The unofficial Dota 2 thread + complete instructions for new players! [FREE INVITES]

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Senior member
Feb 1, 2012
He has 3 stuns, one is the bash the other two are spells. BKB used to protect against his spell-based stuns, but it was changed in 2012 and doesn't really do anything anymore.

bkb saves you from his ulti. m not sure about this but i think his stun when he charge is actually bash so we still get bashed e1 when bkb or repel on.

i normally try to get ghost if bara is too fat, after he ulties i use ghost and tp out .

bkb is not counter to bara, he is some of the heroes who can counter magic immunity also naix's rage.

as i said b4 dota 2 is very dynamic game. none of the items are usless and none of the heroes are useless. all have their importance but u can't say that this is better than this.

on debate of bkb vs linken, in some situtations you have to make bkb and other linken helps.
right now linken lost its popularity (reason state in debates few weeks back, its expensive, takes too much time 2 farm, other better substitutes.)
and e1 it won't do anything against bara.

not all heroes make bkbs, mostly agility heors make them to survive from nukes like nuke, lion, sb.. not 2 save them 4m bara

as far as i m concerned i would say go for ghost spec try to use it after bara ulties and u will be fine.

and on topic of bara is not a top tier hero i will say that every hero is played differently on different tiers. this goes for items also. they keep on changing from tier to tier,

at lower tiers items like dagon, shaowblade, linken and rad are prefered more
where on top tier people whill go for dagger, bkbs and fast drum yasha then farming 16 mins rad.

i love playing bara but he has to be played differently in then how i used to play in lower tier. reason is at top tier teamwork is better, your support are good they will keep ganking other team and they will tp to save you and towers. thats y bara will nvr charge if he c sme1 alone. he will w8 for his support 2 get in position and then jump in.


Senior member
Feb 1, 2012
I'm PRETTY sure that TP cancels ghost form, unless you have Boots of Travel.

i think it works, but now when u mentioned it m not sure
too many mechanics, its confusing

m sure fura can use his teleport. i remember this bcoz bara teleported to my fountain few times while he tried to ulti me in ghost form


Senior member
Feb 1, 2012

just found image of old aura's in dota 2, i really miss them

after that they were updated
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Mar 4, 2011
Fun drama happening due to Blizzard. Both SC2 and Dota 2 community wtf at Blizzard:

Big uproar from some prominent eSports members:
TotalBiscuit [score hidden] 13 minutes ago
What is there to say? They're fucking everybody. They're not just shooting themselves in the foot, they're taking that gun and aiming it at every partner, team, sponsor and player and pulling the trigger on them too. The net result of this decision is lower viewership and also a pretty firm set of statistics that says "DOTA2 pisses on our numbers". If you have any sense, you dodge the comparison. SC2 still gets good numbers, we have a really strong tournament scene that regularly beats DOTA2 and only loses out to League. We have the #2 biggest eSport when it comes to regular tournament viewership outside of Korea. Where we lose is to stuff as huge as The International and we lose HARD.
There's also a lot of interest from SC2 fans in DOTA and DOTA fans in SC2, in large part to Teamliquids coverage of both. I like DOTA a lot, I think it's a great game and it's actually really fun to watch too. I prefer it massively to watching League which is a gigantic cauldron of vomiting colours and spells with barely any definition to it and an annoyingly strict meta, vs DOTA with it's clean look and excellent spell-feedback. Anyway, the point is that a lot of us want to watch both but have to choose and frankly, TI3 wins every single time. TI2 was incredible, TI3 is gonna be bigger and better in every respect. TI happens once a year and we have no less than 4 "finals" for WCS every 3 or so months. Who do you think is going to win out there? Yeah, we're going to get crushed and sponsors are going to look at those numbers and say "welp, SC2 can't compete, let's put money into DOTA, it's a way better idea". Why on EARTH would you ever go up against something that titanic? There's no good reason at all.
Long story short, teams receive less exposure, players have less fans watching them, sponsors receive less ROI, WCS numbers fall yet again, spectators get fucked because they have to make a choice between the two games.
I hope they sort this out, I really do.

