The stigma the south has earned

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Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: ayabe
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: ayabe

Again the answer is somewhere in between, you want the government completely involved in every facet of public life, the right fundies want the same thing, they are just coming from different perspectives.

You can apologize all you want, but the bodycounts show.

Noone is apologizing, noone is a Freeper poster, get over yourself, you aren't qualified to judge anyone, your ideals aren't morally superior to anyone's. Seriously, get a grip on yourself.

Plenty of freepers here, but most righties know by now using freerepublic WND, etc. type hate sites (where you all get 99% of your partisan news) as a source is lame, but the talking points used in here are one in the same still.

I read the same stuff the righties do and I can pinpoint where they are going already with a argument, and the vast majority of the time it is straight from a right-wing hate site then regurgitated into drudge or something where people pick up this crap, I have even seen foxnews use this stuff from known hate sites a number of times to have righties come in here and start spewing it as if god himself set it in stone.

I am not saying the right is inherently evil or anything, but as good americans you all really need to open your minds and ears and realize there is more then one point of view and the "official" answer is not always truthful at all.

For folks who hate government so much the vast majority of the rights talking points are straight FROM the government standpoint or unnecessarily sympathetic to them.


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: Genx87
For now, give it 100 years and see what your ancestors have to say about those horrible christian fundies when Islamic fundies are running the show.

I find myself boggling at the delusions of the right on this topic.

Under what conceivable set of circumstances could the incredibly far more militaily powerful US be conquered by the middle eastern nations in the next century?

It's just paranoia, and it's so far out of the military facts that it makes zero sense.

What *does* make sense is the *US* wanting to implement imperialistic aggression in the Middle East, and getting the public to go along the usual way, by calling them a threat.

There is some threat of terrorism - which increases as the US adds to its wrongs and aggressions against the middle easterners. The thinking of the radicals in the middle east has been around a long time, yet it hasn't been much of an issue for the US in previous decades and centures; why is that? Why isn't there the famous war where the middle east invaded the US in 1875 or 1955? Because *we're* the ones with the aggressive policies, not them, and the few who are problems there can be pretty well controlled.

We're not justified in oppressing entire nations and regions in order to have 'protection' against a small number of people, and in fact, trying to can *cause* the problems.

Are we going to betray the principles in the founding of our nation out of greed, are we going to become the England of George III and try to screw and exploit foreigners more?

We cannot prevent terrorism, ultimately. We've had millions of muslims living in the US for a long time, amazingly peacefully - so any broad terror generalizations don't hold up.

We can't stop people from taking a gun to any place people gather, an airport baggage claim, a supermarket, a school, and shooting several people.

What we can do is to stop overthrowing regimes out of greed, opposing democracy to ensure 'friendly' governments, doing things to make people have grievances with the US.

We need to concentrate on the important issues, such as spreading democracy - peacefully, the only way it makes sense - in an era of China surpassing the US economically. What is our plan to keep freedom and democracy popular against the threat that the power of the Chinese government poses? None? Currently, it's to ruin the US's good name in the world and harm the cause of freedom and democracy.

The right wing seems to be incapable of seeing any situation as something other than another Hitler. That's the only thing they know, so they ignore the facts and pretend that any foreign threat is the same as Hitler. And get posts like the one quoted above about how we need to kill masses of people or we'll be 'conquered' and the middle east will rule the world. That's just craziness without any sense of the reality of the military situation.

They say power tends to corrupt, and the right's corruption of their views and willingness to oppress based on delusions is a fine example.

If you were on the receving end of another nation's dominant might, you would want justice - but others don't get a vote. It's up to we Americans to force justice on ourselves.

9/11 was a unique incident, with contributing factors from our own complacency in air safety, to our being pretty recklessly provocative with things like putting our troops in sensitve areas there without any concern about the reaction of the people there, to the fact that Al Queda was a sliver of the middle eastern population who was dangerous and needed to be dealt with, while our own politics prevented us from doing so early on - Clinton while our awareness of the danger grew, and then Bush out of incompetence.

