Thief vs. Assassin's Creed...


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2010
How do the THIEF games compare to the Assassin's Creed games?

I'm guessing the graphics are pretty dated at this point...


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2010
EDIT - Didn't realize there was a reboot this year...

Graphics look good enough, how is gameplay?


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
The new reboot is not that good, very linear levels and gameplay. But yes the graphics are great if that is all you care about.

The original Thief 1 and 2 are great games, yes they are very dated now but as far as gameplay vs Assassins Creed there is no comparison (apples to oranges). One is the original sneaking FPS, it's a cerebral game and you can tackle maps in different ways and paths. AC did nothing for me, you did the same set of tasks every time to finally get to the assassination portion of the mission and along the way the combat system is just hilarious at how easy and hand holding it is.

Ever since AC came out there has always been a Thief vs AC thread in every game forum and I honestly don't know why. It's like having a Honda vs Cessna thread.. sure they are both modes of transportation but they are not the same genre at all. You can prefer 1 type or the other and you can like both.


Platinum Member
Nov 21, 2010
The new reboot is not that good, very linear levels and gameplay. But yes the graphics are great if that is all you care about.

The original Thief 1 and 2 are great games, yes they are very dated now but as far as gameplay vs Assassins Creed there is no comparison (apples to oranges). One is the original sneaking FPS, it's a cerebral game and you can tackle maps in different ways and paths. AC did nothing for me, you did the same set of tasks every time to finally get to the assassination portion of the mission and along the way the combat system is just hilarious at how easy and hand holding it is.

Ever since AC came out there has always been a Thief vs AC thread in every game forum and I honestly don't know why. It's like having a Honda vs Cessna thread.. sure they are both modes of transportation but they are not the same genre at all. You can prefer 1 type or the other and you can like both.

Nice comment...

It's on sale at Steam so I got it...

Cursed Steam...LOL!


Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2011
I'm a diehard 'the old Thief games were great, and everything after sucks'. Thief Deadly Shadows (aka Thief Linear Casual Simulator) stunk imo; mainly because you didn't have the freedom of movement you had in the earlier games. Before where you could find an alternate route, or use rope arrows to make a route, or any other number of options, now they make you go a certain way so you can experience the pre-set encounters.

The new Thief is apparently worse, where you can only mantle where the mantle object is, and combat is more part of the game, instead of something to be avoided. Haven't picked it up.

I don't think the old Thief games being dated makes a difference. While the character may be 50 polygons, I still enjoy playing through it yearly. The voice acting and sounds are top notch, even if the graphics are terrible by today's standard. I've always been a gameplay over visuals type of player though.


Golden Member
Jun 5, 2013
The Thief series is very much one of those types of games that has a hardcore following. The first two games were superb - they got so many things right (level sizes, audio propagation, freedom of exploration). The third Thief (Deadly Shadows) was badly dumbed down (levels consisted of 80% smaller hubs to fit into the original XBox's 64MB memory) and was generally more "consolized" with an oversized "designed for TV" hud that needs massive tweaking just to be playable.

As for the reboot, it may look pretty but gameplay and the general scale of it is very dumbed down compared to the first two. With mission requirements like "Get 4 headshots" (in Thief ), it's obvious it wasn't created by the same people (nor to the same level of difficulty) and has a strong "designed for young console players who want every stealth game to be like Batman" feel to it and not for the better (eg, button mashing QTE's just to open a window, many bugs - horrendous sound balancing (many sounds are often the same volume & distance even after passing between an object like a 2ft thick stone wall or conversations 5ft and 50ft away sound the same volume), people get stuck in conversation loops, one-way level "checkpoints" now cut you off from previous areas so if you missed some loot you cannot go back (which goes a great way to completely destroying the non-linear feeling of total freedom of exploration of the earlier games), FOV zooms in on crouch, endless annoying micro-cutscenes on every takedown / swipe, every action is "contextualized", etc). They've ripped almost everything off from Dishonoured too from the plot to the Focus powers (
Gloomers = Weepers, Queen of Beggers = Granny Rags, Focus powers of "slow time", "X-ray vision", etc

Despite a 15 year old newer engine, level sizes are still smaller of what the Dark Engine could manage on single-core CPU's and less than 512MB RAM which is just plain sad:-

The first two games do look dated out of the box, but there's both modern DX9 renderer with added bloom, etc (lookup "NewDark" and "TafferPatcher" for more details), plus some great texture packs for Thief 1 & 2:-

GOG versions are the best as they come pre-patched with the new renderers.

