The Young and Stupid - For Military Folks


Jun 23, 2001
So after I got off work today, after spending an extra 1.5 hours in the work center to complete some additional paperwork, I went for a job.

Now, the place I've been jogging at lately is a length of track along side a road. It is not on the road, it is about 7 to 10 feet off to the side of road, separated by dirt, bushes, and trees. Because its not along side the road, wearing headphones is permitted while on this running area. Its about .75 miles long, and I usually will run at least 4 times for a total of 3 miles or up to 8 times for a total of 6 miles.

A few months back, the USAF instated their new PT uniform, which is actually a fairly nice uniform, except for the shorts. According to the AFI's governing the PT uniform it is mandatory to wear it while participating in unit PT. Remember that fact.

Today, I'm out there running in my civilian running clothing when this young man, whom I don't know, runs up along side me and taps me on the shoulder, since I had my headphones on. I pause my iPod and slide my headphones down to my neck. The conversation went about like this, no joke. Names changed, by the way.

Me - Hey man.

Him - Hey, I'm Airman Smith, Physical Training Leader with BlahBlah Flight. I'm going to have to ask you to leave the track.

Me - Eh? Are you going to be conducting a (PT) test out here? (Implying that he would need the space, if he would be testing a decently large group of people.)

Him - No, but you're not following the regs. You're supposed to be in AF PT gear when doing any PT on base. You need to leave now.

Me - Airman, thats only for unit PT, AF PT gear isn't required when doing PT by one's self.

Him - I'm the PTL with BlahBlah flight, the only PTL out here right now, and you need to leave this track now or I'll be reporting you to SSgt Brown for failing to follow my orders and AF regulations.

Me - *Dumbfounded, but continuing to run* (Remember, he has not asked my name, rank, or unit, and he is apparrently a Senior Airman or lower since he refered to himself as 'airman' Had me been an NCO or SNCO, he would have addressed himself as such, as he would have if he had been an LT or other young officer.)

Him - *Sticks his arm out in front of me in an attempt to stop me*

Me - *Continuing to run* Airman, my name is SSgt Bateluer, you need to check that AFI again and get your damn arm out of my way.

Him - If you don't leave, I will make sure you get an LoC (Letter of Counseling) for disrespecting me.

Me - Piss off.

If had to make an educated guess, I'd say he was an A1C who recently got promoted to SrA Below-the-Zone, which would explain his arrogance, and some of his disrespect towards an NCO.

Some people are too big for their britches. Thanks for listening.


Jan 29, 2005
I couldn't really understand what was going on with all the acronyms, abbreviations and whatnot, but the dude sounds like a pompous ass who should be flogged in front of the infantry barracks at 0600.

*at ease*


Oct 9, 1999
Heh call is supervisor and put that airman in his place!

<---two striper myself, and gonna get that BTZ damnit!

so I'm guessing he dropped it after that?

And yes the shorts are teh ghey! I'm thinking about buying a really small pair just in spite. Nothing in the AFI about the shorts being too short. I bet everyone will love the view. Especially when doing those groin stretches.... you like that!


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
An E3 was harrassing you and you didn't tune him up?
I'd have locked his heels so hard that you wouldn't have been able to slide a pencil lead up his ass.


Elite Member
Mar 3, 2000
Originally posted by: iamaelephant
That was an exceedingly dull story. No offense.

What did you think of the grammar/sentence structure?


Jun 23, 2001
Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
An E3 was harrassing you and you didn't tune him up?
I'd have locked his heels so hard that you wouldn't have been able to slide a pencil lead up his ass.

I was running, thats how I keep sane.

BTW, here are some pics of the AF PT uniform to make you all gouge your eyes out. That was a quasi-NSFW warning, by the way. :evil:


Oh, thats not me. Thats a guy I went to tech school with.

And I'm going to wish JoeKing good luck pursuing BTZ. I hear its package only now, but you still have to learn to dance the political dance to get that third stripe 6 months early. And if you do get it, remember you are still an airman, its only 1 more stripe. No need to have your ego expand exponentially. It will gain you some extra points on your E5 test though, depending on when the cut off dates are situated around your BTZ cycle.



