Thermalright XP-120 Issue/Problem


Junior Member
Feb 8, 2005

Since i cannot get a straight answer out of Thermalright themselves regarding an issue i have stumbled across with my XP-120, i thought i would try here for the first time. I have tried and tried to solve this problem but it keeps throwing it back at me no matter what i try, im very frustrated having spent about £40.00 for this Heatsink and it won't even work properly.

I used the Retention Mechanism i got with the XP-120 as well as a Metal Backplate (which i needed) for my Gigabyte Motherboard, seeing as GB ship the 939's with Plastic Backplates. Everything goes well, i then apply a very thin layer (thin enough to see the Metal underneath slightly) of Arctic Silver 5 on my CPU and Heatsink Base. I then mount the XP-120 onto the CPU by the looks of it, it makes very good contact with my Processor. I then put my Panaflo 120mm Fan onto the XP-120 and plug the 3pin plug into the CPU Fan Header. No problems so far.

Once i put all the components into the case and plug them in this is where i get the problems. First of all the PC Switches on, i get a motherboard light and everything spins and whirs like normal. However, im getting no Post Screen just a blank screen no beep no boot nothing. At this point i thought it was my GFX Card so i slapped it into my 2nd PC no problems with my GFX Card thankgoodness. I started fiddling around with things like the Heatsink and the fan ontop of it. Eventually, after 5 tries, the PC Booted and i thought it fixed itself ... until i went into the BIOS to check my CPU Temperature of course.

The CPU Temperature was reading out at a whopping 110C it then dropped to 104C and finally crashed, i.e shut itself down to prevent damage. I was extremely worried why i was getting such a high reading in less than 20 seconds of computer switch on. The Heatsink was not even warm to the touch, even at the bottom near the CPU so how was i hitting 100C+? Anyway, i fiddled with the XP-120 some more and instead of plugging the fan into the CPU Header i plugged into a normal System Fan Header. I Switched on, it booted first time. Went into PC Health Status in the BIOS and the CPU Temperature was at 34C ... i was beginning to think i had solved the issue after 3 days of failing. I also set the Alarm Temperature at 80C just to make sure.

So i went on with my business, got into XP and started to surf the internet for a CPU Heat Monitor of some description. I got one called HMonitor ( I installed it and looked at my CPU Temp, it was normal at about 35C i was extremely happy. So i decided to leave the PC and make myself some dinner, when i returned the Monitor was reading out at a whopping 108C but yet there was no Alarm from the PC saying the CPU had surpassed 80C which it was set at. So i turned the PC off and turned it back on, it booted ... i went into BIOS and it was reading at 110C but still no Alarm from my PC. At this point i was annoyed so i switched off the PC and went out for 4 hours with my friend.

I returned home and tried to switch on my PC ... i am back to square one again. No beep, no post and no boot just a black screen. I did get it to boot once and it was still reading the CPU Temp at a whopping 110C i turned off and now i cannot turn it back on again. The frustration at this point started to set in so i gave my PC case a good kick and decided to seek help. Thermalright are just useless they say it's the Fan which it cannot be as they recommend this fan or the Thermal Paste it applied to thick. Again, which is completely false as it's so thin you can see the CPU Spreader and the Heatsink Metal bases.

Can anyone help? Has anyone encoutered this issue with an XP-120? I have searched all over the Internet and i cannot find anything. I hope someone can shed some light on this time of darkness for me! Thank you for your time.

P.S - If i use my Stock AMD Cooler everything works fine and dandy, the CPU Temperature in BIOS reads at 41C and i can play games etc with no overheating.

PC Specifications:
Gigabyte K8NSNXP-939 nForce 3 Socket 939 Motherboard;
AMD Athlon64 3500+ Winchester Core;
2.0GB Corsair TwinX Platinum Series PC4400 Memory;
256MB nVidia Galaxy GeForce 6800GT @ 415/1.11;
2x 74GB Western Digial Raptor Hard Disk Drives on Raid 0;
Soundblaster Audigy 2 ZS Soundcard;
420w Black Tagan Dual Fan Power Supply;
Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 2.


Golden Member
Dec 2, 1999
Sounds like the heatsink is not seating square on the cpu. I know this sounds basic but I'd take the board back out of the case, clean off the thermal compound, and try again watching carefully to see if a cap or similar is keeping the heatsink from sitting down properly.

