The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

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Junior Member
Feb 12, 2007
[/quote]Did you follow the instructions on page 92 for speedfan. You need to replace the speedfan.exe with the speedfan Beta .exe I also posted my config files a few pages back just copy them and paste them into your files. Pressing F1 while in the program brings up a help file. Ask DeadMan3000, he's now our Expert adviser for speedfan.

Edit: My speedfan config files are on page 120[/quote]


Thanks - because I printed out your guide on page 92 I missed trouble shooting item 7, it was a couple of lines at the very end of page 2 of the printout.

I've revisited the instructions and followed them to the letter - I've also cut-and-pasted your config settings into the speedfan files (backed up the originals).

Now looks something like this:

Are the temps in the right ballpark?
What do you think to that fan RPM figure!



Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
I see there is a new beta I have to update mine and I'll let you know. Temps look fine. RPMs need adjustment. Uncheck the ???? they are not important

Edit: Do you have case fans hooked up to the MB. Re-check my settings

OK these are my settings

Temperture sensor diode 1 Themister
Temperture sensor diode 2 Themister
Temperture sensor diode 3 Themister
FAN1 divisor 8 Check this number if right change to 2
FAN2 divisor 2
FAN3 divisor 2
PWM 1- 5 Software controlled
Temperture offset 1 -3 0
Fan1 mult 1
Fan1 div 1
Fan2 mult 1
Fan2 div 2 Change to 1 if no case fans
Fan3 mult 1
Fan4 div 2 Change to 1 if no case fans
Revere PWM 01 - 05 all off
click ok
check automatic fan speed on the main page You haven't done this
and your pretty much done
You have to disable Q fan and Q chassis fan for this to work properly in the bios under ???hardware monitor
Pressing F1 while in the program brings up the help file for more options

What are your Vcore, NB, and Vdimm voltages?? Your Vcore is 1.31 in speedfan. If your at default FSB thats to high. I set my Vcore to Auto I get 1.15 - 1.21. Your temps will drop drown with lower voltage


Senior member
Jun 16, 2004
Originally posted by: Core2
I need people that are having problems getting their ram to reach higher speeds or 1T to try something for me. Adjust the tRC in your ram timings to 11, 22 or 30 and let me now if you notice any ease of higher speeds or performance gain ( 1T ). Don't forget to also increase voltage to the ram as needed

30 didn't let me get 1T (failed memtest almost immediately), but it did seem more stable than 11 or 22, with less errors. If I believe nTune, the Auto setting for tRC is 22, at least for my memory.


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: acivick
Originally posted by: Core2
I need people that are having problems getting their ram to reach higher speeds or 1T to try something for me. Adjust the tRC in your ram timings to 11, 22 or 30 and let me now if you notice any ease of higher speeds or performance gain ( 1T ). Don't forget to also increase voltage to the ram as needed

30 didn't let me get 1T (failed memtest almost immediately), but it did seem more stable than 11 or 22, with less errors. If I believe nTune, the Auto setting for tRC is 22, at least for my memory.

Use Memset

Edit: Did you try looser timings for 1T ( 5-5-5-15 1T tRC 30). Try a higher number. Thanks for the info


Dec 31, 2006
Originally posted by: chrismr
Originally posted by: jkcheng122

have u tried taking the NB voltage to 1.563?

Yep, and actually up to 1.7, just to check....

This board/chip combo simply won't let me go up to 1600, which is where I wanted to be. Not sure if the limitation is the CPU or the Mobo. The board will sometimes post at 1590, but only if I have the multipliere at, which sets the CPU to 3.6Ghz, which the CPU I think simply won't do.

If I drop the multiplier to 8, I can't get over 1500.

I am tempted to go back to the 0202 bios and see what I get out of the board then...

i also could not get 1600 to run on 9x multiplier. this is on a E6600 cpu tho, but it's rather odd the board seems to have issues doin 400x9. i'm currently on 400x8 for a 3.2GHz oc which i'm fairly satisfied with. 3.6ghz was the goal tho.



