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Oct 30, 2008
I wouldn't even rush BKB on Luna or Sven. Luna, I'd get Helm to help me stack jungle with the creep so I can farm faster. Sven, I'd probably try and get Blink, but I don't play Sven as a carry; more of a ganker / initiator roll. BKB is a must in almost any game though unless you are a support.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
It's not a question of bkb or linkins. You can make both, they stack fine, there is no redundancy.

I simply believe that linkin's is a generally strong good item, which is apparently a minority view. Anyway, here is my whole thought process, probably TL;DR for many but I am bored at work so I am going to write it out anyway. I'm not trying to rekindle the argument, I know the majority view and I'm not going to try to change it, I just feel like putting my thoughts into text.

Maybe my medium games aren't up to the measure of a high or very high game, but this is typically how they play out.

Game start, I buy some initial items, which normally need to include regen/sustain items. Obviously this depends on hero, lane, and role.

Anyway, it's fairly often some combination of circlet, gauntlets of strength (if I am planning on making an urn or drums later), slippers of agi, ring of protection, ring of regeneration, a basic courier, tango, salve, clarity potion, and/or stout shield.

However, in an all random game or a game in which I choose to random, I'll also consider a Ring of Health is a viable start. Since I prefer to play all random, this occurs a lot more often than not. Now maybe this right here is where I'll get called a noob, maybe RoH first item is considered bad and terrible, but it works for me. Against a balanced lane, it gives me a huge edge because I can harrass and trade blows but I will regenerate through the damage much faster than my lane enemy, and eventually I can push them out or kill them. In an inbalanced lane in my favor, it just solidifies the domination. And in an inbalanced lane against my favor, it lets me hang out and at least get a few last hits and some xp instead of being completely dominated and forced back and denied all game. In my general experience, RoH as a first item with random gold is perfectly viable and even a good choice in many games.

So, I start with a RoH. If things are really rough and it's not enough to cover my needs I'll buy a tango or two and have the courier send it down while laning, but that isn't usually necessary. The game goes on, and I farm gold as well as I can. Start RoH, base boots are usually my next purchase, and then upgraded boots. I often go tranquility boots (which are eventually disasembled to upgrade into treads or travel) when I do not start RoH, but with RoH I can go straight to powertreads. This saves a little bit of gold because I don't lose gold on reselling the tranquility boots parts.

From here, my next purchase depends on the game. If I am not being pressured at all, but I could use more mana regen, as is the case with most heroes, I will buy a voidstone to finish perseverance. 875 gold for 10 damage isn't a great value, but given the mana regen as well and saving a valuable item slot, I like to get it when I can. The doubled mana regen can make a huge difference for some heroes, allowing farm or harass via spells twice as often.

Other possibility, if the lane is kinda tough, and if the enemy team has a lot of busty damage, I will often go for a cheap item first. Bracer into drums, or gauntlets into an urn, or wraith band into ring of aquila, or start building oblivion staves if i am playing an int carry or semi-carry or a clinkz.

In any case, I will almost always eventually upgrade the roh into a perseverance, unless the game dictates that mana is unimportant (kotl on my team, I happen to be playing a hero with no real mana issues).

Most games, at this point, are turning into constant ganks and as towers start to fall sitting in lane becomes nonviable. Because of this, I don't usually go for a damage item right away. On the other hand, farming up 2100 gold for an ultimate orb, without dying, can be tough. If there is a viable strong item for my hero that is made up of cheaper parts, I'll probably build it next. If not, or if I have a great farming game and can farm up 2100 gold fast without playing too risk, I'll go ahead and buy the ultimate orb right off.

At this point, it's basically a no-brainer. If an ultimate orb is worth 2100 gold, then the upgrade to linkin's sphere is a god damn bargain at only 1350gold, considering it gives you a full half the stats of the ultimate orb, and gives you a minor 1 hp regen and 25% mana regen, and gives you spellblock every 17 seconds. And, crucially, it does this all in one slot. The stats alone are nearly worth the price, when you do the math you can see the spellblock ability is basically being handed to you for free.

To me, it's a great next item after getting the basics, because it's giving some good damage, a lot of hp, a ton of regen, and the various benefits from having stats (mana & regen, hp already mentioned, 2 armor, 15 attack speed).

I wouldn't make linkin's if I didn't need more hp (but I almost always want hp).

I wouldn't make it if I didn't need a roh or perseverence early game (but I often start my build with that, in all random).

I wouldn't make linkin's if the enemy team had no targeted spells (but does that ever happen?).

