The unbearable smugness of the press

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Jul 2, 2005
So once again, as usual, eskimo caught in yet another lie. He said nothing about sex with his daughter. You might need to seek help with that lying problem you have.... or maybe just go work for the media, they're good with it


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
No it isn't. Talking about having sex with somebody is about talking about having sex with somebody.

Nice attempt at being purposefully dense.

By the way, wasn't that gif of Jesus pretty funny? It really puts into perspective how stupid the idea is that a magical man in the sky would care about sex, doesn't it?


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
So once again, as usual, eskimo caught in yet another lie. He said nothing about sex with his daughter. You might need to seek help with that lying problem you have.... or maybe just go work for the media, they're good with it

Speaking of lies, I'm still eagerly awaiting your parsing of the definition of ban and/or an admission that you lied. Any ETA on that?


Jul 2, 2005
Speaking of lies, I'm still eagerly awaiting your parsing of the definition of ban and/or an admission that you lied. Any ETA on that?

You'll be eagerly awaiting for a long time then, since obviously there can't be an admission of something that did not happen. Nice try though.


Diamond Member
Nov 3, 2009
Nice attempt at being purposefully dense.

By the way, wasn't that gif of Jesus pretty funny? It really puts into perspective how stupid the idea is that a magical man in the sky would care about sex, doesn't it?
What is stupid is that a man who thinks he is just a meat machine could think anybody else's sex life is his business. Your chemical experiment in your brain can be completely fooling you.


Elite Member
Mar 10, 2006
You'll be eagerly awaiting for a long time then, since obviously there can't be an admission of something that did not happen. Nice try though.

Right, so you'll be explaining how it doesn't match up to the definition then, correct? I'm genuinely interested in seeing what knots you tie yourself up in in order to avoid admitting that you were wrong. Don't let me down!


Jun 9, 2016
Romney wouldn't do what Trump did. The problem on the Democratic side is that Hillary failed to take into account the discontent of the majority, the sense of "shut up and be happy or I'll label you a racist" impression- remember her Romney moment.

The Onion had what I think was a fair assessment of the attitude Hillary projects.

Now whether Dems agree with this or not, that's the message she gave to those middle class workers mentioned in the last sentence. She should have been more inclusive, appealing to Americans as citizens and not selected demographics. Yes everyone has problems which are real and varied, but it makes no one pleased to be called racists because they feel a candidate does not care for their situation.

It is a great failing of our political system.

Agreed. I think it is true that Trump definitely pulled a ton of racists out of the woodwork and spoke to their..."concerns" but their influence was largely irrelevant in the EC when you address the fact that Hillary lost by losing her "guaranteed" supporters. That is damn pathetic. I can accept that some part of that was simply that Hillary was inarguably an unpopular candidate, but she simply ignored their real concerns, assumed their unmitigated support and, although not intentional with what she actually said in the statement, the "basket of deplorables" was definitely a label that they felt was aimed at them, and I can see why they would think this. This is what tons of dems and the media were saying about them, again and again, when they refused to understand why in the hell they would support this clown. I count myself among that group of idiots.

Dems that have still spent the last week explaining this away from any other means than by accepting their own hubris and naivete as the root cause of their failure really need to get their shit together and start working on a real strategy: Yes, plenty of racists supported Trump, but you can't explain away Trump's support from former Obama and Bill Clinton democratic voters as "racists." It's petty, ignorant, and flat out stupid.
Keep it up, dems, and watch your asses get handed to you again in 2016 and 2020. Trump's support was low as hell and the fascist turnip still won. No data point supports a wave of white racism that was the deciding factor. Even if white racist anger was up compared to last several elections, it wouldn't have been enough if Hillary and the rest of the dems didn't shit all over their actual base.

Except those "guaranteed" supporters were the fucking bigots, just like the right wingers said all along. Just look at the exit survey vs 2012. +14% swing of uneducated whites. Hmm, I wonder what states those guys were in.

Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Except those "guaranteed" supporters were the fucking bigots, just like the right wingers said all along. Just look at the exit survey vs 2012. +14% swing of uneducated whites. Hmm, I wonder what states those guys were in.

Hey if Hillary wants to label 47% as racists at least be a little more discreet. It cost Romney a whole lot more than Clinton to be sure, but she had no interest outside of her selected demographics. The point isn't that there are racists, but pretending that only those under her wing matter. It wasn't the brightest idea to discriminate like that, and yes that's what it amounted to.

