The Witcher 3 To Look Same on All 3 Platforms

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Dec 12, 2001
The tiny boxed in levels, the lack of Acts compared to No 1, the horrific UI before it was fixed, the game was built with consoles in mind. CD Projekt has sold out they should have remained PC only. And to those who mentioned a controller, if I wanted a controller I'd buy a console and I wouldn't be using a $150 mechanical keyboard.

There are some games that suck with a keyboard and mouse. Sorry to burst your elitist bubble.


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2013
There are some games that suck with a keyboard and mouse. Sorry to burst your elitist bubble.

Why is it elitist to want good mouse and keyboard controls on a PC? It would be no different than a console gamer complaining about the lack of controller support.


Diamond Member
Feb 1, 2007
Because you said the the Witcher games alone were funding enough.

It's true that is a distributor of PC games. But they're making money distributing, not on development and their own sales.

Nor did I say they would be bankrupt without consoles.

Or do you think Valve would still be in business right now without Steam? Your claim was that those two games alone were obviously enough for them on PC. I said they're not.

I never said that, I said the PC market was enough to sustain them, and obviously that includes a PC distribution platform. You said they'd be bankrupt if they were PC only, then turn around and say they make most of their money on gog which is PC only, so I'm not sure what you're going on about.

FWIW I don't think them making a console port is really a bad thing, I buy tons of ports for PC and if anything I'm happy that I can get a lot of big console titles on PC nowadays.


Dec 12, 2001
Why is it elitist to want good mouse and keyboard controls on a PC? It would be no different than a console gamer complaining about the lack of controller support.

Back in the day nobody had a problem buying joysticks for specific games. All the sudden people go apeshit over a game that is better on a controller.


Golden Member
Jun 5, 2013
And BSim, you make a lot of good points, and they sound decent. But did you read the first pages of this very thread? Sheer idiocy. And you are correct that no one was toxic in the strictest sense, but that's more owing to the fact that the PC Gaming mod(s) does a decent job of making sure that isn't tolerated on this board.

I read through the whole thread. Maybe we'll have to agree to disagree but a lot of what you label "hate" I think is just plain ordinary concern, suspicion and a general well intended passion to see PC gaming get better as a lead platform and not left to get worse as an after-thought. Even when it's "impassioned", concern of consolization of major big budget AAA cross-platorm titles in the PC community isn't new, unusual or surprising. Many "buzzwords" will trigger it off on pretty much every game on every gaming forum, eg, "30 fps cinematic", "casual audience", "more accessible gameplay" (doubly so when it involves taking an established PC franchise with a distinct style of gameplay and a large fan-base and trying to 'steer' the gameplay into something more "arcady" or "consoley" - hence the community "pile ons" / Metacritic review bombs for DAI, Thief 4, etc, and a whole lot of other 'bad sequels').

As for this W3 thread, I saw conflicting pieces of information and you can't really blame people for speculating on stuff like "M+K controls not even finished yet, but gamepad controls are" or confusion over 30fps frame-rate locks given some of the cr*p that other publishers have been shovelling out over the past few years which included precisely those things. Personally, I don't think CDPR are dumb enough to lock the PC version to 30fps, but it's something people will speculate on until their fears are allayed beyond any doubt of translation errors.


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2013
Back in the day nobody had a problem buying joysticks for specific games. All the sudden people go apeshit over a game that is better on a controller.

Back in the day, PC gamers played with a mouse and keyboard for all but flight simulators and racing games. And mostly they still do. PC gamers have every right to expect mouse and keyboard support for all games but those special cases which a mouse doesn't work (simulators; flight and racing).


Diamond Member
May 13, 2008
Back in the day, PC gamers played with a mouse and keyboard for all but flight simulators and racing games. And mostly they still do. PC gamers have every right to expect mouse and keyboard support for all games but those special cases which a mouse doesn't work (simulators; flight and racing).

