Thinking about totally ditching Android, please provide your input!


Senior member
Dec 29, 2010
First I want to say that I want this thread to be fact-based only, please leave fan biases at the door. We should be analyzing and discussing valid points and criticisms only. I'm a complete Android fan, it's the only platform I've ever purchased, and these opinions are coming from honest viewpoints after using and dealing with several devices.

Basically, after years of talking up the benefits of Android and disliking most anything Apple, I'm half-considering selling my remaining Android devices and just totally switching. I keep expecting the platform to get better, and yet it really doesn't. It's like Google just doesn't get it and is lost in the woods.

Let's look at 10" tablets. It took them 2 1/2 years to come out with a semi-respectable iPad competitor (Nexus 10). I bought it and thought, great, this will be the perfect tablet, with its performance, resolution, and speakers. A year has passed, and what do we have? The KitKat update for the N10 is an abomination. Most features didn't make the cut - transparent bars, ART, GEL, etc. This tablet is ONE year old and it's already getting a very cut-down update. The Settings app has lost its two-pane layout in favor of the phone layout, going against Google's own tablet design guidelines. Chrome is still awful - constant reboots, slow loading, choppy scrolling. This is Chrome 31 on Android 4.4! And we still have not progressed out of the dark ages. News of a new N10 is currently dark. It feels like Google is abandoning this product segment.

Next: phone. After using a Galaxy Nexus and loving stock Android, I immediately bought a Nexus 5 when it came out. Unfortunately after all this time has passed, most of the issues with the GNex are still not resolved. The only thing the phone has going for it is its speed. The camera is not better and maybe even worse. It will plow through the battery just taking a few pics. Battery life on the whole is unimpressive - maybe 3 hours screen time, the same I could achieve with the GNex. All in all, the things I cared about upgrading the most besides performance are not really upgraded at all. I feel constantly frustrated and reaching for the nearest iPhone instead when I want to take a quick picture and have it come out well, or browse the web without worrying about destroying my battery. Chrome is still bad. It will reload pages every time I come back to the app, even if I only had one tab open, and even with 2 GB RAM. How does Google screw this up so badly? My two year old GNex with the AOSP browser doesn't do this. What exactly did I get for $400? A slight speed upgrade, that is all.

TV: I'll keep this one short. I tried a Google TV, it was awful. Immediately replaced it with a Roku. Chromecast has been out since summer and the SDK is still not public - devs are still unsure what they'll be able to do with it.

In summary: I love Android, I want to see it be successful, but it seems Google's vision and/or engineering are simply lacking. At this point I'm wondering what reasons there are to stick with either of these devices, or to buy new ones, instead of just giving up and getting an iPhone and iPad.

Again - please leave biases at the door, and stick to valid points and criticisms! Would really appreciate any honest input or things I may be missing.


Oct 9, 1999
So, here's the thing. You're looking at this all wrong. You're not satisfied with Android as-is, and that's OK.

You should be looking at what other Smartphone OS will give you the experience you want. You really only have two choices.

FWIW, every time I think about leaving Android I look at what the other platforms offer and I'm reminded how limited they are by comparison. Basic things, like working with files, are far more restricted on Windows Phone or iOS.

Of course, my needs are almost certainly different than yours are. You may find that iOS does everything you need it to do.

Alternatively, have you looked at some of the AOSP-derrivarive firmwares to see if they fix any of your issues? CyanogenMod or AOKP?


Diamond Member
May 21, 2013
Without caring to read the OP, my advice is to just use what you want to use. And don't make a big deal out of it, trying to drag other people into it.

EDIT: After doing a little bit of reading, I stopped after your insinuation that the Nexus 5 shooter is actually worse than the GNex. Talk about uninformed. I recommend taking the blind camera test in the verge forums.
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Senior member
Nov 27, 2012
Just go get your iphone.

I really don't see the need for this long post strictly about Nexus devices. How about you try another non Nexus device? Its not like you don't have options. Don't like chrome? Use another browser.
Stop whining already!


Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2005
To be quick, obviously there are really only two options:

Apple -- you know what you will get, seems like it will work best with the whole ecosystem tie in effect (ie Macbook, iPad, iPhone). In general it seems like when they pick a feature it will be polished and working, which brings us to...

Microsoft -- you get the benefit that you can integrate other devices alongside MS products pretty easily. Bad thing is MS often has really brilliant products or concepts and just stops developing them (this is where they aggravate me, and also similar to Google in this regard), things like WHS or Media Center, even Zune. WP is catching but still behind (though I use it and enjoy it), WP/RT are likely to get merged, W8 obviously has work to do yet, and XB1 is brand new. So, plenty of uncertainty there.

Seems like consider your options and then start piecemealing a new setup over time.


