This Christanity thing is confusing.

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Nov 8, 2012
No sir, I'm open to many things, because we're human and subject to such like empathy, compassion, love, hate, etc..

Trying to paint logic as equivalent to a fanatic is a tool used by people to try and claim it's all the same. Nice try though.


And as many here proclaim to be atheist - they are in fact wrong. The majority here (including myself) are more likely to be agnostic-atheist. Essentially the difference is that an atheist proclaims there is no gods and there cannot be gods. Agnostic-atheist says "I don't believe in any gods, but I will not assert that it is not possible since we cannot prove it [yet]".
Reactions: ch33zw1z


Nov 4, 2004
Yup. I identify myself as in we don't have all the answers, but we can still look for answers.

Deism is tough, as I feel overall it's a negative to the human race. As evidenced by the world we live in...slow to change, close minded in many ways, and generally people get into their comfort zone and don't want to be bothered with new ideas.


Oct 10, 1999
I think the main thing about religion isnt the fantasy beliefs, but more or less about people being part of some kinda community and feeling like part of the gang. For much of the country, especially rural areas, the church is the hub of their social lives.

If you live in a city, you have other options.

I wish all the churches were secular, but they aren't. They generally serve their communities well.
Nov 8, 2012
Yup. I identify myself as in we don't have all the answers, but we can still look for answers.

Deism is tough, as I feel overall it's a negative to the human race. As evidenced by the world we live in...slow to change, close minded in many ways, and generally people get into their comfort zone and don't want to be bothered with new ideas.

How about the fact that nothing in the history of the world has killed more people than religion? Hopefully that's negative enough for most people.


Dec 15, 2015
How about the fact that nothing in the history of the world has killed more people than religion? Hopefully that's negative enough for most people.
Technically most things in the history of the world have killed more people than religion, like old age, cancer, disease, accidents.

You might say no man-made thing has though, that's probably true.
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Senior member
Dec 29, 2012
Nothing has killed more people than religion? Iin the last 100 years that certainly isn't true. Stalin and The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution alone probably have more than all the wars. This isn't even adding in "minor" things like the Khmer Rouge. It's beyond idiotic to blame religion for the loss of life. The answer is people, people cause this loss of life.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
To the OP.
The premise is simple. Neither individual lived a completely moral life (perfect life). The school teacher lived a good life but not without wrong doing. Hitler lived a terrible life with much wrong doing. The crutch being that neither was perfect. In your example Hitler before dying admits that he lived an immoral life and asks for forgiveness accepting that Jesus paid the substitution, therefore he isnt trying to make it to heaven based upon his (hitlers) own good works but rather based on what Jesus did.

The same goes for the school teacher who at death still continues to base her entering heaven on her good works. However her good works will never be good enough so she would never qualify.

The easiest illustration in what Jesus did can be likened to you committing a crime and having your brother (who has not committed any crime) talk to the judge and bear the penalty that you deserve. You did the wrong but he paid the penalty.

Which is all a silly view of Justice. They both did wrong things, thus equivalence! No, clearly what Hitler did was much more "wrong". A being that can't distinguish between these 2 people is pathetic at best.
Reactions: Azuma Hazuki


Dec 15, 2015
Nothing has killed more people than religion? Iin the last 100 years that certainly isn't true. Stalin and The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution alone probably have more than all the wars. This isn't even adding in "minor" things like the Khmer Rouge. It's beyond idiotic to blame religion for the loss of life. The answer is people, people cause this loss of life.
Ehh, people act on motive, and if that motive is steeped in religious dogma, yes it can be blamed. I'm not trying to pull a 'blame the gun manufacturer for the death' or anything, but if your religion, taught from birth from tribal/family alphas, says 'those people deserve to die for what they do/don't do' then yes, it can be blamed.

It's possibly true that religion *in general* isn't responsible for more deaths than other man-instigated events, but I don't know if there's enough vetted information either way. Odds are good WW2 tipped the scales in the direction of 'non-religious killings', depending on your interpretation on what deaths are sourced in religion.