I've yet to see one right-wing person take any moral responsbility for our war of choice and aggression against Iraq turning out to be an unjustified war - one where the UN inspectors should have been allowed to complete what they were doing, and while we'd have had Saddam still in power for the time being, the international law against aggressive war, something the US is obligated to by the UN treaty we signed, would still be in power, too, and other efforts could be taken against Saddam.

Let's face it, our policies to Iraq have caused its citizens great damage, from the sanctions which primarily served to kill hundreds of thousands of Iraqis horribly by denying them clean water and such, leading to disase, to our inept 'rebuilding' of the destruction we'd caused, we are pretty galling to point and say 'but you have freedom now!' Right, I'm sure most Americans would say 'thank you' for the chance to have the conditions Iraqis have now. Americans confuse the price we pay for our policy, with the benefit it gives.

Instead, the American people too often are blind supporters of whatever the government says, just paying their taxes which allow the government to do terrible policies.

You see that above, as the poster buys into the paranoia of the middle east conquering the US. It'd be laughable if not tragic.


Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2003
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: ayabe

Again the answer is somewhere in between, you want the government completely involved in every facet of public life, the right fundies want the same thing, they are just coming from different perspectives.

You can apologize all you want, but the bodycounts show.

Like I said, so who has the left assassinated, blown up or terrorized with anthrax lately?

You said the two extremes are equal, so show me where.


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Pathetic attemp at "South bashing".

The guy was a state Supreme Court judge. I doubt he was elected, but don't know how it works in AL. Plus, we have some nutty people on the federal SCOTUS. Eminent Domain anyone?

But try as you might to avoid the point I beleive he was making - I'll just bring it up again here and see if you can address it.

His point - Congresspersons have to swear to uphold the constitution and laws of the USA. Muslim doctrine teaches that is fundamentally agianst Islam, which has it's code of laws and he must uphold that law-Sharia.

Well, which is it going to be? USA law, or Muslim religious law? I don't see that as an unimportant issue. Do you? Will he work to change existing USA to that which conforms to Sharia? Do you wanna homosexuality outlawed, education for women prohibited, mutilation of people for crimes such as theft?

BTW: No, Texas is not part of the "South" any more than SoCal is. TX had nothing really to do with the civil war, was not "with" the South. Texas was it's own country before joining the US. Whereas many of the Southern states were original colonies.




Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Unheard
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: ayabe

Again the answer is somewhere in between, you want the government completely involved in every facet of public life, the right fundies want the same thing, they are just coming from different perspectives.

You can apologize all you want, but the bodycounts show.

Like I said, so who has the left assassinated, blown up or terrorized with anthrax lately?

You said the two extremes are equal, so show me where.

Yes, a few cases of arson, like I said, where is the bodycount and terrorism?

Releasing a few animals from cages, wow scary left wingers!

How many died in OK city? How many bombed in abortion clinics?

Terror From the Right


Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: Unheard
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: ayabe

Again the answer is somewhere in between, you want the government completely involved in every facet of public life, the right fundies want the same thing, they are just coming from different perspectives.

You can apologize all you want, but the bodycounts show.

Like I said, so who has the left assassinated, blown up or terrorized with anthrax lately?

You said the two extremes are equal, so show me where.

Yes, a few cases of arson, like I said, where is the bodycount and terrorism?

Releasing a few animals from cages, wow scary left wingers!

How many died in OK city? How many bombed in abortion clinics?

Terror From the Right

OK City? What makes you think he/they were right wing? Last I heard his big compaint was with how the US government treated Arabs/Muslims etc.

Rudolf. One guy out of millions. Yeah, he's typical of the Right :roll: And it was ten years ago when he killed 3 people. Weak, very weak.



Mar 29, 2004
Nope he was a avid rush listener well known to go off on rants about how the liberals are screwing america and something must be done when he was a mall rent a cop.

Is Timothy McVeigh part of this right-wing populist revolt?

