The top 1%.. except Bernie


Senior member
Feb 19, 2015
If Bernie Sanders so strongly believe the top 1% should share more of their income with the bottom 99%, why isn't he setting an example and already doing it himself? He made more than a million dollars last year (and the year before) putting him firmly in the top 1%, yet paid less than 30% in net taxes.

My point is, if he believes the top 1% should give more of their income away, let's say up to 70%, why doesn't he than already voluntarily donate 40% of his income (70% minus the 30% he already pays in taxes) to charities that help those less fortunate with scholarships, healthcare and so on? There are enough organisations out there who do this very effectively and rely on donations.

It's not because Sanders looks like poverty that he actually is poor. He's richer than 99% of all Americans and even owns 3 houses. The thing is why does nobody hold him accountable for the fact that he doesn't already practice what he preaches? If he doesn't wanna pay higher taxes, why does he expect anybody else in the top 1% would wanna do that?

I know alot of lefties here will probably hate on me for saying that, but doesn't it make sense that if you preach something, you should at least already be practicing it yourself?
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Jun 23, 2004
He advocates / pushes for change... to do just that. For all of us. Don't use your ignorance / greed to pretend you are a better person, or that he is somehow corrupted by having some money. He'll practice what he preaches when he get us all to play by the same rules. Fairness and equality are not a difficult concept. No, the basis of your argument is dishonest and derived from propaganda.

No one person is going to change a nation. Or finance it. His book proceeds and other funds are better spent 1: making sure he isn't a drain on our system and 2: helping him advocate for others, for the better policy you oppose.


Jun 11, 2004
The one good working keyboard in the troll farm has been claimed...

It's a great day to be an American.


Senior member
Feb 19, 2015
He advocates / pushes for change... to do just that. For all of us. Don't use your ignorance / greed to pretend you are a better person, or that he is somehow corrupted by having some money. He'll practice what he preaches when he get us all to play by the same rules. Fairness and equality are not a difficult concept. No, the basis of your argument is dishonest and derived from propaganda.
What makes him a better person? How is he not greedy himself? The guy is a millionaire, owns 3 houses, yet according to his own filings only gives a small amount away in donations?

If his principle is that the top 1% should share more of their income with those less fortunate, why is he not already doing it himself? I'm not saying he should give more to the IRS, but what's holding him back from donating alot more to charities that follow his principles. There are enough charities out there that help poor people with scholarships and free healthcare.
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Nov 29, 2006
What makes him not greedy? The guy is a millionaire, owns 3 houses, yet according to his own filings only gives a small amount away in donations?

If his principle is that the top 1% should share more of their income with those less fortunate, why is he not already doing it himself? I'm not saying he should give more to the IRS, but what's holding him back from donating alot more to charities that follow his principles. There are enough charities out there that help poor people with scholarships and free healthcare.

I think he answered your dumb question yet again in his 2nd paragraph you conviniently didn’t quote. I’m shocked at your dishonesty/stupidity. Shocked i say.
Mar 11, 2004
What makes him not greedy? The guy is a millionaire, owns 3 houses, yet according to his own filings only gives a small amount away in donations?

If his principle is that the top 1% should share more of their income with those less fortunate, why is he not already doing it himself? I'm not saying he should give more to the IRS, but what's holding him back from donating alot more to charities that follow his principles. There are enough charities out there that help poor people with scholarships and free healthcare.

Where did he say anything about Bernie being greedy or not?

Do you even know if he doesn't or are you just assuming?

Bernie isn't advocating for "free" healthcare, so not sure what your point there is. And then you wonder why your bar is so red? Because you're oblivious to how loaded you're starting out and then wondering why people aren't catering to your clear ignorance. And you're immediately whining that people will "hate on you" because you think its just opinion and not them having legitimate reasons to find fault with your posts.