Here's a fun infographic (probably not all-inclusive and missing a lot of details):


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
If you are genuinely seeking an honest response, then I will give it a shot.

We've been taught in some capacity or another that Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden because they made a mistake and sinned. This has lead many to grow up thinking that their value and their worthiness of being loved and/or saved is based on how well they perform. That couldn't be further from the truth. The reality, and you can go to Genesis 3 and read for yourself, is that Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden because they didn't take ownership of their sins. Eve blamed the serpent. Adam blamed Eve. God looked at them both and was like, "I know where this is going..." So when we repent of our sins, it's not bowing down like a slave and declaring that God is your master. God doesn't want slaves, and he doesn't want us living with a slave mindset. In fact, God wants us to live like royalty. Repentance is a choice. It's saying, "I'm going to take ownership of myself align myself with not only who God is, but who He created me to be." That's when relationship with God is established, and since God is a good and loving God who wants us to be the absolute very best that we were created for, it makes for a pretty wild and amazing ride.

So going back to your original question of why Hitler would go to heaven and the school teacher would go to hell, we need to look at it from a different angle. Leave the performance side out of it. In your scenario, Hitler lived his life and turned back to God near his end. The school teacher rejected God their whole life, and may have not. If we live our whole lives thinking that our actions could never possibly be forgiven, then we don't know God. And additionally, if we live our whole lives thinking we're unworthy of being loved, then we're believing a lie.

You are worthy. You are loved. You are made good. You are made for great things.

The only guilty party here is the one who put the Tree and the Snake in the Garden, knowing that Adam/Eve would fail.
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Hayabusa Rider

Admin Emeritus & Elite Member
Jan 26, 2000
Never seek enlightenment or knowledge from the hostile. You'd be better off elsewhere unless the purpose is to be part of a crowd and are seeking validation.


Apr 19, 2001
Point being, you can't determine or judge anyone until you open the door.

Schrödinger's Jehovah's Witness. On a quantum level it could be a religious nutjob or a horny supermodel. But experience has shown that while both are possible one is far more likely. So until Ed McMahon shows up with a giant check to prove that good things can happen I'm going to keep avoiding the door when somebody knocks. Anyone I want to see would just walk in without knocking anyway.


No Lifer
Jul 20, 2001
Building houses with accessible front doors is really just a bad idea. Moving the privacy perimeter to the edge of the yard using fences, walls, and locked gates is the way to go.
Reactions: AreaCode707


Nov 4, 2004
You falsely assumed my inference.
What was your inference then?

If my conclusion was wrong, then I didn't interpret the evidence correctly.

There's no false assumption involved with inference here, so feel free to explain what you meant when replying to a Christian the way you did.
May 11, 2008
I just don't get it.

A guy like Hitler who started WW2 and almost wiped out the Jews could go to Heaven if he just admitted his sins and found God before he died.

Yet, a school teacher who devoted her life to the betterment of society by educating the young could find herself in Hell if she never committed herself to God before her death.

Hitler- Heaven
Teacher who did everything morally right- Hell

Seems about right.

Obey the church or any other group of people who claim to speak gods wishes.
That is basically what it is all about.
Wrap it in any way you like. It is all about having power over other people.

Azuma Hazuki

Golden Member
Jun 18, 2012
Just out of curiosity, who will make those who worship the demon Christian god pay? Is there some other all-power sky king we don't know about who you believe has the power to punish them? Sounds very similar to Christianity: worship as I say or pay the price.

I see no more proof for your version of how life and existence works than I do for what the Christians believe.

No one punishes them or makes them pay; they do it to themselves. This is a natural law, just like gravity or the fine structure constant; when you leave the material body there are no more delusions.

If you are genuinely seeking an honest response, then I will give it a shot.

