ops in the near future with these Representatives.


Jan 2, 2001
FYI, the economy is steadily improving since Obama got into office. Notice how the DJ has been doing since Obama got re-elected? I know the Repub leadership and apparently you refuse to acknowledge this but c'mon, give yourself a healthy squirt of Clear Eyes and enjoy this moment of modest prosperity that we're going through.

edit - Upon reflecting on the thought that you can't really be serious about how Obama has bankrupted the economy, I thought you may have meant that Obama has "morally" bankrupted our country. In which case, I'd have to disagree with you again.....sorry.

Hey look, a stupid American. This ain't about Obama or the republicans. Great job, you're one of the hacks, you must be proud.


Aug 5, 2000
I predict some ribbon cutting photo ops in the near future with these Representatives.

And along with that a lot more hushed up on-the-down-low requests for more federal funding of local vote getting programs that these ribbon cutting ceremonies represent.


Aug 5, 2000
Hey look, a stupid American. This ain't about Obama or the republicans. Great job, you're one of the hacks, you must be proud.

LOL, you so funny....."all your base belong to me" seems to be a proper in-kind response. Please please please do put me on your ignore list.


Mar 19, 2007
You have to love it. Vote for the spending bill, and you caved, weak, vote against it and you get on the list of shame.


Mar 19, 2007
if telling your constituents that your going to screw them and that you care not about whether they can live of earn a living because you don`t like Obama care then YES!! You are right on all accounts!!

You mean more like telling people that when unemployment is over 10% and you are behind on your bills the real solution to your problem is that you aren't forking over a few hundred a month for health insurance. Even after you see poll after poll saying Americans don't want it, that doesn't matter, you know what's best for the people.


Diamond Member
Mar 11, 2001
awww your rear end hurting a little bit huh??? can`t accept the fact that your beloved republicans screwed themselves royal this time!!!

The GOP has been screwing up massively for years; Ted Cruz is just this decade's Newt Gingrich or GWB. The Dems, however, can always be counted upon to screw up just a bit worse and make the GOP seem like a reasonable alternative.


Jun 19, 2000
It's really amazing to me to see how many long for one party rule. Checks and balances, (as meager as they are these days) who needs them? Are we destined to become Cuba? People are traitors for opposing the party that controls the White House and Senate. It's not good. Evidently too few can see that.


Oct 6, 2009
It's really amazing to me to see how many long for one party rule. Checks and balances, (as meager as they are these days) who needs them? Are we destined to become Cuba? People are traitors for opposing the party that controls the White House and Senate. It's not good. Evidently too few can see that.
I want sane checks and balances, not insane ones. Fix your party intead of trying to tear the other one down to your level of insanity.


Sep 6, 2000
I want sane checks and balances, not insane ones. Fix your party intead of trying to tear the other one down to your level of insanity.

Normally that "sane check and balance" is that spending is decided in advance by a budget agreed to by both houses of Congress and the President. But instead we live in times of refusing to pass budgets, government being funded by last-minute continuing resolutions, and neither side willing to compromise in any way with the other. So you lurch on with a government being run by backup plan.

Crisis point 1: Both sides refuse to negotiate, tax cuts expire and President "wins."
Crisis point 2: Both sides refuse to negotiate, sequester spending cuts go into effect and Republicans "win."
Crisis point 3: Both sides refuse to negotiate, last minute scramble to pass a debt ceiling bill and President "wins.
Crisis point 4: Both sides will refuse to budge from their respective positions, and FY2014 Sequester cuts will go into effect in January, Republicans "win."

Ad infinitum, to Crisis Point infinity and beyond.


Oct 6, 2009
Normally that "sane check and balance" is that spending is decided in advance by a budget agreed to by both houses of Congress and the President. But instead we live in times of refusing to pass budgets, government being funded by last-minute continuing resolutions, and neither side willing to compromise in any way with the other. So you lurch on with a government being run by backup plan.

Crisis point 1: Both sides refuse to negotiate, tax cuts expire and President "wins."
Crisis point 2: Both sides refuse to negotiate, sequester spending cuts go into effect and Republicans "win."
Crisis point 3: Both sides refuse to negotiate, last minute scramble to pass a debt ceiling bill and President "wins.
Crisis point 4: Both sides will refuse to budge from their respective positions, and FY2014 Sequester cuts will go into effect in January, Republicans "win."

Ad infinitum, to Crisis Point infinity and beyond.
That is the symptom of the underlying cause. Taxes need to go up on the highest earners and spending needs to go down in a sensible manner. Anyone raising taxes takes a hit at the polls and anyone enacting spending cuts takes a hit at the polls. People doing the right things lose at the polls. So now lawmakers have to create these crises to get the changes the country actually needs and still be able to say they didn't vote for them.

BTW, GOP doesn't win with the sequester. The sequester contains military spending cuts that the GOP does not want. At best that can be characterized as a tie, or more accurately, a loss for both.
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Nov 20, 1999
Where's the list of Democrats who believe that money grows on trees and that deficits don't matter?

Actually, believing deficits don't matter is more of a republican thing:

"You know, Paul, Reagan proved that deficits don't matter. We won the mid-term elections, this is our due. " - Dick Cheney to Paul O'Neill, then Treasury Secretary


Sep 6, 2000
That is the symptom of the underlying cause. Taxes need to go up on the highest earners and spending needs to go down in a sensible manner. Anyone raising taxes takes a hit at the polls and anyone enacting spending cuts takes a hit at the polls. People doing the right things lose at the polls. So now lawmakers have to create these crises to get the changes the country actually needs and still be able to say they didn't vote for them.

BTW, GOP doesn't win with the sequester. The sequester contains military spending cuts that the GOP does not want. At best that can be characterized as a tie, or more accurately, a loss for both.

I'd argue that the GOP fixation with the military is moderating. Especially in the Tea Party wing, which seems to have significant Jacksonian populist impulses. As a libertarian, while many things about the Tea Party horrify me, I cheer this on this moderation in zeal for military adventurism and hope it continues.
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