They're all mean to Donald Trump


Feb 1, 2008
Every time Donald Trump is interviewed by the media, they treat him either like a ten year old child or a total moron.
Donald may act like a ten year old child and a total moron, but as the successful republican nominee and the possible next president, the media needs to cut this crap out.

No, I'm not a Trump supporter, but every time this guy goes before the media they never ask him straight questions. Instead, they interrogate Donald like they were Nazi Germany and Donald some prisoner of the Gestapo held captive.
Watching this is a little humiliating to say the least for any possible next president.
I'm really surprised Donald just doesn't tell the news anchor where to get off, stand up, and walk off set.

I never have noticed the press or the TV news media having so little respect for any other candidate, especially a candidate so close to the presidency.
When Ted Cruz was spewing his nonsense on air, the media just let it slide.
Chuck Todd just sit there, blank faced, never challenging Ted's nonsense.
None of them interrogated Ted suggesting his words and ideas were total bat-shet crazed.
They just let it slide as fact. Never challenged a single word.
But with Donald Trump?
We can definitely tell a noticeable difference with how the media treats Donald.

At some point Donald must be given a little respect.
After all, if our own media treat Donald like an idiot showing no respect, how possibly would other leaders of the world show president Donald Trump respect?
The press and the media are playing with fire here.
The media love the power to make or break politicians and skew elections.
The media simply loves it when they can have such influence.
And they have succeeded many times at the game of breaking or making politicians, and with skewing election outcomes.

Go back to 1979 and Reagan vs Carter re-election bid.
The Americans taken hostage in Iran.
Every night leading the six O-clock news, on all channels, their dark threatening opening music themed with the bold headline, "DAY xxx OF THE HOSTAGE CRISIS."
Night after night. Lead after lead. Station after station. Never ending saga.
As if no other president in American history has endured national challenge before.
Going by the skewed news media coverage, one would have thought Jimmy Carter administration the only administration to ever have had this happen.

The media definitely has and enjoys their way or skewing things.
Their method for stirring up the anger, and for destroying or enlightening select politicians within the eyes of the public.
Again, this time, targeting Donald Trump with never ending assault in attempts of political annihilation.

Don't take my word for this, just watch the Sunday morning TV news shows.
They never treated GW Bush this way, nor Dick Cheney, nor John McCain and old Johnny pulled off possibly the worst stunt of all. Choosing and elevating a crack pot like Sarah Plain to national celebrity.
The press nor the media held old Johnny McCain accountable for his unforgivable stunt, that is not until that ticket lost the election big time.

There have been sex scandals, criminal scandals, scandals to embezzle taxpayer money, scandals with bold face lies to the American public i.e. Bill Clinton.
Scandals by many politicians.
And seldom has the press or the media been out there, ahead of the scandal.
The press nor the media seldom get involved, pick it up, only after some poor schmuck politician has either been indicted, arrested, or sentenced to time behind bars.

Despite the reality that millions of voters agree with Donald and support Donald to the extent he is now on top, the media continues to downplay and dismiss everything and anything Donald Trump.
The public and their vote be damned, the press and media would love to control this outcome. Because that is what they do. Or would love to do in this case.
And their treating a potential future president this way, whether you support Donald or not, just the idea the press and the media can be so dismissive of Donald Trump could do the nation great harm should candidate Donald Trump become president Donald Trump.

Like I say, don't take my word on this, just pay attention for yourself.
Notice the attitudes of news anchors like George Stephanopoulos. News anchors like Chuck Todd.
Notice how all of them treat Donald Trump as if everything he says, every proposal, is coming from the mouth of some mindless ten year old child.
The wall, national security, economy, employment, jobs. Everything Trump.
And compare that to how they have treated the GW Bush's, the Ted Cruz's, the John McCain's, and yes the Hillary Clinton's.
And their crazed ideology bull crap was often much worse than anything coming from Donald.

