The welfare state


Sep 3, 2004
I have seen and heard many people criticize the "welfare state", and quite a few seem to be opposed to the very existance of such programs, and even more so its expansion, however I cannot recall a reason for this oppostion (besides the anarcho-capitalist reasoning of one of our members). For those of you who are opposed, can you explain why? Are you also opposed to government aid to suffering regions? How about corporate welfare?


Jul 3, 2001
Perhaps states create a situation where people are stuck on welfare dependency whether they want to or not. I read an article regarding this with respect to immigrants to a northern European country where the government wasn't doing much for them to get off of welfare because they thought that was enough yet the immigrants wanted actual jobs.

It also creates resentment towards minorities who take handouts, which certainly doesn't help their plight.

Here's another article (different than the one that I mentioned) that I just read recently regarding something similar:

Somalis exiting Netherlands for Britain

TILBURG, Netherlands ? An estimated 20,000 Dutch Somalis have left the Netherlands for Britain over the past five years, escaping a multicultural model once touted as the most enlightened in the world.

They have expressed frustration with a system they say keeps them trapped in welfare dependency and fosters ethnic tension.

Somali Muslim families are moving en masse to Leicester and Birmingham in England from the industrial cities of Tilburg and Rotterdam in the Netherlands.

The exodus is linked to the anti-Muslim feeling that burst into the open with the advent of Pim Fortuyn, the populist politician who was fatally shot and whose party crushed the Dutch establishment in the 2002 elections.

But it began earlier. Adan Igeh Hussein, of the Somali European Forum, said Somalis felt bullied by a "forced assimilation" policy, which orders them to live apart in scattered housing.

"It's not that the British are more friendly than the Dutch. It is just that they let us stay as we are. Somalis can integrate without losing their cultural identity," he said.

Dutch rules make it difficult for new arrivals to work for the first five years, yet migrants are resented if take state handouts.

"We don't want to depend on social benefits. We're a business-oriented people, but here the rules and red tape make it a nightmare to start anything. You have to have a certificate just to clean houses. In Britain, it's so much easier if you want to set up a restaurant or a shop," he said.

Adan Hassan, the Somali owner of a Tilburg Internet cafe, said the Netherlands' image had always been an illusion.

"The Dutch think they are multicultural, tolerant people, and they are in a way, but if you go deeply inside, nothing is what it seems. The system is closed to outsiders," he said.

"We've been here for 12 or 15 years. The government gives us housing, it spends a lot of money, but it's still been a failure. After one year in Britain, everybody is very happy," he said.

Half of Tilburg's 3,000 Somalis already have left, mostly crowding together on a few streets in Leicester.

The Racism and Extreme Right Monitor in the Netherlands has reported a surge in violent attacks on Dutch Muslims since the slaying of filmmaker Theo van Gogh by an Islamic fanatic.

Denmark also has seen an exodus of Somalis, with as many as 4,000 leaving for Britain from Aarhus over two years.

A Danish study found that migrants were shocked by Britain's poor housing and dirty streets, but still clung to an "idyllic" vision of English freedom "even after arriving."

It said Somali women were made to feel inadequate by Denmark's feminism if they stayed at home to look after their children.

Academic studies estimate there are now 70,000 to 100,000 Somalis in Britain. Officially, the figure is 20,000.


Jul 11, 2004
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
For those of you who are opposed, can you explain why? Are you also opposed to government aid to suffering regions? How about corporate welfare?


Really, it's that fvcking simple. I don't understand why you liberals cannot see that. There are certain items in our Constitution that Congress can allocate money for. Some include a navy, the militia, post roads, etc. There is nothing that says each and every citizen, based on their income, must be taxed at different rates to support those who cannot take care of themselves.

The welfare of the less fortunate was orginally taken care of by the local communities and their Christian churches. You are more than welcome to donate any or all of your income to help the welfare of others, but don't you dare steal my money just so you can "feel good" about helping others.