Diamond Member
May 21, 2013
Just go get your iphone.
Don't like chrome? Use another browser.
Stop whining already!

I hate when people make this complaint while using Android. Whining like they're stuck with only one option.


Senior member
Dec 29, 2010
So, here's the thing. You're looking at this all wrong. You're not satisfied with Android as-is, and that's OK.

You should be looking at what other Smartphone OS will give you the experience you want. You really only have two choices.

FWIW, every time I think about leaving Android I look at what the other platforms offer and I'm reminded how limited they are by comparison. Basic things, like working with files, are far more restricted on Windows Phone or iOS.

Of course, my needs are almost certainly different than yours are. You may find that iOS does everything you need it to do.

Alternatively, have you looked at some of the AOSP-derrivarive firmwares to see if they fix any of your issues? CyanogenMod or AOKP?
Yes, this is what's kept me on the platform for so long - not liking the alternatives. There are things I really don't like about iOS, but I'm starting to wonder if I'm beyond the tipping point of making those trade-offs. You're totally right that you have to look at the whole picture and what you gain and lose each way. I have not put a ROM on this phone yet but I am thinking about doing so if I keep it.

Without caring to read the OP, my advice is to just use what you want to use. And don't make a big deal out of it, trying to drag other people into it.

EDIT: After doing a little bit of reading, I stopped after your insinuation that the Nexus 5 shooter is actually worse than the GNex. Talk about uninformed. I recommend taking the blind camera test in the verge forums.

I 100% agree with the notion of just use what you want and don't worry about others. The point of this post is to get honest feedback from other Android users. If there is something I'm missing I'd love to discuss it. I'm honestly kind of stuck and looking for outside input.

Just go get your iphone.

I really don't see the need for this long post strictly about Nexus devices. How about you try another non Nexus device? Its not like you don't have options. Don't like chrome? Use another browser.
Stop whining already!

I'm all for other options and that's part of what I'm considering here. The problem is stepping outside Nexus has its own slew of issues - carrier and OEM bloat, lag, etc. If the perfect non-Nexus device is out there though, I would gladly pick it up. For browsers, I have tried Firefox and found it even worse than Chrome. Dolphin used to be okay but then its interface got bloated, haven't tried it in awhile. They all have their problems.


Oct 10, 1999
You're not going to find the "perfect" device, it doesn't exist. Even the iPhone has issues, and you'd probably end up griping about those eventually as well. As far as your browser issues, I can't say I've ever had issues with Chrome on Android. But if I had Chrome issues, I'd try one of the many other nice browsers. Try Boat, it's extremely fast. Or root and use the AOSP browser installer in the play store to get your AOSP browser. You definitely have a ton more options on Android compared to iOS if you aren't happy with a browser.


Golden Member
Feb 14, 2006
Echo the comments above about not finding the perfect device. I've bought iphones and many androids. I don't like having to do things through itunes so android wins. Still feel like windows phone isn't good enough yet in terms of apps.

I like accessing the file system easily in android. I like the keyboard options and I like to use swype. I don't like carrier bloatware and I don't like locked phones. So nexus 5 is my choice. I don't like the camera much, and the battery life is not the best, and the speaker sucks, but the other positives outweigh the negatives.

If you want to go iphone, go for it. They certainly have their strengths. To me they aren't worth the premium price they command.


Nov 20, 2005
Yes, this is what's kept me on the platform for so long - not liking the alternatives. There are things I really don't like about iOS, but I'm starting to wonder if I'm beyond the tipping point of making those trade-offs.

Given your OP I think that is fair.

I think you have an option that you aren't considering: stick to Samsung products.


People run to Nexus products because they feel they are "from Google" so they should have the most polished experience, but that is not the case. Nexus is a way to get new tech to developers, the fact that they can provide a decent user experience is a side effect somewhat. I mean, I know they advertise for the N7, but I think that products success is a surprise and I honestly think that the N7 is the only consumer-focused Nexus device (which is why the N10 gets sacrificed to Android optimizations that benefit the N7).

The only Android maker that files off the rough edges like Apple is Samsung. Sure you will get updates less frequently, but most of their devices do have decent long-term support. You get more of a finished product and less of a lab experiment.

To me the key is that you have never flashed a ROM. To me Nexus is targeted towards that community. If all you are looking for is long-term support and a nice experience the only two real options are Apple and Samsung. The trade-off between the two is Apple has more polish and Samsung more freedom. But both put out real consumer devices, unlike the Nexuses.


Platinum Member
Apr 30, 2012
This is a case of "grass is always greener on the other side".

I say swich to iOS so you can be happy.
However, based on your complaints, I think you will switch back to Android from iOS.
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Diamond Member
Nov 7, 2001
I keep expecting the platform to get better, and yet it really doesn't. It's like Google just doesn't get it and is lost in the woods.

