The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

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Senior member
Jan 8, 2007
i am pretty sure it depends on the size requested. the smaller ones run more in the cache, larger ones on combi system mem and cache.


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Ok, so the Crucial Ballistix PC-8000 I have run fine at 500MHz and 5-5-5-15 2T. As suggested, I ran FSB and Memory unlinked @ 375:500 or 3:4. I tried running them linked and dropping my multiplier but I guess the FSB was the limiting factor. I'd like to run my FSB faster though, some of the comments I've seen indicate this board or memory seems to have problems running at exactly 400MHz FSB, but adjusting a few MHz up or down works fine. What are you guys using @400MHz? 398 or 402 or something? I'll try and push the memory a bit more and play with the timings a bit after I update the BIOS, but they do run @ 500MHz at spec'd timings with no problems.
Jan 13, 2007
Originally posted by: adder1971
i am pretty sure it depends on the size requested. the smaller ones run more in the cache, larger ones on combi system mem and cache.

Then using this as a baseline, if you change memory timings for your memory to lower settings, it would show in the SuperPi time if the memory is used.


If running identical memory and SuperPi 1M at timings of 5-5-5-15 results in a 17 sec solution and then changing the timings to 4-4-4-12 results in the same 17 sec solution, then is it safe to assume that in these cases that SuperPi was run exclusively in the CPU cache and no memory or HD were used?
Jan 20, 2007
Originally posted by: Nevets Drassel
Originally posted by: adder1971
i am pretty sure it depends on the size requested. the smaller ones run more in the cache, larger ones on combi system mem and cache.

Then using this as a baseline, if you change memory timings for your memory to lower settings, it would show in the SuperPi time if the memory is used.


If running identical memory and SuperPi 1M at timings of 5-5-5-15 results in a 17 sec solution and then changing the timings to 4-4-4-12 results in the same 17 sec solution, then is it safe to assume that in these cases that SuperPi was run exclusively in the CPU cache and no memory or HD were used?

Is it giving you decimal times like 17.123 or just 17 seconds? If its only 17 and no decimal measurement, you'll need to go get the super pi mod from xtremesystems. Core2 posted the differences in memory timings as it relates to super pi times a couple posts back.

And to answer your question, yes most likely, but i can't test any theories till tomorrow.


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: chizow
Ok, so the Crucial Ballistix PC-8000 I have run fine at 500MHz and 5-5-5-15 2T. As suggested, I ran FSB and Memory unlinked @ 375:500 or 3:4. I tried running them linked and dropping my multiplier but I guess the FSB was the limiting factor. I'd like to run my FSB faster though, some of the comments I've seen indicate this board or memory seems to have problems running at exactly 400MHz FSB, but adjusting a few MHz up or down works fine. What are you guys using @400MHz? 398 or 402 or something? I'll try and push the memory a bit more and play with the timings a bit after I update the BIOS, but they do run @ 500MHz at spec'd timings with no problems.

Are you still using the 0202 bios. I never had problems with 400x8 at default voltages. I had problems in the 419 - 422 area 0401 fixed that and I can go from 400 - 485 with no lock ups. I do have to increase voltages quite a bit as I reach the higher FSB

Edit: I ran my memory in the 1020 -1040 range yesterday and the NB was over heating. I think 1020 is max on air or you need exceptional cooling on the NB
Jan 13, 2007
Originally posted by: Genuine Imitation
Originally posted by: Nevets Drassel
Originally posted by: adder1971
i am pretty sure it depends on the size requested. the smaller ones run more in the cache, larger ones on combi system mem and cache.

Then using this as a baseline, if you change memory timings for your memory to lower settings, it would show in the SuperPi time if the memory is used.


If running identical memory and SuperPi 1M at timings of 5-5-5-15 results in a 17 sec solution and then changing the timings to 4-4-4-12 results in the same 17 sec solution, then is it safe to assume that in these cases that SuperPi was run exclusively in the CPU cache and no memory or HD were used?

Is it giving you decimal times like 17.123 or just 17 seconds? If its only 17 and no decimal measurement, you'll need to go get the super pi mod from xtremesystems. Core2 posted the differences in memory timings as it relates to super pi times a couple posts back.