Where did the Patriot movement come from? Actually Patriot-style right-wing populist movements have flourished throughout US history, usually during periods of social or economic stress. Following the collapse of Soviet-backed communism in Europe the major villain for some militant sectors of the US right shifted from the Red Menace to a caricature of a liberal big-government secular humanist conspiracy to undermine our traditional values. For years right-wing populist groups such as the John Birch Society claimed that the same shadowy "Insiders" were behind both Moscow communism and Wall Street capitalism.

In other words, what is now mainstream right-wing propaganda spewed here daily, this is how low the right has set the bar.

It is only a matter of time before another wingnut fed by coulter, hannity, or limbaugh (again) kills in the name of anti-government conservative fascist BS.

Every one of them should be shut down for instigating domestic terrorism or clean up their dangerously sensationalist acts if it is not outright hate speech.


Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Originally posted by: ayabe
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Originally posted by: ayabe

Again the answer is somewhere in between, you want the government completely involved in every facet of public life, the right fundies want the same thing, they are just coming from different perspectives.

You can apologize all you want, but the bodycounts show.

Noone is apologizing, noone is a Freeper poster, get over yourself, you aren't qualified to judge anyone, your ideals aren't morally superior to anyone's. Seriously, get a grip on yourself.

Good luck with that. Steeplerot has the worst you're-either-with-me-or-you're-with-the-terrorists mentality I have ever seen.


Apr 8, 2002
Under what conceivable set of circumstances could the incredibly far more militaily powerful US be conquered by the middle eastern nations in the next century?

Where did I say we were being conquered militarily? Ask the Europeans how they are being conquered right now.



Elite Member
Sep 30, 2003
HERE'S where I apparently got the idea he was angry at our governements treatment of Arabs (Gulf War complaint).

But anyhoo, we're off -topic here. Mcveigh wasn't Southern, which is what this thread is about.



Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
People can't be less ignorant than they are. You can't blame fools for being fools. It's a fools game to criticize other fools. The people in the South have tons of good values and cultural norms just as do people everywhere. They catch their conservative ways from others but are far in advance of many other folk around the world. Making fun of a group just makes them hunker down and defend what they are even more. Respect others and it will help you to respect yourself.


Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Moonbeam
People can't be less ignorant than they are. You can't blame fools for being fools. It's a fools game to criticize other fools. The people in the South have tons of good values and cultural norms just as do people everywhere. They catch their conservative ways from others but are far in advance of many other folk around the world. Making fun of a group just makes them hunker down and defend what they are even more. Respect others and it will help you to respect yourself.

Well said. :thumbsup:


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: Genx87
Under what conceivable set of circumstances could the incredibly far more militaily powerful US be conquered by the middle eastern nations in the next century?

Where did I say we were being conquered militarily? Ask the Europeans how they are being conquered right now.

Oh my God, you must stop. Nobody is being "conquered", the only invasion is in your paranoid mind. It's actually pretty amusing, Americans are making FAR more noise about the "conquest" of Europe than the Europeans themselves. Maybe because they're not a bunch of morons across the pond.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Shivetya
Is Virigina still part of the South? After all they put Robery Byrd into the Congress over and over again and he is a former KKK grand wizard.

just because you don't agree with someone does not make him ignorant nor the people who support him ignorant.

Also, the south hasn't changed much since when democrats controlled it lock, stock, and barrel. Its only that its PC to call into question anyone who has the audacity to vote for anyone except a democrat (heaven help you if you vote libetarian)

That would be DEMOCRAT Robert Byrd for those keeping score.


Apr 25, 2001
Originally posted by: CPA
Originally posted by: Shivetya
Is Virigina still part of the South? After all they put Robery Byrd into the Congress over and over again and he is a former KKK grand wizard.

just because you don't agree with someone does not make him ignorant nor the people who support him ignorant.

Also, the south hasn't changed much since when democrats controlled it lock, stock, and barrel. Its only that its PC to call into question anyone who has the audacity to vote for anyone except a democrat (heaven help you if you vote libetarian)

That would be DEMOCRAT Robert Byrd for those keeping score.