EG_iNcontroLRC 615 points 2 hours ago*
All 3 finals on 1 weekend is bad enough (audience will have fatigue at the end) but you are also polarizing your viewership. People will absolutely choose one or the other whereas if they had 2 different weekends to watch they'd go with both TIL3/WCS finals. Even if in some odd world blizzard said "We can win vs that 2+ million dollar super bowl event for a mega popular game with our seasonal regional finals" they will ONLY hurt themselves EVEN IF they "hurt" TIL3 more (I know they won't). It's bad competitively, it's bad selfishly, it's bad for the scene(s)...
I know blizz folk follow me/read my tweets/posts and what not but I cannot possibly pretend I am not absolutely disgusted by this. We are supposed to be beyond the itzik phase and into the happy new world where we are getting better as a community/scene.
Come the fuck on.
EDIT: Worth mentioning not to long after this post I was contacted/had a conversation with a blizz employee that is pretty high up (just don't want to name drop) and we discussed this. Blizz is aware, things are complicated but they are working on solutions. I posted emotionally and while I did that because I fucking love this game and get really upset/sad when i think things are done poorly I need to remember I have a big platform to speak from. Basically, this isn't good. Blizz knows/cares and is working to communicate their thoughts and make things better moving forward. I will still be here and I have faith things can/will get better.
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Peter Nixeus

Senior member
Aug 27, 2012
Why is Blizzard "stating" they will try to find a solution for a problem they caused by announcing tournament date/times to conflict with TI3? Everyone knew the date and times for TI3 for more than a few months... Blizzard is deliberately starting it - or maybe they made the date announcement to try to create an uproar, more social media threads, more search/discussion, to draw more attention to their event and then change the date...


Mar 4, 2011
Why is Blizzard "stating" they will try to find a solution for a problem they caused by announcing tournament date/times to conflict with TI3? Everyone knew the date and times for TI3 for more than a few months... Blizzard is deliberately starting it - or maybe they made the date announcement to try to create an uproar, more social media threads, more search/discussion, to draw more attention to their event and then change the date...

It doesn't make sense in any scenario:

1. Blizz holds the thing: shoot themselves in foot.

2. Blizz does it on purpose for hype then change date: these venues and events are booked and cost $$$ to cancel.

3. Blizz didn't know: They cannot possibly be that stupid, no. If so, god they deserve to disband. It IS deliberate and on purpose (which is stupid, see #1). I refuse to believe they're this stupid if they didn't know (a complete disregard and following their BASIC industry news).

Peter Nixeus

Senior member
Aug 27, 2012
It doesn't make sense in any scenario:

1. Blizz holds the thing: shoot themselves in foot.

2. Blizz does it on purpose for hype then change date: these venues and events are booked and cost $$$ to cancel.

3. Blizz didn't know: They cannot possibly be that stupid, no. If so, god they deserve to disband. It IS deliberate and on purpose (which is stupid, see #1). I refuse to believe they're this stupid if they didn't know (a complete disregard and following their BASIC industry news).

Even if they have to cancel (not sure if the venue is booked) - the overall costs is STILL cheaper than traditional advertising/marketing. What they did was instigate the major social media personalities in the gaming industry into doing it for them - FOR FREE! What better way to do it is announce it in the largest eSport tournament payout to date! I'm thinking they did it for the attention and may be to do a fan funded tournament payout for a future Blizzard tournament.


Mar 4, 2011
Blizzard responds:

WCS 2013 Season 2 League Finals[Event] (self.starcraft)
submitted 2 hours ago* by kimaphan
We wanted to clarify a few points regarding the timing of the WCS Season 2 League Finals. Given the intricacies of coordinating schedules between multiple regions and partners, travel requirements for pro-gamers, availability of appropriate venues, and more, it's quite a challenge to align all these often conflicting priorities. When we add in the schedules of other events which we have no control over, this adds another layer of unworkable complexity.

So how did we arrive at the dates for the major WCS Season 2 events? What we knew is that we wanted to have ESL produce a world-class Finals event at gamescom in Germany in late August, which they'll be announcing more details about very soon. That meant working the schedule backward from that point. In order to give partners enough time to plan and execute for a global Season 2 Finals at gamescom, there was only a small window of opportunity for us to have the various regional finals.