Dishonored is also worth a bash. Far better than Thief reboot if you haven't already played either of them.


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
The Thief series is very much one of those types of games that has a hardcore following. The first two games were superb - they got so many things right (level sizes, audio propagation, freedom of exploration). The third Thief (Deadly Shadows) was badly dumbed down (levels consisted of 80% smaller hubs to fit into the original XBox's 64MB memory) and was generally more "consolized" with an oversized "designed for TV" hud that needs massive tweaking just to be playable.

As for the reboot, it may look pretty but gameplay and the general scale of it is very dumbed down compared to the first two. With mission requirements like "Get 4 headshots" (in Thief ), it's obvious it wasn't created by the same people (nor to the same level of difficulty) and has a strong "designed for young console players who want every stealth game to be like Batman" feel to it and not for the better (eg, button mashing QTE's just to open a window, many bugs - horrendous sound balancing (many sounds are often the same volume & distance even after passing between an object like a 2ft thick stone wall or conversations 5ft and 50ft away sound the same volume), people get stuck in conversation loops, one-way level "checkpoints" now cut you off from previous areas so if you missed some loot you cannot go back (which goes a great way to completely destroying the non-linear feeling of total freedom of exploration of the earlier games), FOV zooms in on crouch, endless annoying micro-cutscenes on every takedown / swipe, every action is "contextualized", etc). They've ripped almost everything off from Dishonoured too from the plot to the Focus powers (
Gloomers = Weepers, Queen of Beggers = Granny Rags, Focus powers of "slow time", "X-ray vision", etc

Despite a 15 year old newer engine, level sizes are still smaller of what the Dark Engine could manage on single-core CPU's and less than 512MB RAM which is just plain sad:-

The first two games do look dated out of the box, but there's both modern DX9 renderer with added bloom, etc (lookup "NewDark" and "TafferPatcher" for more details), plus some great texture packs for Thief 1 & 2:-

GOG versions are the best as they come pre-patched with the new renderers.

Dishonored is also worth a bash. Far better than Thief reboot if you haven't already played either of them.
Dude thanks for the links at the bottom, this is wonderful news to me. I had no clue they did that with these games. Thief 2 is by far no question my fav sneaker game of all time.


Jul 3, 2014
I know some people prefer the new Thief to the old ones, but then, those are people who aren't a huge fan of stealth and didn't like the original Thief games to begin with.

So if you liked the older Thief games, it probably isn't worth picking up the reboot.


Diamond Member
Sep 26, 2011
The Thief series is very much one of those types of games that has a hardcore following. The first two games were superb - they got so many things right (level sizes, audio propagation, freedom of exploration). The third Thief (Deadly Shadows) was badly dumbed down (levels consisted of 80% smaller hubs to fit into the original XBox's 64MB memory) and was generally more "consolized" with an oversized "designed for TV" hud that needs massive tweaking just to be playable.

As for the reboot, it may look pretty but gameplay and the general scale of it is very dumbed down compared to the first two. With mission requirements like "Get 4 headshots" (in Thief ), it's obvious it wasn't created by the same people (nor to the same level of difficulty) and has a strong "designed for young console players who want every stealth game to be like Batman" feel to it and not for the better (eg, button mashing QTE's just to open a window, many bugs - horrendous sound balancing (many sounds are often the same volume & distance even after passing between an object like a 2ft thick stone wall or conversations 5ft and 50ft away sound the same volume), people get stuck in conversation loops, one-way level "checkpoints" now cut you off from previous areas so if you missed some loot you cannot go back (which goes a great way to completely destroying the non-linear feeling of total freedom of exploration of the earlier games), FOV zooms in on crouch, endless annoying micro-cutscenes on every takedown / swipe, every action is "contextualized", etc). They've ripped almost everything off from Dishonoured too from the plot to the Focus powers (
Gloomers = Weepers, Queen of Beggers = Granny Rags, Focus powers of "slow time", "X-ray vision", etc

Despite a 15 year old newer engine, level sizes are still smaller of what the Dark Engine could manage on single-core CPU's and less than 512MB RAM which is just plain sad:-

The first two games do look dated out of the box, but there's both modern DX9 renderer with added bloom, etc (lookup "NewDark" and "TafferPatcher" for more details), plus some great texture packs for Thief 1 & 2:-

GOG versions are the best as they come pre-patched with the new renderers.

Dishonored is also worth a bash. Far better than Thief reboot if you haven't already played either of them.