I won't make a linkin's if the game goes so poorly that farming up an ultimate orb isn't even viable before losing because the enemy team is so fed (but then the game is lost no matter what items I build, so it's irrelevant).

If I go with a lifesteal build, and don't really need any hp regen for sustain, I'd avoid going with a linkin's.

If I am playing single draft or random draft and don't get to start with the randomed gold, I'll often not build towards a linkin's just because I have to start with other sustain other than a RoH.

If the game demands a bkb, I'll build a bkb... and a linkin's. I feel the items compliment each other perfectly, do not overlap, and even the cooldown of linkin's is almost perfect to match with a bkb. you engage, linkin's blocks a spell is your signal to activate bkb, you fight, bkb runs out, and after a few more seconds linkin's is back online and ready to block something else.

If an enemy has an easily spammed nuke that can "counter" my linkin's... i'll still build it. I don't understand this argument against LS. If the enemy team is going to purposely waste a nuke that would nearly deal 200-300 damage just to put my LS on cooldown, I consider that an awesome bonus. Talk about mek being good for healing 250hp every 45 seconds, absorbing a 200+dmg nuke every 17 seconds for linkin sphere is even better.

In summary, I feel like dota items need to cover a few things- you need some regen (both hp and mana), you need some hp to avoid being burst down, you need some mana so you can cast your full range of spells without running out mid fight, and damage/armor/attack speed are all nice little bonuses. Linkin's sphere just fills all the basic needs for almost every hero, the only thing it really lacks is a good initiation like you can get from a blink dagger or force staff. It's not as much damage as a pure damage item, it's not as much hp as a heart, it's not as much magic avoidance as a bkb, and it's not as much regen as a bloodstone- but it provides all those bonuses at the same time at a cheap price all in one slot.

I like it.
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Jan 2, 2011
You can spare me the ridicule, use logic please, not dogma.

I have seen plenty of players build linkin's sphere in The International and similar tournaments, so I am not sure what you are talking about how it's a casual only item. If it's a good enough item for Na'Vi, I think I'll keep building them.

Anyway, if it *is* a strong item in my Elo skill level, I'd be stupid not to build it, even if it turns out to be weaker at the highest levels, so I'm not sure what your point is. Even if it was bad at the highest skill levels (which I disagree with), that isn't a valid reason to stop building it at lower skill levels.

>I mean... you just argued Linken as first item after boots. What in the... how do I even begin...

That isn't exactly what I said. I said that the parts used to make a linkin's cover your sustain and regen needs, so you could easily make one as your first item without being completely crippled and worthless in the early game. This is based on my choice to play all-random primarily, in which case you can begin the game with a roh before lane.

It doesn't really matter what other item you throw in there, the equation is about the same. If you want to buy an extra weapon you can, it'll delay your bkb the exact same as it would delay a linkin's, except the linkin's build will have free sustain without needing to buy other dedicated sustain items.

Bkb is a great item, and needed to counter some teams, but I still think it's a horrible value.

Spending 4k gold for 10 strength and some damage is really a terrible value, for example in a straight auto-attack fight two identical heroes- one with a helm of the dominator, other with a bkb. The helm of the dom hero wins, even though the bkb cost twice as much. Bkb is really *only* useful for it's activate, and then it is only useful for a few seconds once a minute.

While linkin's sphere can be "countered" (I still think there is value in forcing an enemy to waste a force staff usage or whatever), it is still giving the benefit of 5 more strength, 15 agility, 15 intellect, as well as regen, over a bkb, for a small cost of effectively zero more gold.

Linkens is good on heroes that need to avoid a long BKB piercing disable like Beastmaster Ult/Bane Ult/etc. however still need to soak up damage for their team. That's the main reason why it was taken on someone like Naga Siren; she's meant to tank for her team with Linkens/Heart, but she still needs to avoid long lasting disables which predominantly go through BKB. That being said, it is a very situational competitive item. More often times than not BKB is a superior item in most high level games. Not to mention, in competitive games, most games are decided in the midgame where you can afford BKB, but can't afford Linkens.

Using pub statistics means nothing; if you were using pub statistics that would mean heroes that take high skill like QoP are completely garbage. The reason why it looks that way is because most people are terrible at QoP because the hero takes high skill and awareness to use, something about 95% of the population lacks.