You will see a noticeable difference compared to Donald Trump.
After all, this could easily be our next president and the next leader of the free world, president elect Donald Trump.
Find out what it means to me

That's all. I'm done.
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Feb 10, 2000
This is the thing you found worth writing a wall of text over?

Donald Trump has consistently and repeatedly said things during the course of his campaign (whether personal, as with his repugnant comments about Megyn Kelly, or policy related, as with "the wall," or his recent remarks about eliminating the national debt by asking creditors to accept less money) that reflect a seemingly total absence of normal judgment and circumspection and a complete ignorance of foreign, domestic and economic policy. He is a mean-spirited raging narcissist who seems to have less grasp of the function and operations of government than an average undergraduate.

So no, I am not concerned about his being shown a lack of "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" (he, after all, shows no respect to anyone). I am concerned about the fact that there are enough angry idiots in this country to have given him the Republican nomination for President.
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Oct 18, 2013
Both sides love it. The media gets viewers who hate Trump, and Trump gets to show how the establishment hates him. He wont walk off for most of them, because, its advertising.


Platinum Member
Apr 30, 2012
Apparently, being a "successful" Republican nominee is not as prestigious as it used to be thanks to the Republican base.

Trump deserves as much respect as he gives, which is none. That's how it works in this World.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
This is the thing you found worth writing a wall of text over?

Donald Trump has consistently and repeatedly said things during the course of his campaign (whether personal, as with his repugnant comments about Megyn Kelly, or policy related, as with "the wall," or his recent remarks about eliminating the national debt by asking creditors to accept less money) that reflect a seemingly total absence of normal judgment and circumspection and a complete ignorance of foreign, domestic and economic policy. He is a mean-spirited raging narcissist who seems to have less grasp of the function and operations of government than an average undergraduate.

So no, I am not concerned about his being shown a lack of "R-E-S-P-E-C-T" (he, after all, shows no respect to anyone). I am concerned about the fact that there are enough angry idiots in this country to have given him the Republican nomination for President.

Whoa man. Take it easy. You could hurt my feelings. I'm one of those angry idiots, and guess what, I'm angry like millions of others of us Trump supporters. I want to destroy the democratic and republican party. They work for the wealthy. They don't work for me. I was taught that government is of the people by the people and for the people, not the 1% and I got let down so I want to burn it down. I especially don't like being betrayed by democrats, so fuck their candidate if it's Hillary Moreofthesame.


Platinum Member
Apr 30, 2012
Last point, if Trump is smart enough to play the Republican base, why isn't he smart enough to play the media?


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
He has made answering Media's questions great again!

Geez, I thought in a world of self hating zombie sheep, he's made Narcissism great again.

Oh well, he will probably lose to minorities and women looking for their ego boost.

We say it's the economy, stupid, but we never mean it.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Last point, if Trump is smart enough to play the Republican base, why isn't he smart enough to play the media?

Trump is a winner in his own mind, a person who mastered the game of projecting self confidence to inspire it in others. He is successful because the world is full of people who feel inwardly and unconsciously they are worthless. Trump gives them hope. They live through him. Trump expresses no self doubt, no inner turmoil or regret. He's perfect for a country exiting it's traditional world class status. He wants to bring it back again. We American exceptionalismists don't want to hand over our trophies to foreign nations. They should be building our walls. Trump is the manifestation of the American disease and a perfect fit for it and he may just act as a placebo for us fucking idiotic angry people. Reach for the sky.
Feb 4, 2009
Sportage you're getting too worked up over Trump.
Similar predictions were made about:
Reagan....he'll start WW3!
Bush Sr...he'll bankrupt us all!
Clinton...he'll bankrupt us all with taxes!
Bush Jr...he talks to god he's insane!
Obama....he's a Muslim!

My point is over the decades I've seen many dire predictions but yet we always survive and move on. None were perfect men either they are all human and flawed.
Trust me relax a bit.


