These guys are punks.


Golden Member
Jul 2, 2010
lol - that was pretty good

Seems to be an epidemic of these youtube guys actin like a-holes just for ratings tho
I hope they all get proper beat downs


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2011
Reminds me to never go to the hood where they automatically respond to most any situation with violence.


Golden Member
Dec 30, 2005
On one side, these guys are dipshits even attempting this to any party in the first place. This isn't even one of the more asshole pranks I've seen like eating someone else's food.

On the other, please tell me Anandtech isn't going to overlook the fact that almost every black person in this video started to assault the dude first. Not even a 5 second pause to think about what he said before the dude pulls a knife on him over a single line. MY most aggressive roided-out friends wouldn't even do that, they would just laugh and keep walking.

It's hard not to believe that black racism isn't rockin' hard whenever the opportunity rises; I guess my point is every other ethnicity doesn't go rob a fucking quik-mart as a community when there is some kind of injustice. If said culture/community wants more respect and what comes with increased social respect (amazing careers, self-esteem, middle-class lifestyles), they should stop trying to claim on one ticket that society has fucked them, but on the same side think it's OK to destroy an entire town because "that same society is bringing us down so fuck them".
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Jan 6, 2002
On one side, these guys are dipshits even attempting this to any party in the first place.

On the other, please tell me Anandtech isn't going to overlook the fact that almost every black person in this video started to assault the dude first. Not even a 5 second pause to think about what he said before the dude pulls a knife on him over a single line. MY most aggressive roided-out friends wouldn't even do that, they would just laugh and keep walking.

You realize they shoot most of these pranks a stupid numbers times to find someone who flies off the handle? Doing a prank 100 times to find someone who acts crazy as fuck is sorta meh. They could get the same results if they filmed in a Caucasian area. Watch any episode of Jersey Shore and you'll see angry white people who'll fight over anything at the drop of a dime. If these dudes filmed in area like that they would get the exact same results. Well, except it wouldn't be from black people. I watched an interview with them on an NY radio station and they clearly have no desire to make anyone except black people look like angry violent assholes.


Golden Member
Dec 30, 2005
You realize they shoot most of these pranks a stupid numbers times to find someone who flies off the handle? Doing a prank 100 times to find someone who acts crazy as fuck is sorta meh. They could get the same results if they filmed in a Caucasian area. Watch any episode of Jersey Shore and you'll see angry white people who'll fight over anything at the drop of a dime. If these dudes filmed in area like that they would get the exact same results. Well, except it wouldn't be from black people. I watched an interview with them on an NY radio station and they clearly have no desire to make anyone except black people look like angry violent assholes.

That makes zero sense. So what you are saying is the pranksters aren't showing the failures, but are only showing the times they almost get stabbed or decked/KO'd? I understand it's all for the clicks but I don't see the point in risking GETTING STABBED for a whole 30$ a month in ad revenue.

P.S. I don't know many "any other ethnicity" dudes that aren't already army psychotic that would pull a fucking KITCHEN KNIFE out of their pants/ass crack over a single line. Not only that, but most sane people know that once you swing as the aggressor, you are looking at jail time unless it can be proven to be in self defense. I've stopped several fights by saying either "the cops are around the corner" or just saying "cops are here". Saying that same shit in a minority fight is like banging the ten second bell during a boxing match; they just speed everything the fuck up in an attempt to finish it before they are broken up.


Jan 6, 2002
That makes zero sense. So what you are saying is the pranksters aren't showing the failures, but are only showing the times they almost get stabbed or decked/KO'd? I understand it's all for the clicks but I don't see the point in risking GETTING STABBED for a whole 30$ a month in ad revenue.

P.S. I don't know many "any other ethnicity" dudes that aren't already army psychotic that would pull a fucking KITCHEN KNIFE out of their pants/ass crack over a single line. Not only that, but most sane people know that once you swing as the aggressor, you are looking at jail time unless it can be proven to be in self defense. I've stopped several fights by saying either "the cops are around the corner" or just saying "cops are here". Saying that same shit in a minority fight is like banging the ten second bell during a boxing match; they just speed everything the fuck up in an attempt to finish it before they are broken up.