And to answer your question, yes most likely, but i can't test any theories till tomorrow.

I guess that I should have specified to 3 decimal places. Assume it to be 17.000 in both instances.

Good site Core2. I have uses many of those programs while testing my AMD systems. This is my first Intel system since PetiumII days.

I am having a problem trying to get a stable >3000 (800 mem 1500 for 3000 unlinked). This CPU just does not want to get stable above that OC. I have used all voltages from Vcore 1.3 to 5.5 (1.302 and 1.577 measured), VDimm from 1.92 to 2.424 (1.950 and 2.455 measured), Vchip from 1.208 to 1.748 (1.228 and 1.778 measured). I have used memory timings of 4-4-4-12 2T (memory default) up to 6-6-6-20 2T using my Geil memory and timngs of 5-5-5-15 2T (memory default) to 7-7-7-24 2T with no appreciable difference. I think that I may have found the limitation on the CPU 2nd processor, that always fails first. Measurements were taken with a digitral multimeter at the measuring points located here: Thanks for the link Core2. I have also tried 1T timings in the same setups.

I have used active cooling on both the NB and SB (and yes, the SB does get extremely hot even with a cooler on it as seen here:
The NB HR-05 SLI has a Acousti 70mm fan mounted on it since this last picture was taken. The NB also gets very hot at 1.778v but it is managed very nicely with this setup. I wish that I could find a probe to measure the temps of the components.

On the motherboard I have used both the yellow memory slots or the black memory slots, or slots 1 & 2 (first yellow and first black on the CPU side). I have not yet tried to use the second PCIEx (X16) the brown one but for the slot to work, the SLI Selector Card has to be placed in the Dual Video Card position or else the card is not recognized (using 1 Graphics card only). Unfortunately, I think that this also lowers the the X16 to X8 which results in a drastic performance loss on the Video side of the house.

I have used BIOS 0202 and 0401 with no appreciable differences between them with either set of memory. I have not tried the 0307 bios.

I have also tried to overstep the 3000 to 3200 barrier and have jumped to 3440. It boots but failure during testing is almost a forgone conclusion.

The stepping can be seen here:

I am open to any suggestions to further attempt a better OC on this CPU.


EDITED to add the Number 1 in the Graphics expalnation.


Junior Member
Jan 25, 2007
Since upgrading my P5N-E SLI bios last night from 0202 to 0401, my system will not boot Vista x86 with default BIOS setting, only boots in Safe Mode. Am going to attempt to force the downgrade back to 0202 w/ AWDFLASH utility this evening.

Note that I first upgraded from 0202 to 0307, encountered same blue screens or freezes during Vista x86 boot-up. Was able to downgrade from 0307 back to 0202. However since upgrading from 0202 to 0401, I now cannot downgrade back to 0202. I'm certian my system will be stable on 0202 if I can find a way back.

Lastly, I think my issue has to do w/ my RAM becoming unstable in the newer 0401 BIOS and wondered how (or where) to change the memory speed in BIOS for my PC? Currently using all BIOS defaults. Perhaps if I go from 800 mhz to 667 mhz on my Corsair XMS RAM, it could also address issue. Wanted to try it.

Has anyone else experienced similar issues? I'd prefer to stay with the current 0401 BIOS but can't pinpoint what is making system suddenly unstable. Using CORSAIR XMS2 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400) Dual Channel Memory (TWIN2X2048-6400C4) listed in ASUS P5N-E SLI recommended memory in manual.

Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thank you!


Senior member
Jan 8, 2007
Originally posted by: miles267
Since upgrading my P5N-E SLI bios last night from 0202 to 0401, my system will not boot Vista x86 with default BIOS setting, only boots in Safe Mode. Am going to attempt to force the downgrade back to 0202 w/ AWDFLASH utility this evening.

Note that I first upgraded from 0202 to 0307, encountered same blue screens or freezes during Vista x86 boot-up. Was able to downgrade from 0307 back to 0202. However since upgrading from 0202 to 0401, I now cannot downgrade back to 0202. I'm certian my system will be stable on 0202 if I can find a way back.

