Thermal Paste or Tape??


Junior Member
Jan 12, 2000
Just got a globalwin FOP38 to put on my Duron 700. It has Thermal tape on
the bottom of the heatsink.

Will my cpu run cooler using the tape or will it run cooler using the
"Unick: Silicon Heat Transfer Compound" that i have??

Any feedback would be good.

Paul Lockyer



Senior member
Nov 22, 1999
Scratch the thermal tape off and after you clean the surface of the heatsink, apply a thin layer of thermal grease on the CPU core and then install your heatsink. Yup, you should get cooler temperature after that.



Golden Member
Oct 9, 1999
A plastic picnic knife works pretty well to remove graphite thermal pads. The idea is to not scratch or mar the aluminum surface of the heatsink. Automotive laquer thinner works very well, and Gunk brand bug remover(for car paint finishes) is also recommended. I've tried a brand X bug remover, it was pretty useless.


Platinum Member
Feb 4, 2000
I have heard too many cases where thermal tape has been better, I think it some instances, AMD say that thermal paste is better. For thermal grease to be effective, you need the right amound and covering


Junior Member
Sep 30, 2000
With my Alpha 6035 thermal tape is 8 degrees C cooler than with grease. This is with a Duron 650 at 900Mhz.


Senior member
Oct 9, 1999
WARNING: This may appear to be a flame. It is NOT. I am simply voicing my long-held beliefs on a topic on which I have extremely strong convictions, and about which, I have held my tongue to long. No one individual should take offense, as this is not directed at any ONE person.

1) I believe (and logic dictates) that the ONLY reason AMD recommends/requires thermal phase change material on "AMD Approved" heatsinks is that the phase change material acts as a PAD to cushion the very fragile core, thus reducing the occurrences of fractured cores.

2) Thermal phase change material is INFERIOR IN PERFORMANCE to almost ANY decent Aluminum Oxide based thermal compound, and definitely inferior to Arctic Silver. This is a matter of hard, cold, physics and is undisputable scientific fact. IF ANYONE gets a "cooler" temp with phase change material, they are either 1) NOT measuring a true and accurate CPU core temp, 2) making a serious measurement/procedural error, 3) deluded, or 4) lying. Sorry to offend anyone, but I'm just telling it like it is.

3) You CANNOT measure the CPU core temp of an AMD processor. It simply cannot be done, sorry. Thus you CANNOT use an AMD CPU as the basis of a temperature based comparisons between thermal materials.

I am so sick and tired of every "Johnny-come-lately" with a thermistor, teenage wannabe engineers, and "Gotta Have Brand X; your wrong, I'm right no matter what the facts say; I have a website, so I'm an expert.... my hit counter proves it; and idiots of ALL ages continually posting not only misleading, but downright wrong information, results, procedures, half-assed "scientific" comparisons, etc, etc.... ad freakin' nauseum on the Forums and so-called hardware review websites.

The fact is that there are virtually NO true experts anywhere around online. Some of us are "smarter than the average bear", and a very few of us actually know what we are talking about when we post.... and even these few sometimes make mistakes occasionally. Even knowledgeable folks make errors at times.

BUT, there are a LARGE number of folks passing themselves off in the Computer Hardware, Performance, and Cooling Community as EXPERTS, when in fact they don't really know their collective asses from the proverbial "hole in the ground." This fact is (which unfortunately is NOT generally recognized by the majority of knowledge seekers on the Net/Forums) that these so-called "experts/reviewers" generally are not even remotely competent to review toilet paper, much less the vast array of hardware they regularly suck up for FREE from the manufacturer (or small-business.... usually online-type). Now you can't really fault the businesses, as they are simply out for a little "free/low-cost" advertising in their own self-interest.... not entirely "Kosher", but at least it's understandable.... and obvious.