Oct 30, 2008
If an enemy has an easily spammed nuke that can "counter" my linkin's... i'll still build it. I don't understand this argument against LS. If the enemy team is going to purposely waste a nuke that would nearly deal 200-300 damage just to put my LS on cooldown, I consider that an awesome bonus. Talk about mek being good for healing 250hp every 45 seconds, absorbing a 200+dmg nuke every 17 seconds for linkin sphere is even better.

Here is the problem. They aren't going to generally use a nuke to remove your Linkin's unless they have to, and then it will be the lowest damage nuke. Getting Linkin's against a team with a Bristleback would be a complete waste of money. Plenty of other heroes also have abilities that are low enough mana cost or can be wasted.

Your thinking is sort of linear, and that is understandable. As you get better, you start to incorporate a lot more thought into builds.

Another thing, I would advise against breaking apart items to sell them unless you need the slot and have the gold for a better one. Selling your wand for butterfly would be a great move. Breaking up your tranquil boots for power treads, is a complete waste of money. Just go with power treads or tranquil boots.


Mar 4, 2011
However, in an all random game or a game in which I choose to random, I'll also consider a Ring of Health is a viable start. Since I prefer to play all random, this occurs a lot more often than not. Now maybe this right here is where I'll get called a noob, maybe RoH first item is considered bad and terrible, but it works for me.

Are we getting trolled?

What are you exactly saying here- what is your definition of 'viable'? I was smurfing couple months ago and made Mask of Madness on Jakiro and carried the game (no joke). That item was 'viable' by your definition. It allowed me to lifesteal, chase, and nuke constantly.

If you aren't good and like playing what works on low levels, that's fine. You are basically saying anything works because you are bad and your games are bad. Then what is your point?

Don't roll up in here arguing what is good and not good when you're trapped in the low level environment. I'm telling you. You just don't get it.


Oct 30, 2008
Are we getting trolled?

What are you exactly saying here- what is your definition of 'viable'? I was smurfing couple months ago and made Mask of Madness on Jakiro and carried the game (no joke). That item was 'viable' by your definition. It allowed me to lifesteal, chase, and nuke constantly.

If you aren't good and like playing what works on low levels, that's fine. You are basically saying anything works because you are bad and your games are bad. Then what is your point?

Don't roll up in here arguing what is good and not good when you're trapped in the low level environment. I'm telling you. You just don't get it.

I am pretty sure Dagon is good on every hero. No exceptions. >_<


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001
Linken's is (generally) bad because regen is mostly useless because most of the time you just need enough hp/mana to use all your spells once in a fight. If you're a spam caster, well, you're better off spending that 500 gold more on a sheepstick, or more quickly cranking out a Eul's or Orchid for a greater mana pool and more regen and more utility. But a nice mix of regen and stats is super helpful for laning! you say. Well, how much are you laning are you actually doing by the time you complete a Linken's?

The item really only makes sense in cases like natram said or maybe if they have a couple single target stuns and little else.


Senior member
Jun 8, 2005
It's not a question of bkb or linkins. You can make both, they stack fine, there is no redundancy.

I simply believe that linkin's is a generally strong good item, which is apparently a minority view. Anyway, here is my whole thought process, probably TL;DR for many but I am bored at work so I am going to write it out anyway. I'm not trying to rekindle the argument, I know the majority view and I'm not going to try to change it, I just feel like putting my thoughts into text.

Maybe my medium games aren't up to the measure of a high or very high game, but this is typically how they play out.

Game start, I buy some initial items, which normally need to include regen/sustain items. Obviously this depends on hero, lane, and role.

Anyway, it's fairly often some combination of circlet, gauntlets of strength (if I am planning on making an urn or drums later), slippers of agi, ring of protection, ring of regeneration, a basic courier, tango, salve, clarity potion, and/or stout shield.

However, in an all random game or a game in which I choose to random, I'll also consider a Ring of Health is a viable start. Since I prefer to play all random, this occurs a lot more often than not. Now maybe this right here is where I'll get called a noob, maybe RoH first item is considered bad and terrible, but it works for me. Against a balanced lane, it gives me a huge edge because I can harrass and trade blows but I will regenerate through the damage much faster than my lane enemy, and eventually I can push them out or kill them. In an inbalanced lane in my favor, it just solidifies the domination. And in an inbalanced lane against my favor, it lets me hang out and at least get a few last hits and some xp instead of being completely dominated and forced back and denied all game. In my general experience, RoH as a first item with random gold is perfectly viable and even a good choice in many games.

