The unbearable smugness of the press

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Oct 9, 1999
Everybody, not on the left, is well aware of the Mainstream Media's bias, but many on the left choose to ignore that, or don't believe it's true. Is that still the case? Is there really anybody left who doesn't now recognize this left leaning media bias?

It is truly amazing HRC could lose, having the vast majority of the press and MSM in her pocket. They're more lapdogs than watchdogs. Anyone still doubt this?
Jul 9, 2009
Everybody, not on the left, is well aware of the Mainstream Media's bias, but many on the left choose to ignore that, or don't believe it's true. Is that still the case? Is there really anybody left who doesn't now recognize this left leaning media bias?

It is truly amazing HRC could lose, having the vast majority of the press and MSM in her pocket. They're more lapdogs than watchdogs. Anyone still doubt this?
The only people that don't admit that the mainstream media are active supporters and promoters of the Democrats are either liars or stupid. If they participate in a forum like this the only choice between those 2 is that they are liars.


Platinum Member
Apr 11, 2004
The only people that don't admit that the mainstream media are active supporters and promoters of the Democrats are either liars or stupid. If they participate in a forum like this the only choice between those 2 is that they are liars.

Exactly. When you've got a Politico Sr Political Correspondant twice being nailed for sending articles for review prior to publication to the DNC, a HuffPo Co-Founder saying she is of more use to the HRC campaign by manipulating HuffPo media without any "perceived conflicts", CNN leaking questions to HRC, the list goes on.

Virtually every left or left-leaning media group was exposed as nothing more than a propaganda arm for the DNC and HRC.

This is out in plain sight, people who deny it are either uninformed or liars as you say.

The MSM and most of the media that pops up on google news, yahoo news, etc is complete and utter garbage.

These organizations should not be considered "press" or "news" organizations unless they immediately fire, disassociate, and seek civil penalties from those that damaged their reputations.
But they aren't doing that, so we know what they are now don't we?

Here's an example :
To:,,,,, more
Date: 2008-04-28 20:56
Subject: Arianna / Board

I spoke w Arianna abt PMUSA Board and will send her more info. She is enthusiastic abt the project but asks if she's more useful to us not being on the Board and, instead, using Huffpo to echo our message without any perceived conflicts. She has a point. We'll keep talking. She liked the Geffen idea. He's on his boat and returns May 9. She'll make the ask. Steve - I had good talk w Jeff A abt logo. Sent via BlackBerry by AT&T


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
Trump and his apparatus really set themselves up well to program and propagandize the lemmings who went in for their sell. Convince them the entire media is completely bought out and one-sided and then feed them rotted feces from crazy nuts on Breitbart, youtube and twitter posts. Throw in some random wikileaks tweets and you have a frenzy. Now going forward every fuck up and disaster that he causes will be spun by some wannabe jesus freak on youtube and they'll believe that video because all the major media outlets are 'completely bought out by the left'.

Step one in instituting a dictatorship, oligarchy etc. is nullify the media and/or its ability to deliver information to people. Bring in state run/controlled garbage and feed them shit. This is what it is in Russia, China, North Korea etc. These low information idiots buy in wholesale because they add the right emotional hooks and shitshow city commences. You now have a portion of the US populace in this position.

Media outlets have always had some bias, there have always been more left or more right leaning outlets, that is nothing new. But now the Trump propaganda machine has managed to convince a subset of his supporters that the whole thing is rigged and not to believe a word they say. Rather trust some guy's tweets - on record as hating the US, who is hiding out in an embassy. Or some crackpots who put up youtube videos. Or better yet, some place like Breitbart, the owner of which is on Trump's staff. Morons without critical thinking skills go all in on it.

Many things are not black or white, but one of a million shades of gray. If Trump wasn't lying about all the crazy he spewed in his run up to winning, the US is on track to becoming a wealthy 3rd world shithole with a reduction in human rights, free press and an overall less educated and less informed electorate. What Trump's machine did was really brilliant. They used the internet to its utmost for propaganda.


Oct 9, 1999
They're more lapdogs than watchdogs. Anyone still doubt this?

I'll put you down as a yes...
Reactions: NesuD


Nov 11, 1999
They're more lapdogs than watchdogs. Anyone still doubt this?

I'll put you down as a yes...

Which explains them fanning the flames of endless conjecture & innuendo over Hillary's email & Benghazi before it. It also explains the amount of free publicity Trump got out of them, particularly early on.

If the media is lapdogs to anybody it's to the right wing noise machine.


Oct 9, 1999
There is no reasoning with anyone who can't admit this truth about our wondrous MSM and press. But, I thought it would be so glaringly obvious after this election cycle, and Wikileaks, that no rational, literate, US citizen could deny it. Damn...
Reactions: IEC, NesuD and XMan


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2016
There is no reasoning with anyone who can't admit this truth about our wondrous MSM and press. But, I thought it would be so glaringly obvious after this election cycle, and Wikileaks, that no rational, literate, US citizen could deny it. Damn...