The guys running these "review" sites would have you think that THEY are "Moses come down from the Mount" to deliver the "divine law" on computer hardware. Wake up y'all.... They aren't.... None of them are.... A few.... VERY few, are knowledgeable enough that I would be comfortable saying that "OK, you can listen to them as an opinion... but NOT an authority." Sadly, MOST of the current review sites are MUCH more interested in their visitor counts, and page views, than in the accuracy or quality of the content and conclusions they publish.

NO ONE PERSON (or staff to my knowledge) has the knowledge, experience, and expertise to hold themselves up as an AUTHORITY on such a broad range of topics as are routinely included on review sites and forums. There ARE however a FEW folks that I would place my trust in. These folks don't offer themselves up as experts in everything as some do... they generally confine their opinions to their limited area of experience.

In fact, in the case of the FORUMS, the majority of the folks who could be reasonably called experts or authorities in a field are generally "run off" the forums by the overwhelming voice of the galactically stupid who generally infest most forums with their inane and generally stupendously idiotic "measurements", "comparisons", or other fantasy-land story posted to make them feel better about the purchase decisions they themselves made. I've seen it happen people.... I mean, what well-respected engineer or other recognized expert is going to keep coming back to these Forums when they keep having to endure idiots and pimply-faced teenagers disparaging them, disputing fact with supposition and fiction, and generally acting like jack-asses. The sane choice is to say, "Screw it! Let 'em drown in their own ignorance. I'm out?a here!"

Frankly, I'm tired too. It's simply a matter of numbers here folks... If a few people are trying to test and report facts, and scientific information, and in opposition, a few HUNDRED or more continually post incomplete, innacurate, or simply WRONG information (either by ignorance, obstinance, or by design), the incorrect information will begin to be "accepted" as fact..... repeated, etc....

It's akin to the "Big Lie" theory used by the better historical propagandists. If you tell the people a big enough lie, and you tell it often enough, they will accept it as truth in spite of facts to the contrary.

People, it's more than just whether heatsink X is better than heatsink Y, or Spacely Sprockets are better or worse than Cogswell Cogs.... It is much more serious than that. We have a serious problem here (and elsewhere). There is a serious shortage of critical thinking skills in the world an particularly here in the Computer Enthusiast community. One would think that the average level of intelligence would be higher here than in the populace as a whole. Well, it may be, but the level is most certainly also declining rapidly. As my favorite math teacher used to say to his advanced students, "I don't care if the tests say you are a genius. If you don't have plain old "Horse Sense", you WILL fail my class." One of the wisest men I ever met.... taught us a whole lot more than math.... he taught us to think, to question, and to be satisfied with nothing less than the truth.

So many people have simply abandoned common sense and intellect and replaced it with polls, consumer reviews, and "talking heads" that it's becoming the exception rather than the rule to find a truly independent thinker anymore. Why? Because thinking is hard... it takes training, practice, effort, and above all a thirst for truth. A growing majority of folks have joined the proverbial "flock of sheep" being led around by half-truth (or worse), unsubstantiated opinion, and marketing hype. Once again, "Why?" I'll tell you. Because a sheep doesn't have to THINK. He doesn't have to train his mind, exercise it, practice, and work hard at getting to the truth. The sheep need only follow with his nose up the butt of the sheep in front. The sheep is tended well enough.... fed "enough", given "enough" water, etc. Need anyone be reminded however that the sheep is NOT FREE. Not in his mind or in his person. At any time the sheep is subject to "fleecing" for what he has produced, or simply liquidated for the "nourishment" his very body will provide to his owners' table or bank accounts.

Do you want to know what is REALLY sad? Some of the folks who manage the attention span to read this entire post simply won't "get it". They are already well-integrated into the "flock". They've surrendered their minds to the "Big Lie" and its relative ilk. They've sold their freedom for comfort and leisure. You see, to the well-indoctrinated, folks like me appear as the exception rather than the rule. When folks like me... those who stand up, make logical arguments, challenge "established" norms, express new/different ideas, etc... speak out without equivocation, we are branded "out there", "extreme", blah, blah, yadda freakin' yadda....