We've been taught in some capacity or another that Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden because they made a mistake and sinned. This has lead many to grow up thinking that their value and their worthiness of being loved and/or saved is based on how well they perform. That couldn't be further from the truth. The reality, and you can go to Genesis 3 and read for yourself, is that Adam and Eve were kicked out of the garden because they didn't take ownership of their sins. Eve blamed the serpent. Adam blamed Eve. God looked at them both and was like, "I know where this is going..." So when we repent of our sins, it's not bowing down like a slave and declaring that God is your master. God doesn't want slaves, and he doesn't want us living with a slave mindset. In fact, God wants us to live like royalty. Repentance is a choice. It's saying, "I'm going to take ownership of myself align myself with not only who God is, but who He created me to be." That's when relationship with God is established, and since God is a good and loving God who wants us to be the absolute very best that we were created for, it makes for a pretty wild and amazing ride.

So going back to your original question of why Hitler would go to heaven and the school teacher would go to hell, we need to look at it from a different angle. Leave the performance side out of it. In your scenario, Hitler lived his life and turned back to God near his end. The school teacher rejected God their whole life, and may have not. If we live our whole lives thinking that our actions could never possibly be forgiven, then we don't know God. And additionally, if we live our whole lives thinking we're unworthy of being loved, then we're believing a lie.

You are worthy. You are loved. You are made good. You are made for great things.

This is gaslighting, emotionally-lead bullshit from start to finish.

First of all, the fruit Adam and Eve ate was...wait for it...from the Tree of what now? That's right, Knowledge of Good and Evil. Which means before they ate it, they couldn't...waaaaait for iiiiiit....know it was wrong to eat it.

Furthermore, your God is supposedly omniscient and absolutely-sovereign. This means he knew exactly what would happen when he put the fruit smack in the middle of the garden, and then decided to put a snake...a talking, four-legged snake...whom he know would tempt his the tree.

And then he absolutely pissed himself when he realized his creations ate the fruit, throwing a decidedly non-monotheistic hissy fit and saying "Behold, man has become as one of us, knowing good from evil."

What the hell was he scared of anyway? And who's "us?" Don't bullshit me and tell me "Elohim" was being used as the "majestic singular-plural;" that was El, who at this point had not been syncretized with Yahweh yet, cacking his cassock over the idea that his creations weren't just weird little flesh robots anymore.

Which of course goes against divine omniscience but fuck that, it's not like the core attributes of what it means to be God are important to any discussion of God, riiiiiiight?

And what "wild and amazing ride" are you talking about? There are only two destinies for humans according to your religion: spend eternity kissing El-Yahweh's ineffable ass in a heaven that, as per Revelation, looks like a cross between Trump Tower and the Borg Cube, or spend eternity--forever!--in literally unimaginable torture for not kissing said ass before death.

I say this with no irony whatsoever: Go to Hell. Go to that Hell you love so much. It's your Hell, you go there, and take your narcissistic, genocidal Bronze Age throwback with you. If any being could possibly even be barely imagined to deserve eternal torment, it's this demon you worship as a God.


Jul 29, 2003
Yup. I identify myself as in we don't have all the answers, but we can still look for answers.

Deism is tough, as I feel overall it's a negative to the human race. As evidenced by the world we live in...slow to change, close minded in many ways, and generally people get into their comfort zone and don't want to be bothered with new ideas.

I'm not sure it even matters anymore. As long as people identify themselves by the groups they are a part of their will always be an us vs them mentality. We could remove all religion and the negative things you see in them would still pop up elsewhere. Just look at politics Right vs Left.
Reactions: kinev and ch33zw1z


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
I'm not sure it even matters anymore. As long as people identify themselves by the groups they are a part of their will always be an us vs them mentality. We could remove all religion and the negative things you see in them would still pop up elsewhere. Just look at politics Right vs Left.

Unfortunately there is truth in this. However, I'd rather these types of divisions occur within an empirical framework than a non-empirical framework. At least then there is room for Reason to prevail and/or change peoples minds on subjects.

JM Aggie08

Diamond Member
Jan 3, 2006
What was your inference then?

If my conclusion was wrong, then I didn't interpret the evidence correctly.

