the truth about INTEL vs AMD

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Senior member
Sep 22, 2000
Damn, this pissin' contest is just plain annoying. NOS440- Mikewarrior seems to be right about you.


Senior member
Aug 16, 2000
Here is my opinion on the whole CPU market.

Thanks to a company like Intel, people can buy a CPU that performs extremely well for less than $500.

Thanks to a company like AMD, people can buy a CPU that performs extremely well for less than $500.

Point is this...If it AMD didn't produce high quality CPU's at a very attractive price, Intel CPUs would be priced somewhere in the upper stratosphere. (& Probably not perform nearly as well)
If Intel didn't produce high quality CPU's that perform extremely well, AMD CPUs would not be nearly as fast as they are. (nor as cost effective)

Competition is working for Us (the customer)!!
Prices are extremely low (for both companies, considering performance/cost)

In a Price/Performance War between Intel & AMD, you and I (the consumer) win!

So if you have a Intel 1Ghz or AMD 1.2Ghz be thankful, because competition is the only reason your system is running that fast!

(I personally use & like both AMD & Intel products.) -lhampel



Oct 11, 2000



Golden Member
Oct 19, 2000
Hmmm ... I wonder, might there be a relation between babbling Intel "propaganda" without delivering arguments and not being able to write correctly? You rarely see AMD "fans" or neutral people shouting incoherently.
Nah, probably just a coincidence.


Aug 31, 2000
NOS440 i have been on intel based systems for the last year, after leaving a cyrix based system, have not had to format or reinstall the os since. its actually a 98se install over a 98 over a 95b over a 95 a, all full versions forced over the others, it runs stable and beutifull, I'm gonna put this to rest by saying, by the end of the month I'm gonna get an amd tbird 700, and mobo and new ram, and a geforce 2 gts. if i can get this hd to run it with out any problems, ill trade you 2 intel boards and chips for your "athlon's ya cant get rid of"
if i cant get this os to run without reformatting, then you'll have another intel zealot to fight along side ya.

I love intel, but i'd like to try amd and see if it's really as bad as you say


Oct 24, 2000
After reading the past 80 threads I have a few things to say. To back up my words I do have degrees in Electrical Engineering, Math, and Computer Science and currently doing signal integrity work for an aerospace company.

1. Rambus in the long run will be superior to any DDR ram. Rambus bus architecture is absolutely beyond this world. One class I went to we designed our own rambus busses and god could those things cook. Also, if you do the math rambus really has no limits that I can see in the near future. Because they are doing a source-synch architecture you can have multiple sets of data on the bus at the same. DRAM cannot do this since it is linked to an edge to write/read data. Rambus is also designed for bursting more than single beat reads and write. And as you well know, data we use is becoming larger and larger. Thus as the market progresses Rambus will become more and more effective, not less.

2. Intel made the market what it is. Intel has developed more pieces of technology than you can shake a stick it. Who do yout think primarily developed the PCI bus?

3. AMD has made the market more affordable and faster.

4. All the sites that do reviews are basing their decisions on what is physically touchable. This is the proper way to review a what it really is. But, what you need to look at also is what things will be in the future. I guarantee you Serial ATA will be slower than Parallel ATA in the beginning. But I would bet my soul that it will pass parallel ATA very quickly.

5. FYI, the p3 was never really mean to go beyond 1GHz. That was really the architecture limit that was cost effective.

6. The p4 will be something neat to see. The main reason is that directx 8 and the 20 stage pipeline could bring games to a whole new level. The cache bus is quad pumped which works very well with rambus style architecture.

7. AMD has ditched their server end chip since it can't support l2 cache over 1MB effectively

8. Right now AMD is in the spotlight because it was their time to shine. Right now they offer the best performance for the best price on the home end and I will never deny that, but they still lack largely in the high servers. And I would be willing to bet with the p4 yields that Intel will shine quite nicely next year. Companies do this all the time. To be in the limelight all the time can burn a company to the ground. A good company will release prodcuts when the market will demand them most and when their profit will be this most. AMD picked their time correctly and I believe Intel will be picking theirs just right as well.

Welp, my $0.02



Golden Member
Dec 27, 1999
ArkAoss You have a deal. I hope it works out for ya. I can't say from experience how it will do I only speak about my own experiences and I have never used a Tbird.