Also, that would be WEST Virginia. And Robert Byrd repeatedly gets high marks from black civil rights groups for supporting their causes, whatever his past, it would seem he has realized the error of his ways and is working to try and make up for the past.


Elite Member
Nov 19, 2001
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: CPA
Originally posted by: Shivetya
Is Virigina still part of the South? After all they put Robery Byrd into the Congress over and over again and he is a former KKK grand wizard.

just because you don't agree with someone does not make him ignorant nor the people who support him ignorant.

Also, the south hasn't changed much since when democrats controlled it lock, stock, and barrel. Its only that its PC to call into question anyone who has the audacity to vote for anyone except a democrat (heaven help you if you vote libetarian)

That would be DEMOCRAT Robert Byrd for those keeping score.

Also, that would be WEST Virginia. And Robert Byrd repeatedly gets high marks from black civil rights groups for supporting their causes, whatever his past, it would seem he has realized the error of his ways and is working to try and make up for the past.

Of course they do, he's a democrat and is their best chance for economic gain, well at least in their eyes. Don't let their rhetoric fool you, they only have one concern.


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: CPA
Originally posted by: Rainsford
Originally posted by: CPA
Originally posted by: Shivetya
Is Virigina still part of the South? After all they put Robery Byrd into the Congress over and over again and he is a former KKK grand wizard.

just because you don't agree with someone does not make him ignorant nor the people who support him ignorant.

Also, the south hasn't changed much since when democrats controlled it lock, stock, and barrel. Its only that its PC to call into question anyone who has the audacity to vote for anyone except a democrat (heaven help you if you vote libetarian)

That would be DEMOCRAT Robert Byrd for those keeping score.

Also, that would be WEST Virginia. And Robert Byrd repeatedly gets high marks from black civil rights groups for supporting their causes, whatever his past, it would seem he has realized the error of his ways and is working to try and make up for the past.

Of course they do, he's a democrat and is their best chance for economic gain, well at least in their eyes. Don't let their rhetoric fool you, they only have one concern.

Robert Byrd was never a KKK grand wizard, that's a lie. As a very young man he grew up in another culture, and he grew out of it. He has renounced the culture and the KKK.

The right so virulently tries to smear him not because of any concern if he were a racist, but because they so desperately want to try to attack their way out of their own issues.

They're the party who exploited the south's racism for their benefit nationally in the late 60's, and they don't like taking responsibility for it, so they go on the attack.

So, do the democrats similarly go after republicans unfairly for things they've renounced, like, say, David Duke? It's hard to argue that when he's giving a holocaust denial speech.

Point out Byrd's mistake many decades back, but don't try to portray him as something he's not now.


Jun 23, 2004
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: Genx87
For now, give it 100 years and see what your ancestors have to say about those horrible christian fundies when Islamic fundies are running the show.

I find myself boggling at the delusions of the right on this topic.

Under what conceivable set of circumstances could the incredibly far more militaily powerful US be conquered by the middle eastern nations in the next century?

You ask us that while supporting the argument of protecting Iran's nuclear technology.

Before 9/11, wtf did you imagine box cutters and 19 men could do to us? You?d tell me nothing and I would have thought so too.

We have not learned our lesson, the loss of 3,000 is absolutely nothing in the coming nuclear war.

You'll give the Middle East time to catch up with us in technological power and then you'll have your answer. They already have a vastly superior form of combat - terrorism renders our military useless, Iraq is the proof of that. Now they'll be upgrading those box cutters into dirty bombs/nuclear weapons and you'll have the picture of what their proxy groups can do to us.


Jan 28, 2002
Originally posted by: Jaskalas

Before 9/11, wtf did you imagine box cutters and 19 men could do to us? You?d tell me nothing and I would have thought so too.