Jan 27, 2007
Originally posted by: jkcheng122
Originally posted by: chrismr
Originally posted by: jkcheng122

have u tried taking the NB voltage to 1.563?

Yep, and actually up to 1.7, just to check....

This board/chip combo simply won't let me go up to 1600, which is where I wanted to be. Not sure if the limitation is the CPU or the Mobo. The board will sometimes post at 1590, but only if I have the multipliere at, which sets the CPU to 3.6Ghz, which the CPU I think simply won't do.

If I drop the multiplier to 8, I can't get over 1500.

I am tempted to go back to the 0202 bios and see what I get out of the board then...

i also could not get 1600 to run on 9x multiplier. this is on a E6600 cpu tho, but it's rather odd the board seems to have issues doin 400x9. i'm currently on 400x8 for a 3.2GHz oc which i'm fairly satisfied with. 3.6ghz was the goal tho.

Having the same problems guys.. 1500 is cool but 1600 and i start getting mem errors... :/

If the 0202 bios fix your problems let me know plz



Junior Member
Feb 12, 2007
Starting from the top (with your questions John):

Q fan disabled in bios
Vcore set to auto
NB voltage set to auto
Vdimm set to 2.178 manually (2.2v spec)
CPU fan running at 2586rpm

My case has 3x120mm fans - 2 at the front and 1 exhaust at the back. It also has a 200mm monster in the roof of the case - all are on molex connectors so they are connected directly to the power supply and not the motherboard. They are all Antec with switchable speed control - Low, Medium, High.

I've just ordered an MCubed T-Balancer bigNG 4-channel Fan Controller, 4 analogue and 2 digital sensors, 4 fan controls. This should take care of the air flow!

Do you think that I should set my voltages manually? If so what would you suggest for the Vcore and NB?

I want to get the best possible results (in terms of stability and temperature) before I start to OC

Thankz for all your help


Junior Member
Oct 28, 2006
I've been using this board for a few weeks now for my new setup and decided to throw a post in here. (good lord there are alot of posts! I haven't read them all yet, and probably going to have to bookmark this page)

My Build:
C2D 6600
Corsair Dominator PC6400 rev 2.1 2x 1024
Evga 8800GTS
OCZ GameExtreme 600W Psu /w Antec Sonata2 casing
WD 250G SATA2 16M buffer drive.
401 bios on the P5NE SLI

There were a few quirks getting the ram working properly, I had to manually enter the bios and set to 4-4-4 -12 2T /w 2.085V in the yellow slots to get it to work right. I was a little down about them not being the micron variants but ah well. From what I gather, when i update the bios (eventually) Ill need to go down to one stick to get it all set up

I've also had some feedback issues with the onboard sound and the latest XP drivers but
that's been about it.

All in all it's been fairly stable. Here is a link to my 3dmark 06 stock score.



Jan 18, 2007
Originally posted by: dlfcobra
did you have any problems with the FSB between 1450-1600?? i can't seem to get it any higher than 1400 ATM. I've got cooling on both NB and SB, my Volts are listed in my sig. just need some help... i'd love to be right where your at...

Yes, I would suggest setting your Vcore to auto and jumping to 1600 or 1700. I was stable after I hit 1600. From that point on I increases my FSB by 50 each time. I've only stopped at 1800 because I want a very stable gaming system. I have been windows stable(able to boot into windows and mess around on the internet) up to 1900. Once your FSB is stable, you can go back in and adjust your Vcore. (when I put my Vcore on auto now it jumps the voltage up to 1.49, but I'm stable with it manually set at 1.41)

Hoping to boost my ram, but I just bumped my mem setting to 850 and I couldn't boot to windows. Any Ideas anyone?


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: KG
Starting from the top (with your questions John):

Q fan disabled in bios
Vcore set to auto
NB voltage set to auto
Vdimm set to 2.178 manually (2.2v spec)
CPU fan running at 2586rpm

My case has 3x120mm fans - 2 at the front and 1 exhaust at the back. It also has a 200mm monster in the roof of the case - all are on molex connectors so they are connected directly to the power supply and not the motherboard. They are all Antec with switchable speed control - Low, Medium, High.