They're making a lot of money off this, they said in an interview they might have to shoot a prank for 3 hours to get 1 person to act crazy. And again, they could easily find Jersey Shore dudes who would fight over saying they have an ugly hair cut. But that wouldn't get them the results and $$$. Caucasian people eat up videos of black people lashing out for seemingly no reason. It validates their racism "see they're savages this video is PROOF!" The dudes behind these videos even admitted they have filmed other races (white) acting up but nobody wanted to see it so they stopped doing it. And it's pretty logical they're not going to get results every time, and they're not going to show the failures. Prank videos rely on getting good reaction from the person pranked. Regardless how good the prank is nobody will give a fuck if the person doesn't wig out. The risk is obviously worth the reward here as they've gotten almost stabbed, beat up and had a gun pulled on them yet they still continue to do the same shit.
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Dec 7, 2009
Hood prank goes wrong:

Chicago, IL- 16 year old Ryan Wilson is dead after attempting to prank gang members in Chicago. Wilson, a young man from Chicago suburb Naperville, went to the southside of Chicago with a friend pranking random people. According to Wilson’s friend, the teenager approached a couple of Vice Lord gang members and said, “are you ready to dye”. Before the teen could pull out a bottle of Clairol hair dye to insinuate that he meant dying his hair, one of the gang members pulled out a .22 and shot Wilson multiple times in the head.
The teenager was rushed to the University of Chicago Medical Center where he was pronounced dead upon arrival. Wilson’s friend filmed the entire altercation and has submitted the video to the local police. So far, no arrests have been made. This was the 32nd murder this past weekend in the city of Chicago.
Ryan Wilson was only in the 11th grade and attended Benet Academy in Naperville, IL, where he excelled academically. He was apart of the debate club, Latin club and played varsity ice hockey.

Some kid got killed over this prank video crap. He literally went up to a stranger and asked if he's ready to dye. Before he could pull out a bottle of hair dye he was shot in the head by a gang member.

You threaten someone's life is it any wonder they might use deadly force to defend themselves? I think these dumb kids just don't think things through. They need to find better things to do with their time than prank people.


Jul 15, 2000
On one side, these guys are dipshits even attempting this to any party in the first place. This isn't even one of the more asshole pranks I've seen like eating someone else's food.

On the other, please tell me Anandtech isn't going to overlook the fact that almost every black person in this video started to assault the dude first. Not even a 5 second pause to think about what he said before the dude pulls a knife on him over a single line. MY most aggressive roided-out friends wouldn't even do that, they would just laugh and keep walking.

It's hard not to believe that black racism isn't rockin' hard whenever the opportunity rises; I guess my point is every other ethnicity doesn't go rob a fucking quik-mart as a community when there is some kind of injustice. If said culture/community wants more respect and what comes with increased social respect (amazing careers, self-esteem, middle-class lifestyles), they should stop trying to claim on one ticket that society has fucked them, but on the same side think it's OK to destroy an entire town because "that same society is bringing us down so fuck them".

What is there to ponder, "do you want a punch?"..hmm, sounds like someone want's to prove he's a "tough guy", too fucking bad he gets his ass whooped, looks like to me people in every scene are getting along fine until this dip-shit attention-whore comes along, I'd LOL if he got shot, grow up and find a new hobby asshole.


Jul 15, 2000
Hood prank goes wrong:

Some kid got killed over this prank video crap. He literally went up to a stranger and asked if he's ready to dye. Before he could pull out a bottle of hair dye he was shot in the head by a gang member.

You threaten someone's life is it any wonder they might use deadly force to defend themselves? I think these dumb kids just don't think things through. They need to find better things to do with their time than prank people.

Well said, chalk up one more for Darwin.


Sep 12, 2012
I should do the fart prank while I'm in Thailand.

It could be "Fart Prank Goes Wrong in Bangkok."

Then you see me in a Thai jail with 200 other Thais in a cell about the size of a closet.



Sep 12, 2012
Hood prank goes wrong:

Some kid got killed over this prank video crap. He literally went up to a stranger and asked if he's ready to dye. Before he could pull out a bottle of hair dye he was shot in the head by a gang member.

You threaten someone's life is it any wonder they might use deadly force to defend themselves? I think these dumb kids just don't think things through. They need to find better things to do with their time than prank people.

White prankster and this would have been all over the news.



Diamond Member
Apr 20, 2001
boy these hoodrats love to start trouble. no wonder the cops buck'em down.


