The Unofficial ASUS P5N-E SLI 650i Board Thread

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Apr 3, 2007
there's no way 850MHz is your max fsb. Maybe your max RAM overclock, but everything else can do loads more. You shouldn't be running 1:1. Run unlinked, and manually set your RAM speed to 800 (or 850, if you're convinced your ram is stable at that speed)


Junior Member
May 5, 2007

Thanks for the reply. I might be misunderstanding, but I thought that a FSB of (Quad data rate) 800mhz in 1:1 mode means that my memory is actually running at 400mhz (since it is DDR). Perhaps I'm mistaken? I thought that my memory is rated to FSB of 1600mhz (800mhz DDR). I am new to overclocking though so I might be all wrong on that.

I'll try setting it to unlinked and see what happens.



Apr 3, 2007
your memory is rated at 800MHz. I'm not sure, but I think DDR means that it performs two cycles per clock, rather than one, like the older SDRAM chips did.

If you run 800MHz 1:1, your ram will be running at 800MHz. I'd however reccomend that you unlink your ram for now, and set it at 800MHz. When an overclock fails you'll still have to find out weather it's south bridge heat, north bridge heat, processor heat, unsufficent nb voltage or unsufficent cpu voltage. eliminating the ram for now is something you really want to do.

If you still want to run in linked mode, try one of the less demanding options. 1:1 is the most stressfull one on the list.


Junior Member
May 5, 2007

I did as suggested and left the memory in unlinked and set it to 800mhz. Increased the CPU FSB to 1000 and no problems so far. However, just to confirm I wasn't loosing my mind, I pulled up CPU-Z and this is what it showed for cpu and memory speeds:


core speed 2250MHz
multiplier 9x
bus speed 250Mhz
FSB 1000Mhz

Frequency 400MHz
5 5 5 12 2T

So even though I set the memory speed to 800MHz in the bios, the actual operating frequency is half of that. I don't know why, but that's just how this motherboard does it.

Oh well, I'll work on the cpu overclock and then get the memory up to its speed after that.




Apr 3, 2007
I believe the actual ram speed is twice of what cpu-z says (due to the ddr technology). good luck on your fsb overclock



Junior Member
May 5, 2007
Thanks, that makes a lot of sense!

I ran orthos at a FSB of 1000 and it ran stable for an hour or so before I turned it off. CPU temps got up to 54C. Is that reasonable? I'm using a Thermalright 120 with no fan on it. I do however have a case fan set to blow in on the back of the case, and the PSU has a 120mm fan blowing out on the top of the case.


Apr 3, 2007
is that processor temp or core temp? your processor will start throttling at about 80C. weather 80C is considered safe is mostly a question of how long you plan to have your cpu, as higher temps will shorten lifetime. I'm happy as long as my load temps doesn't exeed 75, though I can afford to get a new cpu if it should break (even at temps that high, it should last you at least a couple years I think)

Some say you shouldn't exeed 50- some say 60. some say 70.. it's all a matter of personal preference.

I'd put a fan on that cpu heatsink. and perhaps control it with speedfan, so that is only audible when the cpu is actually producing heat..


Junior Member
May 5, 2007
That was core temp, not processor temp. I honestly don't know what the processor temp actually is. But yeah, core 1 and core 2 were registering 54C under 100% load and 44C at idle.

I need to see if I have a spare motherboard fan connector to use with the hsf. Right now I'm using 2 of them for the front case fan and rear case fan, I can't remember if there's another motherboard fan header available?

I'll report back when I get further along in my testing.



Apr 3, 2007
there are 3 connectors, however one of them is a 4 pin. I believe you can use the 4 pin connector with a 3 pin fan, have a look in the manual about how it should be connected.

if you use speed control software, the processor fan speed can be controlled independently from the chassis fans.


Junior Member
Jan 23, 2007
Well, here's the problem: No post or boot or beeps. Nothing but power to the fans and what not.

All was working fine up to today when I decided to apply some new AS5 to the CPU as I used some dried up MX-1 initially. I also decided to remove the ASUS A8N series chipset hsf which I had put on the southbridge with a passive heatsink. Everything seemed to go fine, I don't think I damaged anything, but apparently not.

Everything powers up, fans, hard drives, dvd-rw, video card fan kicks up to max speed. All normal stuff, but that's as far as it goes. I decided to remove the RAM to see if I'd get any beeps, and I still don't. I'm hoping just the motherboard is dead and not the CPU or both.

Before I buy another mobo, is there anything I can try to ensure it is? I cannot really swap parts around as no other computer in my house is DDR2 or LGA775, and I doubt my friend would be willing to tear his rig apart to test my stuff.

Thanks for any help.


Junior Member
May 5, 2007
After the last bios, I'm a bit leery to try 0602, especially when 0402 is working fine for me.

I did manage to get my overclock up to 1200MHz cpu and 800MHz memory. I did have to increase my northbridge voltage to the next step above 1.393 though. At 1.393 I couldn't get above 1050MHz. I tried increasing core voltage all the way up to 1.5V and upping the memory voltage to 2.2 and it wouldn't post. Then I tried increasing the northbridge voltage and dropping the core voltage back to 1.35, memory to 1.92 and it posts and runs just fine, up to 1200MHz.