I've just ordered an MCubed T-Balancer bigNG 4-channel Fan Controller, 4 analogue and 2 digital sensors, 4 fan controls. This should take care of the air flow!

Do you think that I should set my voltages manually? If so what would you suggest for the Vcore and NB?

I want to get the best possible results (in terms of stability and temperature) before I start to OC

Thankz for all your help

Try 1.25 for the Vcore. If you find you need more set it to 1.28. That is for default FSB only. Leave the NB on auto and you vdimm the way you have it. If you decide to overclock follow what I recommended on page 92.
You can uncheck the F and R fans from showing in speedfan. The less showing the less confusing. The 2586rpm is at a 100% and that is correct. Check automatic fan speed on the speedfan main page to have speedfan auto adjust fan speed.


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: nitrotg

Having the same problems guys.. 1500 is cool but 1600 and i start getting mem errors... :/

If the 0202 bios fix your problems let me know plz

Have you tried putting your ram in the black slots


Jan 24, 2007
Speedfan beta 17 now fails to show the fan RPM. I checked and the advanced settings reset the diviser on fan 01 to 1 so I reset it to 8. But it still will not show fan 01's RPM anymore and I overwrote beta 8 too!

Can someone send me a link to the beta 8 exe. Thanks.


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: DeadMan3000
Speedfan beta 17 now fails to show the fan RPM. I checked and the advanced settings reset the diver on fan 01 to 1 so I reset it to 8. But it still will not show fan 01's RPM anymore and I overwrote beta 8 too!

FAN1 divisor 8 Check this number if right change to 2 or 8 ---- not 1
mine works still on 8


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: just4U
I've been using this board for a few weeks now for my new setup and decided to throw a post in here. (good lord there are alot of posts! I haven't read them all yet, and probably going to have to bookmark this page)

My Build:
C2D 6600
Corsair Dominator PC6400 rev 2.1 2x 1024
Evga 8800GTS
OCZ GameExtreme 600W Psu /w Antec Sonata2 casing
WD 250G SATA2 16M buffer drive.
401 bios on the P5NE SLI

There were a few quirks getting the ram working properly, I had to manually enter the bios and set to 4-4-4 -12 2T /w 2.085V in the yellow slots to get it to work right. I was a little down about them not being the micron variants but ah well. From what I gather, when i update the bios (eventually) Ill need to go down to one stick to get it all set up

I've also had some feedback issues with the onboard sound and the latest XP drivers but
that's been about it.

All in all it's been fairly stable. Here is a link to my 3dmark 06 stock score.

Welcome Aboard just4U
Did you update your Nvidia chipset drivers? The link is on page 92 along with more info and Tips ( top of the page )


Jan 24, 2007
Wow! Speedfan beta 17 REALLY messed things up! Not only did I have to search HARD to find the beat 8 version again. I also had Explorer crash on me exiting beta 17 and NOW after uninstalling Speedfan completely and reinstalling 4.31 and overwriting the exe with the beta 8 exe I can no longer click on Configure anymore (Again) just like previously. This is VERY annoying!


Jan 24, 2007
OKAAAAAAY. I rebooted after installing Speedfan 4.31 and overwriting with beta 8 exe. Then I rebooted. It hung logging into XP. I switched off and tried to boot again. System error! XP refused to boot. Hard drive corruption of XP. Tried all different ways to get back in no dice. Booted off XP CD amd it blue screens with bad_pool_caller when I hit 'r' and tried to get in that way. Tried to do an 'in place upgrade' but it does not detect there is a Windows install to repair. Only option it to install from scratch. I leave the file system in place so I can recover my other stuff on the hard drive and reinstall XP from scratch and now I am back in and have a heap of stuff to reinstall.

Oh yeah and where my SATA drive where XP was installed was previously C: for XP and all program files etc (Because I originally copied over from a previous IDE hard drive) is is now D: and my old IDE that was previously D: is now C:! I cannot switch the drive letters back either!