So, I start with a RoH. If things are really rough and it's not enough to cover my needs I'll buy a tango or two and have the courier send it down while laning, but that isn't usually necessary. The game goes on, and I farm gold as well as I can. Start RoH, base boots are usually my next purchase, and then upgraded boots. I often go tranquility boots (which are eventually disasembled to upgrade into treads or travel) when I do not start RoH, but with RoH I can go straight to powertreads. This saves a little bit of gold because I don't lose gold on reselling the tranquility boots parts.

From here, my next purchase depends on the game. If I am not being pressured at all, but I could use more mana regen, as is the case with most heroes, I will buy a voidstone to finish perseverance. 875 gold for 10 damage isn't a great value, but given the mana regen as well and saving a valuable item slot, I like to get it when I can. The doubled mana regen can make a huge difference for some heroes, allowing farm or harass via spells twice as often.

Other possibility, if the lane is kinda tough, and if the enemy team has a lot of busty damage, I will often go for a cheap item first. Bracer into drums, or gauntlets into an urn, or wraith band into ring of aquila, or start building oblivion staves if i am playing an int carry or semi-carry or a clinkz.

In any case, I will almost always eventually upgrade the roh into a perseverance, unless the game dictates that mana is unimportant (kotl on my team, I happen to be playing a hero with no real mana issues).

Most games, at this point, are turning into constant ganks and as towers start to fall sitting in lane becomes nonviable. Because of this, I don't usually go for a damage item right away. On the other hand, farming up 2100 gold for an ultimate orb, without dying, can be tough. If there is a viable strong item for my hero that is made up of cheaper parts, I'll probably build it next. If not, or if I have a great farming game and can farm up 2100 gold fast without playing too risk, I'll go ahead and buy the ultimate orb right off.

At this point, it's basically a no-brainer. If an ultimate orb is worth 2100 gold, then the upgrade to linkin's sphere is a god damn bargain at only 1350gold, considering it gives you a full half the stats of the ultimate orb, and gives you a minor 1 hp regen and 25% mana regen, and gives you spellblock every 17 seconds. And, crucially, it does this all in one slot. The stats alone are nearly worth the price, when you do the math you can see the spellblock ability is basically being handed to you for free.

To me, it's a great next item after getting the basics, because it's giving some good damage, a lot of hp, a ton of regen, and the various benefits from having stats (mana & regen, hp already mentioned, 2 armor, 15 attack speed).

I wouldn't make linkin's if I didn't need more hp (but I almost always want hp).

I wouldn't make it if I didn't need a roh or perseverence early game (but I often start my build with that, in all random).

I wouldn't make linkin's if the enemy team had no targeted spells (but does that ever happen?).

I won't make a linkin's if the game goes so poorly that farming up an ultimate orb isn't even viable before losing because the enemy team is so fed (but then the game is lost no matter what items I build, so it's irrelevant).

If I go with a lifesteal build, and don't really need any hp regen for sustain, I'd avoid going with a linkin's.

If I am playing single draft or random draft and don't get to start with the randomed gold, I'll often not build towards a linkin's just because I have to start with other sustain other than a RoH.

If the game demands a bkb, I'll build a bkb... and a linkin's. I feel the items compliment each other perfectly, do not overlap, and even the cooldown of linkin's is almost perfect to match with a bkb. you engage, linkin's blocks a spell is your signal to activate bkb, you fight, bkb runs out, and after a few more seconds linkin's is back online and ready to block something else.

If an enemy has an easily spammed nuke that can "counter" my linkin's... i'll still build it. I don't understand this argument against LS. If the enemy team is going to purposely waste a nuke that would nearly deal 200-300 damage just to put my LS on cooldown, I consider that an awesome bonus. Talk about mek being good for healing 250hp every 45 seconds, absorbing a 200+dmg nuke every 17 seconds for linkin sphere is even better.

In summary, I feel like dota items need to cover a few things- you need some regen (both hp and mana), you need some hp to avoid being burst down, you need some mana so you can cast your full range of spells without running out mid fight, and damage/armor/attack speed are all nice little bonuses. Linkin's sphere just fills all the basic needs for almost every hero, the only thing it really lacks is a good initiation like you can get from a blink dagger or force staff. It's not as much damage as a pure damage item, it's not as much hp as a heart, it's not as much magic avoidance as a bkb, and it's not as much regen as a bloodstone- but it provides all those bonuses at the same time at a cheap price all in one slot.

I like it.