There's no false assumption involved with inference here, so feel free to explain what you meant when replying to a Christian the way you did.

You're clearly just going to keep beating this to death, so this will be my last post in the thread


Diamond Member
Mar 30, 2005
I applaud the OP for getting it right.
I agree, one individual you profiled is more responsible for ruining our earthly lives. But let's not get hung up on that, if we're talking eternity. Man's eyes are not God's eyes - i.e. eternally speaking, your works can't suffice to redeem you, so let's just throw them out of the equation. Thank God. It just shows the magnitude of God's grace, and the efficacy of Jesus' sacrifice of himself. Apostle Paul was initially an avowed Christian-killer, but God transformed him into that which he hated - a Christian, and used him for good.

God is unwilling that any should perish, but that all come to repentance. Even Hitler. He is patient and long-suffering. (Which is why some end-time prophecies regarding humanity's fate have yet to be fulfilled.) But it's totally up each person, to Hitler, and the good schoolteacher to opt in or out. It certainly benefits all alive the sooner they opt in - the world becomes a better place. I think the OP recognizes this.

IMO, if Christianity were a man-concocted religion, it would weigh the earthly deeds more in determining individual fate. To man (like the OP) there are degrees of violations, degrees of corresponding punishment, and the possibility of self-redemption.

The only guilty party here is the one who put the Tree and the Snake in the Garden, knowing that Adam/Eve would fail.
LOLiez. Sounds like something satan himself would say.
God is love, and wishes people (his creation) to choose to love and serve Him. Love is given, not taken. If humans were mind-controlled robots, where would be the virtue in doing what you are programmed to do? (Must ... obey ... God!)
Therefore sin (failure to meet God's standard) has to be a possibility, so God had to create/provide the opportunity, the choice, the Tree. Lucifer himself once got the choice. God couldn't demonstrate his power over sin, or his forgiveness and mercy, if sin didn't exist. How could we appreciate godliness, if ungodliness didn't exist? Adam and Eve sure didn't when the world was yet untainted by sin.


No Lifer
Oct 10, 1999
I applaud the OP for getting it right.
I agree, one individual you profiled is more responsible for ruining our earthly lives. But let's not get hung up on that, if we're talking eternity. Man's eyes are not God's eyes - i.e. eternally speaking, your works can't suffice to redeem you, so let's just throw them out of the equation. Thank God. It just shows the magnitude of God's grace, and the efficacy of Jesus' sacrifice of himself. Apostle Paul was initially an avowed Christian-killer, but God transformed him into that which he hated - a Christian, and used him for good.

God is unwilling that any should perish, but that all come to repentance. Even Hitler. He is patient and long-suffering. (Which is why some end-time prophecies regarding humanity's fate have yet to be fulfilled.) But it's totally up each person, to Hitler, and the good schoolteacher to opt in or out. It certainly benefits all alive the sooner they opt in - the world becomes a better place. I think the OP recognizes this.

IMO, if Christianity were a man-concocted religion, it would weigh the earthly deeds more in determining individual fate. To man (like the OP) there are degrees of violations, degrees of corresponding punishment, and the possibility of self-redemption.

LOLiez. Sounds like something satan himself would say.
God is love, and wishes people (his creation) to choose to love and serve Him. Love is given, not taken. If humans were mind-controlled robots, where would be the virtue in doing what you are programmed to do? (Must ... obey ... God!)
Therefore sin (failure to meet God's standard) has to be a possibility, so God had to create/provide the opportunity, the choice, the Tree. Lucifer himself once got the choice. God couldn't demonstrate his power over sin, or his forgiveness and mercy, if sin didn't exist. How could we appreciate godliness, if ungodliness didn't exist? Adam and Eve sure didn't when the world was yet untainted by sin.

Lots of silly assertions.
Nov 20, 2009
Ever since I was discharged from the hospital and started telling my story people have been pushing me to take up Christianity at every turn. I have yet to experience anyone pushing atheism on me however.
Its the incest aspect of it, man. Get in on the [family] action.
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