Jun 30, 2003
Originally posted by: Bateluer
Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
An E3 was harrassing you and you didn't tune him up?
I'd have locked his heels so hard that you wouldn't have been able to slide a pencil lead up his ass.

I was running, thats how I keep sane.

BTW, here are some pics of the AF PT uniform to make you all gouge your eyes out. That was a quasi-NSFW warning, by the way. :evil:


Oh, thats not me. Thats a guy I went to tech school with.

And I'm going to wish JoeKing good luck pursuing BTZ. I hear its package only now, but you still have to learn to dance the political dance to get that third stripe 6 months early. And if you do get it, remember you are still an airman, its only 1 more stripe. No need to have your ego expand exponentially. It will gain you some extra points on your E5 test though, depending on when the cut off dates are situated around your BTZ cycle.

lol, he reminds me a little of warcrow


Oct 9, 1999
Originally posted by: Bateluer
Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
An E3 was harrassing you and you didn't tune him up?
I'd have locked his heels so hard that you wouldn't have been able to slide a pencil lead up his ass.

I was running, thats how I keep sane.

BTW, here are some pics of the AF PT uniform to make you all gouge your eyes out. That was a quasi-NSFW warning, by the way. :evil:


Oh, thats not me. Thats a guy I went to tech school with.

And I'm going to wish JoeKing good luck pursuing BTZ. I hear its package only now, but you still have to learn to dance the political dance to get that third stripe 6 months early. And if you do get it, remember you are still an airman, its only 1 more stripe. No need to have your ego expand exponentially. It will gain you some extra points on your E5 test though, depending on when the cut off dates are situated around your BTZ cycle.

oh man you're living in the dorms? geeze I wish they'd let me out already.

But yeah I'm just doing a 4 year term and my goal is to hit Staff or at least get in line for staff before I get out. And BTZ is a must for this to happen.

BTW here's what the future of the air force is doing in tech school nowadays
*warning* gross homoerotic content, not suitable for all ages


Nov 18, 2005
Originally posted by: JoeKing
Originally posted by: Bateluer
Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
An E3 was harrassing you and you didn't tune him up?
I'd have locked his heels so hard that you wouldn't have been able to slide a pencil lead up his ass.

I was running, thats how I keep sane.

BTW, here are some pics of the AF PT uniform to make you all gouge your eyes out. That was a quasi-NSFW warning, by the way. :evil:


Oh, thats not me. Thats a guy I went to tech school with.

And I'm going to wish JoeKing good luck pursuing BTZ. I hear its package only now, but you still have to learn to dance the political dance to get that third stripe 6 months early. And if you do get it, remember you are still an airman, its only 1 more stripe. No need to have your ego expand exponentially. It will gain you some extra points on your E5 test though, depending on when the cut off dates are situated around your BTZ cycle.

oh man you're living in the dorms? geeze I wish they'd let me out already.

But yeah I'm just doing a 4 year term and my goal is to hit Staff or at least get in line for staff before I get out. And BTZ is a must for this to happen.

BTW here's what the future of the air force is doing in tech school nowadays
*warning* gross homoerotic content, not suitable for all ages

yea, that's our military for you.. which is homophobic yet homoerotic
it's almost like that in ROTC

btw I've seen that video before, and laughed back then, but was also slightly disturbed.. now i laughed even more and was less disturbed because I know it's like that, almost everywhere.
oh the fun of the military, lmao


Platinum Member
Oct 28, 2003
WoW, I am luck I never met an airman that pompous. I am a SrA btw, but I go on terminal leave on Wednesday. So glad to never have to wear that pt uniform again.


Diamond Member
Jun 21, 2001
I thought everyone gave up those shorts after high school gym class.


Nov 18, 2005
Originally posted by: grrl
I thought everyone gave up those shorts after high school gym class.

nope.. military PT uniforms always have and likely always will feature those ever-so-cute short shorts. i enjoy our shorts, but they definitely aren't as short as the AF's new PT outfit.


Senior member
May 25, 2004
Depending on your rank, you could have played "flip em" with him! haa.. Remind him that PTL is a voluenteer position and doesn't give you the title of "Track Nazi" What an idiot airman... We have those around here..