Sorry I can't help more.

Good luck.



Junior Member
Feb 8, 2005
Originally posted by: Nessism
Sounds like the heatsink is not seating square on the cpu. I know this sounds basic but I'd take the board back out of the case, clean off the thermal compound, and try again watching carefully to see if a cap or similar is keeping the heatsink from sitting down properly.

Sorry I can't help more.

Good luck.


Well, the only problem with this is the XP-120 fits perfectly if the Heatpipes are near the DIMM Slots ... in fact this is the only way the Heatsink will fit onto the CPU. The only thing stopping it mounting properly will be the memory and i don't think it's obstructing it as i can easilly take my memory out of the slots with no problems or fiddling. The reason it only fits this way it because the DPS (Dual Power System Mosfet Cooler) will not let the XP-120 fit the other way. There are no Capacitors in the way nor do i have to bend any to get it to fit. Thermaltakes web-page says the K8NSNXP-939 is a perfect match for the XP-120 however you need a Gigabyte K8 Metal Backplate which you can get from JabTech.

In my opinion this makes no sense on why it's causing these problems, if you look at the CPU the Heatsink it sitting firmly on top of it there is no reason for it to cause these problems but yet i get them. Anyone else have any more ideas?



Diamond Member
Jan 12, 2005
If the HSF was not even warm, yet the temperature reading was 110C, then (assuming your temperature readings are valid) the HSF is not in good thermal contact with the CPU.

Your method for applying AS5 is not in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Remove the XP-120, clean everything off, re-apply AS5 (a 1.5 rice-grain sized glop of AS5 ONLY on the center of the CPU). Then lower the XP-120 into place (and before attaching, try to do a little twist back and forth a few times).

Then re-boot your system and see if the situation's improved. And remember: Every time you remove the HSF, you need to re-do everything.


Junior Member
Feb 8, 2005
Originally posted by: shira
If the HSF was not even warm, yet the temperature reading was 110C, then (assuming your temperature readings are valid) the HSF is not in good thermal contact with the CPU.

Your method for applying AS5 is not in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Remove the XP-120, clean everything off, re-apply AS5 (a 1.5 rice-grain sized glop of AS5 ONLY on the center of the CPU). Then lower the XP-120 into place (and before attaching, try to do a little twist back and forth a few times).

Then re-boot your system and see if the situation's improved. And remember: Every time you remove the HSF, you need to re-do everything.

Thank you, i will try this. In fact i will try just about anything to get this working correctly for me. Just one minor question though, when i apply the 1.5 rice-grain amount of AS5 onto the CPU do i spread it evenly over the Processor (by using a piece of Cardboard etc) or do i just leave the amount in the middle of the CPU and place the XP120 onto it?

The way i usually do it is put a small amount of AS5 on the CPU then use a piece of Cardboard or plastic to evenly spread the compound around the processor. Is this wrong or would i need to do it the way as mentioned by me above?



Junior Member
Feb 8, 2005
Originally posted by: sodcha0s

I see, i think this maybe what is causing the problem then. I never thought AS5 had to be done this way show how much i know. I will try this ... and hopefully it will be the last problem i run into! Thanks.



Golden Member
Feb 25, 2001
Man...that is hot!

I mean no offense, but usually Thermalright heatsinks come with some clear tape on the base. You did remove this right?

I just can't imagine temps that high from just improper TIM application alone.


Junior Member
Feb 8, 2005
Originally posted by: xbassman
Man...that is hot!

I mean no offense, but usually Thermalright heatsinks come with some clear tape on the base. You did remove this right?

I just can't imagine temps that high from just improper TIM application alone.

The XP-120 did not come with clear tape on the bottom of the heatsink and there is none there. I do know the Metal Backplate came with clear tape on the bottom of that and i did remove it. Also the XP-120 seems to be not fully working i mean i was running the CPU tests in 3D Mark 2005 and it hit 57C after the tests it then went down to 30C then 31C then 32C and now it back upto 57C again on idle.

This XP-120 is the mot problematic heatsink i have ever used in my life i am so close to throwing it back in the retailers face it's just not funny anymore. I have now tried AS5 and the Thermalright Thermal Compound you get with the XP-120.