May 28, 2007
Trump is a winner in his own mind, a person who mastered the game of projecting self confidence to inspire it in others. He is successful because the world is full of people who feel inwardly and unconsciously they are worthless. Trump gives them hope. They live through him. Trump expresses no self doubt, no inner turmoil or regret. He's perfect for a country exiting it's traditional world class status. He wants to bring it back again. We American exceptionalismists don't want to hand over our trophies to foreign nations. They should be building our walls. Trump is the manifestation of the American disease and a perfect fit for it and he may just act as a placebo for us fucking idiotic angry people. Reach for the sky.

Great example of what the author is talking about in this piece about self-compassion vs. self-esteem.


Belgian Waffler
Jan 2, 2001
Every time Donald Trump is interviewed by the media, they treat him either like a ten year old child or a total moron.
Donald may act like a ten year old child and a total moron, but as the successful republican nominee and the possible next president, the media needs to cut this crap out.

Pretty sure you answered the question(?) as to why they do this in the first place. How do you deal with a moronic child? Give them the respect of an adult? Yeah... no.


Elite Member
Nov 24, 1999
Great example of what the author is talking about in this piece about self-compassion vs. self-esteem.

Yes, a good article that tells an aspect of truth without going into the source of our disease, that we all hate ourselves and are conscious or unconscious of it to varying degrees.

Self love, real self love as opposed to narcissism can be approached from two opposite directions, real success in the world, the kind that Trump had done very well at, and dredging the past by feeling what we really feel in a therapeutic situation where the feelings become so real they amount to a reliving of the past. The first puts a lie to the feeling because nobody who actually is the worst in the world can achieve anything, and the second brings the origins of our self hate to into the light of day. The things that caused us to hate ourselves were monstrous lies and often over matters profoundly trivial.


May 11, 2002
Sportage you're getting too worked up over Trump.
Similar predictions were made about:
Reagan....he'll start WW3!
Bush Sr...he'll bankrupt us all!
Clinton...he'll bankrupt us all with taxes!
Bush Jr...he talks to god he's insane!
Obama....he's a Muslim!

My point is over the decades I've seen many dire predictions but yet we always survive and move on. None were perfect men either they are all human and flawed.
Trust me relax a bit.

I think the general public will take emailing with Clinton over deportations with Trump.


Feb 1, 2008
I'm not really "worked up".
I just felt like stirring things up, a bit.

What stirs me up is that it's only May and everything on the news, absolutely everything 24/7, is all Donald Trump.
Trump Trump Trump.
And again, it's only May for gods sake?

Trump needs his own TV station, like CNN, Fox or MSNBC, we need THE TRUMP CHANNEL.
Everything Trump, all day long, all night long.
Trump till you puke.
That way, Fox, CNN and MSNBC could educate and inform us on the other things happening around the world.
Heck... We could be invaded by space aliens, a real life "Independence Day" alien invasion, and no one would know. CNN would be to busy rehashing the latest from Trump, MSNBC would have six people analyzing something Trump just tweeted, and Fox would be debating whether or not Mitt Romney will run third party.
And it's only May.

Come September, October, our brains will be white mush. Pretty much like potato salad, with extra mayo. Whipped to a fine creamed meringue.
Then come November, it will be truly amazing if even one person shows up to vote.
Because it will be awfully hard for most of us to get a one day pass out of the insane asylum.


Diamond Member
Feb 28, 2006
Every time Donald Trump is interviewed by the media, they treat him either like a ten year old child or a total moron.
Donald may act like a ten year old child and a total moron, but as the successful republican nominee and the possible next president, the media needs to cut this crap out.

No, I'm not a Trump supporter, but every time this guy goes before the media they never ask him straight questions. Instead, they interrogate Donald like they were Nazi Germany and Donald some prisoner of the Gestapo held captive.
Watching this is a little humiliating to say the least for any possible next president.
I'm really surprised Donald just doesn't tell the news anchor where to get off, stand up, and walk off set.

