The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

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Senior member
Jan 8, 2007
Originally posted by: nitrotg
Originally posted by: Core2
Originally posted by: nitrotg
Originally posted by: Core2
Originally posted by: nitrotg

Ok thx.. ill give him a call tomorrow and make him see the rev

Nope only corsair and only asus board hehe.. a small store in hardware

Tell him to give you a deal on the Corsair PC8500C5. With those you'll be good for a while. You can always call Corsair and complain they might cut you a deal on an exchange

Yeah.. he properly will.. but ill first try to see if i can get my money back.. or then ask him for a deal on his PC2-8500

This is what he have

This is from Ram Guy at Corsairs Web Site

Ram Guy Quote:
Please make sure that you have the latest bios and then load setup defaults and set the Dim Voltage to 2.1 volts and then set SLI Ready Memory to CPU Max, and then test the module/modules one at a time with! If you still get errors, please follow the link in my signature ?I think I have a bad part!? and we will be happy to replace them or it! However, if you get errors with both modules that would suggest some other problem and I would test them in another system or MB to be sure. In addition, with this MB you have to disable legacy USB in the bios when running any memory test.
End Quote

Hey man..

Just got home from work and been to the store and trade the 6400 to the Corsair XMS2 Dominator CM2X1024-8500C5D 2Gb set...

Havent have time to test them yet but will later

If your still wondering about the price they cost about 430 Euro or 555 USD



Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: nitrotg

Hey man..

Just got home from work and been to the store and trade the 6400 to the Corsair XMS2 Dominator CM2X1024-8500C5D 2Gb set...

Havent have time to test them yet but will later

If your still wondering about the price they cost about 430 Euro or 555 USD

You should have a good time with those. Good Choice! I have some Corsair PC6400C5's I'll sell you for 200.00 USD


Junior Member
Aug 28, 2006
Are the YELLOW DIMM slots problematic on ALL these MBS? Is it a manufacturing defect of some sort?

I moved my DIMMS back to the YELLOW DIMM slots, when I first bought the board using 0202 I had some problems using them, so I put my 2x2GB DDR2 PC800 DIMMS in the Black mem slots. I have since gotten the board stable and moved to 0401, so I figured the Yellow Slots would be OK.

They ARE NOT. The 2x2GB G.skill 6-6-6-18 2T PC800 DIMMS are very stable with those timings in the BLACK slots, but very UNSTABLE in the yellow slots.

All Ram timing the same, no overclocking, but moving the 2 DDR2 DIMMS from the black slots to the yellow results in MASSIVE instability.

Are these MB's just defective? Is there something I'm missing here? Do I need to return this thing? It's really starting to tick me off. This MB is far more trouble than it is worth to be honest.


Senior member
Jan 8, 2007
Originally posted by: uzun
Are the YELLOW DIMM slots problematic on ALL these MBS? Is it a manufacturing defect of some sort?

I moved my DIMMS back to the YELLOW DIMM slots, when I first bought the board using 0202 I had some problems using them, so I put my 2x2GB DDR2 PC800 DIMMS in the Black mem slots. I have since gotten the board stable and moved to 0401, so I figured the Yellow Slots would be OK.

They ARE NOT. The 2x2GB G.skill 6-6-6-18 2T PC800 DIMMS are very stable with those timings in the BLACK slots, but very UNSTABLE in the yellow slots.

All Ram timing the same, no overclocking, but moving the 2 DDR2 DIMMS from the black slots to the yellow results in MASSIVE instability.

Are these MB's just defective? Is there something I'm missing here? Do I need to return this thing? It's really starting to tick me off. This MB is far more trouble than it is worth to be honest.

hmm..... hard to help without knowing what your specs are.


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: uzun
Are the YELLOW DIMM slots problematic on ALL these MBS? Is it a manufacturing defect of some sort?

I moved my DIMMS back to the YELLOW DIMM slots, when I first bought the board using 0202 I had some problems using them, so I put my 2x2GB DDR2 PC800 DIMMS in the Black mem slots. I have since gotten the board stable and moved to 0401, so I figured the Yellow Slots would be OK.