Lastly, I think my issue has to do w/ my RAM becoming unstable in the newer 0401 BIOS and wondered how (or where) to change the memory speed in BIOS for my PC? Currently using all BIOS defaults. Perhaps if I go from 800 mhz to 667 mhz on my Corsair XMS RAM, it could also address issue. Wanted to try it.

Has anyone else experienced similar issues? I'd prefer to stay with the current 0401 BIOS but can't pinpoint what is making system suddenly unstable. Using CORSAIR XMS2 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400) Dual Channel Memory (TWIN2X2048-6400C4) listed in ASUS P5N-E SLI recommended memory in manual.

Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thank you!

the new bios may be forcing you to 1T have read of it earlier in the thread i believe. manually set it to 2t. also when the bios boots it will list write them down. if still unstable increase all by 1


Platinum Member
Jan 4, 2007
getting a gigabyte DQ6 mobo has been a blessing for me in that everything is running excellent, but sad cause there are virtually no threads about it anywhere to talk about oc'ing and stuff

but i do have an e6400 so i can share notes on these chips and ocz plat. rev. 2 ram

with the little time i had yesterday i ran this puppy at 3.6ghz and did super.pi in just over 16.2 seconds. if i loosen my memory timings from 4-4-4-12 i know this ram will goto 900mhz (promos chips not microns) at 5-5-5-15 so ill see if can get this chip to higher speeds and get closer to 16 seconds flat. i think it has more headroom. 3.6 was at 1.4v in bios.

these e6400's are insane


Senior member
Jan 8, 2007
Originally posted by: idiotekniQues
getting a gigabyte DQ6 mobo has been a blessing for me in that everything is running excellent, but sad cause there are virtually no threads about it anywhere to talk about oc'ing and stuff

but i do have an e6400 so i can share notes on these chips and ocz plat. rev. 2 ram

with the little time i had yesterday i ran this puppy at 3.6ghz and did super.pi in just over 16.2 seconds. if i loosen my memory timings from 4-4-4-12 i know this ram will goto 900mhz (promos chips not microns) at 5-5-5-15 so ill see if can get this chip to higher speeds and get closer to 16 seconds flat. i think it has more headroom. 3.6 was at 1.4v in bios.

these e6400's are insane

dq6 is a good board. little pricey but good nontheless. was looking at getting one until i saw the 650i chipset.


Platinum Member
Jan 4, 2007
yeah it was 50 bucks more than the p5n-e. you cant beat the p5ne-sli for feature to price ratio IMO. all you need to do is spend less than 20 bucks for some extra coolin on the NB/SB if you want to OC more than a little 24/7. id recommend that board to anybody that asked for a recommendation in that price range.

a lot of the crap on the dq6 is just marketing gimmicks, quad this quad that yada yada (they count the bios on the hard drive and the bios on the cd as 2 of the quad bios LOL)

it has some good stuff ill use like the 8 sata ports. ill probably use at least 6 of them by the end of the summer. other than that the extensive cooling built in is pretty nice but to be honest, it doesnt work all that great. that nb gets hot as heck on the gigabyte. id rather have the p5ne-sli with my TT hr-05 on it.

but whatever mobo you have, these core2's are kicking ass and taking names.

and i have to say, if you are on a budget for ram, save 60 bucks and get the ocz platinum rev. 2 - easily get you to 450+fsb @ 1:1. ocz says you should get 900mhz @ 5-5-5-15 timings @ 2.1v

after rebate they are $210


Senior member
Jan 8, 2007
Originally posted by: idiotekniQues
yeah it was 50 bucks more than the p5n-e. you cant beat the p5ne-sli for feature to price ratio IMO. all you need to do is spend less than 20 bucks for some extra coolin on the NB/SB if you want to OC more than a little 24/7. id recommend that board to anybody that asked for a recommendation in that price range.

a lot of the crap on the dq6 is just marketing gimmicks, quad this quad that yada yada (they count the bios on the hard drive and the bios on the cd as 2 of the quad bios LOL)

it has some good stuff ill use like the 8 sata ports. ill probably use at least 6 of them by the end of the summer. other than that the extensive cooling built in is pretty nice but to be honest, it doesnt work all that great. that nb gets hot as heck on the gigabyte. id rather have the p5ne-sli with my TT hr-05 on it.