Still does not work...


Diamond Member
Sep 20, 2003
If you have that much problems with it I would return it for an XP-90. The difference isn't supposed to be huge and the XP-90 wil fit on all motherboards properly.


Senior member
Aug 12, 2004
well all i can say is that its is running how. try not to spread with a card board. just place it on without spreading it. and try resetting ur bios because the sound of it is that ur bios is meesed up. first of all it doesnt beep when it reaches 80. it also doesnt turn off at 80 i think u r putting the hs on right but ur bios is screwed up.


Senior member
Feb 15, 2005
i have an xp-120 with panaflo fan aswell, i used as5 and just put a 1.5 rice grain size in the center and then mounted the heatsink. the a8n has a metal backplate and witht he force i had to use in order to lock the xp-120 in, there is no way it is not making good contact. it may be your back plate as it is plastic and may be bending, not allowing for a good contact, not sure though, but the drop in the center method does work.

idle temp: 29C
load temp: 40-41C
add it has not been 200 hrs yet for the as5 burn in


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2004
I also have the XP-120 cooler with a Panaflo M1 fan mounted on it (spinning at about 50% between high and low RPM, no RPM monitoring, so I can't give RPM numbers) and my processor idles at between 30-33C. I use AS Ceramique on my processor, following AS's instructions for application (1/2bb on the chip before putting the heatsink down). I also have the fan set to suck off of the heatsink, so that the hot air gets vented faster. Right now, the apartment air temp is about 70F (about 21C) to give you an idea as to how far above ambient it is... The case is running about 26-28C all on idle/light load.

Double, or tripple check that the heatsink is actually contacting the processor fully/properly... It really sounds like that is your issue. Either that, or you put too much thermal compound onto the chip. Also, NEVER use cardboard to spread the compound. You should use an old credit card or such to spread it. Something that won't leave anything behind. Since cardboard is made from paper, it can/will leave fibers behind that can ah heck your cooling.


Oct 12, 2004
Regulator07, just out of curiosity did you mount it so that the pipes face the RAM or the other way?

I followed AS procedure with the drop, and I too have the A8N-SLI, and noticed it took a reasonable amount of force, so I can't imagine there isn't a good interface. Not done with my build yet so I don't have numbers, but I have mine set to pull off the sink as well.

Originally posted by: Regulator07
i have an xp-120 with panaflo fan aswell, i used as5 and just put a 1.5 rice grain size in the center and then mounted the heatsink. the a8n has a metal backplate and witht he force i had to use in order to lock the xp-120 in, there is no way it is not making good contact. it may be your back plate as it is plastic and may be bending, not allowing for a good contact, not sure though, but the drop in the center method does work.

idle temp: 29C
load temp: 40-41C
add it has not been 200 hrs yet for the as5 burn in



Senior member
Feb 15, 2005
i got mine so that the pipes face the rams, the other side overhangs the mosfet, also i got the fan blowing down into the heatsink, heard some people got better results, i guess it kinda made sense so went with that, but i have heard it doesnt really make a difference. yeah, it did take a good amount of force to attach, i was nervous it was actually too hard to put on and once i got it on i wanted to take it off and just see if i could do it again but decided against it, it seemed just as hard to get it off :roll:

Originally posted by: Hammerli
Regulator07, just out of curiosity did you mount it so that the pipes face the RAM or the other way?

I followed AS procedure with the drop, and I too have the A8N-SLI, and noticed it took a reasonable amount of force, so I can't imagine there isn't a good interface. Not done with my build yet so I don't have numbers, but I have mine set to pull off the sink as well.


Golden Member
Jun 26, 2004
I have the heatpipes facing my video card... I've also changed fans since that picture was taken... I now have a pair of Panaflo's in there, one on the heatsink and the other in the back of the case venting out. The fan on the XP-120 is sucking up off the heatsink, and then it gets vented fast out the back. I still need to experiment with doing a duct mod on the heatsink... Just seems like something else always comes up that takes priority over that....


Junior Member
Feb 12, 2005
I'll be buying the XP-120 or XP-90 as well. I just need to know what solution I should use to "wash" off any thermal compound that might be on the CPU heat spreader remaining from the stock heatsink installation. Does Arctic Silver have a solution?