Redistributing wealth from the successful to the lazy only increases the tension and bitterness in society. For those of us who are successful, we learn to resent and hate those who receive our stolen wealth and wish they would either learn how to take care of themselves or die and stop reproducing. For the lazy, they learn nothing other than by continuing to stay lazy, they will continue to receive government handouts. They view us successful people with contempt and jealousy and seek to steal even more wealth from us.


There is no provision at all in our Constitution that says each and every citizen, based on their income, must be taxed at different rates to support foreigners. You are more than welcome to donate any or all of your income to help the welfare of foreigners who are not from rogue nations, but don't you dare steal my money just so you can "feel good" about helping others.

Other nations can take care of their own damn problems. It is of no concern to me at all if their people are dying. Let their own citizens learn to deal with their problems or else it will continue on indefinately for generations.


Corporate "welfare?" Is this another one of your conspiracy theories? Why don't you use economic terms to describe your whine and I'll comment.

The trick, though, is finding out how to profit from the welfare state. If certain individuals in our society want to use government to steal from others in order to give themselves a "feel-good" emotion, then we successful people will most certainly find a way to get back our money and more. For example, if John Kerry had become president, the welfare state for health would have increased dramatically. A good way to profit from this would be to invest in the sectors and corporations which would have been recipients of our stolen wealth, etc. The smart money will always find a way to get back their stolen wealth.


No Lifer
Oct 11, 2000
Originally posted by: HalosPuma
Other nations can take care of their own damn problems. It is of no concern to me at all if their people are dying. Let their own citizens learn to deal with their problems or else it will continue on indefinately for generations.
So then you are against the US going into Afghanistan and Iraq (for that fact, all foreign meddling altogether)?


Sep 10, 2001
Originally posted by: her209
Originally posted by: HalosPuma
Other nations can take care of their own damn problems. It is of no concern to me at all if their people are dying. Let their own citizens learn to deal with their problems or else it will continue on indefinately for generations.
So then you are against the US going into Afghanistan and Iraq (for that fact, all foreign meddling altogether)?
That's a complete non sequitur.


Sep 3, 2004
Originally posted by: HalosPuma
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
For those of you who are opposed, can you explain why? Are you also opposed to government aid to suffering regions? How about corporate welfare?


Really, it's that fvcking simple. I don't understand why you liberals cannot see that. There are certain items in our Constitution that Congress can allocate money for. Some include a navy, the militia, post roads, etc. There is nothing that says each and every citizen, based on their income, must be taxed at different rates to support those who cannot take care of themselves.

The welfare of the less fortunate was orginally taken care of by the local communities and their Christian churches. You are more than welcome to donate any or all of your income to help the welfare of others, but don't you dare steal my money just so you can "feel good" about helping others.

Redistributing wealth from the successful to the lazy only increases the tension and bitterness in society. For those of us who are successful, we learn to resent and hate those who receive our stolen wealth and wish they would either learn how to take care of themselves or die and stop reproducing. For the lazy, they learn nothing other than by continuing to stay lazy, they will continue to receive government handouts. They view us successful people with contempt and jealousy and seek to steal even more wealth from us.


There is no provision at all in our Constitution that says each and every citizen, based on their income, must be taxed at different rates to support foreigners. You are more than welcome to donate any or all of your income to help the welfare of foreigners who are not from rogue nations, but don't you dare steal my money just so you can "feel good" about helping others.

Other nations can take care of their own damn problems. It is of no concern to me at all if their people are dying. Let their own citizens learn to deal with their problems or else it will continue on indefinately for generations.


Corporate "welfare?" Is this another one of your conspiracy theories? Why don't you use economic terms to describe your whine and I'll comment.

The trick, though, is finding out how to profit from the welfare state. If certain individuals in our society want to use government to steal from others in order to give themselves a "feel-good" emotion, then we successful people will most certainly find a way to get back our money and more. For example, if John Kerry had become president, the welfare state for health would have increased dramatically. A good way to profit from this would be to invest in the sectors and corporations which would have been recipients of our stolen wealth, etc. The smart money will always find a way to get back their stolen wealth.