Don't think this is necessarily true. I've thrown away so many odd PC controllers recently that I've had stored up. Now that my 360 controller works with my PC there is no need for any other controllers. The amount of controllers I've thrown away from my early PC days makes it easy for me to realize that I definitely was NEVER reliant on simply just a mouse+kb.

I see current PC gamers trying to play Dolphin Wii games with Mouse+KB. When did you guys get so against controllers? I've always used controllers, even in MMOs as sometimes controllers had extra features unlocked due to needing to make the game play well on controller it would need to provide shortcuts to some actions the Mouse+KB didn't access to.


Golden Member
Jun 5, 2013
Back in the day nobody had a problem buying joysticks for specific games.

The only game genres I recall people doing that for were typically "beat 'em ups", racing games (for those without a steering wheel + pedals), MAME / Dolphin emulators, a few platformers and flight / space sims (Elite Plus, F-15 Strike Eagle, etc). I sure as hell don't recall trying to play any older RPG from Baldur's Gate & Daggerfall to Gothic & Morrowind with a joystick...

All the sudden people go apeshit over a game that is better on a controller.
"Better" or simply "works better than a screwed up K+M port"? Plenty of 3rd person RPG's work fine on K+M (Mass Effect, etc). No-one wants controller support removed, just for K&M support to not be nerfed or bugged simply because a game supports controllers as an option and that's all some lazy developers can be bothered to play-test...


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2013
Don't think this is necessarily true. I've thrown away so many odd PC controllers recently that I've had stored up. Now that my 360 controller works with my PC there is no need for any other controllers. The amount of controllers I've thrown away from my early PC days makes it easy for me to realize that I definitely was NEVER reliant on simply just a mouse+kb.

I see current PC gamers trying to play Dolphin Wii games with Mouse+KB. When did you guys get so against controllers? I've always used controllers, even in MMOs as sometimes controllers had extra features unlocked due to needing to make the game play well on controller it would need to provide shortcuts to some actions the Mouse+KB didn't access to.

We aren't against controllers, we are against not supporting Keyboard and mouse. Most PC gamers expect to use a mouse when gaming. It is the basic input method on a PC. Just like a controller is the basic input method of a console.

If I use a console emulator, then I'd expect to need a controller, but not for a game built to be played on a PC.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
Back in the day nobody had a problem buying joysticks for specific games. All the sudden people go apeshit over a game that is better on a controller.

There is a difference between games that are merely better with a controller (like flight sims, platformers, fighting games, etc) and those that gimped the UI so that It'll work on controllers and didn't bother to make a proper kb/m interface. (RPGs tend to be especially bad here) Its simple things like being able to directly select things in menus rather than being forced to hit up or down multiple times.

I use my 360 controller for the sorts of games that benefits it. Shadows of Mordor for example I played with a controller simply because the game felt better that way.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2013
And it's led to a really wrong mentality that controller support at all is console-ification.


Platinum Member
Jun 10, 2005
I'm a PC gamer. I do not own an Xbox One or PS4.

If a game wouldn't work with a gamepad, and needed mouse and keyboard, I wouldn't play it.

My point is this-different strokes for different folks. This doesn't sound like your game if you only play with mouse and keyboard.


Platinum Member
Nov 18, 2012
I actually personally enjoyed The Witcher 2 far, far more with an Xbox controller than my KB/M. Being able to look around quickly was not as important as being able to move your character precisely via analog stick, and that's the one area that I freely admit that console controllers have a huge advantage over KB/M. It's the same with the Assassin's Creed series (although I have gotten too used to KB/M in Assassin's Creed to switch).


Feb 3, 2005
Because you said the the Witcher games alone were funding enough.

And can you prove otherwise? The Witcher series has sold over 8 million copies. If even a quarter of those are Witcher 2 PC sales, and if CDPR only made an average of $5 on those sales, that covers the $10 million cost to produce the game.


Senior member
Apr 10, 2009
CDPR has been frucking the PC gamers in the butt since the team of the first game was all but destroyed during The Witcher 2's development and they dumbed the second game to a point where it's as forgettable all the other consolified crap out there. The combat is junk and uninteresting and not challenging, the plot is not nearly as well presented and the missions nowhere near as fun.