Most of the rest of you
Now lets me get something clear. I talk about my Classic Athlon because its the only first hand knowledge that I can share here. I have stated this many times I have no Idea how well the Tbirds work and I'm pretty sure they work fine. But everyone keeps up this "it was a new CPU and platform and theres always bugs to work out". Well I think that a bunch of sh!t if it isn't ready for prime time they shouldn't release it to the Public and this means AMD or Intel. This is the negative effects of this performance war. The facts are that AMD has always released there products before they are ready and usually before they can even supply them until rescently. Now they are forcing Intel to rush to market also and thats where the problems that Intel has had lately are coming from(also there stupid rambus decision. The P-2 was a all new product,form factor,AGP,memory and the works and it was flawless I have a original P-2 system that serves my Quake 3 server and the rest of my PC's the printer, internet and so on and runs Windows ME for weeks on end no reboots and no problems. This was a product I bought 2 weeks after the release of the new Line....... the p-3 never had any problems it was a completely redesigned new instruction set processor although based on the original core. The BX I really don't even need to say anything about that.

Navi very well said thank you


Golden Member
Mar 12, 2000
Well this is one long thread NOS as usual you seem to bring out the best in everyone or worst however you look at it

As for the rest of you I am the guy that NOS refers to when he said that he suggested I buy a t-bird and I told very boldly no F(*KING way. I bought an athlon classic 550 and a GA-7IX mobo last year at about this time. The price was excellent on the cpu the mobo well it was expensive as all AMD platforms are. After buying this I began to assemble my new computer got it all assembled and began to install windows and I got the dreaded AMDBSOD (I call them this because I have since forgotten what they look like with my smooth running p3 rig). I then post the problem on my other computer and they tell me that it is a memory problem so I get a new stick of memory and give it another try same dam thing, so I am told that I got another bad stick of memory so I try another stick same thing again. Then I was told it is a powersupply so I get another powersupply and finally get it to run. Not stable so I am still told that it is memory so I go and buy the best dam memory that crucial sells and things get a little better still not 100% stable small crashes in apps games etc. Now I am told that it is a bad load of windows so I reload my entire hdd and it gets a little better but not quite stable yet. Of course during all of this I did all of the necessary bios updates and everything like that. This went on for a nearly a year. About 2 months ago I lost part of a school project and promised myself that was it and I bought a new mobo and cpu p3 based of course. I only wiped my device manager out and installed all of the 815e chipset drivers and installed all of my cards and have not seen a AMDBSOD since. This thing is rock stable!!!!!

Now you guys can talk about how much cheaper it is to bye an AMD based computer all you want but after you factor in the new powersupply, premium memory,and hours of endless headaches trying to get it to run right. Not to mention lost data if it runs less than 100% stable.

Intel wins in the value department everytime.


And how many of you actually do MFLOPS with your computer? or Actual high end graphics work? I know there are some graphics professionals out there but, What is an MFLOP? I don't ask my computer to do MFLOPS so why would I care how fast it can do them?

I have heard that the current AMD processors run great and I can't say anything bad about them as I have no experience with them. For me to go out and try another AMD product would take something incredible on their part. Since there are alot of people viewing this thread anyone want to buy some AMD parts cpu, mobo, coolers etc.????
Just my 2 cents worth


Senior member
Oct 1, 2000
I mentioned before that I had upgraded my system from a Intel PII 350/TNT/128 to an AMD Duron/GeForce 2 GTS/128. I basically took out my 2 year old PC 100 memory, my sound card, and Win TV card, and installed them in on my new ABIT KT7. These are 1-2 year old components, and work fine. The only problem I encountered was system lockups during games. I fixed it by installing the VIA drivers the RIGHT WAY, and since then: NOT ONE SINGLE LOCKUP. I didn't experience any BSOD, except for one that involved the Gravis game pad pro drivers, which I was able to fix (this happened on my older Intel BX system, also).

I use my PC for gaming, and also Website development. I use Photoshop 5.5 heavily, PhotoImpact heavily, Video Studio 4.0 for capturing raw, AVI video (then convert it to MPEG 1), Cool Edit Pro for sound reproduction and MP3 conversion, etc. NO PROBLEMS here. You don't need an Intel setup anymore for complete system stability, nor do you need brand new components. Most of the problems that crop up now on an AMD/VIA setup are usually a screwed up configuration (having ACPI installed can/will cause problems with older hardware). I could name several other things, like overclocking incorrectly, cards installed in PCI slot 1, memory sticks in the wrong memory bank, using beta drivers, weak power supply (300 watt should be the norm), funky Windows 98/98 SE/ME/NT/2000 install, jumpers on HD/CD-ROM's set wrong, etc. -- stuff that shouldn't be overlooked on an INTEL system, since the same problems can occur.