Thanks a lot Speedfan you REALLY made my day! (


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Did you ever think of trying Safe Mode ( F8 ) and un-installing Speedfan. You gave yourself a lot of unnecessary work. Ask next time.


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: noreaga0221
So what ram is everybody agreeing on that is the best for this board? I'm not trying for world record OC's but 3ghz out of a e6600 would be nice. If I want 400mhz bus speed should I buy 800 ram or is there cheaper 667 ram that will OC nicely?

Welcome Aboard noreaga0221

These have worked well with this board if you want to save some money.

These are what I have. I have had them to 1150MHz and they can run 4-4-4-12 1T no problem. Costly but great ram


Senior member
Dec 28, 2006
Originally posted by: chrismr
And this board can also be quite odd. As am overclocking I upped the Vcore a little bit at a time to find the stable voltage for my current overclock of 3.15GHz, I got up to 1.4, setting it manually and it was erroring after about 10 to 15 min in Orthos. Just for the hell of it, I set it to auto (and not using the 100mV increase) and it has been stable for 45 min so far... what's that about???

Try Auto Vcore and Auto NB and don't use the +100mv set it to Auto. Look at my bios setup on page 92 and Disable what you can


Jan 24, 2007
Originally posted by: Core2
Did you ever think of trying Safe Mode ( F8 ) and un-installing Speedfan. You gave yourself a lot of unnecessary work. Ask next time.

LOL. I'm not that noob. It would not go to safe mode. It would not 'R' from the boot CD (BSOD) it would not do an in place upgrade (Did not see windows was already installed). So my ONLY option was to install from scratch and leave the file system untouched so I could at least get some of my files back. Unfortunately it's set the boot drive as drive D: now (The SATA drive) and the C: drive is now the IDE secondary. No idea why since in the BIOS I set the SATA as the FIRST drive. Doubt I can get it back to being C: again either now. :/

I originally had XP installed on another motherboard and I used HDClone to make a copy onto the SATA and booted off that as C: and let it redetect everything (Used the instructions I found on a Google search to do so). It was working fine.

Damned if I know why XP wanted to install as D: instead of C:


Junior Member
Oct 28, 2006

no that was one of the pages I skipped over. THERE ARE so many! I looked back now and booked that page due to the tweak guide! Thanks for the tip.



Jan 24, 2007
I have given up on Speedfan Even on a clean install of XP it does not let me configure it again. Works in safe mode and I set it up EXACTLY as it was before. But back in normally and it does not control the fan whatsoever unless you manually adjust the speed. Until they fix the bugs in this program I will just have to rely on Q-Fan for now. If anyone knows of a better prog than Speedfan please speak up.

I've been tearing my hair out with this and now I have the drudgery of having to install all my progs again. Plus the annoyance of swapped drive letters


Jan 18, 2007
Originally posted by: DeadMan3000
I have given up on Speedfan Even on a clean install of XP it does not let me configure it again. Works in safe mode and I set it up EXACTLY as it was before. But back in normally and it does not control the fan whatsoever unless you manually adjust the speed. Until they fix the bugs in this program I will just have to rely on Q-Fan for now. If anyone knows of a better prog than Speedfan please speak up.

I've been tearing my hair out with this and now I have the drudgery of having to install all my progs again. Plus the annoyance of swapped drive letters

Before you install all of your programs again, Disconnect the IDE drive, reinstall XP, reconnect the IDE drive. Your drive letters will be right again.


Feb 15, 2007
Right ive read the Help with the C2D overclocking on this board, and read a few page sover the course of these 127 pages.
None of which answer my problem.
I cannot go over 2.9Ghz.
I Don't think its my chip maxing out, Wether its my motherboard i dont know.

Voltages are:
vCore: 1.35 I put this up to 1.375 when i try to go over.
NB: 1.5 to get it eve to boot over 2.9Ghz i have to have this at 1.7, the highest setting.

My spec is in the sig.
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