Interesting. You in particular have no problem taking our money to waste on the military industrial complex. Also, I'm quite sure that wealth is poorly correlated to effort, and the hardworking poor also can become resentful of those who benefit with no work, and contribute nothing to society (the rich). Let me make this clear. Very few people are rich through hard work, (although very many who hard hard are still poor) and even fewer are VERY rich through hard work. People who do become rich generally do it through violation of the system (bill gates anyone?)

Corporate welfare is real, and it is not a conspiracy theory. One prime example is the airline industry which has been and continues to be proped up with government funds.


Diamond Member
Jan 13, 2000
I don't have a problem with welfare and a huge majority are off within a couple of yrs something like 90% if memeory serves.
What Halos doesn't understand is he actually cost us money educating him, keeping him healthy, building roads and good gov't, lots of money, and paid for by taxes you see it was an investment in his potential.
Now the greedy pr1ck doesn't think he owes society anything? Well, judge a society by how you treat the least among you. The largest proportion of welfare recipients are single mothers who definately could use a hand raising the future.
Crime statistics go up as poverty rates go up, if you have nothing to lose. . . . .

The problems are there though and I'm fully in favor of some type of welfare reform as in any system, I think its called the 3 percenter rule, there are the outright cheats and stealers. I look to corporate welfare and gov't waste as a much larger issue. I've said this in the past when this topic gets brought up.
Don't worry about the nickels and dimes when the dollars are slipping away. . .
Homeland security lawnmower races anybody?


Platinum Member
May 2, 2004
Originally posted by: HalosPuma
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
For those of you who are opposed, can you explain why? Are you also opposed to government aid to suffering regions? How about corporate welfare?


Really, it's that fvcking simple. I don't understand why you liberals cannot see that. There are certain items in our Constitution that Congress can allocate money for. Some include a navy, the militia, post roads, etc. There is nothing that says each and every citizen, based on their income, must be taxed at different rates to support those who cannot take care of themselves.

The welfare of the less fortunate was orginally taken care of by the local communities and their Christian churches. You are more than welcome to donate any or all of your income to help the welfare of others, but don't you dare steal my money just so you can "feel good" about helping others.

Redistributing wealth from the successful to the lazy only increases the tension and bitterness in society. For those of us who are successful, we learn to resent and hate those who receive our stolen wealth and wish they would either learn how to take care of themselves or die and stop reproducing. For the lazy, they learn nothing other than by continuing to stay lazy, they will continue to receive government handouts. They view us successful people with contempt and jealousy and seek to steal even more wealth from us.


There is no provision at all in our Constitution that says each and every citizen, based on their income, must be taxed at different rates to support foreigners. You are more than welcome to donate any or all of your income to help the welfare of foreigners who are not from rogue nations, but don't you dare steal my money just so you can "feel good" about helping others.

Other nations can take care of their own damn problems. It is of no concern to me at all if their people are dying. Let their own citizens learn to deal with their problems or else it will continue on indefinately for generations.


Corporate "welfare?" Is this another one of your conspiracy theories? Why don't you use economic terms to describe your whine and I'll comment.

The trick, though, is finding out how to profit from the welfare state. If certain individuals in our society want to use government to steal from others in order to give themselves a "feel-good" emotion, then we successful people will most certainly find a way to get back our money and more. For example, if John Kerry had become president, the welfare state for health would have increased dramatically. A good way to profit from this would be to invest in the sectors and corporations which would have been recipients of our stolen wealth, etc. The smart money will always find a way to get back their stolen wealth.

Welcome back to the 17th century...


Golden Member
Jun 30, 2004
Originally posted by: desy
I don't have a problem with welfare and a huge majority are off within a couple of yrs something like 90% if memeory serves.
What Halos doesn't understand is he actually cost us money educating him, keeping him healthy, building roads and good gov't, lots of money, and paid for by taxes you see it was an investment in his potential.
Now the greedy pr1ck doesn't think he owes society anything? Well, judge a society by how you treat the least among you. The largest proportion of welfare recipients are single mothers who definately could use a hand raising the future.
Crime statistics go up as poverty rates go up, if you have nothing to lose. . . . .