Some of us had a pretty good idea.
Aug 1, 2006
Originally posted by: bobdelt
Christian Reconstructionists are every bit as whacky as radical Muslims

Oh yeah? whens the last time a christian suicide bombed a public place? Do christian cartoons teach kids to suicide bomb people too? And do christian shows teach people that other races will eat them, and make coke a cola out of their blood?

Although they might be extreme, but it's just pure BS to say they are just as wacky as radical muslims.

Two words: Eric Rudolph.


Dec 11, 2006
Originally posted by: Steeplerot
Alleged anthrax hoaxer may be Free Republic poster

Well well, same website a lot of you all frequent and try to source is a hangout of terrorists, now who would have imagined that. :roll:


I think we can all agree that these are FAR left wing nutjobs. Would you agree with the steps he has outlined to get us out of Iraq?

Craig Rosebraugh, the enigmatic environmental anarchist whose tenure as the public face of the terrorist Earth Liberation Front (ELF) was marked by millions of dollars in violent property destruction, a sizable financial gift from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, and a penchant for hiding behind the Fifth Amendment, has declared war on America.
Fresh from his appearance at Cal State Fresno's "Revolutionary Environmentalism" conference, Rosebraugh has penned a manifesto calling for anti-war protesters to carry out "direct actions" against the American government, military installations, multinational corporations, financial institutions, urban centers, and broadcast television networks.
Like the ELF, Rosebraugh has no use for peaceful protests, calling them "pointless, and perhaps even counterproductive." Instead, he prefers an activist plan that, quite literally, terrorizes America into withdrawing troops from the Persian Gulf.
"An atmosphere of severe unrest," Rosebraugh wrote on Monday, "if manufactured properly, will force the U.S. government to place military resources in the streets of the United States, will threaten the economy... and ultimately create a political atmosphere unfavorable for Bush to continue on with the war."
How to manufacture this sort of atmosphere? Rosebraugh articulates the following seven-point plan (in his own words) for would-be members of his hate-America terrorist brigade:
1. "Attack the financial centers of the country... physically shut down financial centers which regulate and assist the functioning of [the] U.S. economy."
2. "Large scale urban rioting [so that] the U.S. government will be forced to send U.S. troops into the domestic arena thereby taking resources and political focus away from the war... Rioting should be focused on governmental agencies and corporations."
3. "Attack the media centers of the country... Using any means necessary, shut down the national networks of NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, etc. Not just occupations but actually engage in strategies and tactics which knock the networks off the air." (emphasis added)
4. "Spread the battle to the... very heads of government and U.S. corporations... Hit them in their personal lives, visit their homes."
5. "Make it known publicly that this movement DOES NOT support U.S. troops... Create an atmosphere lacking of support to assist U.S. troops at home and abroad in losing their morale and will to fight."
6. "Actively target U.S. military establishments within the United States... use any means necessary to slow down the functioning of the [U.S. military]." (emphasis added)
7. "trike hard and fast and retreat in anonymity. Select another location, strike again hard and fast and quickly retreat in anonymity... Do not get caught. DO NOT GET CAUGHT. Do not get sent to jail. Stay alert, keep active, and keep fighting."
Rosebraugh implies over and over that the anti-war movement simply hasn't gone far enough. He clearly wants to take the ELF's terror tactics -- honed during attacks on logging companies, new home builders, and the Vail ski lodge -- and direct them at the federal government itself.
Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge said yesterday that intelligence on homegrown terror groups influenced his decision to raise America to the "code orange" alert level on Monday. "[R]egional extremist organizations and ad hoc groups or disgruntled individuals may use this time period to conduct terrorist attacks against the United States," he told reporters during a Tuesday press conference.
In a poignant Washington Times book review of a Unabomber biography, Fresno State University's Bruce Thorton argued on Sunday that we may one day fall prey to "a homegrown terrorism driven by debased myths and shop-worn ideas."
"The war against terrorism," Thornton added, "has more fronts than we think."

Edit: This guy isn?t talking about letting a couple of fluffy animals out of their cages. He is talking about riots in the street. He is talking about financially harming thousands of people. He is talking about using ANY MEANS NECESSARY to target UNITED STATES MILITARY ESTABLISHMENTS!

