The unofficial Dota 2 thread + complete instructions for new players! [FREE INVITES]

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Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Played my first real game last night. An IRL buddy of mine is a DOTA vet and pretty chill and we duo'd. Only thing was we went Random Draft and I hadn't played a single one of the champions in the selection. So he tells me to go Nature's Prophet and jungle (also my first time doing that). After some minor problems at the beginning figuring out how the skills worked (oh you have to cast Nature's Calling on trees? whoops) I ended up 4/8/30 in a nearly 70 min game. Unfortunately, I can't say that I didn't kill teammates a few times with bad Sprouts.

Mr. Pedantic

Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2010
Played my first real game last night. An IRL buddy of mine is a DOTA vet and pretty chill and we duo'd. Only thing was we went Random Draft and I hadn't played a single one of the champions in the selection. So he tells me to go Nature's Prophet and jungle (also my first time doing that). After some minor problems at the beginning figuring out how the skills worked (oh you have to cast Nature's Calling on trees? whoops) I ended up 4/8/30 in a nearly 70 min game. Unfortunately, I can't say that I didn't kill teammates a few times with bad Sprouts.

Nature's Prophet takes a bit of practice to play properly. The skills can be a bit tricky, especially the ult (and sprout can make or break an engagement), but I don't just mean in teamfights. When you're jungling you should always be keeping an eye out for ganks, or where you can be pushing. That's the worst thing IMO about some jungling prophets, they just go into a little world of their own and never come out to help even when the opportunities are there and staring them right in the face.


Senior member
Nov 9, 2011
I just started playing this and am enjoying it so far. Still playing vs bots (without other humans) and learning what types of heroes I like best, but the options are limited, so I think I might start playing vs bots with people to get all the heroes.

So far I like Drow Ranger and Lion.


Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
I just started playing this and am enjoying it so far. Still playing vs bots (without other humans) and learning what types of heroes I like best, but the options are limited, so I think I might start playing vs bots with people to get all the heroes.

So far I like Drow Ranger and Lion.

Yeah once you get the hang of things, start playing against bots with people until you have all the basic build orders for most of the heroes, then start increasing the difficulty until you get to unfair.

When you can win most of the games at unfair, then move over to playing solely with people; you'll find like I did that many people didn't even bother with the basics and the first 20-30 games will be easy.

I'm at the point now where I'd say my win rate against bots with people on my team, at unfair, is around 80%. I select a random hero each game. I made it a point to play against bots with every hero at least twice before moving into the games against people. Some heroes it's better to play 5-6 times in a row to learn their quirks, such as invoker.


Golden Member
Apr 20, 2012
Nature's Prophet takes a bit of practice to play properly. The skills can be a bit tricky, especially the ult (and sprout can make or break an engagement), but I don't just mean in teamfights. When you're jungling you should always be keeping an eye out for ganks, or where you can be pushing. That's the worst thing IMO about some jungling prophets, they just go into a little world of their own and never come out to help even when the opportunities are there and staring them right in the face.

I actually decided to quit Dota for a few days because of a really bad Nature's Prophet. The problem with Dota is that if you play with awful people, it doesn't matter how well you play, they will drag your whole team down. I'm tired of even trying to play well when the matchmaking teams you with people who don't even know what last hits are. And this is after playing over 150 games, I still get paired with people who are fresh faced noobs.

We had a Nature's Prophet who spammed his Nature's Call every time after cooldown. He was running around the jungle with 5 or 7 treants and fighting the camps, all alone in his own world just like you said. When I looked at his build, he had Hand of Midas and building into Vlads. Meanwhile, he doesn't attempt to defend or push towers. Never pushed down one tower the entire game. At the end he was 2-7.

That same game, there was a Drow who liked to dive into 3 and 4 v 1 fights, constantly. He kept trying to focus and kill one enemy hero while the other 3 melted him down and killed him. It didn't work the first time he tried it, so I guess he must have thought "If I keep doing this over and over, one time I will finally get a kill."

After that pub game, I quit Dota for a few days. The matchmaking system isn't broken, but it could use a LOT of improvements. One thing I would like to see is a filter you could check that would prevent you from playing with people who have less than 50 games. I would not mind waiting an extra minute or two in the queue for a higher quality pool of players. It's just supremely frustrating to have a good match ruined by really bad players.
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Mr. Pedantic

Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2010
I actually decided to quit Dota for a few days because of a really bad Nature's Prophet. The problem with Dota is that if you play with awful people, it doesn't matter how well you play, they will drag your whole team down. I'm tired of even trying to play well when the matchmaking teams you with people who don't even know what last hits are. And this is after playing over 150 games, I still get paired with people who are fresh faced noobs.

We had a Nature's Prophet who spammed his Nature's Call every time after cooldown. He was running around the jungle with 5 or 7 treants and fighting the camps, all alone in his own world just like you said. When I looked at his build, he had Hand of Midas and building into Vlads. Meanwhile, he doesn't attempt to defend or push towers. Never pushed down one tower the entire game. At the end he was 2-7.