And this is where you should have realized that there is no point in sticking with Android. What's the point in analyzing more? Leave Android behind, go find something else, and be happy.


Diamond Member
Jan 28, 2000
I predict a thread whining about how locked down iOS and windows phone are soon.


No Lifer
Jun 17, 2001
To be quick, obviously there are really only two options:

Apple -- you know what you will get, seems like it will work best with the whole ecosystem tie in effect (ie Macbook, iPad, iPhone). In general it seems like when they pick a feature it will be polished and working, which brings us to...

Microsoft -- you get the benefit that you can integrate other devices alongside MS products pretty easily. Bad thing is MS often has really brilliant products or concepts and just stops developing them (this is where they aggravate me, and also similar to Google in this regard), things like WHS or Media Center, even Zune. WP is catching but still behind (though I use it and enjoy it), WP/RT are likely to get merged, W8 obviously has work to do yet, and XB1 is brand new. So, plenty of uncertainty there.

Seems like consider your options and then start piecemealing a new setup over time.

Personally I've moved to a 2 ecosystem setup. Keep in mind for ME this setup makes sense cuz I'm tech heavy while my fiance is tech noob. Some of these components I already have, some of them I want

Apple - I love Apple for entertainment/ease of use, so I have the following components: iPhones all around, 1 iPad for the wifey, Apple TV (airstream > *), iMac (which can bootcamp into windows)

MSFT - surface pro + windows bootcamp via iMac (+xbox, optional)

I do all my "Play" with Apple products, but do all my "Work" with MSFT products.

I vastly prefer iPhones over all others due to it's ease of use, 3rd party support, and I'm personally ok with the 4" screen size for now. Conversely, the iPad is a gimped machine that is only useful (to me) for entertainment apps, netflix/amz, internet, and other entertainment related uses.

That's pretty much where the SPro comes in, which more or less runs circles around the iPad...

Anyway, just giving you some ideas. After 5 years I've finally found a setup that works for me.


Senior member
Dec 29, 2010
Given your OP I think that is fair.

I think you have an option that you aren't considering: stick to Samsung products.


People run to Nexus products because they feel they are "from Google" so they should have the most polished experience, but that is not the case. Nexus is a way to get new tech to developers, the fact that they can provide a decent user experience is a side effect somewhat. I mean, I know they advertise for the N7, but I think that products success is a surprise and I honestly think that the N7 is the only consumer-focused Nexus device (which is why the N10 gets sacrificed to Android optimizations that benefit the N7).

The only Android maker that files off the rough edges like Apple is Samsung. Sure you will get updates less frequently, but most of their devices do have decent long-term support. You get more of a finished product and less of a lab experiment.

To me the key is that you have never flashed a ROM. To me Nexus is targeted towards that community. If all you are looking for is long-term support and a nice experience the only two real options are Apple and Samsung. The trade-off between the two is Apple has more polish and Samsung more freedom. But both put out real consumer devices, unlike the Nexuses.

Yeah, I have been thinking that as well. When I went prepaid, I couldn't imagine spending more than $300-400 on a phone. Nexus fit perfectly. Now I'm not sure what they want it to be. They're definitely not "developer" phones as people keep saying, but they also don't take simple steps to make them more appealing to mass consumers either, nor do they make any efforts to sell a larger quantity (see stock issues, and lack of commercials). However...they advertise the N7. So I really don't get it.

I used to scoff at $650 for a phone, but maybe you are right that a Samsung device will deliver that extra bit of finished product that I'm looking for. I think the 5.5" GN2 is a great device look and size-wise, every time I see one I think that looks about perfect. Unfortunately the GN3 is over $700, has a locked-down bootloader, and I really have no interest in the pen at all. So maybe wait and see what the next Galaxy S delivers.


Nov 20, 2005
Yeah, I have been thinking that as well. When I went prepaid, I couldn't imagine spending more than $300-400 on a phone. Nexus fit perfectly. Now I'm not sure what they want it to be. They're definitely not "developer" phones as people keep saying, but they also don't take simple steps to make them more appealing to mass consumers either, nor do they make any efforts to sell a larger quantity (see stock issues, and lack of commercials). However...they advertise the N7. So I really don't get it.

My personal opinion is that Google put out the Nexus 7 to give an idea to OEMs how a 7 inch tablet should be done (ala Microsoft with Surface or Qualcomm with the Toq), but because none of the other tablet makers were anywhere close to the original Nexus 7 it exploded in popularity. And I think as a result we have seen "polishing" in Android that mostly benefits the N7 like the death of the tablet UI.

With every other Nexus device I do really feel they were for developers. Stock Android really is just too rough on its own, it needs a little filing on the edges. I think now they are more to push Google's vision than a developer device, but they still aren't focused on regular consumers. To see what Google feels regular consumers need on an Android device look at the Moto X- again stock Android with the rough parts filed off.

