This guy killed my friend...

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Super Moderator CPU Forum Mod and Elite Member
Super Moderator
Aug 22, 2001


<< Dear brxndxn, NewCompGeek, TheEvil1, SparklePlenty, and FrancesBeansRevenge:

"Casting your pearls before swine" only works if
  1. You have pearls
  2. You are speaking to swine
Since neither condition applies here, please shut the hell up and go away.

That post makes no sense at all, nobody said anything about pearls and swine, are you on drugs?

It looks like the Den Martyr can dish it out but she sure can't take it.

I feel a ban coming on..........


Nov 9, 2000

For someone who says this is just a message board and does not mean anything, you sure spend a lot of time just trying to be a jackass.

unfortunately, I am on the road and on a dial up and this takes to long. Just had to say your a jack ass thats all.


Diamond Member
Nov 12, 1999

<< If someone you love is involved with him, have the courage to speak up. Don't let him kill your friend, too. >>

First I want to say that I do feel sorry for the loss of your friend, WW. I hope I don't come across as insensitive, but the example of your friend proves that this "strategy" does not work.

Ask anyone who was "successful" in quitting smoking what it was that made them decide to quit. The overwhelming majority will say they (not exactly the "same" thing, but the same "principle") was they did it for "themselves".

I smoked for 10 years before I quit for good. I had "tried" to quit twice before the last time, but only at the pleas or demands of friends or family.

I finally quit for good, not because someone tried to pressure me into quitting, but because I was tired of it. Tired of coughing in the morning. Tired of giving my money away. Tired of "going outside" to smoke. Smoking became tiresome.

There is not a single person that is "too addicted" to quit. The fact is, those that try and fail do not really want to quit, and the length of time "they" have been smoking is of no significance:

My grandmother smoked unfiltered Lucky Strikes for 50 years and she quit cold turkey.

A co-worker of mine just returned yesterday after being off work for 4 months because of lung cancer surgery. She quit smoking after her first doctor basically signed her death warrant--she didn't quit because it would have helped prolong her life, she quit because she, like me, was tired of it, and angry--trying to prove that even though she was killing herself, she was strong enough to live out her last days seperated from her obsession. Long story short, but it was told to her by many surgeons that her cancer was inoperable and she would not survive--well she found someone that has more confident in his abilities and she's cancer free now, minus a few ribs, and is back at work.

<< Tried desperately to get Carol to stop hanging around with him, but she wouldn't listen. Obsession is like that, sometimes. >>

I'm sorry, but it's not the cancer sticks that killed your friend, it's exactly what you said it was, her obsession. If it wasn't the smokes, she probably would have found something else to kill her instead.

You people want to help your friends kick the habit? Here's how to help:

1. Do not nag, belittle, threaten, plead, or whatever. This won't work, and instead might cause someone to feel a little resentment at their so-called friends who keep saying things like "you reek" or "if you had some will-power".........

2. Let them know that you will be supportive and would try to change your own behavior to help them quit smoking. Most smokers have "triggers" that they need to overcome to successfully keep themselves seperated from their habbit. Most of these "triggers" were activities done with friends. Mine was coffee and beer. My friends gave up the coffee houses and bars for me while I was "quitting", do the same for your friends.

I don't blame the Marlboro man, he didn't cram a pack in my mouth. I did.....and kept doing for 10 years. One doesn't get hooked on a single pack, and the coughing you experience the first time is your body telling you something that you might, or might not, have already known, that breathing smoke really isn't good for you.



Senior member
Nov 1, 1999
Mad props to mods (maybe that should be 'mod' props) for taking out the trash.

So who was "SparklePlenty" really?


Diamond Member
Jun 16, 2000
First thought: that's horrible that WW's friends died of smoking related causes.

Second thought: My aunt works for Kraft foods. Asking people to boycott them because RJR owns the company seems:
a. anti-capitalistic (do you want to force RJR to sell off Kraft before it's safe to buy cheeze wiz again?)
b. like misplaced anger (let's blame and try to hurt a company [Kraft, etc] that does not sell cigarettes, but instead is guilty by association... but don't even hint at any responsibility of the individual smoker).

Third thought:
If you throw your pearls before people you know are swine, don't have a cow when they oink.