And I'm not speaking out of nostalgia. Admitedly, The Witcher 1 is by far and a way not the be-all-end-all hardcore PC RPG of the century, but it's head and shoulders above its successor. I've played it a few times already, the last time right after I finished The Witcher 2 (which I have since sold) and it's just a more charismatic and cohesive game.

They sold out, basically.

Can't blame them, but I'm not buying their new game either. You know why? Cause I don't want non of that shaft up me rump, no thank you.

And it's led to a really wrong mentality that controller support at all is console-ification.
Let me make this clear, this is not my attitude. What I mean by consolification is something much easier to understand: PC gaming, in terms of gameplay, is all about the click action. Doesn't matter if it's on a keyboard, mouse, or gamepad, it's about the clicks. General rule: you click more = more fun. That's why Diablo 3 is nowhere near as fun as Diablo 2. So that alone makes The Witcher 2 more of a console game than The Witcher was.

But there's another very important aspect to it all, one anyone remotely knowledgeable about the industry will KNOW: console games are made with a shorter attention span in mind, for gamers who are not as willing to sink hours into a game as PC gamers. This is fact. If you're a console developer and you don't KNOW this, you're not a successful console developer. And The Witcher 2, like 90% of the American television series, is shaped with that in mind: lots of people don't care much about much, and they just want to have a good time. I'm not blaming them, and I'm not blaming anyone who caters to the public. But I do blame CDPR for selling out, because they weren't aiming at that crowd when the first game came up. It's pretty much the same deal that went on with BioWare in the early 2000's, only BioWare never did manage to deliver anything particularly brilliant (even if their games are massively famous and loved).

Interplay went down for this exact crap, although they went down because they did it a bit too much.

*Let me clarify my more clicks = more fun theory. What I mean is that if to walk 10 feed I need to click three times, as a rule, that's gonna be more fun than if I need to click once, or don't even need to click. Console design goes against this, prioritizing content (for the ADD crowd) over action. In other words, dumbing things down. Of course the PC crowd is gonna look like idiots when a game sequel makes menial gameplay tasks easier or removes them entirely: inventory tetris, manual cancelation of turns, skill point assignment, calculations, exploration, all that is part of PC gaming, and something that detracts from that is tendentiously consolified.
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Dec 12, 2001
But there's another very important aspect to it all, one anyone remotely knowledgeable about the industry will KNOW: console games are made with a shorter attention span in mind, for gamers who are not as willing to sink hours into a game as PC gamers. This is fact. If you're a console developer and you don't KNOW this, you're not a successful console developer. And The Witcher 2, like 90% of the American television series, is shaped with that in mind: lots of people don't care much about much, and they just want to have a good time. I'm not blaming them, and I'm not blaming anyone who caters to the public. But I do blame CDPR for selling out, because they weren't aiming at that crowd when the first game came up. It's pretty much the same deal that went on with BioWare in the early 2000's, only BioWare never did manage to deliver anything particularly brilliant (even if their games are massively famous and loved).

Interplay went down for this exact crap, although they went down because they did it a bit too much.

*Let me clarify my more clicks = more fun theory. What I mean is that if to walk 10 feed I need to click three times, as a rule, that's gonna be more fun than if I need to click once, or don't even need to click. Console design goes against this, prioritizing content (for the ADD crowd) over action. In other words, dumbing things down. Of course the PC crowd is gonna look like idiots when a game sequel makes menial gameplay tasks easier or removes them entirely: inventory tetris, manual cancelation of turns, skill point assignment, calculations, exploration, all that is part of PC gaming, and something that detracts from that is tendentiously consolified.

2 Things...

If console games are made for people with no attention span how do you explain the JRPGs that have some of the worst grinding in any game out there and take hundreds of hours to finish one time? There are games that are only on console that I have hundreds of hours into. Others on my friend list as well.