Considering the FAR worse "not practicing what they preach" except when it's horrible stuff that Republicans have been partaking in for decades now, well sorry if I don't care to try to appease your relatively minor complaint that Bernie doesn't pay the amount of taxes he thinks he should so people shouldn't consider him for President. Nevermind that is exactly his point and one of his goals would be to change the tax system to tax himself like he thinks should be happening.


May 30, 2008
Not this tired old argument again?

Socialism (or social-democracy, which is what Bernie Sanders actually appears to support - he's not a socialist as far as I can make out, though perhaps he was a long time ago) is not the same thing as individual charity. How many times does that need to be said before slow-on-the-uptake (or just disengenuous) right-wingers can understand it?

I'm quite tired of the 'heads we win, tails you lose' logic of the right.

It goes like this -
If you are doing OK under this system but think it needs reform you are 'not practicing what you preach', because, apparently, to think a system needs reform means you have to give away everything you own and live in a shack in the woods. For some reason. If you _aren't_ doing OK, and think the system needs reform (or to be changed entirely) you are just practicing the 'poltiics of envy' and it's just that you are individually a loser - because everything is about the individual and whatever is, is good by definition and can never be challenged.

That this double-barralled argument is in a sense non-falseifiable - you can't avoid one shot or the other , suggests that perhaps It's crap. Go find a better argument.

Now I _do_ sometimes feel a bit cynical about one group - those who are doing very well with things as they are, and concequently want just a _little_ bit of change but not too much - enough to dispense with the feelings of unease at stepping over the homeless on the way to the opera, but not enough to actually threaten their own position or rock the boat too much. Elite liberals, essentially. Who want to feel like good guys but don't want any change that might cost them anything. But Sanders is not in that category. By the standards of liberalism, he actually wants quite substantial change. Change that would likely affect those in his own income-bracket.
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Oct 18, 2005
If Bernie Sanders so strongly believe the top 1% should share more of their income with the bottom 99%, why isn't he setting an example and already doing it himself? He made more than a million dollars last year (and the year before) putting him firmly in the top 1%, yet paid less than 30% in net taxes.

My point is, if he believes the top 1% should give more of their income aways, let's say up to 70%, why doesn't hen than already voluntarily donate 40% of his income (70% minus the 30% he already pays in taxes) to charities that help those less fortunate with scholarships, healthcare and so on? There are enough organisations out there who do this very effectively and rely on donations.

It's not because Sanders looks like poverty that he actually is poor. He's richer than 99% of all Americans and even owns 3 houses. The thing is why does nobody hold him accountable for the fact that he doesn't already practice what he preaches? If he doesn't wanna pay higher taxes, why does he expect anybody else in the top 1% would wanna do that?

I know alot of lefties here will probably hate on me for saying that, but doesn't it make sense that if you preach something, you should at least already be practicing it yourself?

Your concern is duly ignored.


Senior member
Feb 19, 2015
Why aren't you all just being honest.

You just envy and wanna hate on those people who have worked hard and made it to the top 1% and somehow think it's "fair" that we would pay higher taxes.

In case you wonder, we are not all thieves and crooks like your beloved socialist makes you believe.

I used to be liberal and drink the cool aid that all conservatives are greedy and evil.

The truth is the left is alot more hateful and envious to those who make more than them. What the left practices is the "politics of envy". Nothing more.

This has nothing do with morality or principles.. this is looking for ways to justify theft and you all know it.

Having lived in Europe, what I do know is that socialism eventually leads to middle class paying higher taxes. Just compare how much middle class pays in most European countries versus middle class currently in the US.

Socialism starts with hating on the top 1%.. it results in middle class paying higher taxes.
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May 30, 2008
Why aren't you all just being honest.

You just envy and wanna hate on those people who have worked hard and made it to the top 1% and somehow think it's "fair" that we would pay higher taxes.

In case you wonder, we are not all thieves and crooks like your beloved socialist makes you believe.

I used to be liberal and drink the cool aid that all conservatives are greedy and evil.