I'd like to order this along with the heatsink, fan, and AS5.



Senior member
Feb 15, 2005
Originally posted by: yogiB
I'll be buying the XP-120 or XP-90 as well. I just need to know what solution I should use to "wash" off any thermal compound that might be on the CPU heat spreader remaining from the stock heatsink installation. Does Arctic Silver have a solution?

I'd like to order this along with the heatsink, fan, and AS5.


i used denaturated ethanol, but not sure you can come across that as easily as me (got it from work), that is probably the best as it leaves no residue, but a high purity rubbing or isopropyl alcohol will work too (99% isopropyl), i would stay away from regular 70% rubbing alcohol as it can leave a residue


Nov 5, 2004
that is weird, i have an xp-90, and it has perfect contact w/ the cpu. In fact, it was rather difficult to install w/ the clips because of such close/good contact. I would assume the xp120 should be the same. I just used 1 small drop of as5 thermal paste on the cpu, clipped on the retention clip onto the motherboard, and connected the heatsink accordingly. NO gap whatsoever. (this close connection also makes it difficult to take off the heatsink). But other than that, i feel it was worth it. I just have to make sure to fix my problem w/ getting my cpu temps to read on my motherboard (which i think is just simply a fan issue), but comp runs smooth w/ no problems and the fan is def quieter than my stock winchester heatsink fan(3500+ 90nm).


Platinum Member
Dec 7, 2004
Originally posted by: SoDaR2005
Originally posted by: xbassman
Man...that is hot!

I mean no offense, but usually Thermalright heatsinks come with some clear tape on the base. You did remove this right?

I just can't imagine temps that high from just improper TIM application alone.

The XP-120 did not come with clear tape on the bottom of the heatsink and there is none there. I do know the Metal Backplate came with clear tape on the bottom of that and i did remove it. Also the XP-120 seems to be not fully working i mean i was running the CPU tests in 3D Mark 2005 and it hit 57C after the tests it then went down to 30C then 31C then 32C and now it back upto 57C again on idle.

This XP-120 is the mot problematic heatsink i have ever used in my life i am so close to throwing it back in the retailers face it's just not funny anymore. I have now tried AS5 and the Thermalright Thermal Compound you get with the XP-120.

Still does not work...

Sorry to hear. Its the most incredible HS I have ever used and can be cooled with the slowest, quietest 120mm fan. Its the oc's/silence gurus dream air sink. Wierd results you are getting. The 120 does not come with anything attached to it. Could one of the retention clips not be clipped fully therefore leaving some of the base not in contact with the cpu? I spread the AS5 evenly over the entire heat spreader contrary to what AS5 website says for A64's. It cools so well it was hard for me to believe the temps. G-luck


Platinum Member
Dec 7, 2004
Originally posted by: akira34
I have the heatpipes facing my video card... I've also changed fans since that picture was taken... I now have a pair of Panaflo's in there, one on the heatsink and the other in the back of the case venting out. The fan on the XP-120 is sucking up off the heatsink, and then it gets vented fast out the back. I still need to experiment with doing a duct mod on the heatsink... Just seems like something else always comes up that takes priority over that....

Golden, off topic and curious, have you tried both the pull and push configs for your HSF? Which gives you lower temps at idle and at load or is there a difference? TX


Senior member
Oct 5, 2004
I have problems with XP-120 as well. When I removed it to try to reseat it I noticed that it doesn't make contact with the center of the CPU. I have perfect contact on the perimeter (there's a perfect square shape showing it) but not so much in the center. Thermalright wouldn't give me a straight answer either. I thought maybe I got a defective XP-120 and got another one. Same problem. THermalright still won't give me any better answer than "it's not seated right". I'd get an XP-90, but seeing how helpful Thermalright's customer service is, I'd rather not give them any more of my money. At this point my old Vantec Aeroflow does a better job than my XP-120. Sad but true.


Platinum Member
Aug 2, 2004
Remove the mosfet cooling and install it the other way around. I own a k8ns ultra 939 (identical board minus mosfet cooling) and it's worked fine for me for several months this way.


Diamond Member
Mar 17, 2005
ive seen a lot about xp-120s with rough surfaces. make sure the contact place on the xp-120 is perfectly smooth. if not, you may need to do some lapping.
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