That same game, there was a Drow who liked to dive into 3 and 4 v 1 fights, constantly. He kept trying to focus and kill one enemy hero while the other 3 melted him down and killed him. It didn't work the first time he tried it, so I guess he must have thought "If I keep doing this over and over, one time I will finally get a kill."

After that pub game, I quit Dota for a few days. The matchmaking system isn't broken, but it could use a LOT of improvements. One thing I would like to see is a filter you could check that would prevent you from playing with people who have less than 50 games. I would not mind waiting an extra minute or two in the queue for a higher quality pool of players. It's just supremely frustrating to have games ruined by really bad players.

Oh, man. Don't get me started:

321558387 - I played Enigma. I ended up going mid against Huskar, cause for some reason everyone else went to a side lane. Won that match-up, got quite a few kills, started pushing towers. Meanwhile the rest of my team proceeded to feed and die. Our bounty was next to useless, I don't actually recall him using Track at all. In the end I just got outcarried by all these late game heroes, when my own team's carries just screwed around, fed, and never got good items up.

321670225 - This is my VERY NEXT GAME. We had the worst DK in the history of mid DK. Huskar never even needed to gank a side lane cause he was getting so much feeding on DK. I tried to carry as FV and I farmed alright despite a DP who kept fighting me for last hits but in the end fed huskar is just way too strong for a half-farmed FV.

322003322 - I played SF and was able to carry despite a Silencer-necrolyte offlane who fed a bunch of kills (7 before 10 minutes, from what I remember) and a mid Undying who got a bunch of kills.

322625327 - I don't really know where to begin with this one. It was ALL random, so maybe there was some kind of excuse in not playing what are decently difficult heroes. Our Tinker didn't know how to split push, our NP didn't know how to split push, and our Huskar was just...dumb. I made a bunch of mistakes, but even if I'd played perfectly we would have lost and at least I knew how to play my hero.


322811040 - Our Weaver was pretty good and he saved us a bit, but 2 abandons kind of doomed us to lose. Carry Leshrac kind of feels like carry DP - he needs so many items, and he's only really strong if he gets a good start. Even then he gets plain outcarried.

And this was only in the last few days. Every game it seems like there are 1 or 2 people that just don't belong in the skill bracket, and it just ruins the game for 3-4 other people.


Platinum Member
Jul 6, 2010
Just lost 3 games in a row with two of my friends and we are in the same clan.... 1 only knows how to play SB = 500 games straight with SB, and he still sucks with him... my other friend plays husker and BS... both never try to counter pick...

I played a few games with some high tier people I met in forums = their game is so much better and on a whole other level... then when I got back to playing with my real friends I just realized how they have not improved since I started playing DOTA 2 in December 2012... and they have been playing DOTA since 2007...D:

Mr. Pedantic

Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2010
Just lost 3 games in a row with two of my friends and we are in the same clan.... 1 only knows how to play SB = 500 games straight with SB, and he still sucks with him... my other friend plays husker and BS... both never try to counter pick...

I played a few games with some high tier people I met in forums = their game is so much better and on a whole other level... then when I got back to playing with my real friends I just realized how they have not improved since I started playing DOTA 2 in December 2012... and they have been playing DOTA since 2007...D:

Eh. As long as they're having fun, I guess. Pity that you're not having so much fun.


Senior member
Feb 1, 2012
i have played around 3100 hrs and have 1400+ wins, is till get teammates won't only auto attack and push lanes, and u crying at around 500 games


Golden Member
Apr 20, 2012
And this was only in the last few days. Every game it seems like there are 1 or 2 people that just don't belong in the skill bracket, and it just ruins the game for 3-4 other people.

I suspect that the majority of really bad players are just green players. I imagine they haven't yet played 100 games. If you've played 100 games on different modes, at that point you have gotten a feel for the controls and how different heroes play, at least.

Just lost 3 games in a row with two of my friends and we are in the same clan.... 1 only knows how to play SB = 500 games straight with SB, and he still sucks with him... my other friend plays husker and BS... both never try to counter pick...

I played a few games with some high tier people I met in forums = their game is so much better and on a whole other level... then when I got back to playing with my real friends I just realized how they have not improved since I started playing DOTA 2 in December 2012... and they have been playing DOTA since 2007...D:

This is what truly scares me about Dota. People who constantly play and lose, and they never learn or even care. I would think that if your friend is always losing with Spirit Breaker, that wouldn't be much fun. Why even play the game at that point?

Luckily, I've never had to play with one of those types of people.


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Part of the fun is in playing all the different heroes with different capabilities. Limiting yourself to just 1/100 is only playing 1% of the game.


Mar 4, 2011
Part of the fun is in playing all the different heroes with different capabilities. Limiting yourself to just 1/100 is only playing 1% of the game.