The truth is the left is alot more hateful and envious to those who make more than them. What the left practices is the "politics of envy". Nothing more.

This has nothing do with morality or principles.. this is looking for ways to justify theft and you all know it.

Having lived in Europe, what I do know is that socialism eventually leads to middle class paying higher taxes. Just compare how much middle class pays in most European countries versus middle class currently in the US.

Socialism starts with hating on the top 1%.. it results in middle class paying higher taxes.

Utter drivel. I note you've now switched to the other argument. Logical consistency's not your thing, is it?


Oct 6, 2009
Why aren't you all just being honest.

You just envy and wanna hate on those people who have worked hard and made it to the top 1% and somehow think it's "fair" that we would pay higher taxes.

In case you wonder, we are not all thieves and crooks like your beloved socialist makes you believe.

I used to be liberal and drink the cool aid that all conservatives are greedy and evil.

The truth is the left is alot more hateful and envious to those who make more than them. What the left practices is the "politics of envy". Nothing more.

This has nothing do with morality or principles.. this is looking for ways to justify theft and you all know it.

Having lived in Europe, what I do know is that socialism eventually leads to middle class paying higher taxes. Just compare how much middle class pays in most European countries versus middle class currently in the US.

The very top (0.1%) will always find ways to hide their money or reinvest it in new companies.

Socialism starts with hating on the top 1%.. it ends with middle class paying higher taxes.
Do you know what a straw man is? It's when you can't argue against your opponent's actual position so you recharacterize your opponent's position as a much weaker position so you can attack that instead and claim victory like a sad sack of shit.

Making good money does not make a person greedy. Filthy leftists have never made the argument that it does. It's only when a person uses that money to screw other people in order to obtain even more money that they cross the line into greedy.

So, in summary, stop being a foolish little bitch.
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Senior member
Feb 19, 2015
Making good money does not make a person greedy.
I agree but than why do you think it's "fair" that those making good money should pay higher taxes? Have I stolen money from you? No I didn't.

I agree that the very, very rich (only a handful of families) own money they even didn't have to work for, but looking at Europe, in practice socialism will result in middle class paying higher taxes.

Have you even compared how much middle class in Germany, the Netherland etc pay in comparison to middle class in the US?


Oct 6, 2009
I agree but than why do you think it's "fair" that those making good money should pay higher taxes? Have I stolen money from you? No I didn't.

I agree that the very, very rich (only a handful of families) own money they even didn't have to work for, but looking at Europe, in practice socialism will result in middle class paying higher taxes.

Have you even compared how much middle class in Germany, the Netherland etc pay in comparison to middle class in the US?
Have you factored in how much they pay for health insurance, higher education, and childcare when you made the determination that the middle class pays higher taxes? No, you didn't because if they pay for example $5000 more in tax every year but don't pay $12000 a year for healthcare then your entire argument falls apart, doesn't it?

If you are actually concerned about your reputation here you can start by backing up and apologizing for accusing us all of hating rich people.


Senior member
Feb 19, 2015
Have you factored in how much they pay for health insurance, higher education, and childcare when you made the determination that the middle class pays higher taxes?
I agree like anybody else that the insurrance companies are ripping off everybody.

Shouldn't it make more sense than to regulate the insurrance industry first?

Same with education.. why not make rules that limit how much universities can charge and that they should use all that "endowment" money they receive for more scholarships instead of putting it into a bank doing nothing?

I'm all in favor of fixing the system with more regulations, I just don't support having everything run by government.


Oct 6, 2009
I agree like anybody else that the insurrance companies are ripping off everybody.

Shouldn't it make more sense than to regulate the insurrance industry first?

Same with education.. why not make rules that limit how much universities can charge and that they should use all that "endowment" money they receive for more scholarships instead of putting it into a bank doing nothing?