I never have noticed the press or the TV news media having so little respect for any other candidate, especially a candidate so close to the presidency.
When Ted Cruz was spewing his nonsense on air, the media just let it slide.
Chuck Todd just sit there, blank faced, never challenging Ted's nonsense.
None of them interrogated Ted suggesting his words and ideas were total bat-shet crazed.
They just let it slide as fact. Never challenged a single word.
But with Donald Trump?
We can definitely tell a noticeable difference with how the media treats Donald.

At some point Donald must be given a little respect.
After all, if our own media treat Donald like an idiot showing no respect, how possibly would other leaders of the world show president Donald Trump respect?
The press and the media are playing with fire here.
The media love the power to make or break politicians and skew elections.
The media simply loves it when they can have such influence.
And they have succeeded many times at the game of breaking or making politicians, and with skewing election outcomes.

Go back to 1979 and Reagan vs Carter re-election bid.
The Americans taken hostage in Iran.
Every night leading the six O-clock news, on all channels, their dark threatening opening music themed with the bold headline, "DAY xxx OF THE HOSTAGE CRISIS."
Night after night. Lead after lead. Station after station. Never ending saga.
As if no other president in American history has endured national challenge before.
Going by the skewed news media coverage, one would have thought Jimmy Carter administration the only administration to ever have had this happen.

The media definitely has and enjoys their way or skewing things.
Their method for stirring up the anger, and for destroying or enlightening select politicians within the eyes of the public.
Again, this time, targeting Donald Trump with never ending assault in attempts of political annihilation.

Don't take my word for this, just watch the Sunday morning TV news shows.
They never treated GW Bush this way, nor Dick Cheney, nor John McCain and old Johnny pulled off possibly the worst stunt of all. Choosing and elevating a crack pot like Sarah Plain to national celebrity.
The press nor the media held old Johnny McCain accountable for his unforgivable stunt, that is not until that ticket lost the election big time.

There have been sex scandals, criminal scandals, scandals to embezzle taxpayer money, scandals with bold face lies to the American public i.e. Bill Clinton.
Scandals by many politicians.
And seldom has the press or the media been out there, ahead of the scandal.
The press nor the media seldom get involved, pick it up, only after some poor schmuck politician has either been indicted, arrested, or sentenced to time behind bars.

Despite the reality that millions of voters agree with Donald and support Donald to the extent he is now on top, the media continues to downplay and dismiss everything and anything Donald Trump.
The public and their vote be damned, the press and media would love to control this outcome. Because that is what they do. Or would love to do in this case.
And their treating a potential future president this way, whether you support Donald or not, just the idea the press and the media can be so dismissive of Donald Trump could do the nation great harm should candidate Donald Trump become president Donald Trump.

Like I say, don't take my word on this, just pay attention for yourself.
Notice the attitudes of news anchors like George Stephanopoulos. News anchors like Chuck Todd.
Notice how all of them treat Donald Trump as if everything he says, every proposal, is coming from the mouth of some mindless ten year old child.
The wall, national security, economy, employment, jobs. Everything Trump.
And compare that to how they have treated the GW Bush's, the Ted Cruz's, the John McCain's, and yes the Hillary Clinton's.
And their crazed ideology bull crap was often much worse than anything coming from Donald.

You will see a noticeable difference compared to Donald Trump.
After all, this could easily be our next president and the next leader of the free world, president elect Donald Trump.
Find out what it means to me

That's all. I'm done.

Serious thread by Trump true believer.


Jun 17, 2005
What stirs me up is that it's only May and everything on the news, absolutely everything 24/7, is all Donald Trump.
Trump Trump Trump.
And again, it's only May for gods sake?

Let me give you some advice that will help you not just in this, but in life in general.
Turn off the TV. There is almost nothing on it that is of value.

It is a entertainment device, not a news source. Use it for that purpose and you are good. When you start to think that it is giving you factual information you need a reality check.


Jun 23, 2004
Last point, if Trump is smart enough to play the Republican base, why isn't he smart enough to play the media?

He isn't?
The media made Trump. They ARE his campaign. He didn't have to spend any money to give his name or his message out there. They did all that work for him.
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