but whatever mobo you have, these core2's are kicking ass and taking names.

and i have to say, if you are on a budget for ram, save 60 bucks and get the ocz platinum rev. 2 - easily get you to 450+fsb @ 1:1. ocz says you should get 900mhz @ 5-5-5-15 timings @ 2.1v

after rebate they are $210

right-on the core 2 isn't as sensative to mem speeds as previous procs, and they are OC'ing like mad. Intel has definitely won this round. the e4XXX series are even better if you have any issues with higher FSB's.


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Nevets Drassel
Were you the one that when pulling out one of your SATA wires and pulled out the SATA socket too. Might want to check that. I have heard of CPU degradation from overclocking over time. This chip is fairly new right?


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: miles267
Since upgrading my P5N-E SLI bios last night from 0202 to 0401, my system will not boot Vista x86 with default BIOS setting, only boots in Safe Mode. Am going to attempt to force the downgrade back to 0202 w/ AWDFLASH utility this evening.

Note that I first upgraded from 0202 to 0307, encountered same blue screens or freezes during Vista x86 boot-up. Was able to downgrade from 0307 back to 0202. However since upgrading from 0202 to 0401, I now cannot downgrade back to 0202. I'm certian my system will be stable on 0202 if I can find a way back.

Lastly, I think my issue has to do w/ my RAM becoming unstable in the newer 0401 BIOS and wondered how (or where) to change the memory speed in BIOS for my PC? Currently using all BIOS defaults. Perhaps if I go from 800 mhz to 667 mhz on my Corsair XMS RAM, it could also address issue. Wanted to try it.

Has anyone else experienced similar issues? I'd prefer to stay with the current 0401 BIOS but can't pinpoint what is making system suddenly unstable. Using CORSAIR XMS2 2GB (2 x 1GB) 240-Pin DDR2 SDRAM DDR2 800 (PC2 6400) Dual Channel Memory (TWIN2X2048-6400C4) listed in ASUS P5N-E SLI recommended memory in manual.

Any assistance would be much appreciated. Thank you!

the new bios may be forcing you to 1T have read of it earlier in the thread i believe. manually set it to 2t. also when the bios boots it will list write them down. if still unstable increase all by 1

adder1971 right. Most of the people myself included who flashed from 0202 to 0401 after clearing the CMOS which sets the board to auto on most setting, the bios will force 1T in the memory timings. Did you do a full reset pull the battery and jump the pins after flashing. Try manually setting you voltages and memory timings. Another thing a lot of people have been having problems with the Corsair PC6400C4's


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Originally posted by: Core2
Are you still using the 0202 bios. I never had problems with 400x8 at default voltages. I had problems in the 419 - 422 area 0401 fixed that and I can go from 400 - 485 with no lock ups. I do have to increase voltages quite a bit as I reach the higher FSB

Edit: I ran my memory in the 1020 -1040 range yesterday and the NB was over heating. I think 1020 is max on air or you need exceptional cooling on the NB

Ya, still using the 0202 bios, I've always had a phobia about flashing my BIOS unnecessarily and I'm kind of a dinosaur in the sense that I haven't bought a USB pen drive yet.

I couldn't get 400x8 linked, the only stable 1:1 I was able to achieve was 375:375, so i dropped it back down to 375:500 which was my previous highest stable FSB with an 8x multiplier and I've had no problems running 3DMark06 looped overnight. I'm pretty sure I tried 400:500 unlinked and my PC didn't POST. I think one of the reviews said "398 worked, 400 didn't" with some of the older BIOS revisions. I guess I'll try to bump it up a little bit tonite and hit the 3.2-3.5GHz goal I had in mind when I spec'd out this build.



Platinum Member
Jan 4, 2007
did you try 401 or 402 fsb?

also, it may be your chip - check the week and version your chip is and compare it to others on the web.