Well ladies and gentlemen.... To those who know me, I'll miss you guys. To those whom I've never had occasion to meet but WOULD have liked, I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to speak with and share ideas with you. To the rest of you.... members of the "flock", and other non-aligned members of the willingly ignorant I say:

"Screw it! Let 'em drown in their own ignorance. I'm out?a here!"

Signing off....


Diamond Member
Nov 18, 1999
tape sucks...only use paste

arctic silver's the best stuff you'll find...but it's damn expensive
radioshack grease will do just fine


Junior Member
Sep 30, 2000
>>WARNING: This may appear to be a flame. It is NOT. I am simply voicing my long-held beliefs on a topic on which I have extremely strong convictions, and about which, I have held my tongue to long. No one individual should take offense, as this is not directed at any ONE person.<<

No individual should. But perhaps the group as a whole should. You cannot deny someone's personal experience and calling people liars just makes you look like a schmuck. I didn't see anyone in this thread claim to be an expert, except you.

>> 1) I believe (and logic dictates) that the ONLY reason AMD recommends/requires thermal phase change material on &quot;AMD Approved&quot; heatsinks is that the phase change material acts as a PAD to cushion the very fragile core, thus reducing the occurrences of fractured cores.<<

You believe? You believe? What proof do you have?

>>2) Thermal phase change material is INFERIOR IN PERFORMANCE to almost ANY decent Aluminum Oxide based thermal compound, and definitely inferior to Arctic Silver. This is a matter of hard, cold, physics and is undisputable scientific fact. IF ANYONE gets a &quot;cooler&quot; temp with phase change material, they are either 1) NOT measuring a true and accurate CPU core temp, 2) making a serious measurement/procedural error, 3) deluded, or 4) lying. Sorry to offend anyone, but I'm just telling it like it is.<<

You've left out other possibilities. The fact that the tape pad is thicker than the film created by grease and thus the pressure between the CPU and sink is higher, fact that the paste wraps around the core when pressure is applied thus transferring heat from the sides in addition to the top of core... etc.

>> 3) You CANNOT measure the CPU core temp of an AMD processor. It simply cannot be done, sorry. Thus you CANNOT use an AMD CPU as the basis of a temperature based comparisons between thermal materials.<<

True. But, all things being equal, an 8 degree drop measured by the same circuit on the same CPU when the CPU has not been removed is still an 8 degree drop to the casing which indicates that in all probability that the core is cooler. It may be external temperature, but it not entirely invalid, though the people who worship Intel thinks it is.

>> I am so sick and tired of every &quot;Johnny-come-lately&quot; with a thermistor, teenage wannabe engineers, and &quot;Gotta Have Brand X; your wrong, I'm right no matter what
the facts say; I have a website, so I'm an expert.... my hit counter proves it; and idiots of ALL ages continually posting not only misleading, but downright wrong
information, results, procedures, half-assed &quot;scientific&quot; comparisons, etc, etc.... ad freakin' nauseum on the Forums and so-called hardware review websites.<<

I've been working on PC hardware since 1982. I've done everything on them from assembly language and C++ to circuit design and building my own interface cards. I follow up on things I'm unclear about with my brother at TI, one of their leading analog designers who holds several patents in networking technology analogy circuitry. I've never been given a wrong answer by him.... so far .

The fact is that there are virtually NO true experts anywhere around online. <<

And your posting certainly proves that.

>>Some of us are &quot;smarter than the average bear&quot;, and a very few of us actually know what we are talking about when we post.... and even these few sometimes make mistakes occasionally. Even knowledgeable folks make errors at times.<<<

>>> BUT, there are a LARGE number of folks passing themselves off in the Computer Hardware, Performance, and Cooling Community as EXPERTS, when in fact they don't really know their collective asses from the proverbial &quot;hole in the ground.&quot; This fact is (which unfortunately is NOT generally recognized by the majority of
knowledge seekers on the Net/Forums) that these so-called &quot;reviewers&quot; generally are not even remotely competent to review toilet paper, much less the vast array of hardware they regularly suck up for FREE from the manufacturer (or small-business.... usually online-type). Now you can't really fault the businesses, as they are simply out for a little &quot;free/low-cost&quot; advertising in their own self-interest.... not entirely &quot;Kosher&quot;, but at least it's understandable.... and obvious.<<<

True. But coming off as high and mighty doesn't help your cause but rather makes it appear that you fit in the same category.