Google did some polishing in Android for the Nexus 7 and now for the Nexus 5 with the GEL and other exclusive features in continuing that trend. In no way though would I recommend these devices to regular folks. Even my non-flashing friend who loves the Gnex I pushed to a Moto X.


Elite Member
Jul 27, 2002
What does Kitkat look like on the N10? I guess I should hit Youtube to find out!

As for leaving Android for iOS, I'd say go for it. It sounds like you are well informed about each platform so why the hesitation? Start with the iPad Air, and buy at a reputable store so that you can return it in case you decide it's not for you. I am not sure what "facts" you are seeking from the others. The facts are out there. ^^


Diamond Member
Sep 13, 2000
I left apple for android after iPhone 3. Left android for Windows after GS3. couldn't be happier.

iPad-xoom-Windows tablet (Ativ)
iPhone's-Androids(galaxy's) - Nokia 920-1020


Senior member
Feb 1, 2008
Why do you people make switching electronic device like switching religion? If you are not happy with Android, switch!


Golden Member
Nov 30, 2005
A year has passed, and what do we have? The KitKat update for the N10 is an abomination. Most features didn't make the cut - transparent bars, ART, GEL, etc. This tablet is ONE year old and it's already getting a very cut-down update.

Remember when iOS customers used to complain about Apple arbitrarily taking iOS features off older devices? Well, guess Google took a page from Apple. Why can't N4 handle transparent bars? ART or GEL? You can argue that these features are non-essential. However, consider how small an update Kitkat is, missing features makes this update on N4 almost unnecessary.


Jan 6, 2002
Remember when iOS customers used to complain about Apple arbitrarily taking iOS features off older devices? Well, guess Google took a page from Apple. Why can't N4 handle transparent bars? ART or GEL? You can argue that these features are non-essential. However, consider how small an update Kitkat is, missing features makes this update on N4 almost unnecessary.

But but but but but! You could always hop on XDA and spend a day reading and researching how to get add these missing features yourself.

Apparently Google's not on the hook for shit like this because, you can always sideload APK's and shit. It's nuts but Google catches almost zero flack. The N4 isn't an old device, so for it to be missing KitKat features, to me any ways is absurd. I thought stock Google = always latest and greatest.


Diamond Member
Jan 29, 2007
Remember when iOS customers used to complain about Apple arbitrarily taking iOS features off older devices? Well, guess Google took a page from Apple. Why can't N4 handle transparent bars? ART or GEL? You can argue that these features are non-essential. However, consider how small an update Kitkat is, missing features makes this update on N4 almost unnecessary.
ART is experimental and is not ready for everyday use. As for the GEL, it's sexy on my N4


Platinum Member
Apr 30, 2012
I am typing this on my OTA updated KitKat Nexus 7 with GEL.

I don't know the official reason for leaving out GEL but as long as I can side load the real apk in minutes, then what's the big deal?

ART is not for prime time anyway so why not wait until it is?
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Feb 19, 2001
I hate when people make this complaint while using Android. Whining like they're stuck with only one option.
It's not that. It's the fact that with Android the tweaking is nearly unlimited. You start with one thing and then you go to another, and you can end up spending days and days just setting up your homescreen. And then 1 week later you decide on something new and spend 6 hours setting overlapping widgets up.

At some point, you just need to enjoy what you have. I'm not fed up with tweaking Android yet, but I can see why some are annoyed. I would be perfectly fine with an iDevice or Windows Phone also.


Senior member
Dec 29, 2010
It's not that. It's the fact that with Android the tweaking is nearly unlimited. You start with one thing and then you go to another, and you can end up spending days and days just setting up your homescreen. And then 1 week later you decide on something new and spend 6 hours setting overlapping widgets up.

At some point, you just need to enjoy what you have. I'm not fed up with tweaking Android yet, but I can see why some are annoyed. I would be perfectly fine with an iDevice or Windows Phone also. put it perfectly. I know I can tweak and replace endlessly, but I shouldn't have to. I've done that before, I want to spend my time differently now. What's sad is, wanting to step away from all that shouldn't require switching to iPhone. Android is 5 years old, it SHOULD be able to work great out of the box. That's why I switched to Nexus, because I realized LG/Samsung etc. were always going to disappoint in the software department somehow, I wanted a good, clean experience out of the box. Unfortunately we're here with the Nexus 5 now and a great experience out of the box is still a pipe dream. Camera, battery, etc. all require tweaks and fussing to get it acceptable. This puts me in a position of wondering what to do - switch to Samsung and deal with TouchWiz? Only buy Google Play edition devices? Customize the hell out of the N5? Or just give up.
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