Diamond Member
Nov 19, 2008
Hood prank goes wrong:[/IMG]
Some kid got killed over this prank video crap. He literally went up to a stranger and asked if he's ready to dye. Before he could pull out a bottle of hair dye he was shot in the head by a gang member.

You threaten someone's life is it any wonder they might use deadly force to defend themselves? I think these dumb kids just don't think things through. They need to find better things to do with their time than prank people.

You would think one of his idiot friends would have brought up to him that this was a bad idea. Heck, I'm a very non violent person and if someone walked up to me and said that I would immediately attack to defend myself, albeit not with a gun, but I would like throw a hard punch to disorient them.


Diamond Member
Mar 14, 2002
That makes zero sense. So what you are saying is the pranksters aren't showing the failures, but are only showing the times they almost get stabbed or decked/KO'd? I understand it's all for the clicks but I don't see the point in risking GETTING STABBED for a whole 30$ a month in ad revenue.

P.S. I don't know many "any other ethnicity" dudes that aren't already army psychotic that would pull a fucking KITCHEN KNIFE out of their pants/ass crack over a single line. Not only that, but most sane people know that once you swing as the aggressor, you are looking at jail time unless it can be proven to be in self defense. I've stopped several fights by saying either "the cops are around the corner" or just saying "cops are here". Saying that same shit in a minority fight is like banging the ten second bell during a boxing match; they just speed everything the fuck up in an attempt to finish it before they are broken up.

$30 a month in ad revenue? Most YouTube partners get around $8 - $12 per 1000 views. In the past month their channel racked up 6 million views. If they're getting $8 per 1000 views that's $48,000 or $72,000 for $12 per 1000 views. Good money considering they have no expenses (just the camera equipment they buy and they edit the video themselves, free bandwidth on YouTube, no servers). You can make a great living if you have viral and popular videos on a consistent basis.


No Lifer
Dec 14, 2000
Reminds me to never go to the hood where they automatically respond to most any situation with violence.

shit. it's not just the hood.

go anywhere and pull that shit and you are likely to get a beatdown.

It's no joke to go threaten people.


Jun 19, 2004
That makes zero sense. So what you are saying is the pranksters aren't showing the failures, but are only showing the times they almost get stabbed or decked/KO'd? I understand it's all for the clicks but I don't see the point in risking GETTING STABBED for a whole 30$ a month in ad revenue.

P.S. I don't know many "any other ethnicity" dudes that aren't already army psychotic that would pull a fucking KITCHEN KNIFE out of their pants/ass crack over a single line. Not only that, but most sane people know that once you swing as the aggressor, you are looking at jail time unless it can be proven to be in self defense. I've stopped several fights by saying either "the cops are around the corner" or just saying "cops are here". Saying that same shit in a minority fight is like banging the ten second bell during a boxing match; they just speed everything the fuck up in an attempt to finish it before they are broken up.

Wanna know how I know you've only ever lived in a white bread world?


Jul 15, 2000
$30 a month in ad revenue? Most YouTube partners get around $8 - $12 per 1000 views. In the past month their channel racked up 6 million views. If they're getting $8 per 1000 views that's $48,000 or $72,000 for $12 per 1000 views. Good money considering they have no expenses (just the camera equipment they buy and they edit the video themselves, free bandwidth on YouTube, no servers). You can make a great living if you have viral and popular videos on a consistent basis.

Hopefully YT moves to ban these types of "prank" videos before someone gets shot or beat to death, not that I would care about those posting it I would feel bad for the person that was minding his/her own business when one of these assholes comes over and starts shit with crap like "do you want a punch", I would LOL if these people got KO'ed a few times, maybe then they would find a real job and have to earn a living like normal people do.


Diamond Member
Mar 7, 2003
Hopefully YT moves to ban these types of "prank" videos before someone gets shot or beat to death, not that I would care about those posting it I would feel bad for the person that was minding his/her own business when one of these assholes comes over and starts shit with crap like "do you want a punch", I would LOL if these people got KO'ed a few times, maybe then they would find a real job and have to earn a living like normal people do.

the punch jokes are just flat out dumb.

These guy also went ahead and farted on people, and sat on them. in some cases physically touching someone first. When you get to that level its just asking for a beat down.

Plus, just going after black people, seems a bit racists.
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