Until we have people in office who understand that there are groups with unique needs but that does not mean that everyone else is immaterial, but have real concerns too, we will always have racial tensions, cultivated in part by those who do or would represent us. "Liberty and Justice for All" should be more than part of a slogan.


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2009
So once again, as usual, eskimo caught in yet another lie. He said nothing about sex with his daughter. You might need to seek help with that lying problem you have.... or maybe just go work for the media, they're good with it

Ah so when you hear someone say "shes so hot I would ____ her" you think they mean "sing to".

I do believe this is the first public figure who has ever mentioned wanting to date their daughter but for the fact that they are blood relations.

Or maybe its just normal in your social circle for dads to talk about their daughters the way he does.
Reactions: feralkid


Jun 9, 2016
Hey if Hillary wants to label 47% as racists at least be a little more discreet. It cost Romney a whole lot more than Clinton to be sure, but she had no interest outside of her selected demographics. The point isn't that there are racists, but pretending that only those under her wing matter. It wasn't the brightest idea to discriminate like that, and yes that's what it amounted to.

Until we have people in office who understand that there are groups with unique needs but that does not mean that everyone else is immaterial, but have real concerns too, we will always have racial tensions, cultivated in part by those who do or would represent us. "Liberty and Justice for All" should be more than part of a slogan.

Consider the fact that everyone said Trump had to make that turn (ie. off the bigotry) after the primaries to be viable, and the almost certain fact that he would've lost had he taken that advice.

At this point you're basically blaming clinton for telling it like it is, which I can agree is her weakness at times.


May 15, 2000
This nails it, I think. Clinton was an infinitely better candidate than Trump, but her attitude made her seem uncaring... and of course, the fact that she not only ran but was practically preordained (even if the Russians hadn't hacked the DNC, you could tell). Never mind that her policies really would have helped a much broader swath of the population, and would acknowledge truths like, say, science -- she didn't give that impression, and it cost her dearly.

And yeah, the "basket of deplorables" was this year's "47 percent" (although, unlike Romney, Clinton's statement had some basis in reality). Even if it's true that your rival courts racists, sexists and other thugs, you don't draw attention to those supporters... you draw attention to the candidate. You sympathize with people frustrated with how things are and show them why your approach is better.

Her attitude made her seem uncaring? Lol. So in essence: bitchy bitch was bitchy.

I completely agree with the bolded though.


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
Her attitude made her seem uncaring? Lol. So in essence: bitchy bitch was bitchy.

I completely agree with the bolded though.

Not that (goodness knows Trump made Clinton look warm and affectionate) so much as aloof, like she didn't need to reach out or fight hard for the vote.


Apr 12, 2004
Except those "guaranteed" supporters were the fucking bigots, just like the right wingers said all along. Just look at the exit survey vs 2012. +14% swing of uneducated whites. Hmm, I wonder what states those guys were in.

You tell me. Which states were those guys in?


Apr 12, 2004
The ones more segregated than the south and get easily riled up against illegals a thousand miles away.

So basically, nearly very single state that isn't on the Pacific or in the Rockies is a racist white state. Got it. Whitey is racist.


Apr 12, 2004
Obama's one of the good ones, and even then he might just have lost against trump in 2012.

Oh and here you prove what a dumbass you are. Do yourself a favor and check the number of votes Obama got in 2012. Unless you're saying the same uneducated white racists that turned out for Trump in 2016 went Obama in 2012?


Jun 9, 2016
So basically, nearly very single state that isn't on the Pacific or in the Rockies is a racist white state. Got it. Whitey is racist.

Don't blame me, that's what they admit to themselves in every study on the matter.

Oh and here you prove what a dumbass you are. Do yourself a favor and check the number of votes Obama got in 2012. Unless you're saying the same uneducated white racists that turned out for Trump in 2016 went Obama in 2012?

Some of them probably did, but regardless the lot got real excited about the prospect of shutting out them illegals on the other side of country. Illegals who can't even speak english takin der 70k jerbs.

Now imagine if Obama rose to Harvard law not from white grandparents in hawaii but out of the ghetto on welfare, and his daughter had a kid out of wedlock. Would that obama, saying the same things he did 2008, have won against someone like Trump. Don't think so.