They ARE NOT. The 2x2GB G.skill 6-6-6-18 2T PC800 DIMMS are very stable with those timings in the BLACK slots, but very UNSTABLE in the yellow slots.

All Ram timing the same, no overclocking, but moving the 2 DDR2 DIMMS from the black slots to the yellow results in MASSIVE instability.

Are these MB's just defective? Is there something I'm missing here? Do I need to return this thing? It's really starting to tick me off. This MB is far more trouble than it is worth to be honest.

I think its more ram picky. You always have to check the timings. The bios likes to force 1T if you are set to Auto. Did you clear the Cmos after flashing


Jan 27, 2007
Originally posted by: Core2
Originally posted by: nitrotg

Hey man..

Just got home from work and been to the store and trade the 6400 to the Corsair XMS2 Dominator CM2X1024-8500C5D 2Gb set...

Havent have time to test them yet but will later

If your still wondering about the price they cost about 430 Euro or 555 USD

You should have a good time with those. Good Choice! I have some Corsair PC6400C5's I'll sell you for 200.00 USD[/quote]

Buhu.. still mem errors with 1550 fsb and up.. setting it to 1550/1000.. 5-5-5-15..

Mabye i have just gotten a bad OC cpu


Senior member
Jan 8, 2007
Originally posted by: nitrotg
Originally posted by: Core2
Originally posted by: nitrotg

Hey man..

Just got home from work and been to the store and trade the 6400 to the Corsair XMS2 Dominator CM2X1024-8500C5D 2Gb set...

Havent have time to test them yet but will later

If your still wondering about the price they cost about 430 Euro or 555 USD

You should have a good time with those. Good Choice! I have some Corsair PC6400C5's I'll sell you for 200.00 USD

Buhu.. still mem errors with 1550 fsb and up.. setting it to 1550/1000.. 5-5-5-15..

Mabye i have just gotten a bad OC cpu

try setting it synched 1:1 should be way under spec. if it still errors out then it is likely an fsb hole and you may want to try increasing to 1600

and as always full system specs are very helpful


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: nitrotg

Buhu.. still mem errors with 1550 fsb and up.. setting it to 1550/1000.. 5-5-5-15..

Mabye i have just gotten a bad OC cpu

Enable the SLI Memory Option in the bios and set it to Expert. Set your ram timings and voltage to Auto

In addition, disable legacy USB in the bios when running any memory test.

What slots do you have them in?? Try switching slots if you still have problems

Put your system settings in your Signature


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2001
HELP! I'm in quite a dilemma.

Okay, about two weeks ago, I built up my system with the following new stuff:

2 Gigs Corsiar XMS2 Dominator PC6400 (Yes, yes, I know, they're "allegedly" bad sticks. I wish I had known that two weeks ago)
Antec P180 Case + Antec Power Supply
eVGA 7950GT (nVidia)
Scythe Ninja
Arctic Silver 5

I carried over my hard drives, dvd-rom, etc.

My initial build of my system went much better than I thought. Sure, cable management in the P180 was a surprising pain in the butt to get used to, but I was able to get everything situated. However, I could *not* attach a fan to the Ninja because the P5N's standard north bridge heat sink was too big and got in the way. No big deal, however.

I started up my system, the BIOS posted like a peach, and I was able to get Windows reinstalled without a hitch. I figured that since I had a passive heatsink on the CPU at the moment that I wouldn't overclock. On top of that, I was able to time my memory to 4-4-4-12 2T just like the specs on the memory said I could. I also set the memory voltage to 2.08v Everything, so far was hunky dory!

But, of course, I wanted to overclock. After reading this thread, I decided to purchase a couple of more items - a Zalman heatsink for the south bridge, a Thermalright HR-05 for the North bridge, and some MX-1 to try as the thermal compound instead of my Arctic Silver 5. Everything arrived this past week.

Fast forward to yesterday, when everything went to hell during the "surgery." I was able to get the Zalman on the SB without much of a hitch. But getting the stock heatsink off the NB was a horrible ordeal. The biggest problem was the stock thermal compound on the North Bridge itself. I was able to get about two thirds of it off with isopropyl alcohol, but the last third seemed to be stuck, as if it were cement. Alcohol couldn't *touch* that stuff.