The problems are there though and I'm fully in favor of some type of welfare reform as in any system, I think its called the 3 percenter rule, there are the outright cheats and stealers. I look to corporate welfare and gov't waste as a much larger issue. I've said this in the past when this topic gets brought up.
Don't worry about the nickels and dimes when the dollars are slipping away. . .
Homeland security lawnmower races anybody?



Oct 19, 2001
I'm against involuntary wealth transfer schemes that do not have a well defined and controlled target.

I'm also against involuntary wealth transfer schemes that do not have checks in place to judge and quantify actual RESULTS(not intent).

I'm against involuntary wealth transfer schemes that are hand-outs instead of hand-ups. The purpose of programs such as these is to help, not make them reliant.



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004

1. Destroys ambition and lets people who aren't naturally motivated languish
2. Destroys pride in accomplishment.
3. Doesn't provide any margin of marginal income.
4. Can't provide marginal income.
5. Is percieved as being blatantly unfair as it leverages the labor of one class to support another.
6. Develops a layered society.
7. Drives a wedge between the do's and the do nothings.
8. Creates discontent in both classes.
9. Provides one class more opportunitity for political activism, giving the economically impaired class an advantage.
10. Forces people into blocs that are bought and sold like chattel for political gain.
11. Fosters crime in that an idle class will endeavor to better themselves economically and must do so in a subversive manner.
12. Prohibits the impaired class from bettering themselves economically as there are penalities for doing so.
13. Fosters an uneducated sub class.
14. Destroys the productivity of thousands of people and the nation.


Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: her209
Originally posted by: HalosPuma
Other nations can take care of their own damn problems. It is of no concern to me at all if their people are dying. Let their own citizens learn to deal with their problems or else it will continue on indefinately for generations.
So then you are against the US going into Afghanistan and Iraq (for that fact, all foreign meddling altogether)?

That wasn't meddling and you would have to be a DS lib to misunderstand that. That was in response to numerous attacks against the country. Oh, by the way, don't reply. I've already heard the whine.



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
Originally posted by: HalosPuma
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
For those of you who are opposed, can you explain why? Are you also opposed to government aid to suffering regions? How about corporate welfare?


Really, it's that fvcking simple. I don't understand why you liberals cannot see that. There are certain items in our Constitution that Congress can allocate money for. Some include a navy, the militia, post roads, etc. There is nothing that says each and every citizen, based on their income, must be taxed at different rates to support those who cannot take care of themselves.

The welfare of the less fortunate was orginally taken care of by the local communities and their Christian churches. You are more than welcome to donate any or all of your income to help the welfare of others, but don't you dare steal my money just so you can "feel good" about helping others.

Redistributing wealth from the successful to the lazy only increases the tension and bitterness in society. For those of us who are successful, we learn to resent and hate those who receive our stolen wealth and wish they would either learn how to take care of themselves or die and stop reproducing. For the lazy, they learn nothing other than by continuing to stay lazy, they will continue to receive government handouts. They view us successful people with contempt and jealousy and seek to steal even more wealth from us.


There is no provision at all in our Constitution that says each and every citizen, based on their income, must be taxed at different rates to support foreigners. You are more than welcome to donate any or all of your income to help the welfare of foreigners who are not from rogue nations, but don't you dare steal my money just so you can "feel good" about helping others.

Other nations can take care of their own damn problems. It is of no concern to me at all if their people are dying. Let their own citizens learn to deal with their problems or else it will continue on indefinately for generations.


Corporate "welfare?" Is this another one of your conspiracy theories? Why don't you use economic terms to describe your whine and I'll comment.

The trick, though, is finding out how to profit from the welfare state. If certain individuals in our society want to use government to steal from others in order to give themselves a "feel-good" emotion, then we successful people will most certainly find a way to get back our money and more. For example, if John Kerry had become president, the welfare state for health would have increased dramatically. A good way to profit from this would be to invest in the sectors and corporations which would have been recipients of our stolen wealth, etc. The smart money will always find a way to get back their stolen wealth.