I tried just kicking it up to 1300MHz with core voltage 1.35, memory 1.92, and NB 1.5x and it was a no go. So I just dropped the FSB back to 1200 and I'm calling it a night. No problem running PI for over an hour, or orthos for over 25 minutes. No errors on either, I just got tired of waiting

My core temps are 34C at idle according to speedfan and cpu temp is 37C according to speedfan and asus pc probe. Funny thing though, I can't get speedfan to measure my fan speeds. PC probe has no problem, though they are all below 1500rpms. Speedfan freaks out and reports them as spinning at a constant 67500rpm (I'm using 4.32 final)

I'd be interested in any tips for a higher FSB to try out tomorrow night.




Junior Member
May 9, 2007
Hello guys. I'm totaly new in this forum so hope someone here can help me. I am having big problems overclocking my e6600 on ASUS P5N-E SLI. My system is:

E6600 stock cooler
Geil PC6400 4-4-4-12 2.1v

The problem is that i cant even post my pc at 380x6. I have to reset cmos then. I have tryed with differents volt, dont know what to do anymore. Everything over 2.7ghz is unstable and fails in orthos after 3 seconds. I have tryed overclocking with these volts

vcore 1.52
NB 1.56
Memory 2.2

I run memory synched with fsb so the memory has never exceeded its max speed, cpu never exceeds 48c on full load.

My BIOS version is 0202 or something from november 2006 i think. Can it make any differents changing to other BIOS version? Are there any particular BIOS version for this motherboard that allow you to clock more then other? Please help me, i am really sad because i bought this system just for overclocking :-(

Thanks in advance


Apr 3, 2007
trpltongue: this motherboard is certified to be compatible with the new 1333MHz FSB processors without aditional chipset cooling, (though the auto setting probably bumps up the nb_vcore to make it go there.) so you're still within safe margins on your motherboard. As long as you have your ram locked at whatever it's stable at you shouldn't worry about RAM voltage.

At FSB less than 1400 your only issues should be CPU voltage and temperature, and possibly vcore voltage.

This board is known to have issues in the 1600-1800MHz area, but can do 2000MHz FSB with additional cooling.

Soultaker: upgrade to BIOS version 0402. That's the BIOS that seems to work best for most people. I haven't heard of anyone that has had better performance with a newer BIOS than 0402, although I'm running the newest one myself with no apparent problems.

Remember that your problem might be a memory hole. Try just bumping your fsb up furter and see if it helps. 400 (1600QDR) *7 works fine on my board. Also, unlink that RAM for now. I don't see any reason to use linked mode.


Junior Member
May 5, 2007

Yeah, I'm a bit stumped as to why I can't go any higher. The power supply seems to be putting out plenty of voltage for the core. I wonder though what you meant when you said:

At FSB less than 1400 your only issues should be CPU voltage and temperature, and possibly vcore voltage

I thought that vcore was cpu voltage? If that's not the case, I might need to check to see what the cpu voltage is.

I did try increasing vcore all the way up to 1.5v just to see what happens and it still wouldn't post at anything above 1200MHz. My memory is unlinked and set to 800MHz so I don't know why I can't get it to go higher. I even tried just jumping the bios up to 1300 to see if there was some memory issue at 1210 but got nowhere. I'm pretty much at a loss as to what to try next. The only thing I can think of that might be a problem is the power supply. It is an ANTEC true power 430W. It should be plenty to power this pc and I haven't seen any low power readings in pc probe so I don't *think* that's the problem.

Also, do you happen to have a speedfan setup file for your motherboard? I don't know which temperatures are what in speed fan. The HDD and Core temps are easy enough to identify but there are a half dozen others that I don't know. Also, when I go to advanced and select the chip at address 290 I don't get all of the options that Core2 listed in his guide here: Link, specifically I don't have any of the FANX divisor's.

Thanks for the help so far, I'd really love to get this thing going at a FSB of 1600, that would give me a 100% overclock with my 4300



Junior Member
May 9, 2007
trpltongue: you probably have batch "G" cpu like i have. i cant oc eather.

AMelbye: i cant find bios 0402 anywhere. i only found 0401 on asus site. did u mean 0401 maybe?


Junior Member
May 5, 2007
I don't think I have a G version, I purchased mine a few months ago before the price drop.

Have you tried unlinking your memory and setting it to 800MHz. That helped me at least get started OC'ing.


Apr 3, 2007
trpltongue: sorry, my bad. I meant nb-vcore. vcore and cpu voltage is the same thing.

To find out weather it's the motherboard or the cpu that's holding you back, set the cpu multiplyer to 6x, then turn up the FSB (1600 should be fine with a fan on the NB heatsink)

My speedfan doesn't report fan speeds correctly, as I'm missing the divisors myself. hopefully it'll be fixed in the next version. temp1: cpu, temp2:motherboard. ignore temp3 and acpi temp1. any HD temperatures can be ignored as well, as they (at leas in my case) are all over the place. Beware that all temperatures (specially core temps) are slightly wrong. So is any voltages. Software monitoring is never very accurate at all. It only gives you an idea of what's going on.