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: chizow
Originally posted by: Core2
Are you still using the 0202 bios. I never had problems with 400x8 at default voltages. I had problems in the 419 - 422 area 0401 fixed that and I can go from 400 - 485 with no lock ups. I do have to increase voltages quite a bit as I reach the higher FSB

Edit: I ran my memory in the 1020 -1040 range yesterday and the NB was over heating. I think 1020 is max on air or you need exceptional cooling on the NB

Ya, still using the 0202 bios, I've always had a phobia about flashing my BIOS unnecessarily and I'm kind of a dinosaur in the sense that I haven't bought a USB pen drive yet.

I couldn't get 400x8 linked, the only stable 1:1 I was able to achieve was 375:375, so i dropped it back down to 375:500 which was my previous highest stable FSB with an 8x multiplier and I've had no problems running 3DMark06 looped overnight. I'm pretty sure I tried 400:500 unlinked and my PC didn't POST. I think one of the reviews said "398 worked, 400 didn't" with some of the older BIOS revisions. I guess I'll try to bump it up a little bit tonite and hit the 3.2-3.5GHz goal I had in mind when I spec'd out this build.

The next memory strap starts at 425 Try that should work with 1.35 vcore 1.39 NB and spec for your ram 2.08 - 2.17

Edit: I had to step over those memory holes too when I was using 0202 Once I knew where they were it was a breeze to overclock. I was even using ClockGen and it would work as long as I stayed away from the memory holes
Jan 13, 2007
Originally posted by: Core2
Nevets Drassel
Were you the one that when pulling out one of your SATA wires and pulled out the SATA socket too. Might want to check that. I have heard of CPU degradation from overclocking over time. This chip is fairly new right?

Yes I am the one with the SATA socket issue. It happened again just recently when I went to take the MOBO out of the case to add a fan to the NB cooler. I have since left that socket alone but it still may be causing me problems, or not. This is the same board that I got me E6400 validated at 3800. I am waiting for the RMA from the OL retailer. My RMA'ed board (with the BIOS problem) will be here tomorrow. Newegg is sending me a brand new borad. Yes this is a new chip but it is an Engineering Sample (ES) with the 4MB L2 cache. It is an A4 revision. I hear that the B revisions of the ES OC extremely well.

This chip and or MOBO is also causing some booting problems. It will boot fine one time and then at reboot with no changes in the BIOS, the HDD light lights up and I have to power off to restart. When powered back up, it boots fine at the identical settings. Very strange. Its either the CPU or MOBO or both.

Currently running at 3148 ORTHOS stable for 15+ minutes.

Well, off to try 3175



Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2001
Originally posted by: idiotekniQues
did you try 401 or 402 fsb?

also, it may be your chip - check the week and version your chip is and compare it to others on the web.

I tried 402 and 398 I think. I didn't bother to write down the stepping/date, I used to actually take pictures in the past but again, I wasn't that interested in getting every ounce of performance out of it. I got it from Newegg first week of January, was a late December batch and Newegg turnover is excellent so typically they'll always have the latest steppings/batch. Still, @3GHz its easily the most stable/effortless OC'ing chip I've ever owned, I'm sure it'll go higher, its just a matter of stepping around this mobo's potholes/limitations.

Originally posted by: Core2

The next memory strap starts at 425 Try that should work with 1.35 vcore 1.39 NB and spec for your ram 2.08 - 2.17

Edit: I had to step over those memory holes too when I was using 0202 Once I knew where they were it was a breeze to overclock. I was even using ClockGen and it would work as long as I stayed away from the memory holes

Ah ok, I'll keep that in mind. I'll probably just upgrade the BIOS though, as it seems to solve some of the timing issues as well at higher FSB. Does the 0401 still have the same memory straps as the 0202? Also, my memory is spec'd to run at 2.3V. Ya its really high, which is good I guess, since I can run it at 2.3V and not worry about frying my sticks.


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: chizow
Originally posted by: idiotekniQues
did you try 401 or 402 fsb?

also, it may be your chip - check the week and version your chip is and compare it to others on the web.