I'm all in favor of fixing the system with more regulations, I just don't support having everything run by government.
No because we can see that in every other country single payer or universal healthcare is much more effective. We tried regulating insurance companies with the ACA and Americans lost their shit and voted Republicans right back into power. Trying to regulate insurance and higher education is like putting a bandaid over a sliced artery.

And by the way it isn't just the insurance companies ripping people off, it is also the hospital owners among others. Really from top to bottom the patients are getting fucked.
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Feb 6, 2002
If Bernie Sanders so strongly believe the top 1% should share more of their income with the bottom 99%, why isn't he setting an example and already doing it himself? He made more than a million dollars last year (and the year before) putting him firmly in the top 1%, yet paid less than 30% in net taxes.

My point is, if he believes the top 1% should give more of their income aways, let's say up to 70%, why doesn't hen than already voluntarily donate 40% of his income (70% minus the 30% he already pays in taxes) to charities that help those less fortunate with scholarships, healthcare and so on? There are enough organisations out there who do this very effectively and rely on donations.

It's not because Sanders looks like poverty that he actually is poor. He's richer than 99% of all Americans and even owns 3 houses. The thing is why does nobody hold him accountable for the fact that he doesn't already practice what he preaches? If he doesn't wanna pay higher taxes, why does he expect anybody else in the top 1% would wanna do that?

I know alot of lefties here will probably hate on me for saying that, but doesn't it make sense that if you preach something, you should at least already be practicing it yourself?
If his policies are enacted he will pay more.

What's wrong with that??


Nov 11, 1999
I agree like anybody else that the insurrance companies are ripping off everybody.

Shouldn't it make more sense than to regulate the insurrance industry first?

Same with education.. why not make rules that limit how much universities can charge and that they should use all that "endowment" money they receive for more scholarships instead of putting it into a bank doing nothing?

I'm all in favor of fixing the system with more regulations, I just don't support having everything run by government.

When middle class people adopt the every man for himself low tax ideology of the financial elite they're screwing themselves. The only way we stand a chance against the power of wealth is to band together & inhibit the runaway concentration of wealth & income at the tippy top through the agency of govt.


Aug 4, 2000
I agree but than why do you think it's "fair" that those making good money should pay higher taxes? Have I stolen money from you? No I didn't.

I agree that the very, very rich (only a handful of families) own money they even didn't have to work for, but looking at Europe, in practice socialism will result in middle class paying higher taxes.

Have you even compared how much middle class in Germany, the Netherland etc pay in comparison to middle class in the US?

Bernie is your typical limousine liberal.. And no, he isnt giving 70% of anything. He wants YOU too. YOU are the ig'nant youngster who buys his nonsense because you dont know any better.


Jun 23, 2004
What makes him a better person?

I was making no comparison or judgement of the sort. I was backslapping your insistence that he is wrong or immoral to *gasp* have some money. And *gasp* keep it!

How is he not greedy himself? The guy is a millionaire, owns 3 houses, yet according to his own filings only gives a small amount away in donations?

There is nothing wrong having wealth. With UBI, Housing, and Healthcare fully funded by a large tax increase, even Jeff Bezos would still be worth over $50 billion. I am a Capitalist who wants to save it from cannibalizing itself. As for Sanders, he wants to help others on a grand scale. He does not need to personally sacrifice more than he already does, until he wins the day and get us all to pitch in together. Again, that would be fair and equal. And that is what would actually change things.

There is something wrong with "FYGM" and opposing the policies we need to combat declining labor values (wages, etc).


Oct 18, 2005
I agree but than why do you think it's "fair" that those making good money should pay higher taxes? Have I stolen money from you? No I didn't.

I agree that the very, very rich (only a handful of families) own money they even didn't have to work for, but looking at Europe, in practice socialism will result in middle class paying higher taxes.

Have you even compared how much middle class in Germany, the Netherland etc pay in comparison to middle class in the US?

No shit Sherlock and they get far more in services in return.
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