Dec 17, 2001
Dear brxndxn, NewCompGeek, TheEvil1, SparklePlenty, and FrancesBeansRevenge:

"Casting your pearls before swine" only works if
You have pearls

You are speaking to swine>>

What that mean?

<<NewCompGeek -- << Your friend killed HERSELF by smoking, Its her fault that she put the cigeratte in her mouth and wouldnt stop. I have no sympaty for your "friend".

She knew the cons that go along with smoking, but it seems like SHE didnt CARE.

So I can care less >>

<<Your ignorance is astounding. Your humanity is questionable. >>

Oh yeah? just casue i have MY opinion that its HER FAULT i have ignorance and my humanity is questinable?? What kind of an idiot are you?


Golden Member
Jan 11, 2001
Sorry to hear about that. I think I'll send this thread to my parents, doubt if it'll have any effect though.



Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002

<< Third thought:
If you throw your pearls before people you know are swine, don't have a cow when they oink.



Golden Member
Mar 6, 2002
wow, i'm so sorry to hear that. i'm an occasional smoker myself but i will definitely keep your friend's tragic story in mind....


Diamond Member
May 14, 2001
Why do these threads start out nice and generally turn into some kind of cock fight where everyone is pecking out each others eyes. If you don't have anything nice to say don't make us read your crap please. Thanks. Sorry WW, some people don't have manners.


Feb 2, 2000

<< Dear brxndxn, NewCompGeek, TheEvil1, SparklePlenty, and FrancesBeansRevenge:

"Casting your pearls before swine" only works if
You have pearls

You are speaking to swine>>

What that mean?

<<NewCompGeek -- << Your friend killed HERSELF by smoking, Its her fault that she put the cigeratte in her mouth and wouldnt stop. I have no sympaty for your "friend".

She knew the cons that go along with smoking, but it seems like SHE didnt CARE.

So I can care less >>

<<Your ignorance is astounding. Your humanity is questionable. >>

Oh yeah? just casue i have MY opinion that its HER FAULT i have ignorance and my humanity is questinable?? What kind of an idiot are you?

Good to see your still swinging in full force Nate. Too bad along with the new screenname, you didn't learn to acquire some politeness or spelling skills.

While I agree that people who smoke kill themselves, I know, I did it for many years. But people kill themselves every day, with bad food, alcohol, driving too fast. When someone dies young, because of speeding, do we say they deserved it? Or do we pity them for making a foolish choice. When someone has a heart attack, would you stand at their funeral and tell their family members how they shouldn't have eaten those burgers? Unless you don't eat red meat, fat, drink alcohol, caffeine, drive too fast, or any of the other things that are unhealthy, then please, get off your high horses.


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2001

<< FrancesBeansRevenge, aren't you the jackass who pitched a fit in another thread when someone dared to disrepect the sainted memory of Kurt Cobain? Looks like you're ok with the fine art of threadcrapping now. >>

Pitched a fit? Hardly.

You've illustrated my point nicely thanx.

Kurt Cobain: killed himself with herion and eventually a gun.
Layne Staley: Killed himself with herion.
Subject of this thread: killed herself with tobacco

The first two are called losers and cowards. Fair enough. But then the same applies to the third. Different substance, same result.
The idea that using tobacco to kill yourself is any less wrong or dissolves you of any responsibility in your own death is the very problem with smoking in society today.

If the author of this thread had limited the post to a tribute to her friend I wouldn't have even replied. However, there was an assertion that
her friend was killed by tobacco. I have every right to post challenging that assertion as long as I do so respectfully (which I believe I have done). This IS a messageboard. I wasn't aware one could limit responses to thier thread only to those who agree with thier point.

I am NOT making light of WW losing someone she loves. On the contrary, there is nothing more painful when it happens and nothing more frightening to think about happening. I wish her godspeed in dealing with her grief.



Elite Member
Jun 12, 2001
Suicide on the installment plan

My sincere condolences.


Jun 15, 2001
Wow, WW. I'm really sorry for your loss. Kind of humbling.

My dad recently quit smoking.

Don't know what to say


Oct 9, 1999
"One thing I'm sure of is that we can take some comfort in knowing that the insensitive, witless, bungholes of this world will also reach the end of their travels, the pity being they couldn't fill in for some of the good ones we lose along the way." - Underclocked

Some people have a way with words.

