None of you understand the real point of the tariffs?
Yes it's a stick to punish but it's far more than that. It's to incentivize US energy and manufacturing. Will it *hurt* a little, yes, absolutely it will, till US infrastructure regains what it has lost in the last couple decades.
Once that happens, we have more GDP, sending less money overseas. That helps the US economy, and everyone in it.
Stop being wieners that only think about the cost of your next cheap chinese widget and instead think about the larger picture which is long term, how much money we send overseas vs keep here.
Some people want to whine if their cheap chinese goods cost 10% more, but the bigger picture is shifting the unemployment rate (the real one, not the doctored rate that excludes those out of the pool), from subsidized/welfare to taxable earners, decreasing the bleeding financial losses, and making it less profitable for other countries to treat people like slaves to produce cheap goods.
You might think that it's only about a tax to raise prices for americans but that is mistaken.
It does much more than that. It makes american goods more competitive by penalizing those who treat their workers like slaves. How can some of you even sleep at night, knowing that your cheap chinese widget was made by child slave labor or even if adults, treated like animals?
SO SO MUCH greed, to get your cheap junk, as long as you benefit at the expense of other human beings? There is so much wrong with the TDS morons in this topic that I haven't even scratched the tip of the iceberg.
The primary problem with many replies in this topic is that they are made by people with low intelligence, that can't factor in more than a single variable like is the immediate cost of goods going to rise, without being able to see the longer term effect. It's easy to be short term greedy. Studies have shown that most low intelligence people gravitate towards that, even when it is to their detriment long term. Grab that nut while it's in front of you?
If you had long term plans, you can not only weather this but come out ahead, unless you expect to die soon and if that is the case, then I feel for you.
A simple question: Do you support abusing people to save 10%?
This is not hypothetical. It's reality.