I think this is more of playing against lesser opponents than it is of LS being a great item. Any half decent opponent against you with ROH as first item will outlane you. Sure, ROH can keep you in lane, but you'll be driven back to the safety of your tower while the creep equilibrium is close to his. At that point, you're better off going back to your base and disappear off the map anyways. At least give your other lanes an advantage by making the other opponents fear a gank.


Mar 4, 2011
Please show up in lane with Ring of Health and 500hp.

Same mirror hero, I'll show up with same gold spent on items that would near double your hp/mp/dmg with tango/potion.

See who wins. You'll either be bursted to death or driven out of lane (outlaned).


Diamond Member
Dec 27, 2001
Gotta be a team player and go old DotA 1 pubby EM mode and buy a headdress at start.


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
Please show up in lane with Ring of Health and 500hp.

Same mirror hero, I'll show up with same gold spent on items that would near double your hp/mp/dmg with tango/potion.

See who wins. You'll either be bursted to death or driven out of lane (outlaned).

Come on now, who is trolling? What items are going to get to double damage (+45 damage?) hp (+400 hp) and mana (+200 mana?) at level 1?

Best case scenario with starting is something like a wraith band or equivalent + 4 branches + youlr tango OR potion. Which is a grand total of +9 damage, 133 hp, and like 91 mana.

It's a far cry from what you claimed, and for it to be relevant, for example, you would need to land a harassing autoattack every 2 seconds or your whole bonus is simply lost because the RoH outregens your bonus damage. I might be a "noob" or a "bad player" according to you, but even I know enough to avoid letting my opponent last hit me at will constantly. Even a brief 10-15 second gap between harassing shots and the RoH outperforms all alternatives.

For the cost of a ring of health, you could instead by 9 tangos. Are you really that bad at math that you think 7hp/sec for 2.5 minutes is better than 5hp/sec for infinite minutes? If your laning phase is so harsh that you are chain tangoing, you will be out of tangos in the first couple of minutes and lose, and that is given an absurd all-tango build. I can simply step back with my ring of health and regen for a little longer while saving the gold. Or for a build like what you actually mentioned, the tango only outperforms RoH for the first 48 seconds before you used all your charges, since you are spending so much money to "double" my damage.

Mr. Pedantic

Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2010
Very time-consuming though...

I'm assuming you're supposed to play 10 of the first OM ones, then 5 of the second, then 10 vs bots, and 5 vs humans...

Mr. Pedantic

Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2010
Come on now, who is trolling? What items are going to get to double damage (+45 damage?) hp (+400 hp) and mana (+200 mana?) at level 1?

Best case scenario with starting is something like a wraith band or equivalent + 4 branches + youlr tango OR potion. Which is a grand total of +9 damage, 133 hp, and like 91 mana.

It's a far cry from what you claimed, and for it to be relevant, for example, you would need to land a harassing autoattack every 2 seconds or your whole bonus is simply lost because the RoH outregens your bonus damage. I might be a "noob" or a "bad player" according to you, but even I know enough to avoid letting my opponent last hit me at will constantly. Even a brief 10-15 second gap between harassing shots and the RoH outperforms all alternatives.

For the cost of a ring of health, you could instead by 9 tangos. Are you really that bad at math that you think 7hp/sec for 2.5 minutes is better than 5hp/sec for infinite minutes? If your laning phase is so harsh that you are chain tangoing, you will be out of tangos in the first couple of minutes and lose, and that is given an absurd all-tango build. I can simply step back with my ring of health and regen for a little longer while saving the gold. Or for a build like what you actually mentioned, the tango only outperforms RoH for the first 48 seconds before you used all your charges, since you are spending so much money to "double" my damage.

Just so we're on the same page, you're talking about a Ring of Health, right? A 875g item that gives you a passive +5HP/s regen?


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
Just so we're on the same page, you're talking about a Ring of Health, right? A 875g item that gives you a passive +5HP/s regen?

Yes. Totally open to debate about it in a logical manner, I just don't find Zeze's dogma helpful.

This is one case where you can't really claim "but pro players don't do it!" because AFAIK, no pro players pick a random hero for the increased starting gold, it's not even possible in captain's mode.

As I understand it, zeze's counter argument seems to be that without the bonus hp and damage of base early game items, you may get instant-ganked and your damage will be too low to hold the lane pushed.

Logically, I find that absurd, because hero hp differential is already greater than the potential difference in hp due to starting items. As a base example, wraith band + 4 branches is 7 strength, or 133 hp.

If a 133hp difference will make or break your early game, then I supposse Centaur Warrunner should always beat a Puck, given that Centaur has a full 152 higher starting hp.