SoulTaker: sorry, I meant 0401.


Junior Member
May 5, 2007
Thanks for the tips!

Does the northbridge report it's temp? I don't currently have a fan blowing directly on it. I have an Ultra 120 heatsink with a 120mm fan blowing through it, and a front case fan blowing over my 2 HDD's and somewhat on the NB.



Apr 3, 2007
I'm pretty sure the motherboard temperature is measured somewhere away from the North bridge, so the answer to that is no. I'd stick another fan on it if it gets unstable, but it should be fine without one at least up to 1400. Probably more.


Junior Member
May 5, 2007

Just for fun last night I decided to turn my vcore to auto, so now my settings are:

Memory unlinked 800mhz (DDR)
vcore - auto (measured 1.36 in speedfan)
memory voltage - 1.92
nb voltage - 1.56
FSB - 1200 (QDR)
CPU frequency - 2.7GHz
Vid card 7600GT at 560/750 (stock)
Orthos stable
3dmark06 score of 3130

Then I figured what the heck and just jumped immediately to a FSB of 1333 (3.0GHz) and it booted up just fine. Ran Orthos for 3 hours with no errors and the core temps never rose above 59C, cpu temp never above 47C.

Memory unlinked 800mhz (DDR)
vcore - auto (measured 1.44 in speedfan)
memory voltage - 1.92
nb voltage - 1.56
FSB - 1333 (QDR)
CPU frequency - 3.0GHz
Vid card 7600GT at 560/750 (stock)
Orthos stable
3dmark06 score of 3190

I then tried to jump up to FSB of 1400Mhz and it posted, but windows crashed during loading, then after reboot it crashed when loading in safe mode. I switched back to 1333Mhz and everything was fine. I'm leaving it there for a while to see how temps and stability look. In the meantime, I decided to give it a go at overclocking my video card. I have a silent pipe 7600GT with stock speeds of 560/750 core/mem. I figured a 10% overclock seemed reasonable for the core so I set it to 620/750. I got a 600 point jump in 3dmark06! It seems that video card overclocking has a much larger impact on 3dmark scores. It makes sense, but I didn't realize how big of a difference there was.

Memory unlinked 800mhz (DDR)
vcore - auto (measured 1.44 in speedfan)
memory voltage - 1.92
nb voltage - 1.56
FSB - 1333 (QDR)
CPU frequency - 3.0GHz
Vid card 7600GT at 620/750 (mild overclock)
Orthos stable
3dmark06 score of 3770


Junior Member
May 13, 2007
My first OC attempt (minor at that) and I got an error in Orthose after 9 hours. I felt it was pretty stable so I pushed it some more and got it to 3.1 and it booted fine and ran in Orthos for 10 mins..then the next morning it wouldn't post and when i forced it to continue i got the BSOD. Am I doing something wrong? I started with all the settings from page 92. THANKS!

2:Test 2, 1000 Lucas-Lehmer iterations of M67060287 using 3584K FFT length.
1:FATAL ERROR: Rounding was 0.5, expected less than 0.4
1:Hardware failure detected, consult stress.txt file.
1:Torture Test ran 9 hours, 23 minutes 6 seconds - 1 errors, 0 warnings.
1:Execution halted.

2:Torture Test ran 9 hours, 23 minutes 6 seconds - 0 errors, 0 warnings.
2:Execution halted.

E6600 Core Speed 2.8
Voltage 1.392
FSBRAM 11:14
In Bios set my Mem voltage to 2.1+

In SpeedFan: (Only volt i know is the Vcore1...not sure what the others are)
Vcore1: 1.39V
Vcore2: 3.26V
+3.3V: 0V
+5V 4.87V
+12V 11.97V
-12V: -16.72V
-5V: -8.48V
+5V 4.92V
Vbat: 3.14



Platinum Member
Jun 26, 2000
Ive had this board installed for about 48 hrs. and am attempting to get Vista Ultimate installed.

Every single time it trips up on completing installation, and just hangs at 75%.

What is the magic combination of bios enabled/disabled settings to get this board to complete the vista installation. My laptop had absolutely 0 problems with this task during RC1-2.

I have 2 seagate sata 7200.10 drives and ocz memory. I have NEVER seen so many issues with vista as I have with the latest attempted install. It looks like disabling the 2.0 usb controller has some effect as the vista icon starts turning. and then it says hardware error. unable to recover in a messenger box.

i am running 0602 bios (Yes I tried 0410 as well) with a e6420, 8600GTS silentpipe III, onboard audio, corsair 520W p/s

Someone please chime in as this is getting the best of me. ive tried vista drivers on nvidias website, asus and even the beta drivers on the cd for the sata.

There are a lot of sata options in the bios. J-something, regular sata 1-4, ide, spread spectrum etc. Ive read 92 but that didnt help with my vista issues. Ive googled my issues to death, and while there is a lot of speculation, nothing has prevailed the ever ending completing installation or if i hard reset it the everending knight ridger animation.

Thanks in advance
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