Being impatient, I did an (admitedly) stupid thing and used a jeweler's screwdriver to carefully chip the rest of the compound off of the NB. After getting everything off and cleaned up, I put some MX-1 on the heatsink and mounted the HR-05. The mount itself was relatively easy. I also cleaned the AS5 (no problem) off the E6400/Ninja and replaced it with MX-1 - basically reseating the heatk

I turn on the computer, and everything posts. Unfortunately, I got the following error:

<b>WARNING! CPU Has Changed. Please re-enter the CPU settings in the CMOS setup and remember to save before quit.</b>

Of course, I didn't really change *anything* on the CPU, so I found this to be a most unwelcome message. After entering the BIOS, I noticed that all of my settings were reset. Okay, no big deal - I just set them back, including my memory back to 4-4-4-12 2T@2.08v. Besides that small change, I did NO overclocking at all.

No dice. I got the same "CPU has Changed" error after (again) saving my BIOS. During that second boot up, I noticed also that my memory timings were set to something like 5-5-5-31 1T on the post screen. Huh? After pressing F1 to clear the CPU error, I was able to get into Windows just fine. I didn't run any tests (no memtest, etc.), but I opened up CPUz and noticed that my memory was clocked just like it said previously on the post screen (5-5-5-31 1T) instead of how I set it in the BIOS.

Disgruntled, I made some further changes, reset the BIOS back to default, etc. I tried everything short of resetting my CMOS. Nothing. I still got the "CPU has changed" error as well as the problems with the memory timing. Windows appeared to be fine, but I still didn't want to take any chances if I was going to overclock.

So, I downloaded the BIOS onto a memory stick and used the built-in BIOS utility (Ctrl-Alt-F2) to flash the BIOS to 401.

After the flash was complete, I rebooted. NOW after I reboot, I have *nothing* but one big, major problem; the only things that appear on the post screen are the first two lines. Unfortunately, I'm at work so I can't tell exactly you what those two lines are. But on top of that, everything else seems to be completely unresponsive. The keyboard isn't recognized, so I can't get into the BIOS at all. Basically, I'm at a standstill.

One thing that I HAVEN'T done yet is reset the CMOS, which I will do when I get home, but I have a sneaky suspicion that doing so won't fix my problem. My problem could be a number of things:

1. Bad northbridge due to "unsafely" cleaning up the crusted-over thermal paste from the stock heatsink.
2. Bad CPU. I don't know how it could be bad, but the 202 BIOS said that it had "changed"
3. Bad memory. The timings post-heatsink change were different in CPUz than what I set them to in the BIOS

Anybody got any ideas?
Jan 20, 2007
Core2, is there any chance of you putting both your 7900gs's into the P5N and seeing how things go? I wanna see if its hindering my OCing at all. If not that's cool.


Senior member
Jan 8, 2007
1. Bad northbridge due to "unsafely" cleaning up the crusted-over thermal paste from the stock heatsink.
2. Bad CPU. I don't know how it could be bad, but the 202 BIOS said that it had "changed"
3. Bad memory. The timings post-heatsink change were different in CPUz than what I set them to in the BIOS

I think at this point remove the battery and reset the cmos. Put mem in black slots only(just to be on the safe side) i doubt it's an issue witht he NB, doubt you could ever get into windows like that. (good idea to remove NB and visually inspect again) may have a bad cmos battery? sounds far fetched but makes some sense considering settings are not being saved.

generally though if it keeps re-adjusting your settings it means it did not like them for some reason. try letting it autodetect all timings except set to 2T.


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: SaltBoy

One thing that I HAVEN'T done yet is reset the CMOS, which I will do when I get home, but I have a sneaky suspicion that doing so won't fix my problem. My problem could be a number of things:

That what you should have done in the first place.


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: Genuine Imitation
Core2, is there any chance of you putting both your 7900gs's into the P5N and seeing how things go? I wanna see if its hindering my OCing at all. If not that's cool.