Not even 1%- heroes have distinct roles. If you only play Spirit Breaker, you will totally miss out on the sheer joy other roles that bring a totally new dimension of the game/satisfafction:

Other roles are...

* Ganking junglers (Chen/Enchant) and scoring kills right from level 1 or 2. This is great from all skill levels, but absolutely terrifying and satisfying at low to mid level pubs.

* Early pushers (again, Chen & Enchant). Nothing is more satisfying than raping a tower at 6 min mark. Most pubs don't know how to deal with them. If left unchecked, you eat all outer towers and even knock at their base tower under 12 mins. Amazingly satisfying and your team has MASSIVE gold lead.

* Supports. They're only shitty to those who don't understand the duty. I get immense exponential satisfaction from playing a cut-throat support that wage warding/dewarding wars, smoking, harassing, buying detection non-stop to fuck them over. You ever played against an enemy team with SICK supports? That's how it feels when you play a good support- you know you're the one that 'carried' the team to victory (including babysitting the carry).

* Offlaners. It's also SUPER fun to play offlane when you know what you're doing. Nothing is more satisfying to entirely fuck them over with Weaver, WR, or even Undying (scary Tombstone). You're supposed to LOSE the offlane. They're utterly fucked if you actually WIN the offlane alone against 2 or even trilane. I LOVE this challenge.

* Individual high-skill / high payoff heroes like Pudge, Puck, Invoker, Chen, Enchant, etc.

* And tons more... playing mid is awesome, dominating mid & runes, participating in a perfect trilane doing perfect stacks & pulls to utterly deprive the enemy of EXP/gold, etc...

It's sick how much I talk about Dota for someone who's quit playing.


Platinum Member
Jul 6, 2010
i have played around 3100 hrs and have 1400+ wins, is till get teammates won't only auto attack and push lanes, and u crying at around 500 games

I think he has about 3000 hours too... the thing is he thinks he is pro and I even exceeded him in skill - but I don't want to say anything because he will say he played longer than I have... as SB he would buy boots and one tango to lane EVERYTIME - for almost 100 games I would baby sit him with CM or Warlock, but then noticed I'm hurting myself when he initates failed ganks. I noticed his mechanics never improved... After awhile I no longer lane with him and we wonders why...

Anyhow... has anyone noticed you can now sell almost all of your DOTA 2 items! I'm currently unloading duplicate items and selling rares of heros I don't use...

probably going to use the money for the next Steam Sale :thumbsup:

Don't worry ZeZe, I'm keeping your rares safe... :sneaky:

Mr. Pedantic

Diamond Member
Feb 14, 2010
I suspect that the majority of really bad players are just green players. I imagine they haven't yet played 100 games. If you've played 100 games on different modes, at that point you have gotten a feel for the controls and how different heroes play, at least.
Yeah, they're new. But it only helps if they're willing to learn, and it is a huge detriment to your team anyway. Especially with heroes like Nature's Prophet and Tinker, it takes way more than words to describe the role they play - they should really be watching pro games to show how to play Tinker, and even then it takes games and games of practice. I don't mind helping new players out, and in retrospect I probably should have helped out with explanations a lot more, but it doesn't help my mood to have new players every single game who don't even say they've never played the hero before or who don't ask for help.


Mar 4, 2011
Don't worry ZeZe, I'm keeping your rares safe... :sneaky:

Do whatever you want with them. Even if I come back playing Dota 2, I don't care for cosmetics. It's much better in hands of those who appreciate them better.

That being said, you want more? I still have fvcktons. AT is too kind, they all said 'I don't want to be greedy', and I'm left with more than half of my items.


Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
Do whatever you want with them. Even if I come back playing Dota 2, I don't care for cosmetics. It's much better in hands of those who appreciate them better.

That being said, you want more? I still have fvcktons. AT is too kind, they all said 'I don't want to be greedy', and I'm left with more than half of my items.

I'll take some too.

By the way - which one was you in your wedding pic photos? Was it the guy holding the camel?


Mar 4, 2011
Ugh, that's a confirmed fake that even the author himself outright said it's a mock art.

They just did a content analysis which showed nothing... yet anyone would believe suddenly they totally completed 2 new heroes + a brand new hold-out mode?


Diamond Member
Jul 7, 2005
Someone got the Deathripper courier in my game yesterday which made me jealous because I play that army in Warmachine.


Diamond Member
Dec 11, 2006
Ugh, that's a confirmed fake that even the author himself outright said it's a mock art.

They just did a content analysis which showed nothing... yet anyone would believe suddenly they totally completed 2 new heroes + a brand new hold-out mode?

That's too bad; the holdout mode sounded like it would be fun. I seem to recall in the days of the war3 DOTA there was a variant you could play that had bigger monsters mixed in with the regular creeps; forgot what the mode was called.
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