Some of you bungholes would do well to study Corn's post, which proves that one can disagree and make a point without being a COMPLETE ass!

Takes all kinds to make a message board I guess...


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 1999
Smoking is an empty thing you do just for the sake of doing it. The comfort in feeding a habit, doing something so intimate and familiar, even if it's disgusting and pointless, is very psychologically sedative. Tobacco is just like any other industry, they try to achieve their ends. If you have a problem with big tobacco then you should take it up with the capitalism that spawns it. I think blaiming and boycotting the tobacco corporations is just a feel-good approach to something that's really a symptom of a far greater problem, if you even want to call it a problem. The smoker fills the void with cigarettes, and you fill it with righteous indignation.

Television ruins more lives anyway.


Moderator Emeritus Elite Member
Nov 13, 1999
Im so very sorry about your friend..

This guy has been trying to kill me for years.

When I read your story it struck home a very similar story in my life... but this killer is human.. The same moral of the story holds true.



Golden Member
Nov 5, 2000
Sorry to hear that you lost a friend to smoking WW.

But, if she had died while driving drunk or something, would that make you feel any better, or worse ?

She lived HER life as SHE wanted, and sadly this is the result of that decision.

Smoking SUCKS, BIG TIME, I should know, Ive smoked for years, and I'm hooked.
Yes I know it might kill me,


From the time we are BORN, we are heading toward DEATH.

Hate to sound insensitive, but GET OVER IT !!!!!

It happens...

What I haven't read in this thread, is the FACT, of the DIMINISHED QUALITY OF LIFE ,
smokers have, it stinks, and it causes more problems than death....

Heck we all die, it's the only way to get to the next stage of existence...



Diamond Member
Feb 17, 2002
Hell, I thought that guy was pretty tough. He leeched off me for over 20 years. Cost me thousands over the years, and what'd he give me in return? Holes in my carpet, smelly clothes, and disgusted looks from the wife...just to name a few. I finally dropped him like a bad habit. I kicked his ass about 5 weeks ago. Turned out this tough guy was actually a real pussy.


Oct 11, 1999


<< Dear brxndxn, NewCompGeek, TheEvil1, SparklePlenty, and FrancesBeansRevenge:

"Casting your pearls before swine" only works if
You have pearls

You are speaking to swine>>

What that mean?

<<NewCompGeek -- << Your friend killed HERSELF by smoking, Its her fault that she put the cigeratte in her mouth and wouldnt stop. I have no sympaty for your "friend".

She knew the cons that go along with smoking, but it seems like SHE didnt CARE.

So I can care less >>

<<Your ignorance is astounding. Your humanity is questionable. >>

Oh yeah? just casue i have MY opinion that its HER FAULT i have ignorance and my humanity is questinable?? What kind of an idiot are you?

Good to see your still swinging in full force Nate. Too bad along with the new screenname, you didn't learn to acquire some politeness or spelling skills.

While I agree that people who smoke kill themselves, I know, I did it for many years. But people kill themselves every day, with bad food, alcohol, driving too fast. When someone dies young, because of speeding, do we say they deserved it? Or do we pity them for making a foolish choice. When someone has a heart attack, would you stand at their funeral and tell their family members how they shouldn't have eaten those burgers? Unless you don't eat red meat, fat, drink alcohol, caffeine, drive too fast, or any of the other things that are unhealthy, then please, get off your high horses.

OMG! Don't tell me that POS excuse for a human being is Nateholtsomething. If so, he should take his opinion and shove it all the way up his scrawny ass. This is the same dude who was gona kill him self and was crying like a baby in the forums? huh.....


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2000
<< Sorry to hear that you lost a friend to smoking WW.

But, if she had died while driving drunk or something, would that make you feel any better, or worse ?

She lived HER life as SHE wanted, and sadly this is the result of that decision.

Smoking SUCKS, BIG TIME, I should know, Ive smoked for years, and I'm hooked.
Yes I know it might kill me,


From the time we are BORN, we are heading toward DEATH.

Hate to sound insensitive, but GET OVER IT !!!!! >>

Somehow I doubt that you hate to sound insensitive.

From your tone and your GODDAMN OVERDONE CAPITALIZATION, I'd say you glory in sounding insensitive.

Yeah, you're right, I need to get over it.

But I think I'll wait until after my lifelong friend's funeral at 2:00 this afternoon.
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