Unfortunately this has resulted in overlaps with other major eSports events. These conflicts were certainly not intentional. This simple fact is that as eSports has grown with more events, more games, and more viewers; it's nearly impossible to avoid all conflicts. Many major weekend events already host multiple games, which are running simultaneous game streams in conflict with each other.

That said, we do understand the various concerns that players, teams, and viewers have with this particular conflict and as we have in the past, will continue to do our best to avoid this type of overlap in the future.

The pitchfork mob is in full swing:

TotalBiscuit 463 points 1 hour ago
If you understood the bloody concerns you wouldn't have done it to begin with. It's not like The International 3 just popped up out of nowhere. This is yet another example of rushed WCS nonsense and stumbling over self-made hurdles. This is not an MLG with several games running at once with different, distinct audiences, this is The International 3, playing the game with the most cross-pollenation between spectators outside of the FGC, with the largest prizepool in the history of everything and months of hype leading up to it. Your analogy is seriously flawed.
You guys really fouled this up and you hurt all of us in the process.

Annnnnd this one really hurts. You can bet your ass SC2's third and final expansion will include a mass-spectating feature like Dota 2.

AirPhforce [score hidden] 8 minutes ago
The twitch situation is going to be horrible. In Dota 2, if you watch in-game you still get multiple commentators, player perspectives, item drops, as well as item pickup notifications, map objective timers, polls, trivia, stats, etc. So if twitch goes down, you can just hop in client and get almost everything that would be available from a high-budget stream.
But with SC2, you just don't. If the stream is dead, that's it. Considering the raw number of people that will be watching these events, it's a safe bet to say Twitch will be unstable, and that's going to effect one event far more than the other.
Really though, the worst part about this is that Dota used to be a Blizzard game, it was in their engine and hosted at Blizzard events. But they just never made it into a full, actual game, and even sued when Valve hired Icefrog and made the thing. So now, this weekend, will be the culmination of one of the biggest mistakes Blizzard ever made, and we, as fans of the RTS genre, have to decide between watching the finals of the game they should have made, vs the game they quickly made poorly.

And... SC's own Sheth (pro player):

LiquidShethSC2 155 points 1 hour ago
This is horrible and really sad to see. I dunno, there's a lot more to say, but its just really saddening to me.

Full discussion link if you're interested.
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Mar 4, 2011
Are those DOTA 2 Casters raging on that Reddit thread? LOL pretty funny...

Huh? I don't see a single caster raging. Dota 2 figures are entirely absent. But it's amusing to see Blizz's own SC2 thread is backlashing against their own game & company- everyone from casters to youtube personalities to SC 2 players.


Senior member
Apr 6, 2011
Side note: Does anyone have the 1437 LGD player card? It's the only one left of that set, and I think if you complete a set you get something.


Platinum Member
Jul 6, 2010
Huh? I don't see a single caster raging. Dota 2 figures are entirely absent. But it's amusing to see Blizz's own SC2 thread is backlashing against their own game & company- everyone from casters to youtube personalities to SC 2 players.

So those are SC 2 casters raging? LOL that is even more hilarious!


Mar 4, 2011
Yea. I wouldn't simply called it 'raging'. It is a legitimate outcry following Blizzard's stupidity.

TotalBiscuit is a popular Youtube personality that reviews games and everything eSports.

Sheth is a pro SC2 player of Teamliquid team.

InControL is also a pro SC2 player of EG. He sucks as a pro player, but he does lots of community stuff and kind of serves as the voice of SC2 community.


Platinum Member
Jul 6, 2010
Side note: Does anyone have the 1437 LGD player card? It's the only one left of that set, and I think if you complete a set you get something.

I have him... but I think I stamped him to my compendium (normal reflex after end game now)... how do you trade it (if you can trade it)?

I need Ferrari_430 to complete IG's set.


Senior member
Feb 1, 2012
lets hope like TI2, TI3 is also free 2 watch. i hate using twitch. only watch live games on dota 2 client
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Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
I have him... but I think I stamped him to my compendium (normal reflex after end game now)... how do you trade it (if you can trade it)?

I need Ferrari_430 to complete IG's set.

You can't trade a card you already stamped.


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2008
You need the Compendium to collect the cards right? What else does the Compendium give you?
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