After reading a lot of emails, it's going to take a generation to clean up the collusion and corruption. Shit, Donna Brazile is still chair of the DNC.


Apr 12, 2004
Trump and his apparatus really set themselves up well to program and propagandize the lemmings who went in for their sell. Convince them the entire media is completely bought out and one-sided and then feed them rotted feces from crazy nuts on Breitbart, youtube and twitter posts. Throw in some random wikileaks tweets and you have a frenzy. Now going forward every fuck up and disaster that he causes will be spun by some wannabe jesus freak on youtube and they'll believe that video because all the major media outlets are 'completely bought out by the left'.

Step one in instituting a dictatorship, oligarchy etc. is nullify the media and/or its ability to deliver information to people. Bring in state run/controlled garbage and feed them shit. This is what it is in Russia, China, North Korea etc. These low information idiots buy in wholesale because they add the right emotional hooks and shitshow city commences. You now have a portion of the US populace in this position.

Media outlets have always had some bias, there have always been more left or more right leaning outlets, that is nothing new. But now the Trump propaganda machine has managed to convince a subset of his supporters that the whole thing is rigged and not to believe a word they say. Rather trust some guy's tweets - on record as hating the US, who is hiding out in an embassy. Or some crackpots who put up youtube videos. Or better yet, some place like Breitbart, the owner of which is on Trump's staff. Morons without critical thinking skills go all in on it.

Many things are not black or white, but one of a million shades of gray. If Trump wasn't lying about all the crazy he spewed in his run up to winning, the US is on track to becoming a wealthy 3rd world shithole with a reduction in human rights, free press and an overall less educated and less informed electorate. What Trump's machine did was really brilliant. They used the internet to its utmost for propaganda.

lmao. Who actually gets their news directly from CNN, MSNBC, or FOX these days? I don't necessarily believe that they are "completely bought out and one-sided", but increasing demand for sensationalism and getting the headline first has hurt the quality of television news. We live in a free country, there is no comparison between a nation that bans news it doesn't like compared to one where individuals choose to no longer consume their bullshit. The concept of a diverse and open press is a cornerstone to a free nation, sure, but don't confuse respect for that with respect for the individuals that currently operate under it.

Assange isn't just "some guy's tweets" btw, it's a database of emails which have largely been confirmed as accurate and real. Meanwhile, CNN lies to its audience and tells people that it's illegal to even view the emails unless you're part of "the press". Do you own stock in a news conglomerate? You seem to have a personal attachment to this.


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2016
Concern trolling kazukian strikes again!

Her sorry ass should have been gone instantly. And fuck your claiming concern trolling and infantalized bullshit.

It's about morals and ethics, and nowadays, perception too.


Apr 12, 2004
The concern trolling meme is one of my favorite things from this whole debate. Imagine a skater bro with a proclivity towards risky Jackass-style stunts, and all of his friends keep telling him "Be careful, you'll get hurt one day". He ignores them and says "Yo, you're just trying to make me beef dude". They warn him and warn him and he doesn't listen. Then one day, he lands on his ass from a thirty foot fall and breaks his spine. From the hospital bed, all he can say is "I hate you, you did this to me".
Reactions: shady28


Nov 11, 1999
Her sorry ass should have been gone instantly. And fuck your claiming concern trolling and infantalized bullshit.

It's about morals and ethics, and nowadays, perception too.

But you voted for Trump, making you a concern trolling hypocrite.

Whatever moral failings Hillary may have, they pale in comparison to the deeds of Donald Trump.


Diamond Member
Dec 25, 2008
The circular broken logic construct is on display here. If he lost, the media is all bought out and in on a vast conspiracy if they do not cup Trump's nuts and get on their knees to service him with the crazy outlets and it's all rigged, when he wins; it's still rigged and bought out - he just outsmarted them. Point out the obvious, you must be in on it! You must have some financial interest! The responses to challenging the idiocies are already in place for a lot of these people.

It's not quite as bad as religion. Something that is completely untrue and makes magical claims that have been proven to be total bullshit, but people still believe it via convoluted broken logic gymnastics. But the way some of these Trump supporters have so easily been turned into zombies from consuming too many crazy theories and memes on reddit, read too many Assange tweets and consumed too many youtube videos from loons is sad to see and similar to an act of blind faith as well, rather than objective thought.


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2016
The circular broken logic construct is on display here. If he lost, the media is all bought out and in on a vast conspiracy if they do not cup Trump's nuts and get on their knees to service him with the crazy outlets and it's all rigged, when he wins; it's still rigged and bought out - he just outsmarted them. Point out the obvious, you must be in on it! You must have some financial interest! The responses to challenging the idiocies are already in place for a lot of these people.

It's not quite as bad as religion. Something that is completely untrue and makes magical claims that have been proven to be total bullshit, but people still believe it via convoluted broken logic gymnastics. But the way some of these Trump supporters have so easily been turned into zombies from consuming too many crazy theories and memes on reddit, read too many Assange tweets and consumed too many youtube videos from loons is sad to see and similar to an act of blind faith as well, rather than objective thought.