This guy also has the financial backing of PETA another left wing group. A little off topic, but the hypocrisies of PETA are down right funny if you dig a bit. PETA actually kills about 2/3rds of the animals it rescued one year. Not to mention the VP uses a medical treatment that was tested on animals to save her life while she has publicly stated that she would deny the same life saving treatment to the rest of the world.

J Heartless Slick

Golden Member
Nov 11, 1999
Originally posted by: bobdelt
Christian Reconstructionists are every bit as whacky as radical Muslims

Oh yeah? whens the last time a christian suicide bombed a public place? Do christian cartoons teach kids to suicide bomb people too? And do christian shows teach people that other races will eat them, and make coke a cola out of their blood?

Although they might be extreme, but it's just pure BS to say they are just as wacky as radical muslims.

In the US, who was blowing up women's clinics and shooting their doctors?


Elite Member
Super Moderator
Mar 20, 2000
Originally posted by: Steeplerot

It is a shame the west coast is so underrepresented in the country, we could cancel out a good part of the fundies and right-wing hardliners from the souths votes if there was actual equality.

california gets 3 extra house seats and electoral votes due to the counting of illegal immigrants in the census. underrepresented my ass.

edit: not to mention there are just as many racist rednecks up north in yankeeland. only difference is they don't interact with anyone other than white people on a daily basis, so it doesn't come up as much. the american south is the most racially integrated place on the face of the planet.


May 1, 2006
Originally posted by: Jaskalas
Originally posted by: Craig234
Originally posted by: Genx87
For now, give it 100 years and see what your ancestors have to say about those horrible christian fundies when Islamic fundies are running the show.

I find myself boggling at the delusions of the right on this topic.

Under what conceivable set of circumstances could the incredibly far more militaily powerful US be conquered by the middle eastern nations in the next century?

You ask us that while supporting the argument of protecting Iran's nuclear technology.

Before 9/11, wtf did you imagine box cutters and 19 men could do to us? You?d tell me nothing and I would have thought so too.

We have not learned our lesson, the loss of 3,000 is absolutely nothing in the coming nuclear war.

You'll give the Middle East time to catch up with us in technological power and then you'll have your answer. They already have a vastly superior form of combat - terrorism renders our military useless, Iraq is the proof of that. Now they'll be upgrading those box cutters into dirty bombs/nuclear weapons and you'll have the picture of what their proxy groups can do to us.

The liberals are the ones who take proliferation issues seriously; the right are the ones who don't, insisting we make no meaningful concessions to our own nuclear arsenal in any agreements, and who cause other nations to need nuclear weapons by making it clear we'll invade anyone, anytime we damn well please regardless of any internaitonal law.

If you were in Iran's shoes, and you were a perfectly reasonable, peaceful leader, you would greatly want nuclear weapons, too.

I've said before - my suggestion is that we take responsibility for our past actions againt Iran, from overthrowing their democracy to exploiting them for oil to helping them be invaded with a million casualties and 100,000 killed by WMD while we took the side of the person using the WMD - that we apologize and provide some sort of 'real' security guarantees for Iran - and THEN we insist they not get nuclear weapons, to the point of militarily enforcing it.

The people now in power - the ones you vote for - instead are demanding to have it both ways, no nukes for Iran while we plan to overthrow their government.

So who is the side responsible for the dangerous proliferation of the nukes? Where is our taking responsibility even for illegally invading Iraq?

You want to say it wasn't illegal - we signed the UN charter, a treaty, which the constitution says is the law of the land. Under which provision was our invasion allowed?


Mar 29, 2004
Originally posted by: Darwin333

snip of unsubstantiated right wing fear mongering.

This guy is advocating direct action, not killing or harming anyone but shutting/slowing down the system.

Anyhow, the govt has already declared war on these folks and lock them up without trials in a lot of cases.

Like I said, where is the bodycount?
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