Interesting. You in particular have no problem taking our money to waste on the military industrial complex. Also, I'm quite sure that wealth is poorly correlated to effort, and the hardworking poor also can become resentful of those who benefit with no work, and contribute nothing to society (the rich). Let me make this clear. Very few people are rich through hard work, (although very many who hard hard are still poor) and even fewer are VERY rich through hard work. People who do become rich generally do it through violation of the system (bill gates anyone?)

Corporate welfare is real, and it is not a conspiracy theory. One prime example is the airline industry which has been and continues to be proped up with government funds.

I don't know what your major is, but it surely isn't economics. It doesn't appear to be history either.



Jul 1, 2004
Originally posted by: Condor
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
Originally posted by: HalosPuma
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
For those of you who are opposed, can you explain why? Are you also opposed to government aid to suffering regions? How about corporate welfare?


Really, it's that fvcking simple. I don't understand why you liberals cannot see that. There are certain items in our Constitution that Congress can allocate money for. Some include a navy, the militia, post roads, etc. There is nothing that says each and every citizen, based on their income, must be taxed at different rates to support those who cannot take care of themselves.

The welfare of the less fortunate was orginally taken care of by the local communities and their Christian churches. You are more than welcome to donate any or all of your income to help the welfare of others, but don't you dare steal my money just so you can "feel good" about helping others.

Redistributing wealth from the successful to the lazy only increases the tension and bitterness in society. For those of us who are successful, we learn to resent and hate those who receive our stolen wealth and wish they would either learn how to take care of themselves or die and stop reproducing. For the lazy, they learn nothing other than by continuing to stay lazy, they will continue to receive government handouts. They view us successful people with contempt and jealousy and seek to steal even more wealth from us.


There is no provision at all in our Constitution that says each and every citizen, based on their income, must be taxed at different rates to support foreigners. You are more than welcome to donate any or all of your income to help the welfare of foreigners who are not from rogue nations, but don't you dare steal my money just so you can "feel good" about helping others.

Other nations can take care of their own damn problems. It is of no concern to me at all if their people are dying. Let their own citizens learn to deal with their problems or else it will continue on indefinately for generations.


Corporate "welfare?" Is this another one of your conspiracy theories? Why don't you use economic terms to describe your whine and I'll comment.

The trick, though, is finding out how to profit from the welfare state. If certain individuals in our society want to use government to steal from others in order to give themselves a "feel-good" emotion, then we successful people will most certainly find a way to get back our money and more. For example, if John Kerry had become president, the welfare state for health would have increased dramatically. A good way to profit from this would be to invest in the sectors and corporations which would have been recipients of our stolen wealth, etc. The smart money will always find a way to get back their stolen wealth.

Interesting. You in particular have no problem taking our money to waste on the military industrial complex. Also, I'm quite sure that wealth is poorly correlated to effort, and the hardworking poor also can become resentful of those who benefit with no work, and contribute nothing to society (the rich). Let me make this clear. Very few people are rich through hard work, (although very many who hard hard are still poor) and even fewer are VERY rich through hard work. People who do become rich generally do it through violation of the system (bill gates anyone?)

Corporate welfare is real, and it is not a conspiracy theory. One prime example is the airline industry which has been and continues to be proped up with government funds.

I don't know what your major is, but it surely isn't economics. It doesn't appear to be history either.

He's majoring in asshole, wait, no..., uh..., OH, he's just a major asshole.


Diamond Member
Jul 17, 2002
Originally posted by: bamacre
He's majoring in asshole, wait, no..., uh..., OH, he's just a major asshole.
Good constructive comment to add to the conversatoin :thumbsdown:

Get lost
Feb 3, 2001
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
Interesting. You in particular have no problem taking our money to waste on the military industrial complex. Also, I'm quite sure that wealth is poorly correlated to effort, and the hardworking poor also can become resentful of those who benefit with no work, and contribute nothing to society (the rich). Let me make this clear. Very few people are rich through hard work, (although very many who hard hard are still poor) and even fewer are VERY rich through hard work. People who do become rich generally do it through violation of the system (bill gates anyone?)