My point is, that small of an hp difference shouldn't make or break the game, or else a lot of heroes which are indeed played in competitive pro games would not be viable.

That said, even I might skip the RoH if I was playing a hero on the absolute lowest hp end. But you can't logically argue that, for example, my 625 hp axe + roh is easier to burst down than a 625 hp venomancer (base hp + wraith band + 4 branches = 625 hp), it just doesn't logically hold up.

Now, there is the argument that the lack of damage is a big deal, but again it doesn't make much sense to me. At best you might be getting a bonus of +10 damage, which is nice, but to counteract a 5hp/sec RoH you need to be landing an autoattack every 2 seconds. I don't find that very realistic, and if you *can* harras that often, you will just as quickly send a conventional starting item+tango player back to heal and/or kill them, it's not like a unique problem of the RoH start.


Mar 4, 2011
Oh boy, this guy. Seriously seriously delusional.

Why don't I show you? We both start with 853 gold. Let's take SF for example. Here's my source off the bat.

-Show up with Ring of Health (875g) and 0 stats. 435 hp, 38 damage, 1.8 armor, 234 mana. You can't even buy RoH at first, you have to wait and miss the creep block. I'll even magically get rid of that handicap and say you had 875g from start.

- Wraith Band (485g), 1 Tango (90g), 1 Salve (100g), 2 branches (106), with whopping 72 gold left over for that much faster Bottle (2 free creeps).

- That's +5 str, +8 agility, +5 int, +3 dmg (+11 dmg total for agility hero) with 7.1875 HP/sec over 48 seconds (1 set of 3 tangos), AND 400 HP burst heal over 10 seconds (salve).

- My SF at level 1 will have: 530 hp, 49 damage, 2.9 armor, 299 mana, a whole +0.13 sec of faster attack speed.

That's a difference of 95 hp or 21% more than you. Here we go.

1. Even before we start, I've already begun the game with 2 creeps ahead (leftover gold) & I've already dealt 3 auto attacks to you (+95 hp) that you will NEVER recover.

2. Your atrocious, atrocious damage of 38 will even get the pros to have a hard time landing first few last hits. I will comfortably skyrocket with starting key last hits & denies which will exponentially pay off in snowballing.

3. We trade 3 harassment hits. You take 49 x 3 damage - 10.7% reduction (1.8 armor) = 147 - 15.141 (armor) = 132 damage taken.

4. I take 38 x 3 damage - 15.3% reduction (2.9 armor) = 114 damage - 17.442 (armor) = 96 damage taken.

5. I came out with 36 more damage on top (132 - 96) AND your naked SF already have 303 HP left out of 435. I have 434 HP left out of 530 HP. Just at level 1 and 3 hits, I have 134 more HP than you out of your 303. That is NEAR DOUBLE your HP.

6. You are already outlaned. Few hits and you're scared as hell. Your inventory has nothing but 1 lonely RoH at 5 hp/sec. I pop a tango out of 3, and I'm already healing at 7.17hp/sec. About 50% faster healing than you. You are outmatched in every way imaginable. With you pathetic 38 base damage, you WILL whiff lots of precious last hits. I will comfortably deny your XP AND get more souls which will give me +4 to +6 damage comfortably. That's another HUGE snowballing gap.

7. You realize it's not just having +96 hp. I deal more damage than you, take less damage than you, heal faster than you, have more max HP than you. You are outmatched in 5 different ways from top to bottom, left and right... with SAME GOLD

[Did you think I was 'trolling' I said all the stats add up to near double your dumb naked hero?]

8. By level 2 (only 30-40 seconds elapsed), you have already lost mid unless I make a dumb mistake. You are outlaned, outzoned and licking your wound with your pathetic lone 5 HP/sec regen. If I go aggressive and trade hits to red hp, you have NOTHING- go home or afk heal at tower... at 5 HP/sec. I have 400 HP Salve for burst heal. I'm back in action in no time with full HP.

8. I'm already 3-5 last hits ahead by third wave. And outdenied you. Remember I had 72g from start? I'm running away to Bottle while you are still short 300-400 gold. Now the game is 100% lost. A 30 second to 1 minute earlier Bottle = you are done. I'm drinking it, and translate that to more damages. I now have Wraith Band, 2 Tangos, & Bottle. You have... Ring of Health. lol.

I can show it to you in practice 1v1. Pick any other excuse of a scenario with ANY OTHER heroes (slark, SD, Jugg, you name it). That stupid Ring of Health will get you utterly CRUSHED.