Sorry, I have the Zalman heat sink on the SB and it won't fit
Edit: I think its the E6600 giving you problems. Most people except for JonDom have been reporting tough times clocking with the E6600


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Core2
Originally posted by: SaltBoy

One thing that I HAVEN'T done yet is reset the CMOS, which I will do when I get home, but I have a sneaky suspicion that doing so won't fix my problem. My problem could be a number of things:

That what you should have done in the first place.
Do you think that would have cleared up my "CPU has changed" and the memory timing errors?



Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: SaltBoy
Originally posted by: Core2
Originally posted by: SaltBoy

One thing that I HAVEN'T done yet is reset the CMOS, which I will do when I get home, but I have a sneaky suspicion that doing so won't fix my problem. My problem could be a number of things:

That what you should have done in the first place.
Do you think that would have cleared up my "CPU has changed" and the memory timing errors?

Most likely. Always Clear The Cmos when you upgrade it


Senior member
Jan 8, 2007
Originally posted by: Core2
Originally posted by: Genuine Imitation
Core2, is there any chance of you putting both your 7900gs's into the P5N and seeing how things go? I wanna see if its hindering my OCing at all. If not that's cool.

Sorry, I have the Zalman heat sink on the SB and it won't fit
Edit: I think its the E6600 giving you problems. Most people except for JonDom have been reporting tough times clocking with the E6600

agreed, there may be different fsb holes with the 9x multi's. they are different for 8 and 7. (havent checked 6 either)

if someone would like to donate an x6800 i could check em all lol


Diamond Member
Aug 13, 2001
Originally posted by: Core2
Originally posted by: SaltBoy
Do you think that would have cleared up my "CPU has changed" and the memory timing errors?

Most likely. Always Clear The Cmos when you upgrade it[/quote]<sigh> My wife was probably right. I was just too lazy to do it.



Jan 27, 2007
Originally posted by: Core2
Originally posted by: nitrotg

Buhu.. still mem errors with 1550 fsb and up.. setting it to 1550/1000.. 5-5-5-15..

Mabye i have just gotten a bad OC cpu

Enable the SLI Memory Option in the bios and set it to Expert. Set your ram timings and voltage to Auto

In addition, disable legacy USB in the bios when running any memory test.

What slots do you have them in?? Try switching slots if you still have problems

Put your system settings in your Signature

Have done it now.. Still same.. have taking some pic og my rig and screenshot of my settings..
Let me know what u think..


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: SaltBoy
Originally posted by: Core2
Originally posted by: SaltBoy
Do you think that would have cleared up my "CPU has changed" and the memory timing errors?

Most likely. Always Clear The Cmos when you upgrade it
<sigh> My wife was probably right. I was just too lazy to do it.


Well, I think we'll have to take away most of your Post Credits and make you a Junior Member again for that
Jan 20, 2007
Originally posted by: nitrotg
Originally posted by: Core2
Originally posted by: nitrotg

Buhu.. still mem errors with 1550 fsb and up.. setting it to 1550/1000.. 5-5-5-15..

Mabye i have just gotten a bad OC cpu

Enable the SLI Memory Option in the bios and set it to Expert. Set your ram timings and voltage to Auto

In addition, disable legacy USB in the bios when running any memory test.

What slots do you have them in?? Try switching slots if you still have problems

Put your system settings in your Signature

Have done it now.. Still same.. have taking some pic og my rig and screenshot of my settings..
Let me know what u think..

What northbridge cooler is that? And is it just me, or does the cpu cooler look like its crooked?


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: nitrotg
Originally posted by: Core2
Originally posted by: nitrotg

Buhu.. still mem errors with 1550 fsb and up.. setting it to 1550/1000.. 5-5-5-15..

Mabye i have just gotten a bad OC cpu

Enable the SLI Memory Option in the bios and set it to Expert. Set your ram timings and voltage to Auto

In addition, disable legacy USB in the bios when running any memory test.

What slots do you have them in?? Try switching slots if you still have problems

Put your system settings in your Signature

Have done it now.. Still same.. have taking some pic og my rig and screenshot of my settings..
Let me know what u think..