Oct 10, 2000
Originally posted by: Bateluer
Originally posted by: oldsmoboat
An E3 was harrassing you and you didn't tune him up?
I'd have locked his heels so hard that you wouldn't have been able to slide a pencil lead up his ass.

I was running, thats how I keep sane.

BTW, here are some pics of the AF PT uniform to make you all gouge your eyes out. That was a quasi-NSFW warning, by the way. :evil:


Oh, thats not me. Thats a guy I went to tech school with.

And I'm going to wish JoeKing good luck pursuing BTZ. I hear its package only now, but you still have to learn to dance the political dance to get that third stripe 6 months early. And if you do get it, remember you are still an airman, its only 1 more stripe. No need to have your ego expand exponentially. It will gain you some extra points on your E5 test though, depending on when the cut off dates are situated around your BTZ cycle.

BWAHAHAHAHAH thats too good. I thought that stuff is not tolerated with the armed forces...


Diamond Member
Jul 25, 2004
So what exactly is the problem with those shorts anyway? They look like pretty standard running shorts to me.


Golden Member
Oct 10, 2006
Oh how much I hate PTL's, there's one in my squadron who apparently dreams to be a football coach cause every time he leads it we go outside to a soccer field and a few people run the length of the field with a football while everyone else does pushups situps squats etc. oh and he has a whistle too. Silly airmen who think they're the sh1t because they're a PTL or got btz, woop-dee-f**king-doo (Im a 2 striper myself but I put on SrA come December woot!) But yeah the pt shorts are pretty gay, I gotta wear a 2XL just to make it look like Im not wearing daisy dukes cause Im 6'5. I got a pair of 4XL that actually go down to my knees but I got them to wear around in the desert when I deployed cause you cant wear civies and dont get me started on the pants, I cant stand the swooshing noise.


Diamond Member
Jan 2, 2005
if I interpret correctly, either the OP is ranked above or this is like a newly commissioned 2nd Lt in the Army trying to tell a 15 year non-commissioned officer what to do.

My brother is Lt in the army and I asked him about ranks and stuff whenever I visited and he said while technically he outranks all NCOs, he would get his ass kicked if he tried to order some of them around.


Golden Member
Oct 10, 2006
Originally posted by: thepd7
if I interpret correctly, either the OP is ranked above or this is like a newly commissioned 2nd Lt in the Army trying to tell a 15 year non-commissioned officer what to do.

My brother is Lt in the army and I asked him about ranks and stuff whenever I visited and he said while technically he outranks all NCOs, he would get his ass kicked if he tried to order some of them around.

From what I understood the OP is a SSgt or E-5 and the PTL is a E-1 thru E-4 because the OP said the guy addressed himself as airmen which is E-1 thru E-4. So the OP outranks el duche bago PTL. Your right though, officers outrank all enlisted even if your an E-9 and have been in the military for 25+ yrs an O-1 on the first day of their military career outranks you. Now you gotta be out of your mind to think that means diddly squat cause for the most part until you hit O-3 you dont really run anything, or at least this is what I have seen in the AF.


Diamond Member
Aug 8, 2000
Originally posted by: Devine
Originally posted by: thepd7
if I interpret correctly, either the OP is ranked above or this is like a newly commissioned 2nd Lt in the Army trying to tell a 15 year non-commissioned officer what to do.

My brother is Lt in the army and I asked him about ranks and stuff whenever I visited and he said while technically he outranks all NCOs, he would get his ass kicked if he tried to order some of them around.

From what I understood the OP is a SSgt or E-5 and the PTL is a E-1 thru E-4 because the OP said the guy addressed himself as airmen which is E-1 thru E-4. So the OP outranks el duche bago PTL. Your right though, officers outrank all enlisted even if your an E-9 and have been in the military for 25+ yrs an O-1 on the first day of their military career outranks you. Now you gotta be out of your mind to think that means diddly squat cause for the most part until you hit O-3 you dont really run anything, or at least this is what I have seen in the AF.

Just depends on the branch and the unit. Where I'm at, we get 0-1s who think they're king sh!t of everything because they lead infantry platoons. The sad part is when they get mad, they take you on death runs, or at least until they get tired after an hour or so, and then you remember that you're pushing for some retard in another squad.

Semper Fi.
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