I'm will not argue that Intel makes rock stable chipsets and CPU's. I'm just saying that from my recent upgrade experience, AMD is a very viable alternative to Intel, and can save you money that can be spent on a high end video card, more memory, etc. Hell, Alienware and Falcon Northwest -- two HUGE gaming rig makers -- have even made the switch to AMD. If these two HARDCORE, specialized computer gaming rig makers are using them, AMD must be doing something right.


Golden Member
Mar 12, 2000
AMD does have another advantage that I forgot to mention if you are running an athlon classic you will cut your heating bill as these chips will provide alot of the necessary heat required in the north in the winter time


Golden Member
Mar 12, 2000
Also I have not experienced one single AMDBSOD period, not one. No except fors either like: except for my gravis pro, and my via drivers weren't installed right etc etc etc.


Senior member
Oct 1, 2000

I forgot to mention that the Gravis game pad pro lockup happened on the INTEL mobo, too. It's a driver issue with my MX300 sound card. The newer drivers fixed it, on MY OLD INTEL SYTEM, as well as my AMD rig. This was a BSOD error, BTW.



Golden Member
Dec 27, 1999
"You must of done this wrong you must of done that wrong". We are talking about the Flaky pratice of dumping flaky products on the market place and then blaming it on the users. That is AMDs policy and the original Athlon and products before it are proof of this. While Intel gets blasted for recalling there products when a problem is found by the same users that defend AMD. At least there honest enough to admit there problems although sometimes with some prodding. I am glad to hear that AMD got it somewhat right with the latest offering. But what Frustrated2 and myself are saying is its to little to late.


Senior member
Oct 1, 2000

I agree AMD screwed up their past reputation for putting out a second rate product -- I swore up and down that I would never go with AMD. I was never impressed with the original Athlon, either, and avoided it. For those that took that route: some succeeded, while many others got burned and said they would never go with AMD again. I'm that way with ATi. I got screwed twice by ATi, and will never buy another product from them. Everybody keeps raving about how great the Radeon is, but I just won't go back.


Diamond Member
Sep 18, 2000
Umm the only thing i see the p3 being only slightly faster than the tbird clock for clock is like some games. Other things like fpu the T-bird slamms the p3. Why would you buy a cpu that costs much more than the another that is only slighty faster is some games and much slower in everything else like fpu? Doesn;t make sense to me.


Golden Member
Mar 12, 2000
Compellar well said that thing that you have with ati is exactly how I feel about AMD. I to have heard that the new ati cards and the new AMD chips are good but I won't go back I have it to good with what I have now just like you won't go back to ati. Its kind of like going to Tuffy muffler to get your oil changed or going to Mcdonalds for steak it just doesn't work with me.


Golden Member
Mar 12, 2000
"Umm the only thing i see the p3 being only slightly faster than the tbird clock for clock is like some games. Other things like fpu the T-bird slamms the p3"
Is this something else that I would never ask my computer to do? Is is sort of like M-flops? Some kind of synthetic benchmark created to make you see something in a different light?


Golden Member
Apr 30, 2000
NOS440 & Frustrated2: Its fine that you think that your previous Athlon experiences caused disruptions causing mental harm to your health. However, sitting on this thread and spreading propaganda against a platform that you don't have 1st experience with. Basically, what your doing is spreading rumors about something you don't even know and haven't used, your spreading PAST problems on a different product and not giving the proper information to new users. There is NOTHING wrong with AMD's current Thunderbird platform. If you need technical support for your older Classic Athlons, please head towards the correct thread and stop snooping around here. Thanks.


Golden Member
Dec 27, 1999

Because unless you use these silly benchmarks that most of the sights are judging the chips by then they mean abusolutely nothing. In most apps there isn't enough difference between the 2 chips to talk about which brings up a good point. If the Athlon is such a highly advanced cutting edge processor than why is it even close against a basic design thats 6 years old (pentuim pro). I brought up this argument up when the classic Athlon was the AMD premier chip and everyone said "wait till it gets On Die cache like the P-3" Now its going to be wait for DDR. Well P-3 is going to get that too. Now you want to see a real High tech chip take a look at the P-4 my friends I think by the end of 2001 it will rule the PC world.


Golden Member
Dec 27, 1999
hmmmm have we ever said the TBird is not a good product ....... NOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Golden Member
Mar 12, 2000
My health is just fine as is NOS's. The only thing that I need help with on my athlon is keeping the dust off of it. BTW How many p3 systems have you had?


Golden Member
Dec 27, 1999

Also who died and put you in charge if you don't like what we have to say than don't hit the reply button daaaaaaaaa


Golden Member
Mar 12, 2000
I thought that this was a thread talking about intel vs amd am I wrong? This reminds me of the AMD zone where you couldn't even type the name intel as it wouldn't let you post. LOL
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