Corporate welfare is real, and it is not a conspiracy theory. One prime example is the airline industry which has been and continues to be proped up with government funds.

You are clearly a moron. Do you know that more than 80% of America's rich are FIRST generation rich? That yes, they got their through hard work? Maybe not through what YOU think of as hard work (ie, digging ditches, apparently) and in fact they contribute FAR MORE to "Society" than your average poor person ever will. Bill Gates? You're using GATES as an example? The man didn't start out rich! He got rich by busting his ass developing software and BUILDING a business. 30 years ago Microsoft was NOTHING, and if not for the HARD WORK of Gates and his many COMPETENT partners, it's impossible to say if we would even HAVE the easy-to-use PC's we now all take for granted as we sit on our fat asses at these message boards.

You're clearly a fool and a disgusting sloth of an intellect. Try to go out and EARN a living instead of justifying why it should be OK for you to STEAL from others.



Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2004
One group of people that bugs me is that which argues for "workfare." You want to talk about maintaining dependencies? Try not only keeping someone on welfare, but taking away any of the time they would normally have to look for a non-workfare job. As I'm sure some of you have been taught, job-hunting can sometimes be a job in itself: you need to line up endless interviews, polish your CV, look into getting certifications, and so on.

Not to mention that there's also the issue of the entry-level jobs themselves: if we're to downplay or eliminate welfare, the minimum wage must go up dramatically. Some people here remain acutely unaware of just how insufficient minimum wage is. There are people who work two jobs at that pay level but still have trouble supporting a small family - and sometimes, even themselves. Some may choose welfare simply because it doesn't require that they work 80 hours a week to achieve similar ends.

The worst part is that I'm sure a lot of right-wing politicians (and some of their supporters here in the forums) would vehemently object to a minimum wage increase, since it would "hurt the sustainability of businesses." But it should be noted that businesses like, say, Wal-Mart could directly stand to benefit. After all, a place like Wal-Mart is known as a haven for minimum-wage or otherwise lower-class workers; increasing the amount of disposable income for those workers (whether they're employees or not) encourages them to spend more of it at your shop.


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2000
The problem with welfare is when it is offered so freely, people tend to stay on it for ever. The entire system needs to be overhauled, it needs to be monitored closely and the rules and guidlines need to be enforced.
We are not the world bank and should not become one. We need to learn to say no and make others earn their way.........
Feb 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Forsythe
Originally posted by: HalosPuma
Originally posted by: miketheidiot
For those of you who are opposed, can you explain why? Are you also opposed to government aid to suffering regions? How about corporate welfare?


Really, it's that fvcking simple. I don't understand why you liberals cannot see that. There are certain items in our Constitution that Congress can allocate money for. Some include a navy, the militia, post roads, etc. There is nothing that says each and every citizen, based on their income, must be taxed at different rates to support those who cannot take care of themselves.

The welfare of the less fortunate was orginally taken care of by the local communities and their Christian churches. You are more than welcome to donate any or all of your income to help the welfare of others, but don't you dare steal my money just so you can "feel good" about helping others.

Redistributing wealth from the successful to the lazy only increases the tension and bitterness in society. For those of us who are successful, we learn to resent and hate those who receive our stolen wealth and wish they would either learn how to take care of themselves or die and stop reproducing. For the lazy, they learn nothing other than by continuing to stay lazy, they will continue to receive government handouts. They view us successful people with contempt and jealousy and seek to steal even more wealth from us.


There is no provision at all in our Constitution that says each and every citizen, based on their income, must be taxed at different rates to support foreigners. You are more than welcome to donate any or all of your income to help the welfare of foreigners who are not from rogue nations, but don't you dare steal my money just so you can "feel good" about helping others.

Other nations can take care of their own damn problems. It is of no concern to me at all if their people are dying. Let their own citizens learn to deal with their problems or else it will continue on indefinately for generations.


Corporate "welfare?" Is this another one of your conspiracy theories? Why don't you use economic terms to describe your whine and I'll comment.