Apr 12, 2004
Don't blame me, that's what they admit to themselves in every study on the matter.

Some of them probably did, but regardless the lot got real excited about the prospect of shutting out them illegals on the other side of country. Illegals who can't even speak english takin der 70k jerbs.

What studies?

Clinton still trails behind Obama's 2012 turnout by more than 4 million votes. Trump against a 2012 Obama would have been a massive loss for Trump.

Now imagine if Obama rose to Harvard law not from white grandparents in hawaii but out of the ghetto on welfare, and his daughter had a kid out of wedlock. Would that obama, saying the same things he did 2008, have won against someone like Trump. Don't think so.

lmao, what is this even supposed to prove? Are you saying that racist whites held their noses and voted for Obama because at least he was half-white and had one o them fancy Harvard degrees, and not a real black person?


May 15, 2000
Not that (goodness knows Trump made Clinton look warm and affectionate) so much as aloof, like she didn't need to reach out or fight hard for the vote.

Sure if your sources for following her were fox news, Facebook, or any right wing website. But to those who actually paid attention, not only was she asking for those votes, she visited those areas and she actually had solutions for them.


Jun 9, 2016
What studies?

The ones I've linked and referenced many times previously:

Clinton still trails behind Obama's 2012 turnout by more than 4 million votes. Trump against a 2012 Obama would have been a massive loss for Trump.

2012 Obama was running again that cuck Romney who didn't even think he was a kenyan muslim.

lmao, what is this even supposed to prove? Are you saying that racist whites held their noses and voted for Obama because at least he was half-white and had one o them fancy Harvard degrees, and not a real black person?

I'm saying they sure wouldn't have voted for someone who fulfilled their "those areas" stereotype, "you know what I'm talking about". Your comments about these areas in the past only lead to believe you might concur.


Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2004
And so the press continues to do what it does best - spin increasingly deranged narratives.

I like this one best. Trump has been in Trump Tower since Thursday - 5 days straight. Tonight he took his family to a steak house and didn't tell the press.

It's a violation of protocol they say...

Boo hoo!!!!

I mean seriously..


Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Consider the fact that everyone said Trump had to make that turn (ie. off the bigotry) after the primaries to be viable, and the almost certain fact that he would've lost had he taken that advice.

At this point you're basically blaming clinton for telling it like it is, which I can agree is her weakness at times.

Correct me if I'm wrong but you seem to make assumptions here that can't be tested. Remember that picking one candidate over another is not in anyway a sign of support. The disfavorability ratings of both candidates are sky high. To be certain one factor is bigotry, however that is THE factor? That would be difficult to demonstrate. People might have held their nose and picked him for a number of reasons, and the same for Hillary.

Facts are that we haven't access to what must have been a very complex process of decision for many people and I don't think we can know much. Speculate on scenarios, but I caution Democrats to not play the race card next time but return to the principles embodied by MLK, and that is all deserve rights and real hope, that we can be united. Division has brought this nation where it is and we need a more inclusive system, and yes that means not dismissing economic fears of whites nor the abuse of blacks or any other minority.

Trump's in. So are we going to continue on as we have been?


Jun 9, 2016
Correct me if I'm wrong but you seem to make assumptions here that can't be tested. Remember that picking one candidate over another is not in anyway a sign of support. The disfavorability ratings of both candidates are sky high. To be certain one factor is bigotry, however that is THE factor? That would be difficult to demonstrate. People might have held their nose and picked him for a number of reasons, and the same for Hillary.

Except we actually study the electorate, and electorate themselves say racial resentment is a top priority. And it's no great shock people racially resentful vote for the guy whose platform was fanning those flames: That's the resentful uneducated white demo he's got a lock on.

And those guys went +14% for R this round, the kind of shift on the order of civil rights era.

Facts are that we haven't access to what must have been a very complex process of decision for many people and I don't think we can know much. Speculate on scenarios, but I caution Democrats to not play the race card next time but return to the principles embodied by MLK, and that is all deserve rights and real hope, that we can be united. Division has brought this nation where it is and we need a more inclusive system, and yes that means not dismissing economic fears of whites nor the abuse of blacks or any other minority.

Trump's in. So are we going to continue on as we have been?

If people don't take note of why everyone loses to Trump, they'll just lose again the exact same way. Maybe the way to reach casual racist is to pretend they're not really, or out-racist trump with a sacrifice minority.
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