The first picture I can't make out. Is there any option to zoom in. I can only read English Your not using NTunes to clock?? It doesn't work. What do have going on inside there a DISCO party with all those lights. That NB cooler do you think its providing enough cooling?? Looks small. Is your ram clocking to spec speed??

Edit: I found the zoom let me analyze it
Edit Everything looks good. 1600/1000 What's the matter with that????????
Try 1800/800 now or 1800/1000
Put your settings up in your Signature like we have.
vcore looks a little high. What is the NB volts???
Use Speedfan Beta 8


Senior member
Jan 8, 2007
Originally posted by: nitrotg
Originally posted by: Core2
Originally posted by: nitrotg

Buhu.. still mem errors with 1550 fsb and up.. setting it to 1550/1000.. 5-5-5-15..

Mabye i have just gotten a bad OC cpu

Enable the SLI Memory Option in the bios and set it to Expert. Set your ram timings and voltage to Auto

In addition, disable legacy USB in the bios when running any memory test.

What slots do you have them in?? Try switching slots if you still have problems

Put your system settings in your Signature

Have done it now.. Still same.. have taking some pic og my rig and screenshot of my settings..
Let me know what u think..

try setting it synched 1:1 should be way under spec. if it still errors out then it is likely an fsb hole and you may want to try increasing to 1696 and that cpu cooler does look crooked.


Jan 27, 2007
Originally posted by: Genuine Imitation
Originally posted by: nitrotg
Originally posted by: Core2
Originally posted by: nitrotg

Buhu.. still mem errors with 1550 fsb and up.. setting it to 1550/1000.. 5-5-5-15..

Mabye i have just gotten a bad OC cpu

Enable the SLI Memory Option in the bios and set it to Expert. Set your ram timings and voltage to Auto

In addition, disable legacy USB in the bios when running any memory test.

What slots do you have them in?? Try switching slots if you still have problems

Put your system settings in your Signature

Have done it now.. Still same.. have taking some pic og my rig and screenshot of my settings..
Let me know what u think..

What northbridge cooler is that? And is it just me, or does the cpu cooler look like its crooked?

Its a Northq 3880 what do u mean crooked??


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: nitrotg

What northbridge cooler is that? And is it just me, or does the cpu cooler look like its crooked?

Its a Northq 3880 what do u mean crooked??[/quote]

Try 1.39 for the NB and 1.35 vcore. You shouldn't need much for that E6300 to clock.


Jan 27, 2007
Originally posted by: Core2
Originally posted by: nitrotg
Originally posted by: Core2
Originally posted by: nitrotg

Buhu.. still mem errors with 1550 fsb and up.. setting it to 1550/1000.. 5-5-5-15..

Mabye i have just gotten a bad OC cpu

Enable the SLI Memory Option in the bios and set it to Expert. Set your ram timings and voltage to Auto

In addition, disable legacy USB in the bios when running any memory test.

What slots do you have them in?? Try switching slots if you still have problems

Put your system settings in your Signature

Have done it now.. Still same.. have taking some pic og my rig and screenshot of my settings..
Let me know what u think..

The first picture I can't make out. Is there any option to zoom in. I can only read English Your not using NTunes to clock?? It doesn't work. What do have going on inside there a DISCO party with all those lights. That NB cooler do you think its providing enough cooling?? Looks small. Is your ram clocking to spec speed??

Haha.. yeah is my own little mobile disco.. ... dont know why but all the things i buy always has blue lightning on it.. not bought it on purpuse...

The NB collers works great i think.. the profil is not hot when i tough it and u can see the temp in my pic.. so thinks its ok

Edit: I found the zoom let me analyze it
Edit Everything looks good. 1600/1000 What's the matter with that????????

It will boot and orthos runs with strees only cpu.. bet at 1550 and up memtest start getting errors..

Try 1800/800 now or 1800/1000

Ill try that now..

Put your settings up in your Signature like we have.

I have.. not out in the FSB coz thats hopefully gonna change soon

vcore looks a little high.

Ill lower it to 1.35 then?

What is the NB volts???

NB volt are 1,53
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