>>> The guys running these &quot;review&quot; sites would have you think that THEY are &quot;Moses come down from the Mount&quot; to deliver the &quot;divine law&quot; on computer hardware.
Wake up y'all.... They aren't.... None of them are.... A few.... VERY few, are knowledgeable enough that I would be comfortable saying that &quot;OK, you can listen to
them as an opinion... but NOT an authority.&quot; Sadly, MOST of the current review sites are MUCH more interested in their visitor counts, and page views, than in the
accuracy or quality of the content and conclusions they publish.<<<

I'm in total agreement with this one. My primary reason for visiting these sites is to find out who's having success or failure with their hardware before I make a purchase. I'm not here to ask about the radio interference levels of XYZ case/motherboard combination.

>>seen it happen people.... I mean, what well-respected engineer or other recognized expert is going to keep coming back to these Forums <<<

Since you're here I guess that means you're neither a well-respected engineer nor a recognized expert?

>>>when they keep having to endure idiots and pimply-faced
teenagers disparaging them, disputing fact with supposition and fiction, and generally acting like jack-asses. <<<

Its not just the pimply-faced teenagers acting like jack-asses. Look in the mirror.

>>>The sane choice is to say, &quot;Screw it! Let 'em drown in
their own ignorance. I'm out?a here!&quot;<<<<

That's why for true engineering concepts, I go elsewhere. CPU cooling ain't rocket science and experience counts for a lot in situations such as this. If I want to discuss thermal break-down in a chip if the chip gets too hot, I go elsewhere. If I want to know which heat sinks users have had good experiences with, I come here.

>>> People, it's more than just whether heatsink X is better than heatsink Y, or Spacely Sprockets are better or worse than Cogswell Cogs.... It is much more serious
than that. We have a serious problem here (and elsewhere). <<<<

For crying out loud, its only a stinking CPU being overclocked!!! The users here aren't designing thermal night goggles or using single bit samplers to achieve 32 bit sampling by using 32x clock rates with an averaging circuit. There's a lot of serious discussion with really good engineers on the net ---- but if you really ever expected to get it here, then perhaps you need to quit taking yourself so seriously and spend a little time finding the sites and usenet groups!

>>>>There is a serious shortage of critical thinking skills in the world an particularly here in the Computer
Enthusiast community. <<<

>>>> Do you want to know what is REALLY sad? Some of the folks who manage the attention span to read this entire post simply won't &quot;get it&quot;. <<<<<

I &quot;get it.&quot; I've also seen hundreds of demi-god elitists such as yourself on the net since the 1980s. Its no better now in message boards than it was then in newsgroups. There's always some self-proclaimed net-cop or Einstein spouting off how screwed the rest of the world is and how much better it would be if only people did it their way. This is no different than a couple of drunks in a bar discussing how to make the world a better place except its on a different plain. Rather than talk about how inferior everyone else is, go find serious engineering discussion elsewhere and show how much you truly know. Maybe some of the experts will take you down a notch or two?

I enjoy serious engineering discussion. But not many serious sites are going to have a forum where user's have shared their REAL WORLD experience with something as trivial as cooling a CPU.

They are already
well-integrated into the &quot;flock&quot;. They've surrendered their minds to the &quot;Big Lie&quot; and its relative ilk. They've sold their freedom for comfort and leisure. You see, to the
well-indoctrinated, folks like me appear as the exception rather than the rule. When folks like me... those who stand up, make logical arguments, challenge
&quot;established&quot; norms, express new/different ideas, etc... speak out without equivocation, we are branded &quot;out there&quot;, &quot;extreme&quot;, blah, blah, yadda freakin' yadda....<<<

Nope, I don't think you're &quot;out there&quot; or &quot;extreme.&quot; Comical, yes. You take yourself a little seriously too. Did you notice that in all your blah blah blah about everyone else, you did not submit a single fact? So you're no different than the flock you claim to be higher than.