The trick, though, is finding out how to profit from the welfare state. If certain individuals in our society want to use government to steal from others in order to give themselves a "feel-good" emotion, then we successful people will most certainly find a way to get back our money and more. For example, if John Kerry had become president, the welfare state for health would have increased dramatically. A good way to profit from this would be to invest in the sectors and corporations which would have been recipients of our stolen wealth, etc. The smart money will always find a way to get back their stolen wealth.

Welcome back to the 17th century...

Ah, because concepts like "private property" and "ownership" should be abolished here in the 21st, right?

Feb 3, 2001
Originally posted by: CADsortaGUY
I'm against involuntary wealth transfer schemes that do not have a well defined and controlled target.

I'm also against involuntary wealth transfer schemes that do not have checks in place to judge and quantify actual RESULTS(not intent).

I'm against involuntary wealth transfer schemes that are hand-outs instead of hand-ups. The purpose of programs such as these is to help, not make them reliant.


I'm against "Involuntary wealth transfer schemes" PERIOD. Do you even realize what you're saying? "Involuntary wealth transfer scheme"=THEFT. A thug who puts a gun to my chest and takes my wallet is inititating an "Involuntary wealth transfer scheme" with a very specific and clearly defined target (himself) with 100% delivery results. Does that make it alright? Or is it still THEFT?

I say it's still THEFT, THEFT is wrong and should not be ENDORSED, SPONSORED or PERPETRATED by the government who's job it is to PROTECT me from such things.

Feb 3, 2001
Originally posted by: Commodus
One group of people that bugs me is that which argues for "workfare." You want to talk about maintaining dependencies? Try not only keeping someone on welfare, but taking away any of the time they would normally have to look for a non-workfare job. As I'm sure some of you have been taught, job-hunting can sometimes be a job in itself: you need to line up endless interviews, polish your CV, look into getting certifications, and so on.

Not to mention that there's also the issue of the entry-level jobs themselves: if we're to downplay or eliminate welfare, the minimum wage must go up dramatically. Some people here remain acutely unaware of just how insufficient minimum wage is. There are people who work two jobs at that pay level but still have trouble supporting a small family - and sometimes, even themselves. Some may choose welfare simply because it doesn't require that they work 80 hours a week to achieve similar ends.

The worst part is that I'm sure a lot of right-wing politicians (and some of their supporters here in the forums) would vehemently object to a minimum wage increase, since it would "hurt the sustainability of businesses." But it should be noted that businesses like, say, Wal-Mart could directly stand to benefit. After all, a place like Wal-Mart is known as a haven for minimum-wage or otherwise lower-class workers; increasing the amount of disposable income for those workers (whether they're employees or not) encourages them to spend more of it at your shop.

You know, everyone has a new scheme to make it all work out. WHy doesn't it ever occur to ANY of you to try the simplest thing of all: FREEDOM. Let people live and do as they will, restrain them ONLY from fraud or force, and otherwise let the country do whatever it is going to do!

Jeez do you have to micro manage EVERYTHING?!

Feb 3, 2001
Originally posted by: ReiAyanami
I am opposed to corporate welfare. Only businesses run by Bush should get special aid.

Nonsense. NO business, NO person should be given special aid or treatment by the government. The government should protect us from Fraud and force and, in the words of Thomas Jefferson, whom most of you loathe anyway, "leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement."



Diamond Member
Sep 22, 2004
Originally posted by: Grunt03
The problem with welfare is when it is offered so freely, people tend to stay on it for ever. The entire system needs to be overhauled, it needs to be monitored closely and the rules and guidlines need to be enforced.
We are not the world bank and should not become one. We need to learn to say no and make others earn their way.........

Our welfare system is not only offered freely, it is more insidious than that. It is enforced! If people on welfare try to earn money, they are penalized. Another issue with welfare. How do you provide a fair system that actually helps people in need without allowing them to develop it as a basis for other economies? We clearly don't have the answer.

Minimum wage - the liberals solution to everything economic. All that minimum wage does in an economy is set the baseline of income. You move minimum wage up and you move the baseline up. Inflation reacts and the increase is null. Minimum wage actually costs opportunity.

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