How do you explain the mainstream media ALL calling for a Clinton landslide?


Apr 12, 2004
The circular broken logic construct is on display here. If he lost, the media is all bought out and in on a vast conspiracy if they do not cup Trump's nuts and get on their knees to service him with the crazy outlets and it's all rigged, when he wins; it's still rigged and bought out - he just outsmarted them. Point out the obvious, you must be in on it! You must have some financial interest! The responses to challenging the idiocies are already in place for a lot of these people.

It's not quite as bad as religion. Something that is completely untrue and makes magical claims that have been proven to be total bullshit, but people still believe it via convoluted broken logic gymnastics. But the way some of these Trump supporters have so easily been turned into zombies from consuming too many crazy theories and memes on reddit, read too many Assange tweets and consumed too many youtube videos from loons is sad to see and similar to an act of blind faith as well, rather than objective thought.

Again, many of the Wikileaks emails have been verified as true. What magical and completely untrue claims am I making? And I never said anything about Trump's victory in this context, I don't see how that is even relevant. The only one in denial here is you. Cry more babe.


May 15, 2000
The circular broken logic construct is on display here. If he lost, the media is all bought out and in on a vast conspiracy if they do not cup Trump's nuts and get on their knees to service him with the crazy outlets and it's all rigged, when he wins; it's still rigged and bought out - he just outsmarted them. Point out the obvious, you must be in on it! You must have some financial interest! The responses to challenging the idiocies are already in place for a lot of these people.

It's not quite as bad as religion. Something that is completely untrue and makes magical claims that have been proven to be total bullshit, but people still believe it via convoluted broken logic gymnastics. But the way some of these Trump supporters have so easily been turned into zombies from consuming too many crazy theories and memes on reddit, read too many Assange tweets and consumed too many youtube videos from loons is sad to see and similar to an act of blind faith as well, rather than objective thought.

I agree except for one point. I think it's actually worse than religion. With religion people can at least say there is no proof that god doesn't exist but with these trump cult members, you can point out the facts and show them with evidence that they are wrong and they won't believe you and they are capable of justifying anything.


Diamond Member
Oct 5, 2009
I give kudos to the press for their firm stances against Donald Trump. I give them poor marks for the excessive publicity he received in exchange for record ratings.

The press is in not supposed to be without opinion, a flat description of the events of the day. They are there to report, to inform, the criticise, and to challenge. The role of the press is to point out hypocrisy and to shine light on darkness. To do so requires a stance, a general opinion of what is good and what is right.

There was great unification with the press in regards to trump because of trump. He was seen as such a danger that they could not maintain the mask of impartiality they normally do. However just because you disagree with them doesn't mean they are corrupted. In fact I would argue the opposite, that to see a great evil and not alert the public would be proof of corruption.

The response of the press to these recent events has been nothing but noble. The press has spent the last week immolating itself for its failures. They have turned an eye to the forgotten many who chose trump and perhaps by exposing their plight there may be real change. How is this not seen as a good thing? People who care want to get it right and are passionate.

I am proud of the American press. The press is not perfect but even casual introspection will reveal that they have defended the american public from countless evils this century alone (this year alone!). I pray they will continue to do so and am saddened that true investigative journalism is slowly dying in this time of growing corporate greed and political degeneracy when we need it the most.
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Oct 9, 1999
Hey good morning Sunburn! I appreciate your reply, especially your admission that the MSM/ Press is biased. I can work with that. It's the folks who can't admit it, I have no way to connect with.

I'll tell you right now, I think Trump is a pompous ass. My Dad, retired teacher Democrat, asked me what I thought of Trump? I told him he was an embarrassment! Certainly not my choice, but I'm only one vote. And I, like fully 1/2 of the voters in this country, did not want another 4 or years of left wing ideology. Having almost the entire MSM and press espousing that same ideology makes it a rather uphill battle, don't you think?

You believe, as the press does, "It's for our own good." Well, that's nice, but what if the shoe was on the other foot? I bet you'd be wishing for a little more journalistic objectivity, eh?
Reactions: NesuD


Jun 9, 2016
Do you ever get tired of lying? Seriously chump, at least try to be somewhat accurate.

Speaking of lying, it's pretty funny the OP thinks anyone believes he's a democrat.

This thread and pretty much any other infected by OP's sort is basically people who've never won much in life gloating about finally sticking it to their betters.


Platinum Member
Aug 8, 2016
Speaking of lying, it's pretty funny the OP thinks anyone believes he's a democrat.

This thread and pretty much any other infected by OP's sort is basically people who've never won much in life gloating about finally sticking it to their betters.

Because anyone that disagrees with you can't possibly be a Democrat, got it.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
Speaking of lying, it's pretty funny the OP thinks anyone believes he's a democrat.

This is the stupidest thing ever to complain about. Early in the primaries, republicans were calling Trump a democrat. Who the hell cares about the label?
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