If you want to talk serious engineering, lets do it. But flaming everyone who doesn't have a degree in <insert discipline here> is elitist and makes you look like you think your crap doesn't stink.

Ken Payne
Ford Truck Enthusiasts
&quot;The problem with Xerox is they've never come up with anything original.&quot;


Golden Member
Oct 14, 1999
And I thought I had a bad day today when I was on the phone for hours with HP trying to get my 9100i CD-Writer to work properly with HP's Windows 2000 &quot;upgrade&quot;....


Diamond Member
Aug 19, 2000
cautery Sorry I could not read that whole thing. But what are you saying that there is no difference between the thermal products?

my .02 cents are that therer is not much difference. Othere than some of the cheap stuff dryes out(radio shack brand)


Junior Member
Oct 5, 2000
Artic Silver seems to be a good choice, it has worked for me on several chip/HSF setups. I've found that the trick lies in how you apply the compound and how your <insert fav. HSF combo> sits on the compound.


Golden Member
Aug 2, 2000
Ok, i'm no expert on &quot;thermalogy&quot; so i have a few questions here. I'm putting on my fop 38, I should take that thermal pad off? I couldn't use it in conjunction with thermal grease to reap benefits of both? I guess that'd hinder the cause with too thick a layering huh?

Question 2: I have several kinds of thermal grease, chemtronics version of artic silver, radio shack stuff, alpha stuff, and some MPU 3.7. I've heard people speaking of mixing some compounds to yeild higher heat transfers, is this true? If so, which should I mix? I was told that the MPU 3.7 and radio shack stuff was a good mix, is this true? Can I mix them all? Thanks in advance


Senior member
Sep 11, 2000
Lockers: I have Unick: Silicon Heat Transfer Compound on my stock HSF now. I am running at about 35-40C with the case off, my mates Duron 650 uses a thermal pad and he idles at around 50C.

The Unick stuff isn't the best, but apply a layer 1mm think and you will score lowers temps than a thermal pad. I have two 80mm force feeding the stock HSF now and I idle at around 30C.


Senior member
Sep 11, 2000

3) You CANNOT measure the CPU core temp of an AMD processor. It simply cannot be done, sorry. Thus you CANNOT use an AMD CPU as the basis of a temperature based comparisons between thermal materials.

Ok say the VIA probe is off by 15C. If I idle at 30C then I'm really at 45C.
But if I get new HSF and I idle at 15C, we have to add in the probes error margine maxium being 15C. So I idle at 15-30 depending on the probes error rate. But I doubt the probe will swing between 0-15C off. Therfore I still idle at 15C (or really 30C).

Same process if the probe is off by -8C etc



Diamond Member
Oct 20, 1999
Actually, using a test P3 comparing internal diode readings versus an under socket thermistor, the temp difference between the two is anywhere from 12C to 15C, with the diode being far more accurate. That is a fairly big difference.

P.S. You can't be idling at 15C unless your room temp is under 13C



Junior Member
Jun 6, 2000
What if you don't have either?
I don't think my PII is using it.
Is that bad?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 1999
No, it isnt' bad... I just suggest that AMD socketA users refrain from comparing temps because of the highly variable readings... Just go by if it works or not..

If your chip is stable, you really don't have anything to worry about.



Senior member
Aug 30, 2000
Did I read the topic right?? We're talking about heatsinks and fans for processors right?? Cautery has problems...


Sep 15, 2000
1. Dont use both paste and a pad. You'll get the worst of both.

2. I would use the chemtronics silver compound, but it is probably electricly conductive, so be carful that you do not get any on your mother board or anywhere other than your heatsink and the top of the chip. I don't know of any benifits of mixing compounds but I would be skeptical of increasing heat transfer rates by diluting a silver based compound with any aluminum or silicon based compound.
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