I tried 402 and 398 I think. I didn't bother to write down the stepping/date, I used to actually take pictures in the past but again, I wasn't that interested in getting every ounce of performance out of it. I got it from Newegg first week of January, was a late December batch and Newegg turnover is excellent so typically they'll always have the latest steppings/batch. Still, @3GHz its easily the most stable/effortless OC'ing chip I've ever owned, I'm sure it'll go higher, its just a matter of stepping around this mobo's potholes/limitations.

Originally posted by: Core2

The next memory strap starts at 425 Try that should work with 1.35 vcore 1.39 NB and spec for your ram 2.08 - 2.17

Edit: I had to step over those memory holes too when I was using 0202 Once I knew where they were it was a breeze to overclock. I was even using ClockGen and it would work as long as I stayed away from the memory holes

Ah ok, I'll keep that in mind. I'll probably just upgrade the BIOS though, as it seems to solve some of the timing issues as well at higher FSB. Does the 0401 still have the same memory straps as the 0202? Also, my memory is spec'd to run at 2.3V. Ya its really high, which is good I guess, since I can run it at 2.3V and not worry about frying my sticks.

Does the 0401 still have the same memory straps as the 0202?

No, I now can go from 400 - 485 without hitting any memory holes. Its worth to try both 425 before you flash and 400 after you flash and don't forget to do a full reset on the CMOS. Bump up the NB voltage in those tough areas if needed
Jan 13, 2007

Originally posted by: Core2

The next memory strap starts at 425 Try that should work with 1.35 vcore 1.39 NB and spec for your ram 2.08 - 2.17

Edit: I had to step over those memory holes too when I was using 0202 Once I knew where they were it was a breeze to overclock. I was even using ClockGen and it would work as long as I stayed away from the memory holes

Ah ok, I'll keep that in mind. I'll probably just upgrade the BIOS though, as it seems to solve some of the timing issues as well at higher FSB. Does the 0401 still have the same memory straps as the 0202? Also, my memory is spec'd to run at 2.3V. Ya its really high, which is good I guess, since I can run it at 2.3V and not worry about frying my sticks.[/quote]

How do you get clockgen to work on this board? I can't even get it to load properly. I get the main window with the clocks and options tab but when I click on the Clocks tab, I don't have the ability to adjust the FSB.



Junior Member
Sep 9, 2006
Originally posted by: Core2
Originally posted by: JonDoms
Love the release notes with the 0401 bios:
1.Reduce S3 resuming time.
2.Change CopyRight year from 2006 to 2007.


Wonder what happened between 0202 and 0401?

Core2 you said you got your system up to 3.7?
Is it stable with Orthos or Prime for more than an hour? 4 hours?
Thanks man just interested to see how powerful that little chip is. My friend's got one and I want to see how far we can push his.

Actually 3.880 and I have plenty vcore and NB volts left

3850 481x8
CPU Temps

3880 485x8

3.7 is solid after that it is all fun

How you doing. Haven't heard from you in a while. Did you flash to 0401. The way you have been running no need to. I bought some Corsair PC8500C5 and now I too can run 1T smoothly. Keep in touch

Man that is crazy!
I'm still on 0202.
I'll OC some more after a few more months when I feel things are just not snappy enough anymore. hahaha.

It's hard to keep up with this thread AND I check in about once a day. Everyday I have 2-5 pages of posts to read through. Will chime in whereever I can help out, but you boys got this board down and are hitting some awesome numbers.

I wonder what can people do with an e4300? Will have to wait till prices for that chip fall to $130s. I guess.



Jan 15, 2007
I was running my E6400 @ 3.0Ghz, which is as high as I could get it, until I added another 1G of RAM (now using all 4 slots). It wouldn't even post @ 3.0Ghz. I lowered the FSB from 1500 to 1466 and it posts and loads Vista just fine. So my CPU speed is now 2.93Ghz. Not a noticable drop.

I wish I could get 3.2Ghz or more out of it, I know it's capable of it, but I'm running BIOS 0202 and won't flash. Until a few more revisions are released and I read on this or other forums that a specific revision improves overclocking. As it is, my PC won't even post with a FSB of 1500 or higher. I've raised the Vcore to 1.45v and the NB to 1.56v. Doesn't help.
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