Second, I don't correlate clicks to fun. If I have to click,click,click like mad I'll get tired of it and won't bother with the game. I've had enough of that. Think of something else for us to do instead of point and click a billion times.
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Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2013
It really is more about complexity of your actions that is different. Consoles, without a mouse, are limited in some types of things. You can't easily control 4 party members with a controller, with the precision a mouse can, so it gets dumbed down. You can't control armies of units with the precision you can with a mouse in RTS's, so they just don't exist on consoles yet and if they do, they'll get dumb down a lot.

The reason this most concerns me, is complex, strategic, complex RPG's only existed on PC for many years due to controller limitations and when they did get ported to a console, they were dumb down for the console. A few months ago, the biggest developer of these complex RPG's just dumbed down their latest RPG (Bioware's DA:I). Elder Scrolls has also dumbed down their game over the years, though to be honest, that one wasn't that complex anyways, but instead of swiping your enemies with a sword, you now just click a button. And now we are faced with another RPG developer that has developed their latest game on the console first (they don't have M&K controls yet), and we are worried we have lost another RPG franchise. Good strategic complex RPG's are few and far between and with all the top developers switching to console first designs, they are not at all as complex or satisfying.

They can still be fun, but they are not as fun, and it has been 5 years since the last really good old school RPG, and at this rate, those won't ever happen again. Divinity: OS wasn't bad, but it wasn't spectacular either. The Witcher 3 might be able to support a controller and mouse well, but we'll have to wait and see.
Aug 11, 2008
Exactly. For instance, look at DA:I. The skills usage slots are limited to 8, based undoubtedly on a controller pattern. My mage has far more active powers than that, not to mention at the higher levels I had to purposely select passive skills because I already had more powers than I could use. They could easily have solved this on PC. The particular keyboard I am using now has ten number keys and twelve function keys. They could easily have let you map the skills to these keys, and allow many more skills to be active. Or they could have even just made ten or fifteen slots and let you pause the game and click on them to use them. But they just did not bother to optimize to take advantage of the particular configuration of the PC.


Dec 12, 2001
Stop saying dumbed down. There has to be another word to use instead of dumb. It's insulting and a lot of people who play games on consoles aren't dumb.


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2013
Stop saying dumbed down. There has to be another word to use instead of dumb. It's insulting.

What would you call it? Streamlined? Simplified?

Dumbed down works better, because it both says it removes complexity and also gives a the personal opinion of it being a bad thing.

Streamlined makes it sound like a good thing. Simplified is neutral, but gives no indication that it is something that isn't liked.

Just realize that a game that is dumbed down is not an insult to the player, but to the game itself.


Dec 12, 2001
What would you call it? Streamlined? Simplified?

Dumbed down works better, because it both says it removes complexity and also gives a the personal opinion of it being a bad thing.

Streamlined makes it sound like a good thing. Simplified is neutral, but gives no indication that it is something that isn't liked.

Just realize that a game that is dumbed down is not an insult to the player, but to the game itself.

simplified is the most accurate. A controller's interface is much more simple than a keyboard and mouse.


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2013
simplified is the most accurate. A controller's interface is much more simple than a keyboard and mouse.

No. It is accurate, but not more so, because it doesn't introduce the opinion of mine that it is a bad thing.

And it is in no way shape or form an insult to you, if you like it. It is me, saying I don't like it and directed at the game and devs.


Diamond Member
Oct 19, 2001
Back in the day, PC gamers played with a mouse and keyboard for all but flight simulators and racing games.

Will call BS on that statement. Going back to the Commodore 64, 286, 386 era I had controllers for all types of games. Not sure what you mean by "back in the day" unless you are truly referring to text based games.

Back in the day, you had this:

So you could connect this:



Diamond Member
Feb 4, 2013
Stop saying dumbed down. There has to be another word to use instead of dumb. It's insulting and a lot of people who play games on consoles aren't dumb.

If they were smart then they would likely be on PC in the first place.
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