See, there's nothing wrong with new players. Dota 2 is all about having fun and learning. But you are ignorant, and your attitude is terrible. People have taken great lengths to explain thoroughly why your line of thinking is flawed. You stay ignorant because all you know is the absolute bottom tier pubs. Even at medium level, the game becomes a totally different ballpark. You can't even begin to fathom how ignorant you are if you think RoH naked is a good start or argue why Linkens is superior and how BKB is a 'bad value'.

Just awful.

No more talk. We've written paragraphs for you. You'll just have to see it in practice to learn how terrible your thinking is. Pick any hero and I'll play it vs your RoH. Mid or side lane.
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Mr. Pedantic

Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2010
Yes. Totally open to debate about it in a logical manner, I just don't find Zeze's dogma helpful.

This is one case where you can't really claim "but pro players don't do it!" because AFAIK, no pro players pick a random hero for the increased starting gold, it's not even possible in captain's mode.

As I understand it, zeze's counter argument seems to be that without the bonus hp and damage of base early game items, you may get instant-ganked and your damage will be too low to hold the lane pushed.

Logically, I find that absurd, because hero hp differential is already greater than the potential difference in hp due to starting items. As a base example, wraith band + 4 branches is 7 strength, or 133 hp.

If a 133hp difference will make or break your early game, then I supposse Centaur Warrunner should always beat a Puck, given that Centaur has a full 152 higher starting hp.

My point is, that small of an hp difference shouldn't make or break the game, or else a lot of heroes which are indeed played in competitive pro games would not be viable.

That said, even I might skip the RoH if I was playing a hero on the absolute lowest hp end. But you can't logically argue that, for example, my 625 hp axe + roh is easier to burst down than a 625 hp venomancer (base hp + wraith band + 4 branches = 625 hp), it just doesn't logically hold up.

Now, there is the argument that the lack of damage is a big deal, but again it doesn't make much sense to me. At best you might be getting a bonus of +10 damage, which is nice, but to counteract a 5hp/sec RoH you need to be landing an autoattack every 2 seconds. I don't find that very realistic, and if you *can* harras that often, you will just as quickly send a conventional starting item+tango player back to heal and/or kill them, it's not like a unique problem of the RoH start.
1) No, that is NOT what he is saying. All the heroes in Dota are supposed to be balanced, and that balancing includes starting HP, mana, armor, damage, etc. If a hero has a lower starting HP, it means that that hero is stronger in other areas of the game - in Venomancer's case, he has one of the best slows in the game. The idea that HP is the only consideration here is simply absurd.

Granted, Venomancer is well known as one of the squishiest heroes in Dota. But that's because if he had the HP of a Doom, he'd be insta-pick because his abilities make up for the HP he naturally has.

2) 133HP may make or break your early game. It's an extra 27% of your HP (if you're starting with Veno again) - it's absolutely massive.

3) A wraith band + 4 branches gives you other things - for a Veno (again), it gives 91 mana, 10 attack speed, 1.43 armor, and 13 damage. This may not sound like much, but it's incredibly useful - if you look, Venomancer's Q ability, the Gale, takes 125 mana to cast. That means that a base Venomancer will waste over half his mana on casting this. If he casts it once, he will not be able to cast it again. Whereas if he had the aforementioned stat items, he would be able to. It's also an extra 28% damage, a better last hitting animation, and extra survivability from armor - if you work it out, the effective HP of a base venomancer is 583, whereas the extra stats items makes it 794 - almost 100 more than an Axe.

4) I don't know what people playing at your skill bracket do, but I harass for a very specific purpose - to burn through regen. If someone has a ring of health, I'll simply skip that and wait until I have a shot at killing you. This means that you'll stay at close to full HP...until suddenly you've been chain-stunned and given up first blood. And if you don't die, because you don't have a salve, you'll either stay in lane with 100-200HP waiting for me to land a nuke and kill you, or you'll have to leave the lane anyway. 5HP/s is a lot early game, but it's never fast enough when you're only 25% health.

5) It's better in Dota to keep the lane pulled as close to your tower as possible. Again, I don't know what people in your skill bracket do, but people do gank in my games, and the only time you're even moderately safe is where you can see your own tower. Pushing the lane out is great and all, and it harasses down the towers quickly, but it leaves you open to all manner of dangers and you're far from the safety of your own tower.

Just face it. You're wrong here.


Mar 4, 2011
I can't WAIT to see how he replies to my post about RoH vs real items.