I'm in the "old Thief" camp and loved it when they came out.
I also really enjoyed Dishonored.
I bought the the Thief reboot and played about half an hour. That was months ago. No desire to reinstall it.


Senior member
Sep 9, 2007
I must be one of the few that really liked the new Thief game. I liked the story, the atmosphere, and the large open environments. It also had a level or two that was actually scarier than most other dedicated horror games. And I was able to enjoy it all in glorious 3D on a 46" screen.


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
I must be one of the few that really liked the new Thief game. I liked the story, the atmosphere, and the large open environments. It also had a level or two that was actually scarier than most other dedicated horror games. And I was able to enjoy it all in glorious 3D on a 46" screen.
lol, where?


Senior member
Jan 25, 2012
I found thief tolerable enuff to playthru once but definitely in dishonoreds shadow the whole time


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2004
I got the original, back in the day, discovered that you could not "mouse walk" ie had to use wasd to control movement. That was a total deal-breaker for me, I play everything by steering with the mouse and walking with right button.

I've heard somewhat good things about the more recent game, Styx: Master of Shadows. Anybody have any experience with this one?


Moderator <br> VC&G Forum
Mar 18, 2005
I didn't like the new thief. I didn't even finish it. The dialog and such turned me off really quickly.


Golden Member
Jun 5, 2013
I got the original, back in the day, discovered that you could not "mouse walk" ie had to use wasd to control movement. That was a total deal-breaker for me, I play everything by steering with the mouse and walking with right button.
You can bind run / walk forward to Mouse 2 in both Thief 1 & 2. May have been added in a patch that wasn't there in the early release, but the option is there now (same with adding mouse scroll wheel support, DX9 renderer, native widescreen support, bloom, anti-aliasing, high-res texture packs, shader effects for water & fire, fan mission loader, etc). Thief has by far one of the best modding communities out there. :thumbsup:

I didn't like the new thief. I didn't even finish it. The dialog and such turned me off really quickly.
Same here. I endured until Mission 2 (which took all of 10mins, which itself shows just how small the levels are now) then gave up. It's obvious the design team behind the early epic's are long gone. RIP Looking Glass Studio's... :'(


Senior member
Jun 11, 2011
Thief (2014) received many patches, which means the game is being supported for a long time, which is generally a good thing. However, they only focus the patches on optimizing performance of the game. Some gamebreaking bugs, like audio bugs, weren't ever addressed. This is the reason why I did not buy Thief (2014) even though I was looking forward to it. I wouldn't even play it for free.

However, unlike most original-Thief fans, I am not concerned. I was already expecting that Thief Reboot will not have the original atmosphere. Also, there are so many patches and quality fan missions for Thief 1-3 that I feel like I don't really need this Thi4f.

As for Thief 3, personally I enjoy it a lot. I understand the disappointment about its consolitism, but it is still a great game with a game atmosphere. At least to me. Again, most issues had been patched by the great fan community.

I would also like to remind anyone thinking to play Thief 1-3 to use unofficial patches and not to forget to enable EAX! I think it now works even on onboard sound solutions. Greatly enriches sound effects.


Diamond Member
Apr 11, 2004
You can bind run / walk forward to Mouse 2 in both Thief 1 & 2. May have been added in a patch that wasn't there in the early release, but the option is there now (same with adding mouse scroll wheel support, DX9 renderer, native widescreen support, bloom, anti-aliasing, high-res texture packs, shader effects for water & fire, fan mission loader, etc). Thief has by far one of the best modding communities out there. :thumbsup:

Huh. I might have to look into 1/2 then, are they best purchased on Steam or GoG or where?


Diamond Member
Sep 6, 2005
Thief (2014) received many patches, which means the game is being supported for a long time, which is generally a good thing. However, they only focus the patches on optimizing performance of the game. Some gamebreaking bugs, like audio bugs, weren't ever addressed. This is the reason why I did not buy Thief (2014) even though I was looking forward to it. I wouldn't even play it for free.

However, unlike most original-Thief fans, I am not concerned. I was already expecting that Thief Reboot will not have the original atmosphere. Also, there are so many patches and quality fan missions for Thief 1-3 that I feel like I don't really need this Thi4f.

As for Thief 3, personally I enjoy it a lot. I understand the disappointment about its consolitism, but it is still a great game with a game atmosphere. At least to me. Again, most issues had been patched by the great fan community.