But in a typical internet arguing fashion, he'll never admit he's wrong. He'll either:

a) Change his initial argument

b) Bring up some further flawed logic which has been already addressed

c) Don't reply

I mean seriously RoH start? That's some pure 2007 Garena/Bnet Dota 1 garbage days. People still do that in Dota 2? And he's actually arguing that it's superior??? Wtf????


Diamond Member
Nov 14, 2003
That's a difference of 95 hp or 21% more than you. Here we go.

[Did you think I was 'trolling' I said all the stats add up to near double your dumb naked hero?]
double your hp/mp/dmg

Unless you are using some new-age math, 21% more isn't even close to double. Thus, you were vastly overestimating and/or blatantly lying, which many refer to as "trolling".

3. We trade 3 harassment hits. You take 49 x 3 damage - 10.7% reduction (1.8 armor) = 147 - 15.141 (armor) = 132 damage taken.

4. I take 38 x 3 damage - 15.3% reduction (2.9 armor) = 114 damage - 17.442 (armor) = 96 damage taken.

5. I came out with 36 more damage on top (132 - 96) AND your naked SF already have 303 HP left out of 435. I have 434 HP left out of 530 HP. Just at level 1 and 3 hits, I have 134 more HP than you out of your 303. That's 44% MORE.

Nope, you messed up the math, again. SF base level 1 attack speed is 1.42 seconds per swing. In the time it takes to trade 3 autoattacks, in a row, I regen 21 more hp than you, due to the RoH. That 36 more damage is shrunk down to a more modest 15 more damage. Something, sure, but if you hesitate a mere 3 seconds, or last hit a couple minions, that advantage is erased or worse, reversed.

Now, you can absolutely use your tangos, but that only applies to the first 48 seconds. After that, sure you can buy more, but guess what? Having a RoH doesn't prevent use of the courier, I too can buy and use additional tangos or salves or even buy some other basic items.

7. You realize it's not just having +96 hp. I deal more damage than you, take less damage than you, heal faster than you, have more max HP than you. You are outmatched in 5 different ways from top to bottom, left and right... with SAME GOLD[/B]

For up to 48 seconds, and then you are out of tangos. You are comparing a consumable to a permanent item as if the duration of the consumable isn't a factor. It is.

You can't even begin to fathom how ignorant you are if you think RoH naked is a good start or argue why Linkens is superior and how BKB is a 'bad value'.

Just awful.

No more talk. We've written paragraphs for you. You'll just have to see it in practice to learn how terrible your thinking is. Pick any hero and I'll play it vs your RoH. Mid or side lane.

Mainly, I have *actually used* a RoH as a first item and done well with it. You, know, actually playing the game. I don't always play all-random, so I do plenty of other initial item builds, and I don't feel outclassed at all when I play RoH first, in practice.

Secondarily, up until this post, your reasoning has been "it sucks" "noobs use it" and similar useless trash talk. I'm glad you finally tried to explain why it's bad using actual logic and facts instead of useless dogma, but I hope you can see the flaws in your argument above.

And no, I'm not going to 1v1 you.


Mar 4, 2011
I'm done.

You've been pointed out time and time again that RoH and other terrible items 'only work' because you're surrounded by equally terribly players. I even brought out how casuals outnumber this game (or any game). And Linken's higher winrate @ dotabuff and how almost NO ONE buys them at high tier are the proof that they are only 'good' at bottom tier. It's the same reason why that terrible old Treant with aura had the highest winrate.

You've conveniently ignored all of those- not even a bleep. I've even laid out step-by-step how you would be crushed with a naked RoH.

I've brought up multiple sources to back up my statement with thorough logic. Never have I once said, "It's gud becuz proz get it herp derp." That was your mind's defense mechanism making crap up to protect yourself.

This isn't even a proper debate- not a SINGLE person has agreed with you about Linkens because you just don't get it. And now you troll us with RoH- a universal sign of being terribly bad since Dota 1 in 2006~.

Let me get it through your thick skull point blank. RoH sucks and Linkens sucks. It only works for YOU because you are bad and your games are bad. This was independently pointed out to you by various people here. Move up slightly more, you'll quickly realize how trash it is.

Then you changed your initial point by saying, "It works for ME so it's fine." (Remember, then I brought up my MoM Jakiro to ridicule your blatant ignorance?)

Hopefully you will open your eyes. And as I've said before- you go back and laugh at yourself for thinking this bad few years down the road. You are bad. And your thinking is bad. No one is agreeing with you because you are objectively bad.

I'm done.
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