I would also like to remind anyone thinking to play Thief 1-3 to use unofficial patches and not to forget to enable EAX! I think it now works even on onboard sound solutions. Greatly enriches sound effects.
While T2 and T1 are superior I didn't mind T3 too much either for some of the levels. I liked the sea captains house, the museum level and a few of the others too.

One thing I did was I put it on expert difficulty and then never killed or sapped anyone I didn't have to. That brought it up to the master thief difficulty that was in 1 and 2 "you're a thief not a murderer" getting in and out of a level and all the loot while every enemy is still on the map was a def challenge.


Golden Member
Jun 5, 2013
Huh. I might have to look into 1/2 then, are they best purchased on Steam or GoG or where?
GOG has far better support for old games (both "patched out of the box" and a knowledgeable modding community if you need assistance). If you're reading this in time, there's also a 75% off special offer on the Thief trilogy on GOG over the next 12hrs (Square Enix new year promo). They also have a guaranteed refund if you can't get it to run within 30 days. TTLG forums are the best for modding assistance though. I have the original retail CD's and it works for me as follows:-

Thief 1 - Install TFix first and then (optional) add Thief 1 HD texture pack.
Thief 2 - Install TafferPatcher first and then (optional) add Thief 2 HD texture pack.
Thief 3 - Install T3SneakyUpgrade first and (optional) CollectiveTexturePack after.

Once Thief 3 is patched and you get the awful default HUD scaled correctly via T3UI.ini tweaks, Thief 3 isn't actually that bad and there are a few very atmospheric levels there. The game is regarded as the weakest out of the three due to the way the single-piece large sprawling levels had to be nerfed down into "hubs" due to the XBox's 64MB memory and the ugly interface. The worst parts of the latter is mostly correctable, whilst there is actually a "Thief 3 Gold" mod the former that recreates the entire game without the loading / hub zones giving it a much closer "feel" to the two originals (last time I tried it was a bit buggy though). But even with the hubs, Thief 3 doesn't cut you off with "checkpoints of no return" (unlike the awful 2014 reboot).

Thief 3 tweak guides are here:-

Finally, Thief 1 & 2 have many fan made mods, one of the best for Thief 2 is a full length campaign called Thief 2X (which is due in Jan 2015 to share the same HD texture MOD as Thief 1&2). Happy sneaking. :biggrin:
Last edited:


Diamond Member
Jun 24, 2004
I'm a long time fan of the Thief series, but the old games were honestly far from perfect and had plenty of their own flaws. The problem with the levels in Thief 1 and 2 was that they were huge, but very sparsely detailed and it was easy to get lost, even compared to other games of that time. This may be less of an issue with the modern engine ports of those games, which I haven't tried. Thief 2 also had some particularly badly designed levels toward the end of the game (especially the Lost City), although the first 3/4 of the game is excellent. My favorite Thief game is actually Thief 3. The split maps were annoying, but the story was the best of the series and the levels and hub world had a lot more diversity and made the game feel less repetitive. Except for the level layouts, I thought Thief 3 perfected the other aspects of the Thief gameplay.

I thought Thief 2014 was very good overall and had a lot of fun with it. It has many little annoyances like the contextual jumping, button mashing, etc., but the core gameplay is very solid and feels like authentic Thief. The levels are somewhat linear but still less so than most FPSs today. Admittedly, the story is crap, but the story (as opposed to the setting and atmosphere) has never really been a strong point of this series. I largely just ignored the story and treated the game as a series of disconnected missions, and the side missions were fun to do as well. On the downside, I didn't like how they got rid of all the interesting factions (Hammerites, Pagans and Keepers) and the steampunk elements from the earlier games.

Also, Thief 2014 lets you save. It might have been the only such FPS this year and deserves to be supported for that reason alone, if nothing else. The lack of saves is the worst trend I've seen in games in a long time.

As for Assassin's Creed, I have only played the first two but they had almost nothing in common with Thief. Dishonored is a much closer comparison, and was even better than Thief 2014 in most respects.


Senior member
Apr 10, 2009
EDIT - Didn't realize there was a reboot this year...

Graphics look good enough, how is gameplay?

Terrible. The biggest sham of the year for Thief fans, and cheap ass game for non-fans.

If the question is Thief 2 versus the ENTIRE Assassin's Creed franchise?

Thief 2 every day. Hands down.


Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2004
I am pretty sure the next Assassin's Creed game will be entirely QTE-based. You watch the movie and click some buttons along the way. That's a good way to 'ensure a great user experience' (according to Ubisoft) and 'only release a game with the top-most quality in mind'.

Jaded? Yeah, a bit.
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